* Excluding carpenters and joiners, for whom see under building. NOTE. The figures given for 1925 are provisional and subject to slight revision. Some unions are unable to state exactly the number of males and of females, respectively, comprised within their total membership, and in these cases estimates have been furnished. The totals shown for males and for females, therefore, are only approximate. For the purpose of the analysis by groups of unions, the total membership of each union has been included in the group with which the majority of the members are believed to be connected, a separate group being made for unions of general workers. The figures relate to all organisations of employees - whether registered under the Trade Union Acts or not-which are known to include among their functions that of negotiating with employers with the object of regulating conditions of employment. They_include members in branches in the Irish Free State and in other oversea branches of unions whose headquarters are in Great Britain or Northern Ireland, but they wholly exclude unions whose head offices are in the Irish Free State. APPENDIX XXII. PRINCIPAL PUBLICATIONS ISSUED IN 1926. Note. The following publications may be purchased through any Bookseller or directly from H.M. Stationery Office. PART I.-REPORTS, MEMORANDA, &c., PREPARED BY THE MINISTRY OF LABOUR. The Ministry of Labour Gazette, published monthly, price 6d. Annual subscription 78. (post free). Report of the Ministry of Labour for the year 1925. [Cmd. 2736]. (1926). 38. Eighteenth Abstract of Labour Statistics of the United Kingdom. [Cmd. 2740]. (1926). 48. Report on an inquiry into the personal circumstances and industrial history of 3,331 boys and 2,701 girls registered for employment at Employment Exchanges and Juvenile Employment Bureaux, June and July, 1925. (1926). 18. 9d. * Report on an investigation into the employment and insurance history of a sample of persons insured against unemployment in Great Britain, (1927). 38. 6d. Memorandum on the influence of legislative and administrative changes on the official unemployment statistics. [Cmd. 2601]. (1926). 3d. Report on an investigation into the rates of wages, the hours of employment, and the degree of industrial organisation in the (a) Drapery and allied trades, comprising :-(1) the drapery ard women's (d) Wholesale and retail grocery and provisions trade in England and PART II.-REPORTS TO THE MINISTER OF LABOUR BY COURTS OF INQUIRY, COMMITTEES, &c. Report of a Court of Inquiry concerning railway_shopmen, Great Central Section of the London and North Eastern Railway. [Cmd. 2583]. (1926). 3d. London Advisory Council for Juvenile Employment. Second annual report, 1925-6. (1926). 6d. Bristol Advisory Committee for Juvenile Employment. Annual report, 1925. (1926). 9ď. † Report of the Committee on Education and Industry (England and Wales). First part. (1926). 1s. 6d. Report to the Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs of the Inter-Departmental Committee appointed to consider the effect on migration of schemes of social insurance. [Cmd. 2608.] (1926). 6d. PART III.-MINISTRY OF LABOUR ESTIMATES. Estimates for Ministry of Labour, 1926-7 (included in Class VII, Estimates for Health, Labour and Insurance). (1926). 1s. 3d. *This report was prepared in 1926, but the date of publication was January, 1927. To the President of the Board of Education and the Minister of Labour. PART IV.-DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE AND OF THE INDUSTRIAL COURT. (a) Umpire's Decisions. Vol. IV. Selected decisions given during the calendar year, 1925. (1926). 78. 6d. Selected decisions given during the year 1926, published in monthly pamphlets at 4d. each. (b) Decisions of the Industrial Court. Vol. VII.—Decisions 1004-1168, 1st January to 31st December, 1925. (1926). 58. Decisions 1169-1269, published separately at 1d. or 2d. each. PART V.-PUBLICATIONS RELATING TO THE INTERNATIONAL LABOUR International Labour Conference. Proposed action by the British Government regarding draft conventions and recommendations adopted by the Conference at its Seventh Session, 19th May-10th June, 1925. [Cmd. 2633]. (1926). 1d. International Labour Conference. (i) Draft convention and recommendation adopted by the Conference at its Eighth Session, 26th May-5th June, 1926. (ii) Draft conventions and recommendations adopted by the Conference at its Ninth Session, 7th June-24th June, 1926. [Cmd. 2745]. 18. International Labour Conference. delegates to the Minister of Labour on the Eighth Session, 26th May—5th Report by the British Government June, 1926. [Cmd. 2749]. 3d. International Labour Conference. to the Minister of Labour on the Ninth Session, 7th-24th June, 1926. Report by the British Government delegates [Cmd. 2750]. 3d. (61373-14) Wt. 25045-P109 3125 5/27 H. St. G.7 THE MINISTRY OF LABOUR GAZETTE. First published in 1893 by the Board of Trade, the Gazette was taken over by the Ministry of Labour on the transfer of the functions of the Board of Trade in labour matters to the Ministry of Labour in 1917. The Gazette is chiefly devoted to information (statistical and otherwise) on the state of employment in the principal industries, wages, trade disputes, cost of living, workpeople registered as unemployed, poor relief, decisions of the Umpire under the Unemployment Insurance Acts, Orders issued under the Trade Board Acts, decisons and awards under the Conciliation Act and the Industrial Courts Act, and the like. On most of these matters it is the only official source of information. ¶ It contains in addition articles dealing with various matters of social and economic interest not only in the United Kingdom, but also in Foreign Countries and in the British Dominions. Among the subjects so dealt with are: Relative levels of rates of wages at August, 1914, and at various succeeding dates. A summary of the Economic History of the previous year, Co-operative Societies-membership, capital, sales, profits, etc. Statistics of Emigration and Immigration. Reports of the Annual Trades Union Congress and Co-operative Congress. Reports of Proceedings at the International Labour Congress, ete., etc. A Unique Journal, Indispensable to all Price 6d. monthly or 7s. a year post free. HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE, LONDON, EDINBURGH, MANCHESTER, CARDIFF, BELFAST. REPORT BY THE SCOTTISH LAND COURT As to their proceedings under the ΤΟ THE SECRETARY OF STATE FOR SCOTLAND Presented to Parliament by Command of His Majesty EDINBURGH: PUBLISHED BY HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE To be purchased directly from H.M. STATIONERY OFFICE at the following addresses: 120 George Street, Edinburgh; Adastral House, Kingsway, London, W.C. 2; York Street, Manchester; I St. Andrew's Crescent, Cardiff · Cmd. 2861 15 Donegall Square West, Belfast; or through any Bookseller 1927 Price 4d. Net |