Though the Book is divided into Four Parts, yet the formality of regular and Perhaps the Reader will be the more inclined to extend it towards me, if I do In this Edition, as in the numerous preceding oncs, great Improvements CONTENTS. Difcales are the Confequence of Intemperance ib. 39 Elegy on the Death of Lady Coventry. Written Elegy to a young Nobleman leaving the Univerity Night VI. Exalted Station 141 Night IX. Nature the Foe of Scepticifm 157 143 The Mifery of Sin-Reafon The Panther, the Horte, and other Beafts 16+ 155 The Genealogy of Chrift, as it is reprefented on The Laft Day 155 Epilogue to Rowe's Jane Shore ib. 237 Ode. Sent to a Friend on his leaving a favourite Epiftle to Mr. Addifon, occafioned by his Dia- a Tub of Gold Fithes ib. AT Religo Laíci ib. 832 The Tears of Scotland Smoltet 483 An Effay upon Satire Dryden and ickingbam 337 Ode to Leven Water. The Pleasures of Imagination Dryden 339 Songe to Ælla, Lorde of the Castel of Brystowe ib. 335 Ode to Mirth ib. 483 16. 484 ynne Daies of Yore. From Chatterton, under 494 Bristowe Tragedie; or, The Dethe of Syr Charles Bawdin. Chattertan, under the name of Rowley 484 The Mynstrelles Songe in Ælla, a Tragyca ib. 487 tions, notwithitanding Taxes, &c. ib. 376 An Epiftle from Mr. Phillips to the Earl of Dor. fet. Copenhagen, March 9, 1709 Monody, writes Stratford upon Avon Ou the Death of King George the Second ib. 450 je to Evening Dr. Jof. Warten t Mafon St |