Abbildungen der Seite

Though the Book is divided into Four Parts, yet the formality of regular and
systematical arrangement of the component pieces, has not been strictly ob-
served. Such compilations as these have not unfrequently been called garlands
and nosegays: but in a garland or nosegay, who would place the tulips, the li-
lies, the pinks, and the roses in separate compartments? In a disposition so arti-
ficial, their beauty and fragrance would be less pleasing than if they were care-
lessly mingled with all the ease and wildness of natural variety. I hope the
analogy will hold: if not, I must throw myself in this, as I do in all other cir-
cumstances of this Publication, upon my Reader's indulgence. I expect not
praise; but I confide in receiving pardon.

Perhaps the Reader will be the more inclined to extend it towards me, if I do
not weary him with apologies. I will then conclude my preface with the ideas
of Montaigne:-" I have here only made a nosegay of culled flowers, and have
" brought nothing of my own but the thread that ties them."

In this Edition, as in the numerous preceding oncs, great Improvements
have been made. The favourable Reception of the Book has indeed encouraged
the Editor to render it, in every new Impression, still more acceptable. But
several Poems are now added for the first time, and some Poematia, which were
never printed before. The Collection was originally formed for the use of
TUNBRIDGE SCHOOL; and a few School Exercises of Tunbridge Scholars have
been very sparingly inserted, with a View to encourage ingenuous Youth, who,
in that ancient Place of classical Education, devote themselves to Studies of use-
ful and polite Literature.


[blocks in formation]

Difcales are the Confequence of Intemperance ib. 39 Elegy on the Death of Lady Coventry. Written
Withes obtained often make men miferable

Elegy to a young Nobleman leaving the Univerity

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Night VI. Exalted Station

141 Night IX. Nature the Foe of Scepticifm



The Mifery of Sin-Reafon

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The Panther, the Horte, and other Beafts


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

155 The Genealogy of Chrift, as it is reprefented on

The Laft Day


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Epilogue to Rowe's Jane Shore

ib. 237 Ode. Sent to a Friend on his leaving a favourite

Epiftle to Mr. Addifon, occafioned by his Dia-

a Tub of Gold Fithes

ib. AT

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Religo Laíci

ib. 832

The Tears of Scotland

Smoltet 483

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An Effay upon Satire Dryden and ickingbam 337 Ode to Leven Water.

The Pleasures of Imagination

Dryden 339 Songe to Ælla, Lorde of the Castel of Brystowe

ib. 335 Ode to Mirth

ib. 483

16. 484

ynne Daies of Yore. From Chatterton, under
the name of Rowley


ib. 487

tions, notwithitanding Taxes, &c.

ib. 376

[blocks in formation]

ib. 450 je to Evening
ib. 450 Ilis. An Fiegy

Dr. Jof. Warten t

Mafon St

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