Abbildungen der Seite

67. The general question of clubs has not been referred to us : we have not endeavoured to hear evidence covering all its aspects, and evidence on behalf of clubs has not been called. So far, however, as the question has arisen in relation to the subject matter of our enquiry, the evidence which we have heard indicates that in England the closing of structurally undesirable houses is hindered by the ease with which a new club can be registered in or near the same premises. We think, however, that all questions as to restrictions on the registration of clubs must be determined with reference to considerations which lie outside the scope of our enquiry, and we have therefore refrained from making any recommendation in connection therewith.

68. We have found at many points of our enquiry that the issues of disinterested management and the improved public house are closely connected with many wider issues of the general licensing problem, and in our view it is desirable that they should be considered in a somewhat wider context than it has been possible for us to deal with within the terms of our reference. We have therefore endeavoured, in framing the present Report, to provide a conspectus of the particular aspect of these issues which it has fallen within our scope to consider. We trust that this conspectus will be of service if any more general survey of licensing questions should be undertaken.

69. In conclusion, we desire to refer to our high appreciation of the services of Mr. S. Hoare, the Secretary to the Committee. Mr. Hoare has given us great assistance in the management of the enquiry, the arrangement of the evidence, and in the compilation of the Report. We are glad to take this opportunity of recording our obligations to him.







14 April, 1927.



Astor, The Viscount.


Balfour of Burleigh, The Right Hon. Lord.

Ballantyne, Mr. Andrew, M.B.E., J.P., Manager of the Public House Trust (Glasgow District), Ltd.

Belsher, Mr. Allan S., Chairman of the National Consultative Council of the Retail Liquor Trade.

Bruce, Mr. Robert, C.A., representing the Brewers' Association of Scotland.

Calder, Mr. J. S., representing the Scottish Licensed Trade Defence Association.

Chalmers, Mr. Peter, representing the Scottish Temperance Alliance. Cripps, Mr. Reginald, Secretary of the Central Public House Trust Association, and Secretary of the People's Refreshment House Association.

Dent, Mr. Francis, Chairman of Directors of Trust Houses, Ltd.

Eagles, Mr. J. S., General Manager, Carlisle and District State Management Scheme.

Farrer, The Lord, Chairman of the Central Public House Trust Association.

Giffard, Mr. Edward, Chairman of Messrs. Barclay, Perkins and Co., Ltd.

Holbrook, Colonel Sir Arthur, K.B.E., M.P.

Holderness, Mr. Barry, M.B.E., General Manager of the People's Refreshment House Association.

Hollond, Mr. F. Egbert, J.P., Vice-Chairman of the Compensation Committee of East Suffolk Quarter Sessions.

Hort, Lady, J.P., representing a group of women magistrates.

Hunter, Sir George, K.B.E., D.Sc., Honorary Treasurer of the United Kingdom Alliance.

Kelso, Mr. Hugh, representing the Scottish Licensed Trade Defence Association.

Lawson, Lady, representing the National British Women's Temperance Association.

Madden, Mr. W. T., C.B.E., Managing Director and Secretary of the Surrey Public House Trust Company.

Mann, Sir John, K.B.E., Director of the Public House Trust (Glasgow District), Ltd.

Mitchell, Mr. Albert E., O.B.E., Secretary of the State Management Districts Central Council.

Neville, Miss Edith, representing the Association for the Promotion of Restaurant Public Houses in Poor Districts.

Nicholson, Mr. Frank, Chairman of the Brewers' Society.

Nicholson, The Reverend J. B., representing the Scottish Temperance Alliance.

Paterson, Mr. J. G., O.B.E., General Manager, State Management Districts (Scotland).

Pedder, Sir John, K.B.E., C.B., Principal Assistant Secretary, Home Office, Chairman of the State Management Districts Central Council. Pugh, Mr. Arthur, representing the Labour Campaign for the Public Ownership and Control of the Liquor Trade.

Reiss, Captain R. L., Honorary Secretary of the Temperance Legislation League.

Salvesen, The Right Hon. Lord

Salvidge, The Right Hon. Sir Archibald Tutton, K.B.E., representing the Liverpool and District Brewers' Association.

Sanders, Sir Edgar, formerly Assessor for England and Wales to the Central Control Board (Liquor Traffic).

Scott, Miss Alice, representing the National British Women's Temperance Association.

Selley, Mr. Ernest, representing the Labour Campaign for the Public Ownership and Control of the Liquor Trade.

Slack, Miss Agnes, representing the National British Women's Temperance Association.

Sotham, Mrs. Ernest, M.B.E., representing the Association for the Promotion of Restaurant Public Houses in Poor Districts.

Tonks, The Reverend C. F., Honorary Secretary of the Temperance Council of the Christian Churches.

Walker, Dr. Jane, M.D., J.P., representing a


Whiteley, Mr. Cecil, K.C.

group of women


Boyd, Mr. John, Secretary of the Carlisle Conservative Club.
Couch, Mr J., on behalf of the Carlisle Temperance League.
Courtney, The Reverend A. Jeans, Carlisle.

Creighton, Miss Mary Ellen, J.P., on behalf of the Advisory Committee
to the State Management Scheme in Carlisle and District.
Eagles, Mr. J. S., General Manager, Carlisle and District State Manage-
ment Scheme.

Edwards, Mr. E. G., on behalf of the Carlisle Temperance League.
Evens, The Reverend G. Bramwell, Carlisle.

Hardie, The Reverend G. A., on behalf of the Carlisle Temperance

Potts, Mr. John Robert, on behalf of the Advisory Committee to the State Management Scheme in Carlisle and District.

Rimington, Mr. George Arthur, J.P., Chairman of the Advisory Committee to the State Management Scheme in Carlisle and District. Rogerson, Mr. T., Alderman of the City of Carlisle.

Spence, Mr. Eric Herbert, Chief Constable of Carlisle.

Stewart, Superintendent Ernest, Cumberland Constabulary.
Stockbridge, Mr. R. J., J.P., of Carlisle.

Story, Mr. W., of Wigton.

Stuart, The Very Reverend Henry Venn, Dean of Carlisle.

Stuart, The Reverend Wilson, of Coniston, Lancs.

Winder, Mr. Thomas, on behalf of the Advisory Committee to the State Management Scheme in Carlisle and District.

Gray, Mr. George, General Manager, Gretna District State Management Scheme.

Gray, Mr. Thomas, of Annan.

Jardine, Ex-Provost, of Annan.

Little, Mr. Murray, on behalf of the Advisory Committee to the State Management Scheme in the Gretna District.

McGiverin, Bailie P., of Annan.

Morrison, Inspector Charles, Dumfriesshire Constabulary.

Paterson, Mr. J. G., O.B.E., General Manager, State Management Districts (Scotland).

Peebles, The Reverend W. S., on behalf of the Advisory Committee to the State Management Scheme in the Gretna District.

Rae, Mr. James, of Annan.

Watson, Mr. Edmonstone, Chairman of the Annan Branch of the National Farmers' Union of Scotland.

Couper, Provost J. W., Cromarty.

Finlayson, Captain D., Chief Constable of Ross and Cromarty.

Garrow, Mr. William, J.P., on behalf of the Advisory Committee to the
State Management Scheme in the Cromarty Firth District.
MacDonald, Ex-Provost John, on behalf of the Advisory Committee to
the State Management Scheme in the Cromarty Firth District.
Ross, Ex-Provost James, on behalf of the Advisory Committee to the
State Management Scheme in the Cromarty Firth District.

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