Gustavus Adolphus, Sweden and the Thirty Years War, 1630–1632Pen and Sword Military, 24.03.2022 - 248 Seiten The little-known story of the Swedish king and military commander who conquered much of Germany in the early seventeenth century. As one of the foremost military commanders of the early seventeenth century, Gustavus Adophus, king of Sweden, played a vital role in defending the Protestant cause during the Thirty Years War. In the space of two years—between 1630 and 1632—he turned the course of the war, winning a decisive victory at the Battle of Breitenfeld and conquering large parts of Germany. Yet remarkably little has been written about him in English, and no full account of his extraordinary career has been published in recent times. That is why this perceptive and scholarly study is of such value. The book sets Gustavus in the context of Swedish and European dynastic politics and religious conflict in the early seventeenth century, and describes in detail Swedish military organization and Gustavus’s reforms. His intervention in the Thirty Years War is covered in graphic detail—the decision to intervene, his alliance with France, his campaigns across the breadth of Germany, and his generalship at the two major battles he fought there. His exceptional skill as a battlefield commander transformed the fortunes of the Protestant side in the conflict, and he had established himself as a major European figure before his death on the battlefield. Lars Ericson Wolke, one of the leading experts on the military history of the Baltic and the Thirty Years War, offers a fascinating insight into Gustavus the man and the soldier. |
The consolidation of Swedish power in Mecklenburg 1632 | |
The operations between the Elbe and Weser 1632 | |
naval warfare | |
The rush for Saxony autumn 1632 | |
The costs of the | |
The battle at Lützen 6 November 1632 | |
The kings return home and funeral | |
Sweden and the second half of the Thirty Years War 163348 | |
The bridgehead 1630 | |
was it so decisive? | |
diplomacy economy and military efforts | |
myth and reality 13 Six important towns Frankfurt Hamburg Mainz Stralsund Stettin and Wismar | |
attitudes to the military | |
The propaganda war 16 The home front | |
The new front in southwestern Germany 18 Sweden and Spain meet in Germany 1631 | |
Swedens German provinces | |
historiography and commemoration | |
Commanders troop organisation and strengths | |
Notes | |
References | |
Andere Ausgaben - Alle anzeigen
Gustavus Adolphus, Sweden and the Thirty Years War, 1630–1632 Lars Ericson Wolke Eingeschränkte Leseprobe - 2022 |
Gustavus Adolphus, Sweden and the Thirty Years War, 1630-1632 Lars Ericson Wolke Keine Leseprobe verfügbar - 2022 |
Häufige Begriffe und Wortgruppen
advance Åke Tott allies artillery attack Axel Oxenstierna Baltic Sea Bavaria became began Brandenburg Breitenfeld campaign Catholic forces cavalry Chapter Chemnitz church commander in November companies Danes Danish December defeat Denmark diplomatic Dragoon Duke Elbe Emperor enemy Ericson Wolke Estonia Finland Finnish Frankfurt Fredrik garrison Generalstaben Germany Gustav Horn Gustavus Adolphus hakkapelites Hamburg Hamilton’s harbour historians Imperial army Imperial forces important infantry regiment January Johan Adler Salvius Johan Banér June king king’s kriget land Lars Leipzig Lennart Torstensson Livonia Magdeburg Mainz Mecklenburg military navy northern Germany October operations organised Pappenheim peace treaty Poland Polish Pomerania Prince-Elector princes propaganda Protestant Prussia recruited reichsthaler Rhine Riga river Rostock Saxony Scottish September 1631 ships Silesia soldiers squadron Stålhandske Stettin Stockholm Stralsund strategic svenska Sveriges krig Sweden Swedish army Swedish forces Swedish service Swedish troops territories Thirty Thirty Years War Tilly took town victory Wallenstein Westphalia Wismar