Abbildungen der Seite

4. The medals to be awarded as aforesaid shall be of gold, shall have distinct artistic merit, shall be of the intrinsic value of about seventy-five ($75) dollars, and shall have on one side thereof a medallion of Benjamin Franklin taken from his portrait by Thomas Sully, now in the possession of the said The Franklin Institute.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said The Franklin Institute of the State of Pennsylvania for the Promotion of the Mechanic Arts has hereunto set its common or corporate seal, attested by the signatures of its President and Secretary, this 28th day of March, A.D. 1914.



The Elliott Cresson Medal.-Under date of February 18, 1848, Elliott Cresson, Esq., of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, conveyed to the Trustees for The Franklin Institute one thousand dollars of the six per cent. convertible loan of the President, Managers and Company of the Schuylkill Navigation Company-to hold the said sum and the interest to accrue thereon, for the following uses and purposes:

1. The trustees to keep the principal invested as it now (1848) is until it is reimbursed by the said Company, and immediately after such reimbursement to reinvest the said principal of one thousand dollars in such securities, bearing interest, as may by law be designated for the investment of trust funds. And from time to time, as the said principal sum may be reimbursed, to reinvest the same in like manner.

2. To cause suitable dies to be prepared for striking the gold medal out of the first sufficient moneys received for interest on the said sum of one thousand dollars, the dies to bear, the following devices and inscriptions: The obverse,-a medallion likeness of the said Elliott Cresson with inscription around the margin," Elliott Cresson Medal, A.D. 1848." Reverse,around the margin, "Awarded by The Franklin Institute of Pennsylvania." The centre to be filled by engraving the name of the party to whom awarded and the year in which the award is made.

3. After the said dies have been prepared, and paid for out of the money received for interest, the said Trustees to cause to be struck, from time to time, such number of gold medals as the interest received will pay for, and to deliver the same to the Treasurer of The Franklin Institute, to be by him transmitted to such persons or parties as the said Franklin Institute may have awarded the same; the said awards, however, to be in all instances made either for some discovery in the arts and

sciences, or for the invention or improvement of some useful
machine, or for some new process or combination of materials
in manufactures, or for ingenuity, skill or perfection in

The Howard N. Potts Medal.-Howard N. Potts, Esq., of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, died July 24, 1906, leaving a will in which he provided for the establishment of this medal as follows:

"I give and bequeath to The Franklin Institute of the State of Pennsylvania for the Promotion of the Mechanic Arts and its successors, the sum of one thousand dollars, without deduction for taxes or charges; in trust to invest the same and apply the income thereof or such part or portion of it as may be adequate for the purpose, from time to time, to the purchase of a gold medal, to be awarded in the name of the said Franklin Institute for distinguished work in science or the mechanic arts."

The Edward Longstreth Medal.-In the month of May, 1890, Edward Longstreth, Esq., of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, retired member of The Baldwin Locomotive Works, deposited with The Franklin Institute in trust, a registered bond of the Baltimore Traction Company for the sum of one thousand dollars, for the founding and perpetuation of the Edward Longstreth Medal of Merit; the interest accruing from said principal sum to be used in procuring and awarding said medals for the encouragement of invention, and in recognition of meritorious work in science and the industrial arts; the said awards to be made by The Franklin Institute through its Committee on Science and the Arts, under such rules as said Committee may adopt.

This donor further presented to The Franklin Institute twelve silver medals and the die therefor designed and executed under the direction of a committee of the Institute with his approval.

On May 14, 1890, the Board of Managers of The Franklin Institute, by resolution, accepted on behalf of the Institute the gifts of the donor, and on September 17, 1890, the Institute, by resolution following, confirmed the acceptance:

"Resolved, That the Institute hereby confirms the action of the Board of Managers in accepting the gift of foundation of the Edward Longstreth Medal of Merit, and in expressing its grateful acknowledgments for the gift.

"Resolved, That the grant of the Edward Longstreth Medal, in accordance with the wishes of the donor, be entrusted to the Committee on Science and the Arts, subject to such conditions as the said Committee, with the approval of the Institute, may propose."

The obverse of the medal bears the effigy of the donor, and is inscribed around the margin, "The Edward Longstreth Medal of Merit, Founded

1890." On the reverse is inscribed around the margin, "Awarded by The Franklin Institute," and in the centre is engraved the name of the recipient with the date and object of award.

On March 19, 1913, Charles Longstreth, son of the above-named Edward Longstreth, deposited with The Franklin Institute the further sum of one thousand dollars to be added to the original fund to be kept with it in trust in perpetuity, the interest to be used as is the interest of the original fund.

The Certificate of Merit.-At the stated meeting of the Institute, held on June 21, 1882, the following resolution was adopted:


'Resolved, That the Committee on Science and the Arts of The Franklin Institute is hereby authorized to award, and issue to persons by said Committee adjudged worthy, a Certificate of Merit for their inventions, discoveries or productions, which certificate shall read as follows:

'The Franklin Institute of the State of Pennsylvania for the Promotion of the Mechanic Arts, awards to

this Certificate of Merit. This award is made

pursuant to the recommendation of the Committee on Science

[blocks in formation]

Chairman of the Committee on Science and the Arts."

