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distress, at which the pilot and the boatmen could not restrain their tears. Af ter several questions concerning the cause of their grief, we were informed that the last time these men had visited the place, the good woman was in perfect health, but on the day of their departure, she had a stroke of apoplexy, which deprived her of speech, in which state she had ever since remained. This scene, which to some readers may perhaps appear ridiculous, was, at the moment, highly interesting. The tears of these brave Norwegians, who with a sinile would have confronted dangers the most appalling, prove that true courage consists not in obduracy, and that human nature in all its primitive vigour is susceptible of the tenderest sensations.

When these emotions of grief had somewhat subsided, the old woman made a sign to sit, or rather to lie, down on the rein-deers' skins, which had been spread for us on straw; and her daughter-in-law presented us with milk as gracefully as though she had been a shepherdess of Arcadia. We would fain have remained longer in this interesting asylum, but one of the boatmen came to inform us that the wind was favourable, a circumstance of which it was necessary to avail ourselves.

We continued our voyage between "heaven-kissing" mountains, some of which were almost covered with snow. Towards evening, the wind increased to such a degree that the pilot advised us to land on the first accessible shore, lest we should happen to be in the strait of Qvalesund, at the return of the tide, where our loss would be inevitable, should a tempest overtake us.

We complied with his advice, but not without regret, as it was essential that we should make the best use of our time. Having soon found a bay, encircled with a plam, on which were some fishermen's huts, we landed, and pitched our tent on the beach, that we might be ready to embark the first favourable moment; but the wind encreasing in violence, and becoming more and more contrary, we were obliged to pass the whole night and the following day in this place. This interval I spent partly in fishing some of the drawings I had previously made, partly walking on the beach, killing snipes, or eeking shells. My fellow-traveller was, Leanwhile, engaged in collecting plants With respect to the latter Ass,in particular, I am under the necessity

id insects.

of acknowledging my ignorance. The chief cause of it is, perhaps, to be ascribed to the following circumstance:-Having bee gun to make a collection of insects in that happy period of life when all impressions are strong and profound, I caught a very large butterfly, which I considered as a treasure. After an absence of a week, the first thing I did was to visit my col lection, and, on opening the drawer which contained this butterfly, I found it still alive, writhing its body and clapping its wings. The effect of this sight will ne ver be effaced from my recollection, though it had been no wonder, if many succeeding ones had made me forget it; after endeavouring to put an end to the torments of the insect by the most speedy death, I passed several nights in remorse, and since that moment have always felt excessive repugnance to torture any living creature. Were the case to be argued, has man any right to inflict, at pleasure, the most cruel torments on beings the de gree of whose sensibility it is impossible to calculate with certainty; and is not the remorse of childhood the voice of nature, to which, from the unfortunate habit of stifling it, we become totally insensible in a more mature age?

The violence of the wind having somewhat abated, our boatmen resolv ed, at all hazards, to proceed. The passage of Qvalesund, or Hvalesund, the Strait of Whales, was actually attended with considerable danger, and that of Qvalefiord with still greater. Here we were overtaken by the return of the tide, which we had been solicitous to avoid: the waves from the open sea came crowding one upon the other to the entrance of the strait, and net the current, producing a violent, and confused motion. The oars touched the water only on one side at once: we made no way, nor durst we make use of our sail; while the sea was so rough as to threaten to dash our little bark to pieces, her timbers already beginning to crack. The pilot, at length, declared, that he could no longer with stand its turbulence, and that, at all hazards, the suil must be set up, which was instantly done by one of our brave rowers. The mast, bending with the vialence of the wind, now almost touched the water, which began to enter on that side; but the vessel gliding along with incredible velocity, we were soon out of danger, and under the shelter of a mountain. Had it not been for this bold manœuvre we should probably have seen


the other world instead of the North Cape.

burden cannot climb it but with great difficulty.

These seas are frequented by great Before we passed the islands of Stapnumbers of whales, but Fate had decreed perne, we had for some time coasted that we should not enjoy the sight of any along the island of Maso, after which no of them. To make amends, the boatmen object bounded our view over that treentertained us with many wonderful mendous ocean, which extending from stories of those animals. A fisherman the polar ices, washes the extremities of being pursued by a whale, and perceiving Europe, Asia, and America. The little that flight was impossible, fired a musket wind we had was often contrary, as well at the monster, who, terrified by the ex- as the current, so that we advanced but plosion, checked his career, and changed slowly, sometimes by the aid of the sail, his course. Had it not been for this for at others by dint of rowing; and the brst tunate expedient, like another Jonas, he mile took us seven hours, during which would have been swallowed up, without our boatmen, worn out with fatigue, weat the hope of being so seasonably relieved several times on shore to get a little rest. from his confinement as was the pro- On one of these occasions we found upon phet. Another was fishing with a line a rock, from ten to fifteen fathoms in in very fair and calm weather, when a height, spawn of shell-fish, and sponges as whale suddenly rising from the bosom white as snow, and much more easily bro of the deep, lifted the boat on his ken than ordinary sponges. The rocks back, dashed it to pieces and the fisher- close to the water's edge were covered man perished in the waves. In short, with the buccinum glaciole, a shet-tish, had all the events which they related somewhat larger than a nut, and the wa really happened, our enterprize would ter itself was full of plants of a prodigious have been rather rash, and few fishermen vegetation; the most minnerous, I believe, would have ventured to approach those were the fucus vesiculosus, inflatus, and parts. aculeatus.

