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E have now to consider the breaking up of the octohedral groups, and more and more, as we proceed, do we find that the most complicated arrangements are reducible to simple elements which are already familiar.

CARBON (PLATE III., 5 and XV., 1).

Carbon is the typical octohedron, and a clear understanding of this will enable us to follow easily the constitution and disintegra


tion of the various members of these groups. Its appearance as a chemical atom is shown on Plate III. (opposite p. 379, February). On the proto level the chemical atom breaks up into four segments, each consisting of a pair of funnels connected by a single atom; this is the proto element which appears at the end of each arm of the cross in titanium and zirconium. On the meta level the five six-atomed cigars' show two neutral combinations, and the truncated' cigar' of five atoms is also neutral; the 'leaves' yield two forms of triplet, five different types being thus yielded by each pair of funnels, exclusive of the linking atom. The hyper level has triplets, duads and units,

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TITANIUM (PLATE III., 6 and XV., 2, 3).

On the proto level, the cross breaks up completely, setting free the pairs of funnels with the linking atom (a and b), as in carbon,

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the four bodies marked c, the twelve marked d, and the central globe marked e. The latter breaks up again, setting free its five intersecting cigar-bearing tetrahedra, which follow their usual course (see Occultum, p. 628, April). The eight-atomed body in the centre makes a ring of seven atoms round a central one, like that in cobalt (see p. 628, April), from which it only differs in having the central atom, and breaks up similarly, setting the central atom free. The ovoid c sets free its four contained globes, and the ovoid d sets free the three within it. Thus sixty-one proto elements are yielded by titanium. On the meta level, c (titanium 3) breaks up into star-like and cruciform bodies; the component parts of these are easily followed; on the hyper level, of the four forms of triplets one behaves as in carbon, and the others are shown, a, b and f; the cruciform quintet yields a triplet and a duad, c and d ; the tetrahedra yields two triplets g and h, and two units; the septet, a triplet k and a quartet j. On the meta level, the bodies from d behave like their equivalents in sodium, each d shows two quartets and a sextet, breaking up, on the hyper level, into four duads and two triads.


Zirconium reproduces in its c the four forms that we have already followed in the corresponding c of titanium, and as these are set free on the proto level, and follow the same course on the meta and hyper levels, we need not repeat them. The central globe of zirconium c sets free its nine contained bodies; eight of these are similar and are figured in the diagram; it will be observed that the central body is the truncated' cigar' of carbon; their behavior on the meta and hyper levels is easily followed there. The central sphere is also figured; the cigar follows its usual course, and its companions unite into a sextet and an octet. The d ovoid liberates five bodies, four of which we have already seen in titanium, as the crosses and sextet of sodium, and which are figured under titanium ; the four quartets within the larger globe also follow a sodium model, and are given again.


In Silicon, the ovoids are set free from the funnels on the proto level, and the truncated' cigar,' playing the part of a leaf is also liberated. This, and the four cigars,' which escape from their ovoids, pass along their usual course. The quintet and quartet remain together, and form a nine-atomed body on the meta level, yielding a sextet and a triplet on the hyper.

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