Abbildungen der Seite

fire, that the Stereotype plates may be infiantly put to prefs, inftead of going through the tedious operations of moveable type printing; and thus no lofs will be fuftained from the works being out of print.-6thly. In Stereotype, every page of the moft extenfive work has a feparate plate; all the pages, therefore, of the faid work, must be equally new and beautiful. By the old method, the types of each fheet are diftributed, and with them the fucceeding fleets are compofed; fo that, although the first few fheets of a volume may be well printed, the laft part of the fame volume, in confequence of the types being in a gradual state of wear as the work proceeds, will appear to be executed in a very inferior manner. 7thly. The Stereotype art poffeffes a fecurity against error, which muft ftamp every work fo printed with a fuperiority of character that no book from moveable types ever can attain. What an important confideration it is, that the inaccuracies of language, the incorrectnefs of orthography, the blunders in punctuation, and the accidental mistakes that are continually occurring in the printing of works by moveable types, and to which every new edition fuperadds its own particular fhare of error,-what a gratifying fecurity it is, that all defcriptions of error are not only completely cured by the Stereotype invention, but that the certainty of the Stereotype plates remainining correct, may be almoft as fully relied on as if the poffibility of error did not at all exift!-If thefe obfervations be just with reference to the printing of English books, how forcibly muft they be felt when applied to the other languages generally taught in this country!-how much more forcibly when applied to thofe languages which are the native dialects of the moft ignorant claffes throughout the United Kingdom, but which are as little understood as they are generally spoken!-8thly, Stereotype plates admit of alteration; and it will be found that they will yield at least twice the number of impreffions that moveable types are capable of producing, -Laftly, All the preceding advantages may be perpetuated, by the facility with which Stereotype plates are caft from Stereotype plates. Such is a general outline of the prefent ftate of the Stereotype invention; and fuch are the obvious advantages arifing from it to learning and to ignorance, to every ftate and condition of civilized life. From the whole it refults, that a faving of 251. to 401. MONTHLY MAG., No. 156.

per cent. will accrue to the public in the prices of all books of ftandard reputation and fale, which, I believe, are pretty accurately afcertained to comprehend THREE FOURTHS of all the book printing of England, Scotland, and Ireland. It is fair to conclude, therefore, that the fales, both at home and abroad, will be confiderably increased, and that the duties on paper will be proportionally productive; fo that the public will be benefited in a twofold way by a general adoption and encouragement of the Stereotype art. With this view, I think the period is now arrived when I ought to announce to all the respectable claties before mentioned, particularly to Printers and Bookfellers, that I am fully prepared to enable them to participate in the advantages to be derived from the Stereotype art, in any way that may be most conducive to their particular interefts, either individually or collectively. With refpect to the improvements by Earl Stanhope in the conftruction of printing-preffes, I deny that it is poffible to introduce the principles which command the power and regulate the truth of this ingenious invention of his Lordship's into the common working prefies hitherto in general ufe."

An Encyclopædia of Manufactures is announced, in which it is intended to trace every raw material from its growth until it is delivered into the hands of the workman, to develope the various modes of its fabrication, to point out the im provements each art has received, and to detail the history and progrefs of the improvements, with hints for their farther extenfion and fimplification. It will be completed in eight or ten volumes oćtavo; and it is intended to publish a part every two months, containing fix fheets of letter-prefs, with a fufficient number of plates to illuftrate the different fubjects, making a volume annually..

The minutes of the laft Conference of the Methodifts, held at Leeds in Auguft, 1306, reprefent the numbers of that fociety to be as follows:

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Of thefe upwards of 109,000 are found in England and Wales, to which may be added 109,000 more, who have not ventured to have their names enrolled; and to thefe may be added the younger branches of families,making about 218,000 more, forming in the whole nearly half a million of perfons!

Mr. OLINTHUS GREGORY, A. M. of the Royal Military Academy, has in the prefs a tranflation of the Abbé Hauy's Traité Elementaire de Phyfique, with notes. The tranflation will make two handsome octavo volumes, and will be published in a few weeks. In conjunction with Mr. Gregory's Treatife on Aftronomy, and his Treatife on Mechanics, it will conftitute a complete courfe of Natural Philofophy, including every modern discovery.

Mr. WEST, an eminent printer and bookfeller of Cork, is preparing to publifh twenty-four Picturefque Views of Cork and its Environs, engraved by Mr. F. Calvert; accompanied by appropriate defcriptions and illuftrative notes, written by himself.

A fecond edition, revised and confiderably augmented, of Converfation, a didactic poem, by WILLIAM COOKE, efq. will be published in a few days.

