Report of the Industrial Conditions in Canada Presented by the Minister of Labour to March 1927. LONDON: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE. To be purchased directly from H.M. STATIONERY OFFICE at the following addresses: Adastral House, Kingsway, London, W.C.2; 120, George Street, Edinburgh; York Street, Manchester; 1, St Andrew's Crescent, Cardiff; 15, Donegall Square West, Belfast; or through any Bookseller 1927 Price 1s. Od. net. Cmd. 2833. PART II.-INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS IN THE UNITED STATES ... .... ... ... ... ... ... Modern industrial relations Agreements with organised workers Association of management and labour in the plant ... ... ... PART III.-THE CONDITIONS OF WAGE EARNERS IN THE No. 2.-Summary of the recommendations of the Committee on the ... ... ... No. 4.-Extracts from the report of the second Industrial Conference of representatives of the public called by the late President Wilson in 1920 ... No. 5.-Summaries of the following schemes of association of manage- A. Plan in operation on the Canadian National Railways, ... B. Plan of the Dennison Manufacturing Company... 61 ... No. 6.-Conciliation and arbitration in the United States : (a) Legislative measures (b) Voluntary agreements ... No. 7.-Conciliation and arbitration in Canada ... ... No. 8.-Industrial disputes in the United States, 1919-1925 No. 11.-Minimum Wages Legislation No. 12.-Fair Wages Policy in Canada ... No. 13.-Group insurance, stock ownership, savings deposits, building and loan associations and industrial insurance... No. 14.-Rates of wages and hours of labour in Canada ... ... 62496 A 2 MINUTE OF APPOINTMENT. hereby appoint the following persons to form a Delegation to study industrial conditions in Canada and the United States of America, with special reference to the relations between employers and employed, in their bearing upon industrial conditions in Great Britain, and to report thereon: Sir WILLIAM W. MACKENZIE, G.B.E., K.C. (Chairman). Mr. MICHAEL B. U. DEWAR. Mr. JAMES KAYLOR, J.P. Mr. F. W. LEGGETT. Mr. I. HAIG MITCHELL. Mr. C. RANDOLPH SMITH. I further appoint Mr. H. C. Emmerson to be Secretary to the Delegation. (Signed) H. J. WILSON, Permanent Secretary, for the Minister of Labour. 30th August, 1926. NOTE. The estimated cost of the preparation of this Report (including the total expenses of the Delegation) is £3,936 6s. 3d., of which £75 10s. Od. represents the estimated cost of the printing and publishing of this Report. |