Abbildungen der Seite
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ing, taken or removed from' a perf'on, plac'e or thing';

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and is governed by the prepositions from, with, by',

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3 43 I 4






2 4

1 4 2

the accufative after the verb; as, Ce'far conquered



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Pom'pey; he loves her'; fhe flapped him'.

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RULE 2d. When a question is afk'ed, the nomina

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tive is plac'ed aft'er the princ'ipal ve'rb, but after the

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auxiliary, when one is u'fed; as, Was I' the're? We're

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[blocks in formation]

you there? Did he fa'y fo'? Will they com'e?

[ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

RULE 3d. In an imper'ative, affirm'ative fen'tence,

2 I 343 I 2

2 I



the nominative follows the verb; and the auxiliary let'

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23 343


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is followed by the obli'que cafe; as, go' thou' traitor;

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RULE 4th. Two' or mo're nom'inatives, though each

3 I 2 I I 4 I 2

2 2 I I



I 43


2 2



be of the sing'ular, joìn'ed by' a conjunction cop'ulative,

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reqûi're plu'ral verbs, noûn's and pro'noûns; as, grea't

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are in their robes; but', with or withoût' the'fe, they

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RULE 5th. But, when' the conjunction is repeat'ed,

2 I I

4 2 2 3 4

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as in the following fen'tence, each' nom'inative agree's

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with its ve'rb, &c. in the sing'ular; as, pain and want',

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and e'ven death' itself', is easier to bear, than' private

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RULE 6th. A who'le fen'tence, or one or more in

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fin'itives may be a nom'inative; in which' cafe the ve'rb

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must be in the third' pers'on sing'ular; as, to inftruc't

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a pro'mising youth in all the us'eful knowledge which'

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one's-felf' has learned, and, above all', to fea'fon his




I 4 2. 2 332

2 4

mind with pi'ety and bon'or, is the duty a tut'or ow'n

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4 4 4


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When two' fubftantives, belong'ing to

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one anoth'er, com'e togeth'er, that' to which' the oth'er


3 1

2 3

belong's may take the termination of the gen'itive; as,

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instead' of, the troop's of the King, the pa'laces of King's,

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we fay, the King's troop's, King's' pa'laces, the man's

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pro'perty, men's pro'perty, a wom'an's fan'cy, wom'en's

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mo'defty, a lad'y's cha'rms, the ladies' prerog'atives, the

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Thames' wa'ter. Thus' we fee' that ev'ery poffefs'ivs

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cas'e fuppo'fes a nom'inative. But the termina'tion in 's

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or s' is feldom or ev'er u'fed, unless' in cas'es of ab'so

[blocks in formation]

lute property or poffefs'ion, and not a'lways e'ven then':

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Fo'r, we fa'y, the King', the glo'ry of Grea't-Brit'ain, the

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Emperor of Germany, the gardens of Italy, the

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cha'rms of music, the fire of youth', the crown of the

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head', &c. This' nic'e diftinc'tion can' be taught but' by



3 3

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3 Σ

4 3

I 2 3 2

RULE 8th. Two fubftantives joined together, sig'

3 21

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nifying the fame thing', are put' in the fame cas'e in

4 23




2 2

apposition to each oth'er; as, King' Geo'rge, Se'cre

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[blocks in formation]

I 4 4

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táry Pitt', Admiral Howe, Go'vernor Mil'nes, General

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RULE 9th. But when fuch' fub'ftantives do not sig'

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nify the fame thing', that' plac'ed befo're the oth'er be

4 I 4 3



3 I

2 2

com'es an adjective; as, a coun'try girl', a toŵn'hoûf'e, a

[blocks in formation]

RULE 10th. A fubftantive, withoût' an article, is

2 4 I I

2 I I 3 I




taken in its most extensive fens'e; as, man' was made

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for foci'ety and hap'piness, i. e. all' men'. Man's fol

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

lies a're the chief', if not the o'nly obstructions to his


hap'pinefs. Societies will' be happy, when governments


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are wife. For collec'tive noûn's, fee' p. 120,



N. B. A fubftantive can' fta'nd in a fen'tence withe

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I 4 3

I 2


oût an adjective; but an adjective cannot withoût a

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fubftantive: I can fay, a ftone fall's; but I cannot fay,


3 2 2 I

av'y fall's. If the me're word', thing, be placed im


2 3 I 4 4 I 4 3

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med'iately aft'er an adjective it makes fens'e; but non


2 I 2 32 3 4

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fenfe if fo' join'ed to any oth'er part of speech'; as we

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fa'y, a good thing, a bad thing, a white thing'; but not,

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3 4 2

a man' thing', a beast' thing', I fee' thing, you loved thing'.

3d Part of Speech.

I 4 3 I I

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An adjective or ad'noûn is that' which signifies a

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quality or other accident of a fub'stantive; as, a good!

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man', a happy wom'an, a fin'e boy', a charming girl', a

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white horse, a heavy load', an idle dream, the good



2 I 3

2 2


man', the happy wom'an, the fin'e boy. See Rule 6.

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nu'mber and cafe but' moft' of them, being capable of

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have three' ftat'es, viz. the pof'itive, the comparative and

2 2 I 43

the fuperlative.

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