Mr. JOHN TAUNTON, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons in London, Surgeon to the City and Finsbury Dif penfaries, &c. will commence his Lectures on Anatomy, Phyfiology, and Surgery, on Saturday, the 30th of May, 1807, at No. 21, Greville-street, Hatton-garden.

The number of fhipwrights neceffary for building thips of war within twelve months are respectively as follows:

[blocks in formation]

A new inftitution for the reform of female proftitutes is about to be established in London, under the name of the London Female Penitentiary. The object is the fame as the Magdalen; but comparative advantages will refult from peculiarities in the respective plans and diftinguishing features of the London Female Penitentiary will be the co-operation of intelligent and pious ladies in the regulation of the charity, and a prompt admiffion of applicants into a temporary ward. The external management of the Affairs of the Inftitution is to be entrusted

to a committee of thirty-fix gentlemen, together with a treasurer and fecretary; and to a committee of twenty-four ladies is to be exclutively confided the management of its internal economy.

The number of Printing Offices in London are upwards of two hundred, and they employ at least 500 preffes. In Edinburgh there were in 1765 fix printing-offices; in 1790 twenty-one; in 1800 thirty; in 1805 forty. In the 40 printing-offices now in Edinburgh are employed upwards of 120 printing-preffes.

Mr. DIDDIN has in the press (to be publifhed by fubfcription, and to be completed in twenty-fix parts or numbers, crown folio), a new periodical work, confifting of a feries of thort and fimple Effays and Songs; calculated, in their general operation, progreflively to affift the mufical education of young ladies at boarding fchools, called the Mufical Mentor, or St. Cecilia at School. The whole written and compofed by himself. The first part will appear about the end of May.

Mr. RIGO has laid before the Royal Society a propofal for a new Compenfa tion Pendulum. In the courfe of various experiments he has difcovered that of all the modes of compenfation, that of triangles is the best. He has accordingly conftructed one of triangles, two fides of which are steel, and the bafe brass or zinc, which expands twice as much as fteel; and hence the expanfion of the fides is properly counteracted by the expanfion of the bafe. In this way Mr. R. affirms that pendulums may be constructed of any feries of triangles, that would continue the fame length throughout all climates and feafons.

We have in our number for February already noticed a new theory, advanced by Dr. WOLLASTON, and cited by Mr. Davy, in his Lectures of the Fairy Rings. from Dr. Wollafton on this fubpaper ject has been read to the Royal Society, of which we fhall hereafter give a more detailed account.


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Auother paper, by Capt. FLINDERS, on the dip of the Magnetic Needle, has been laid before the Royal Society. In a future number we shall notice the corrections of his former paper on this fubject.

Mr. BELFOUR'S version of Yriarte's Poem on the Dignity and Charms of Mufic, is in the prefs, and will fpeedily appear.

Mr. E. WALKER has invented a new optical machine, called the Phantafinafcope, which is intended to afford enter tainment to thofe who derive pleafura


from optical illufions. To a perfon ftanding before this machine, a door is apparently opened, and a phantom makes its appearance, coming towards him, and increafing in magnitude as it approaches. This phantom appears in the air like a beautiful painting, and in fuch brilliancy of colouring that it is not neceflary to make the room dark; this picture appears to the greatest advantage when it is il luminated. Mr. W. has applied his machine to reprefent the phafes of the moon, the primary planets, and other phenomena in the heavens.

Mr. CORNELIUS VARLEY has laid before the public fome remarks on atmofpherical phenomena, particularly on the formation of clouds; their permanence ; their precipitation in rain, fnow, and hail; and the confequent rife of the barometer. The inferences drawn by this gentleman are, 1. That no cloud can be formed, or exift, without electricity. 2. That no cloud can fall in rain till it parts with fome of its electricity. 3. That in fine weather the earth must be giving electricity to the atmosphere by means of vapour, and in ftormy weather the atHofphere must be giving electricity to the earth by means of vapour, rain, or lightRing. 4. That in fine weather the clouds are feparating, and in ftormy weather uniting. 5. That electricity is the fufpending power in clouds. 6. That dry air is a conductor of heat, but a non-conductor of electricity. 7. That water can exift permanently in four states, and temporarily in one only. Two of these are effected by clectricity, and three without it. The first electrical state is that of cloud, which is fo much charged as to become lighter than air at the furface of the earth; the fecond is a complete faturation of water with the electric fluid, winch produces a tranfparent and elastic fluid light enough to float above the highest clouds. The first of the three other ftates is ice; the fecond is liquid; the third, which is quite temporary, is vapour; for, as foon as the fupply of heat by which it is raifed from the earth is withdrawn, it condenfes, and returns again to, the ftate of water. A confequence of this theory is, that when a cloud lofes its electricity in an atmofphere below the freezing point, then fnow is produced, for the vapours will be frozen in the act of uniting: and particles of moifture united into rain, and palling through a cold region in their de