The Boyden Premium.-On March 23, 1859, Uriah A. Boyden, Esq., of Boston, Massachusetts, deposited with The Franklin Institute the sum of one thousand dollars to be awarded as a premium to any resident of North America who shall determine by experiment whether all rays of light, and other physical rays, are or are not transmitted with the same velocity.

The problem has been more specifically defined by the Board of Managers, as follows:

“Whether or not all rays in the spectrum known at the time the offer was made, namely, March 23, 1859, and comprised between the lowest frequency known thermal rays in the infra-red, and the highest frequency known rays in the ultra-violet, which in the opinion of the Committee lie between the approximate frequencies of 2 x 10" double vibrations per second in the infra-red and 8 x 10" in the ultra-violet, travel through free space with the same velocity."

An award, made during the year 1907, covered the solution of the problem so far as the transmission of the visible and ultra-violet rays is concerned. It has been directed by the Board of Managers that the balance of the fund be retained, to be awarded to such person as shall demonstrate whether or not the infra-red rays are or are not transmitted with the same velocity as the other rays.



ARTICLE I.-Investigations.

SECTION 1. The Committee shall investigate, by sub-committee or otherwise, any subject referred to it by the Institute or by any of its sections; and upon a majority vote of the members present at any stated meeting, it may investigate any subject presented on motion of a member of by application as herein provided.

SEC. 2. Secret processes of compounds will not be considered by the Committee; nor will the treatment at materials by any sustance be considered, unless the composition used and the method of treatment are fully disclosed.

SEC. 3. An applicant for investigation of a subject will be furnished by the Secretary with a copy of the regulations governing investigations.

SEC. 4. An application for investigation shall be made in writing on a blank, substantially like "Form A" below, which may be obtained from the Secretary. This application shall be addressed to the Secretary, who will upon receipt refer it to the Sub-Committee on New Subjects and Preliminary Examination; this sub-committee shall recommend to the Committee is acceptance or rejection, upon which the Secretary shall notify the applicant accordingly.

SEC. 5. It shall not be competent for any member of the Committee on Science and the Arts to be an applicant for any of the awards in the gift, or under the recommendation, of the said Committee, unless the subject for award be referred to the Committee by a vote of the Institute.

ARTICLE II.-Meetings of the Committee.

SECTION 1. The Committee shall hold stated meetings at 8 o'clock P.M. on the first Wednesday of each month, excepting July and August.

SEC. 2. Special meetings may be called by the Chairman, and shall be called by him upon the written request of five members of the Committee.

SEC. 3. At all meetings of the Committee nine members shall constitute a quorum for transacting general business, but for final action upon a report conferring or recommending an award or for amending the rules of the Committee, a quorum shall consist of not less than fifteen members.

SEC. 4. At its stated meeting the Committee shall proceed in the following

1. Calling the roll.

Order of Business:

2. Reading of the minutes of preceding meeting.

3. Reading of correspondence.

4. Approval of bills.

5. Report of Sub-Committee on New Subjects and Preliminary Examination.

6. Reports of standing and special sub-committees.

7. Consideration of reports for final action.

8. Reports of sub-committees on investigation, first reading.

9. Deferred business.

10. New business.

11. Adjournment.

SEC. 5. Members shall not be entitled to the floor more than twice on any question without the consent of the Committee.

SEC. 6. There shall be no debate on points of order except on an appeal from the decision of the Chairman, or on a question referred by him to the Committee. In such cases no member shall have the floor more than once without the consent of the Committee.

ARTICLE III.-Chairman.

SECTION 1. Nominations for a Chairman to serve for one year shall be made at the stated meeting of the Committee in February, and the election shall be by ballot at the same meeting, when the person receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected. He shall immediately assume office and shall perform his duties until his successor is installed. He shall not be eligible for election in two successive terms.

SEC. 2. The Chairman shall appoint the members of all sub-committees unless otherwise ordered, and may serve ex officio on all sub-committees except those charged with investigations.

SEC. 3. The election of a member as Chairman shall be held to vacate his membership of any and all sub-committees on investigation on which he may be serving, except if he has the report of such Committee prepared or in preparation, in which case he shall complete his work, but when such report is presented for consideration, he shall call on another member to preside while the subject is under discussion.

SEC. 4. The Chairman shall submit to the stated meetings of the Board of Managers in October, December, February, April, and June of each year, a report of the number of investigations pending before the Committee, the number disposed of since the last report, with the action taken or award made in each case, and the number and nature of new investigations undertaken since the last report, and such other information as to the work of the Committee as the Board of Managers may require. He shall also report to the stated meetings of the Institute such recent action of the Committee as he may deem of interest.

ARTICLE IV.-Standing Sub-Committees.

SECTION 1. There shall be appointed each February by the Chairman a sub-committee of not less than five members of the Committee, to be styled the "Sub-Committee on New Subjects and Preliminary Examination." The

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