We, however, sailed without accident all night, and arrived in the morning at Havósund, the habitation of a merchant, who was then from home. We were kindly received by his wife and mother, who gave us an excellent breakfast; after which we hastened our departure, in the hope of arriving before midnight at the North Cape, which was still two good Norwegian (twenty-one English) miles distant.

We soon came in sight of the islands of Stapperne or Stappender, which are also called the Mother with Two Daugh ters. They are nothing but barren rocks, that in the middle being the largest of the three. Some caverns at the foot of these rocks resounded with the cries of the Eider-fowls, which furnish the down known by the same appellation, We had, to the west, a promontory of the island of Magero, to which the North Cape adjoins. It was a perfect calm, but the sea was covered with surges, aud vast clouds, which might have been mistaken for snow-covered Alps, rose above the horizon. We were afterwards informed at Maso, that there is the carcase of a whale on the summit of the largest of the Stapperne islands. To us this appeared almost incredible, for the waves could not have cast it such a height, and the rock is so steep that a man without a

We were extremely fortunate in the fair weather and calm which prevailed: for the least wind raises very lofty waves in these seas, and the coasts of Magero, which lay to the right, are in general maccessible. The sea, however, was still rough, and rocked us continually, so that having kept awake all the preceding night, to observe the striking objects which presented themselves to our view, we were now unable to resist the invitation of sleep. All at once a wave, breaking against the vessel, dashed its spray over our heads and abruptly awaked us. The boatmen then told us in a confused way, that, during our long sleep, we had pass ed some promontories, and recently a small gulph, on the shores of which were fishermen's huts, with a point of rock in front, very nearly resembling the North Cape; we could still discen it to the south west. It was now between the hours of five and six in the evening, and the wind changed in our favour, The land seemed to treni sway to the east, and left us on that sule a more unobstructed view of the ncess. At length, a little before midnight, we perceived this formidable Cape, whose rocks appeared to us at a distance

* A Norwegian mile is equal tu tea and half English.

to be of nearly equal height and terminating in a perpendicular peak. We first steered our course towards this point; but finding it to be totally inaccessible, and the sea becoming more and more rough, we were obliged to turn to the right and put into a small bay.

It was during this passage that the North Cape appeared in all its grandeur, as I have endeavoured to represent it at the moment I was taking my view, the nearest rocks seemed to be much higher than those of the peak, and the general appearance was much more picturesque than from any other point. The sea, breaking against this immoveable rainpart, which had withstood its rage ever since the beginning of the world, bellowed, and formed a thick border of white froth; the midnight sun illumining this spectacle, equally beautiful and terrific; and the shade which covered the western side of the rocks rendered their aspect still more tremendous. I cannot pretend to state the height of these rocks; every thing here was on a grand scale, and no ordinary object afforded a point of comparison. Notwithstanding the motion of the boat I took several views of the Cape; but at length we were obliged to enter the bay, the only refuge that presented itself in this dismal region.

We went on shore, and directing our steps toward the west, accidentally discovered a grotto formed of rocks whose surface has been washed smooth by the waves. Some inequalities of the rock within, were a substitute for seats; a detached stone served for a table; and a spring of fresh water ran at our feet. Excepting that there was at the farther end an outlet through which we discovered the sea, it was precisely the grotto of the Eneid.

-Scopulis pendentibus antrum, Intus aquæ dulces, vivoque sedilia saxo. We kindled a fire with some pieces of wood thrown upon the shore by the waves; not a single tree was to be seen on the whole coast, nor any vestige indicating the abode of human beings. A hull, some hundred paces in circumference, and surrounded by enormous crags, is the only accessible spot. The southern part of the island in which Kjelvig is situated, contained, according to Pontoppidan, 50 or 60 families. M.Wahlenberg found that their number was much smaller. This, traveller discovered several new species of plants, and mosses.