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Bitumen From this analyfis, and other accurate obfervations, it fhould feem that the water of Lipetzk has fonie analogy to that of Pyrmont: it has, however, lefs of the ir ritating quality, with regard to the carbonic; le of the power of folution with refpect to falts, and more of the tonic powers of iron. On thefe accounts M. S. afferts that the water of Lapetzk ftimulates, gives vigour, increases the cafticity of the mufcular fibres and the activity of the organs, enriches the blood, and imparts more colour to it; while on the other hand it liquefies tenacious, flimy, and condenfed fluids, removes obftructions in the canals, qualifies the fharpness of hu mours, and deftroys worms. France.

The public will foon be prefented with the Narrative of the Voyage of Difcovery in the South Seas, performed during the years 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803, and 1804. It will comprehend the hiftorical part; the manners and defcription of the people; and the department of natural philofophy and meteorology, forming together four quarto volumes! It will be drawn up by Meffrs. PERON and LESUEUR, and will be printed at the expence of the government. The part containing the natural hiftory will be published by fubfcription.

M.TENON has lately prefented to the Na tional Institute a description of the teeth of the cabalot and crocodile. The teeth of the former have no enamel, but only the of feous cortex. The one, we are informed, may be easily diftinguished from the other, because the enamel is much harder, and is entirely diffolved in the acids, without leaving any gelatinous parenchyme. The tufks of the elephant, and the grid



ers of the bear, have no other envelope.

The fame able anatomift is about to publish an important work on the eye, and the difeafes to which it is fubject. He has made feveral new remarks upon the parts which furround this organ: he has found fome tendinous lumps which tie the ftraight mufcles to the anterior edges of the orbit, and ferve them for a kind of returning pulley, and hinder them from compreffing the eye-ball: he has developed a membranous tunic which furrounds the eye-ball, attaches it to the two angles of the orbit by two kinds of wings, paffes into the pupils, and is there reflected behind the tarii, and gives a paffage to the tendons of the muscles: he has established a new opinion upon the agents which tranfmit to the iris the action of the retina, and by which the impreffions received by the latter dilate or contract the other, these agents he finds in the ciliary proceffes, the tongues of which are prolonged behind the iris, and the tails of them touch the retina.

M. Tenon has also discovered that the hare-lip fometimes proceeds from a rent of of the maxillary bones, fometimes from a rent in both; and he attributes the caufe of it to a difproportionate dilata tion of the tongue. He afferts that it is highly dangerous to perform any operation for the hare-lip at the time when the teeth are cutting.

M. DUVERNOY, a young physician, has prefented to the National Inftitute a Mcmoir upon the Hymen, in which he has fhown that this fingular membrane, bitherto generally regarded as peculiar to the human fpecies, is alfo found in every animal.

M. BARTHEY, profeffor of Montpelier, has re-written his celebrated work upon the Elements of the Science of Man, which it is expected will produce a kind of revolution in the fcience of physiology.

M. DUCOM has given a new method of determining the latitute at fea by two altitudes. It is founded upon this principle, that the time which we deduce from an obfervation made at the moment the fun paffes by the prime vertical is exact, whatever may be the error which affects the latitude by account, which is requifite to be used in moft of the methods now followed. By this firft obfervation, and the exact time to be deduced from it, the

watch is regulated; and at any other time of the day a new altitude, with this exact time being known by the preceding operation, will give the true latitude, Commiflioners have been appointed to examine this method, who report that it will give the latitude very exactly, what ever may be the error in the latitude by account, when, as the method requires, one of the two altitudes fhall have been taken exactly at the paffage by the prime vertical, or very near it.

M.LEUPOLD has lately read to the Society of Arts and Sciences at Bourdeaux, a Memoir upon the Generation of Surfaces of the Second Order. All of them may refult from one common generation, which is executed by a curve of the fecond kind variable in its dimensions, and moved in fuch a manner that its plane may always remain parallel to itself. The equations which point out this cir cumftance give the law of the motion of the generatrix. This curve will be an ellipfis for furfaces having a centre, and a parabola for furfaces having no centre. In the cafe where each of the points of the generating curve has a right line for its direction, the furface may be engen dered by a straight line moved in space. The analytical condition for this to hap pen indicates the hyperbolic paraboloid, and the parabolic cylinder. The common generatrix to all these surfaces may become a circle, except with regard to the two last.

