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" The minister, church-wardens, quest-men, and assistants of every parish -church and chapel, shall yearly, within forty days after Easter, exhibit to the bishop or his chancellor the names and surnames of all the parishioners, as well men as women, which,... "
A letter to ... sir Robert Peel, bart. on the present state of the Church of ... - Seite 22
von Arthur Philip PERCEVAL (Hon.) - 1835 - 45 Seiten
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The Congregational magazine [formerly The London Christian instructor]., Band 2

726 Seiten 112: 'The minister, churchwardens, queftmen, and assistants of every parish church, and chapel, shall yearly, within forty days after Easter, exhibit...the parishioners, as well men as women, which being at the age of sixteen, received not the communion at Easter before.' And what, I would ask, would be...
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The clergyman's assistant, or A collection of acts of parliament, forms and ...

Parliament acts - 1828 - 748 Seiten
...presented. THE Minister, Church-wardens, Quest-men, and Assistants of every Parish-church and Chapel, shall yearly, within forty days after Easter, exhibit...years received not the Communion at Easter before. 113. Ministers may present. BECAUSE it often cometh to pass, that the Churchwardens, Side-men, QuesUmen,...
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Reform, not Subversion! A proposed Book of Common Prayer ... Also, an ...

Montagu Robert MELVILLE - 1834 - 142 Seiten
...presented. The Minister, Churchwardens, Quest-men and Assistants of every Parish Church and Chapel, shall yearly within forty days after Easter exhibit...years, received not the Communion at Easter before. CXIII. — Ministers may present. Because it often cometh to pass, that the Churchwardens, Side-men,...
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Origines Ecclesiasticae, Or, The Antiquities of the Christian Church ..., Band 8

Joseph Bingham - 1834 - 652 Seiten and assistants of every parish church and chapel, yearly within forty days after Easter, to exhibit to the bishop or his chancellor the names...surnames of all the parishioners, as well men as women, who being of the age of sixteen years, received not the communion at Easter before." Mr. Baxter has...
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Certain Sermons Or Homilies: Appointed to be Read in Churches in the Time of ...

Church of England - 1840 - 660 Seiten
...presented. THK minister, church-wardens, quest-men, and assistants of every parish-church and chapel, shall yearly, within forty days after Easter, exhibit...age of sixteen years received not the communion at Enster before. CXIII. Ministers may present. BECAUSE it often cometh to pass, that the church-wardens,...
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The Episcopal magazine, and Church of England warder [formerly Stephen's ...

1840 - 694 Seiten
...canons of 1603, which enjoins that the names and surnames of all persons, as well men as women, who, being of the age of sixteen years, received not the communion at Easter shall be presented to the bishop. Such was the discipline of the church, and such the laws existing...
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Sermons Preached in the Parish Church of St. Mary-de-Crypt

John Goulter Dowling - 1841 - 546 Seiten
...require that" the Minister, Church-wardens, Quest-men, and Assistants of every Parish-church, and Chapel, shall yearly, within forty days after Easter, exhibit...age of sixteen years, received not the Communion at the Easter before." Though she has never been enabled by the civil power fully to put these laws into...
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The Ecclesiastical Law, Band 2

Richard Burn - 1842 - 812 Seiten often every year to the holy communion as the laws and constitutions do require." Can. 112. "And shall yearly within forty days after Easter exhibit...years received not the communion at Easter before." By Can. 24. " All deans, wardens, masters or heads of cathedral and collegiate churches, prebendaries,...
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The Ecclesiastical Law, Band 4

Richard Burn - 1842 - 846 Seiten
...presented. The Minister, Churchwardens, Questmen and Assistants of every Parish Church and Chapel, shall yearly within forty days after Easter exhibit to the Bishop or his Chancellor, the names and sirnames of all the Parishioners, as well men as women, which being of the age of sixteen years, received...
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Synodalia: A Collection of Articles of Religion, Canons, and ..., Band 1

Church of England. Province of Canterbury. Convocation, Edward Cardwell - 1842 - 466 Seiten
...presented. The minister, church-wardens, quest-men, and assistants of every parish-church and chapel, shall yearly, within forty days after Easter, exhibit to the bishop or his chan- 25 cellor the names and surnames of a.! the parishioners, as well men as women, which being of...
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