From the summit of a hill, turning toward the sea, we saw to the right a pro

digious mountain, attached to the Cape, and rearing his sterile mass to the skies: to the left a neck of land covered with less elevated rocks, against which the surges dash with violence, closes the bay, and admits but a limited view of the осеан. One of the boatmen informed us that there was once a church on this spot, but I afterwards learned that it was at the place where the last fishermen's buts are situated.

That we might see as much as possible of the interior of the island, we climbed almost to the summit of the lofty mountain, where I made a drawing of the most singular landscape that ever my eyes beheld. The lake in the fore-ground is perhaps at the elevation of fifteen fathoins above the surface of the sea, and there is another at the top of one of the mountains, which border the former: the view is terminated by peaked rocks, chequered with patches of snow.

Perceiving that the sea began to run very high beyond the Cape, we thought it adviseable to hasten our departure, that in case of a tempest we might find a more agreeable asylun. ment, the remembrance of the long faAt this motigues we had undergone to gain a sight of some dreary rocks almost excited our laughter; but considering the space which still separated us from the civilized world, the toils, and, what was worse, the vexations which awaited us, before we could return to it, our reflexions assumed a graver cast.

We made our way without accident over the waves which seemed to be piled up at the outlet of the bay, and the wind soon became less violent. A species of aquatic birds, called alca artica, were frequently seen skimming the surface of the waves very near our vessel; a large parrot-bill, exceedingly disproportioned to the diminutive size of the body, gave these birds a singular appearance. They plunged with astonishing velocity, and it was impossible to shoot any of them on the water. Some of them soon passed us on the wing, and we killed two or three, which we could not get on board. on account or the agitation of the sea.

The wind abating a little, we stood of for Maso, where we were received by Mr. Buck, a merchant of that place, with the hospitality which distinguishes the Norwegians, and with as much respect as though we had been princes.

Maso is the northernmost port of Norwegian i apland. It is situated in latitude 70° 59' 54", two Norwegian and three Swedish miles from the North


Cape. The port is formed of a very fine bay, where ships may winter in the greatest security: it has a church and affair, and exports considerable quantities of salt fish.

We set sail again in the evening, with the finest weather, and arrived next day at Hammerfest, another sea-port, five Norwegian miles from Maso. A brother of Mr. Buck, who resides there, received us with the same cordiality as we had experienced at the last-mentioned place At Hammerfest all the houses had small gardens adjoining to them. They were in good condition, but their only productions were potatoes, brown cole, and gooseberries.

After our departure from Hammer fest, we soon got into the track we bad followed in going, and arrived at Alten on the fifth day of our absence. The joy expressed by our hosts on our return, proved the hazardous nature of our enterprize; though with the exception of a single moment in the passage of Qvalefiord, the constant favour of fortune had spared us even the slightest appearance of danger.

To the Editor of the Monthly Magazine.


O two of the queries of Mr. William T Pybus, as stated in your Magazine for February, 1807, p. 33, I desire leave to send to you the following answer for insertion, viz.

To bronze Plaster Figures. Lay the figure over with singlass size till it holds out, or without any part of its surface becoming dry or spotted; then with a brush, such as is termed by painters a sa h-tool, go over the whole, observing carefully to remove any of the size (while it is yet soft) that may lodge on the delicate or sharp places, and set it aside to dry: when it is become so, take a little very thin oil gold-size, and with as mech of it as just damps the brush, go over the figure, allowing no more of this size to remain than what causes it to shine. Set it apart in a dry place, free from smoke; and after it has remained there forty-eight hours, the figure is prepared for brouzing.

The bronze, which is almost an inpalpable powder, (and may be had at the colour-shops of all metalic colours,)

should be dabbed on with a little cottonwool; after having touched over the whole figure let it stand another day; then with a soft dry brush ruh of all the loose powder, and the figure will resem

ble the metal it is intended to represent, and possess the quality of resisting the weather.

To Varnish Plaster Casts or Models.

Take four drops, Scots or Dutch troy weight, or about a quarter of an onuce averdupoise, of the finest white soap, grate it small and put it into a new glazed earthen vessel, with an English pint of water; hold it over the fire till the soap is dissolved, then add the same quantity of bleached wax cut into small pieces: as soon as the whole is incorporated, it is fit for use.

Mode of application.-Dry the model well at the fire, suspend it by a thread, and dip it into the varnish; take it out,

and a quarter of an hour after, dip

it again; let it stand for six or seven days, then with a bit of muslin robed softly round your finger, rub the model gently, and this will produce a brilliant gloss; but this part of the operation must be done with great care, and a light hand, as the coat of varnish is thin.

Another way-Take skin-milk, from which the cream has been carefully taken off, and with a camel's-hair pencil lay over the cast till it holds out, or wall imbibe no more; shake or blow off any that remains on the surface, and lay it in a place free from *stour, (a word for which the English language affords no synonime,) and when it is dry, it will look like polished marble.