A magnificent work is announced at Paris by Meffrs. TREUTTEL and WURTZ, under the title of Voyage Pittorefque de Conftantinople et des Rives du Bofphore, which is to contain forty-eight plates, and to be published in twelve parts, accor panied by fuitable texts; printed by Didot. The price of each print will be 100 francs to the fubfcribers at Paris, and the first part is to appear in May.


Mr. J. D. BURK has recently publish ed two volumes of the Hiftory of Virgi nia, which will speedily be followed by a third and fourth. We understand that this Hiftory of Virginia is not only valuable as the production of a fupezior pen, but alfo from the new information with which it abounds, every diftinguifhed character of the Union, particularly the prefident Jefferson, having contributed ma nufcripts to the hiftorian.



• The Uje of all New Prints, and Communications of Articles of Intelligence, are requefied.

Chriftiansborg, a Danish Settlement on the Gold Coaft of Africa. Drawn by G. Webster. En graved by J. Hill.

Cape Coafi Caftle, a British Settlement on the Gold
Coaft of Africa, by the fame Artifts.
Dixcove, a Britifo Settlement on the Gold Coast
of Africa. Dito,

St. George D Elmina, a Dutch Settlement on the
Coaft of Africa. Ditto.

Each of theje Prints are dedicated by Permission, to His Royal Highness the Duke of Clarence, by Barrow, and G. Webfler. Published for Mers Boydell and Co. price 11. 1s. each. THE beft written defcriptions of the Trich fewery with which this coun try fo inuch abounds, will convey but a very imperfect idea of the place to the mund of the reader, if it is not accom panied with a delineation. This remark applies with treble force to the fcenery of another country, and even when there is a delineation, it should, in many cafes, (as for example, in the four prints before us) be coloured to convey a correct idea of the place to the fpectator. On the first infpection of thefe prints we thought the ky too high coloured, and too hot for nature; but, on a moment's reflection, and confidering the place reprefented was the coaft of Africa, the objection vanished. A gentleman who has feen three of the places reprefented, has fince that time affured us that they are in an eminent degree correct reprefentations. There is a great deal of tafte difplayed in the drawing of the fcenes and figures, and the prints are extremely well en graved.

Mifs Byrne fome time fince published No. I. confifting of eight finished Etch ings from various matters. Price 21s. The fecond number is at the printers, and will be published for Mellrs. Boydell and Co. in the course of a few days. The prints that we have feen are fron T. Hearne, G. Barret, S. Gilpin, &c. and executed in a style that does infinite honour to the taste and talents of the fair artift; and it afforded us a high gratification to fee a work in fo fuperior a ftyle from the burin of a female.

Besides the above, Meffrs. Boydell and Co. have announced, as very nearly ready for publication, the third number

of Liber Veritas, containing twenty fac fimile prints after Claude's drawings, in the collection of Earl Spencer, and Charles Lambert, efq. of the Temple; engraved by Earlom.

Bataillen d. 2 April 1801, paa Kiobenbauns Reed. C. A. Lorentfen pinxt. J. F. Clemens Jculp. Price 21. 25.

mens, of Copenhagen, and for Mefirs. The above is published for Mr. Cle Boydell and Co. London. A key-plate veffels that were engaged, &c. &c. is containing an ample defcription of the delivered with it. The print is very large, and the figures, which are numerous, are drawn and engraved with a fpirit that does great honour to the artifts,

Full length Portrait of Mrs. Duff. R. Cofway del. John Agar fculp. Publifhed for R. Ackerman, Strand, by whom it is dedicated to the Right Hon James Duff, Earl of Fife. Price 10s. 6d. plain; 21s. in colours.

Many of our readers will recollec Mrs. Duff being a few years fince bitten in the cheek by a favourite lap-dog, and, in confequence of it, being fome time afterwards feized with the hydrophobia, and dying in great agony. She was a Mifs Manners, and fifter to Lady Heathcote, of whom a companion print at the fame price, is in the engraver's hands. The portrait is marked with that eafy and elegant air which diftinguishes many of Mr. Cofway's productions, and is admirably well engraved.

Mr. Ackermann has alfo published & fixth number of Rudiments of Trees, of which, in addition to what we faid of the preceding numbers, that is their being admirably calculated to be useful to every one who is studying the art of drawing, by putting them in a way of marking the characteristic diftinétions in the foliage of trees, difcriminating the variety of fcenery in nature; that it is in fome refpects fuperior to any of the numbers heretofore published, and we earnestly recommend it to any one who wishes to become a proficient in delineating landfcapes. It contains, befides the introductory plate, the Yew, Virginia Poplar, Juniper, Scotch Fir, and Cyprefs.


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