APPENDIX XIV. PRACTITIONERS' STATEMENT SHOWING (1) THE MEAN NUMBER AND PERCENTAGE OF THE TOTAL OF INSURED PERSONS IN EACH COMMITTEE'S AREA Roxburgh 6,901 10,827 542 0 8,564 27,679 304 0 4,487 14,177 54,155 704 Stirling ... 12,027 0.56 10,053 0.47 299 0 4,364 15,412 895 292 0 3,701 12,514 653 18,700 Sutherland 4,436 0 21 278 0 1558 2,252 3,241 Total Burghs (Mean) 1,234,844 57-72 22,977 0 451,259 1,786,368 101,317 130 2,554 Total Counties 446 979,065 57,726 GRAND TOTAL 2,139,296 100.00 42,270 0 784,588 2,765,433 159,043 ... 904,452 42.28 19,293 0 333,329 Total Counties (Mean) 904, 452 42.28 19,293 0 333,329 979,065 57,726 On 15th May. APPENDIX XV. TABLE I.-POOR OF ALL CLASSES RELIEVED ON THREE GIVEN DAYS IN 1914 AND EACH OF THE LAST 10 YEARS. On 15th January. On 15th September. Average of the three Periods. *1921 *1922 *1923 29,533 42,831 40,296 3,640 *1924 +1926 19,967 2,758 22,725 (a33,890 45,689 79,579 630,070 2,967 33,037 23,249 36,943 60,192 38,142 61,946 3 266 38,413 25,755 40,201 65,956 38,168 25,807 40,381 66,188 38,308 26,046 40,279 66,325 38,296 43,317 72,211 50,323 28,943 43,590 72,533 40,476 24,117 38,128 62,245 37,039) 304 3,268 7,890 41,723 69,509 47,371 72,369 50,4211 4,419 42,710 100,852) 30,042 44,828 74,870 | 52,481 2,859 26,179 62,970 20,665 2,737 23,402 | 58,402) 45,046 79,414 50,086 34,226 45,261 79,487 52,016 * The figures in italics relate to destitute able-bodied and are additional to the numbers in ordinary type. 3,394 35,088 81,495 101 12,924 44,660 + The figures at (b) relate to destitute able-bodied, at (c) to miners whose families were relieved during the coal stoppage, and at (a) to all other poor. APPENDIX XV.-(continued). TABLE II.-Average Number of Poor on three given days, and Number of Sane and other than Sane Poor at 15th May; together with Rates per 1000 Population for each Tenth Year from 1868 to 1908, for the Year 1914 and for each of the last Ten Years. three periods as above Parochial Relief Sane Poor. other than Sane* per per 1000 of (Paupers and Other than Sane Sane Other than Estimated Dependants). Indoor. Outdoor. Total Sane. Poor.* Poor. Sane Poor, 1000 of Poor of all Classes. Population. * Prior to 1915 the figures relate to lunatic poor only. From 1915 the figures include certified mental defectives. + The figures in italics relate to destitute able-bodied. § The ratio of poor other than sane to poor of all classes, excluding the destitute able-bodied and also, for 1926, the figures under (c), was 143 in 1922, 142 in 1923, 138 in 1924, 137 in 1925 and 137 in 126. The figures at (b) relate to destitute able-bodied, at (c) to miners whose families were relieved during the coal stoppage, and at (a) to all other poor. Number as at 14th May. APPENDIX XV.—(continued). TABLE III-AGED SANE POOR.-Details for 1910, 1914, and each of the last 10 Years. Number of Sane Poor aged 70 and upwards at 15th January. Number of Sane Poor aged 70 and upwards at 15th September. Note. The removal of pauper disqualification, by the Old Age Pensions Act. 1911, accounts for the abnormal decrease in aged poor subsequent to 1910. The Old Age Pensions Act, 1919, which enabled old age pensioners to receive poor relief without forfeiting their pension, resulted in an increase in aged poor subsequent to January, 1920. APPENDIX XVI. TABLE SHOWING FOR SCOTLAND FOR 1914 AND EACH OF THE LAST TEN YEARS-(a) GROSS VALUATION AND POOR LAW ASSESSABLE RENTALS; (b) ORDINARY EXPENDITURE ON RELIEF OF THE POOR AND THE SOURCES FROM WHICH MET; AND (c) POOR LAW LOANS OUTSTANDING. £ d. 51,165 .36 249,327 1.76 $48,096 ⚫33 **243,875 1.69 1,538,488 $79,470 .55 **201,422 1-39 1,667,536 $81,947 •56 **201,595 1.38 1920 35,494,435 22,166 1921 39,366,481 12,096 35,516,601 27,559,176 24,763,065 +39,378,577 +27,778,838 $24,956,129 2,093,523 $86,471 .58 **204,713 1.38 2,797,695 $95,688 •58 **221,504 1.35 1922 42,007,841 12,631 $42,020,472 +28,908,910 +26,057,009(a) 703,605 3,067,147 }$92,038 1923 42,142,805 12,786 3,071,236 1 3,083,955 42,455,591 29,015,022 26,151,524 {(a) 1,466,891 12,821 44,592,270 27,515,379 27,515,851 12,886 (d)43,606,701 *27,100,267 *27,102,268 (a) 1,286,654 3,165,255 ((a) 799,428 (a) This is the total expenditure on destitute able-bodied unemployed, including (b) This sum need not be assessed for in one year but may be spread over a period (c) These figures include the Valuation of the West Highland Railway extension (d) As revised. (e) Includes £1,481 relief to dependants of coal miners, and £11,446 relief to dependants of shale workers. The difference between Owners' and Occupiers' Assessable Rental up to 1923 is due to the deduction of §ths allowed to occupiers of agricultural subjects under the Agri cultural Rates, etc. (Scotland) Act, 1896. In 1924, owners and occupiers of agricultural 1-55{ (6) 2,150,7871 3:18) 3,668,696 1 (b) 1,116,7630 5·95) 758 14 11-57 392,847 subjects were each allowed a deduction of 50 per cent. under the Agricultural Rates Act, 1923. + For 1914-15 and subsequent years, half cost of maintenance of pauper lunatics and The increase in gross valuation for the years 1921 and 1922 due to the operation of ** Excludes portion of Pauper Lunacy Grant applicable to District Boards of Control and includes Parish Councils' share of Mental Deficiency Grant. +From Unemployment Grants Committee. Includes Additional Agricultural Rates Grant (£58,822 in 1924; £57,187 in 1925; and £57,034 in 1926) paid under the Agricultural Rates Act, 1923. $121,763 *69 **235,606 +689 1.65 1-332,713,8671 3.34 3,362,427 1 7-01 13 8.7 508,158 §93,448 ⚫50 ***1286,896 ++1,19% (b) 1,285,965 u 7.08) 3,607,377 1 7.85 14 94 471,069 3,575,208 1 7-24 14 7-4 430,628 $104,558 *56 **11291,410 ++11,516) 1·61 |