N. B. This last mode answers equally well with the former, but will not resist the weather.

Mahogany Tables, &c.

If to the first receipt for a "Varnish," there be added three ounces of common wax, it forms an excellent composition for furniture.

To use it.-Clean the table well, dip a bit of flannel in the varnish while warm, and rub it on the table; let it stand a quarter of an hour, then apply the hard brush in all directions, and finish with a bit of clean dry flannel. This will prodace a gloss like a mirror.

For Boots and Shoes.

If to the above varnish there is added two ounces of lump-sugar, and the quantity of ivory-black, an excellent compound will be land equally good for giving a polish to boots or stics, and preserving the leather from cracking. Edinburgh, Your's, &c. March 6, 1807. D. Barnges, jan

• Dust in motion.—Vide Sibbald's Glossary to his Chronicle of Scottish Poetry. T

To the Editor of the Monthly Magazine. that these statements are by no means


YOUR Antiquary's correspondent,

count of that curious work, the " Dialogues of Creatures Moralysed," has cominitted a slight mistake when he states that it is not mentioned in Herbert's "Typographical Antiquities." This industrious compiler has twice spoken of it, viz. in p. 345 and 1751. I also take this opportunity of saying, that the Latin original was first printed at Gruda, by Gerard Leen, in the year 1480. I am rather at a loss to comprehend what is meant by "the translation of sop superseding the publication of the Dialogues."

As we are on the subject of old books, I shall beg leave, Sir, to present you with an extract from one of very great rarity and curiosity; and in so doing, I may not only manifest a due degree of patriotic zeal, but chance to contribute to the consolation of those true Britons, who are perpetually occupied in venting their spleen against our arch and implacable enemy, Napoleon. The prophetic application of Revelations xiii. 4, 5, 6, 7, was unhappily found not to succeed, and the forty-two months passed away, but the dragon remained to torment the nations. Yet we have hopes; for the author of the book of "The Blasynge of Armes," at the end of Dame Julian Berners's celebrated Treatise on Hawking, Hunting, and Fishing, printed at Saint Albans, 1486; and afterwards by Wynkyn de Worde, 1496, has informed us that "Tharmes of the Kynge of Fraunce were certaynly sent by an angell from heven, that is to saye: thre floures in manere of swerdes in a felde of asure, the whyche certen armes were geven to the forsayd Kyng of Fraunce in sygne of everlastynge trowble, and that he and his successours alway with batayle and swerdes sholde be punysshyd." Whether the abolition of the fleurs-de-lis since the revolution, will make any difference in the above curse, is at least doubtful; in all events it will behove the Bourbons, whenever they are restored to the throne of their ancestors, to be very cautious how they adopt the lilies! ANTI-NAP.

applicable to the extensive territories of the United States, which comprehend

are the result of observations in the county of Montgomery, Pennsylvania, and in what is called the Great Valley, from twenty to thirty miles distant from Philadelphia; the soil of which is mostly a rich, deep loam; and sells from twelve to twenty pounds sterling per acre.

The first inconvenience that strikes a European, on viewing an American farm, is the total want of the fences. Posts and rails, or rails placed angularly, are the common fences of the country: these require a continual expence of wood and labour, to make and repair them. A few persons have planted thorn-hedges; and where they are duly attended to, they are in a thriving condition: the most promising one I have seen, had short straw laid on the roots of the young quicksets, which preserves them from the extremes of heat and cold, and prevents the growth of weeds.

The winters in America are more severe than in England. Half a century ago, the snow generally fell in November, and continued till March: to provide for these five unproductive months, required a great share of the produce of the other seven. But the climate has undergone a very favourable alteration in this respect, and of late years the winter seldom assumes its rigorous aspect till after Christmas. It is not however untill the month of April, that sheep can subsist entirely without fodder; from that time vegetation makes a rapid progress, and on land well managed, clover will be eight or ten inches high by the 1st of May.

The price of labour in the United States is much higher than in more populous nations, nor can servants or la bourers be at all times procured in sufficient numbers. Twenty to thirty pounds sterling are the wages of a man by the year; and from half to three-fourths of a dollar for a day's work.

Distance from market is another inconvenience of the country. The seaports, or those ports situated on navighble rivers, are the markets for the sale of farming productions; consequently,

To the Editor of the Monthly Magazine. but a small proportion of the land can


I Now proceed to

have the advantage of contiguity. The

the advan- of grain and

tages and disadvantages of the American farmer,with those of the English one. It is scarcely necessary to premise, MONTHLY MAG, No, 158.

the English ones; of which the lower price of land in the United States, is both the cause and the effect,

4 B


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