Abbildungen der Seite


gh, ght, gn, mb, sle; as, mi'ld, (excep't children, gill)

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mind, high, si'ght, sign', climb, (excep't lim'b) island.

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N. B. Our i fhould' nev'er ha've its fec'ond foû'nd in


unaccent'ed fyllables. See Ru'le e fi'nal.


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I 3 3 2 2




RU'LE, i. i'. This' i. i'. is foû'nded like the French

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. i. in fifc', fix'e, life, gite, ici, risible or like our e. and






is thus found in word's from the fouthern tong'ues, &c.

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especially when un'accent'e d; as, Iberia, Hibe'rnia, Ico'


3 I 3 3

32 I

3 4 3

3 3 3

nium, identity, bie'r, biferous, bigamy, frigid, sick,

33 33 3

IV 2 4. I IV 2 4

3 3

virility, bill' (of a bird' or of i'ron) to bill' (as dov'es)


3 3 24 3 4 3 32


23 4 31 33

fil'ìal, lim'it, linʼeal, liquor, ir'ritate, deri’sion, divinity,

33 4

3 I 23 3 3

2 3 4

33 I 3 23

divi'sion, litera'ti, liv'id, judicial, litigiously, petition,

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privilege, privy: it has its third found in French

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word's; as, marin'e, and in fev'eral doub'le vow'els.

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RU'LE i. Our i, is generally found in ver'y

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pal (except Fren'ch word's and accent'ed rk'); a's, cav',

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il, civil, cliff', sir', fir', birth', first', firm', irrational, ir


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3 4


religion (firk', irk'fome', irritate, idiot, im'itate): i, is

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I 3 I

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silent or very obfcu're in the following word's, viz.

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bufinefs, marriage or marriage, chariot, med'icine, par

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liament or parliament, Salisbury, fpa'niel, ven'ial, ven'

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RULE, Q. o'. When o fo'rms an un'accent'ed fyll'able

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begin'ning a word', it is lik'e the very fhort' Fren'ch ŏ, in

[blocks in formation]

similar positions; a's, obedience, obeî'fance, oblige,

[blocks in formation]

opin'ion: it has a sharp'er and mo're open foû'nd when

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its next' following con'fonant is accent'ed; a's, object,

[blocks in formation]

s. odd', ox', scoff' fconc'e, top', broth, doll', body, let a

I 3 3

I 3 I


2 I 3

I 3

bod'y fpeak'; (but, bo'dy of men', my bo'dy; volume)

I 3 24 3 I

2 I I

3 I



as al'fo, before r; whether the ac'cent be' on the o or

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on its following character; as, o'ral, o'rb, oʻrange or'a

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tor, o'rch-ard (orchef'tre) o'rder, o'rgan, co'rd, force,

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fo'reign, fo'rge, fo'rm (form', a feat') bo'rn, co'rn, fort',




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N. B. I think' oû'r o fhould' ha've its firft' fhort

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found in all' un'accent'ed fyll'ables, excep't o.

[blocks in formation]

RULE O. o'. This' o has' the found of the Fren'ch

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long, in co'te, noc'e, or that' of Fren'ch au, eau, in au'ne,

[blocks in formation]

auteur, cau, beau.-Oû'r o has, gen'erally, this' foû'nd,


I 2 2



I 2

when followed by' Id, lk, II, lt, mk, ft, th, the; as, oʻld,

[blocks in formation]

boʻld, yo/k', boll', droll', poll', roll', feroll', ftroll', toll', troll',

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(I belie've ev'ery oth'er word', in oll, ta'kes o; as doll',)

[blocks in formation]

bolt', colt', a com'b, to comb, honey comb, ghost', most',

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bo'th, (doth', froth) floth, clo'the, (cloth',) loath', loa'the:

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and when it ends a mon'ofyll'able; as, Bo'! go', no',

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fo', wo', (excep't coo', do', to, too', two', who', wóo ́) as

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al'fo, when fol'low'd by a single con'sonant with e fi'nal

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or immediately by e fi'nal; as, Globe, ròde, doʻge,

[blocks in formation]

spok'e, v. fpo'ke s. hole, who'le, home, bon'e, (fee' 0, 0,

[blocks in formation]

Pop'e, hop'e, boa'r, foa'r, mo're, ro'fe, close, v.

[blocks in formation]

note, ro've, do'ze, do'e, fo'e, ro'e, (excep't fho'e, fho'es,

[blocks in formation]

does, v.) and almost always when it ends an accent'ed

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fyl'lable; as, o'bit, o'cean, o'dìous, o'gle, co'ma, (com'ma)

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chofen, clo'ven, &c. Yet' we fa'y, clo'fet, go'vernor,

[blocks in formation]

RULE, O. o'. or oo. Oû'r o is foû'nded lik'e oû'r u, or

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the Fren'ch ou, in bouc', boulet, je roule, bouch'e, pouff'e,

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époufe: oûr oo always has' this' fou'nd; as, book', loose,

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choo'fe (excep't foot', blood', flood', doo'r, floo'r); and oû'r

I 2


I 4 I

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o has' oft'en its third' foû'nd; as, lo'fe, who'fe, Rome,

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whom', to'mb, wo'mb, mo've, pro've, bo'som.


4 2 2

RULE, 0. o. Oû'r o is foû'nded lik'e oûr u or e;

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fom'e fhort' mon'ofyll'ables, bo'th with and withoût é

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fi'nal; and in un'accent'ed e'ndings; as, word', work',

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wo'rld, worm', worfe, wor'ship, wort', doft', com'e, don'e,

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above, dove, glove, lov'e, fhov'e, na'tion, un'ìon, fa'vor,

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

hon'or, Bedford, Bishop, com'fort, iron, London,

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a'pron, but'ton, ca'pon, citron, maf'on, mut'ton, reckon,

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faff'ron: we fa'y, wom'an, wo'nder, lo'nge, spo'nge.

[blocks in formation]

N. B. Our o, lik'e oûr oth'er vow'els, is fo' ver'y ir'

[blocks in formation]

21 3 2

rég'ular, that' all' its rules contain' excep'tions to each

[blocks in formation]

I I 3


RULE, u. u'. See the Key to the vowels, and obferve

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that oû'r u, lik'e the oth'er vo'wels, has its first found

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when followed by a single con'fonant, withoût' e fi'nal ;

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or by a double one, with or withoût' e fi'rial; as, ugʻ-ly,

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ul'cer, u'mbrage, u'nder, budg'e, cu'rve, purse, urn:

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I I 4 i 4 I 32 4

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and in un'accent'ed termina'tions; as, plea'fure, cen'fure,

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na'ture, goʻrgeous, righteous, virtuous, Venus, sir'up ; as,

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al'fo, in accent'ed terminations, withoût' e fi'nal; as,

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I 3 2 4

I 2

3 2 3 4

dif'cufs', difguft': and in all' word's in lush, rush or ull;

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as, blush', brush', cull', excep't, bull', full', pull' (put'.)

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RULE, u. u'. This' u is foû'nded lik'e o or Fren'ch ou,

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when it ends an accent'ed fyll'able preceded by r; and

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when preceded by r and foll'ow'd by a con'fonant with

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e fi'nal, or immed'ìately by e fi'nal; as, ruby, ru'in,

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

ru'le, rude, rue, true: And in the following word's,

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