Abbildungen der Seite







2 2 I I

and takes n, aft'er it, when it preced'es a vowel or b


2 I

I 2 I

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sil'ent; as, a boy, a girl' or girl', a ro'fe, a woman, a

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youth', a horse, a hoûfe, a hundred; an aw'l, an egg',

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an i'dol, an ox', an heir, an hour, an hon'or, a hoû'nd.

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and to all' fuch' as may be numbered-one, two, three;

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as alfo to the adjectives few and many (the latter with

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the word great, before it ;) as, a man', a boy', a wom'an,

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a lady, a virtue, a toîl'et, an a'rmy, a mul'-titude, a

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doz'en, a score, a hundred, a thoû'fand, a million, a

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pen'ny, a fhill'ing, a crown', a dollar, a guinea, an oûnce,

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a poû'nd, a vice, an ide'a or ide'a, a bull', a coŵ', an

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much', can'not be u'fed in the fi'ngular (or sing'ul-ar) nor

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to the Fren'ch article, le, la, le's: it is u'fed in all' the

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genders and numbers, and defin'es or point's oût' the






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fenfe of the word' befo're which' it plac'ed; as, I know'

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the gentleman; the lady fing's; the rule is inva'ria

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ble, i. e. the partic'ular gen'tleman, lad'y or ru'le in

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RULE 5th. The word's better, beft, worf'e, worst,

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ta'ke the defin'ite art'icle; as, he got' the bet'ter of it;

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make the best' of it; it is not the worf'e for the wea'r

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ing; I fea'r the worft'; the mo're you have, the more

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you defi're; the moft' was mad'e of that' mat'ter; the

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RULE 6th. As the ad'jective is almost always put'

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befo're its fub'ftantive; fo' is the article prefix'ed to

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bo'th; as, a good' man', an a'miable wom'an, a pretty

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bird, a han'dfome thing', the good' man' or men', the



4 I

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4 2 4


a'miable wom'an or wom'en, the pret'ty bird' or bird,

2 I

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the han'dfome thing' or thing's. See p.

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RULE 7th. There a're man'y fub'ftantives u'fed with

I I 3

I 4 2


3 2

oût' an article, viz. pro'per nam'es; as, Geo'rge, Britain,

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London; nam'es of a'rts, fci'ences, metals, grain, vict

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uals, ab'stract noûn's, and all' fuch' as ha've no' plural ;

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as, husbandry, philofophy, mu'fic, gold or go'ld, filver,

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i'ron, brafs, wheat', ba'rley, bread, milk', flesh',

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ven'ifon, wa'ter, bee'r, win'e, vir'tue, vic'e, love, ha'tred:

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yet', we fay the Thames, the Tweed'; because river is

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husbandry of the foûth', the go'ld you gave me, the vir

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tue of chaft'ity, the hor'rid vic'e of ingratitude.

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RULE 8th. Some (a part or po'rtion) may be called

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the part'titive article, and an'fwers to the Fren'ch du, de la,

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de l', de's, quelque; as, fom'e bread', du pain, fom'e pow'.

3 4


der, de la poudre, fom'e wa'ter, de l'eau, fom'e loaves, de's



I 2 34






pains, fom'e hifto'rian, would' ha've mentioned it', quelque

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A noûn' fub'ftantive is but' the me're nam'e, not the

I 33 I V

1 4

2 2

4 4 2 4 I

quality, of a perf'on, place or thing'; wheth'er re-al or

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ima'g 'ginary: and fuch' noûns or nam'es are either pro'per

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RULE 2. Proper nam'es are all' fuch' as express' a

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partic'ular per'son, plac'e or thing, fo' as to disti'ng-ûish

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them from oth'ers of the fa'me kind; as, Geo'rge, Ti'tus,

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Charlotte, Penelope, Brit'ain, or Britan'nia, Middlesex,

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London, Kent', Edinburgh, Inverness', Fife, the Thames.

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RULE 3. Common names are all' fuch' as exprefs' a

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who'le kind, withoût diftinc'tion; as, man', an'imal,

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horf'e, bird', fifh', king', king-dom, fwo'rd, hoûf'e, ta'ble,

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i. e. a plural; though itfelf' be si'ng-ular; as, the p'ar



I 2 3 2


3 4 I

liament, go'vernment, court'; it is always nêu'ter, and


2 2 4 4

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takes fo'metimes a plural, fometimes a si'ng-ular verb;

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a's, the vulgar a're ba'd judges; yet', they will' judge:


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The court' is in mourning: it is fo. The mob was n'

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The multitude will' depre'cîate the worth', or ex


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ag'gerate the merit of an action or character, in pro

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RULE 5. A noûn' fub'ftantive has' nu'mbers, ge'nders

2 4









and cafes. Sub'ftantives ha've two nu'mbers, viz. the

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sing'ular and the plural. The si'ng-ular expreffes one

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or un'ity; as, a man, an a'rmy, a troop', a book ;

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man', the a'rmy, the troop', the book'; and the plural

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