Α BILL ΤΟ 10 Amend the Blasphemy Laws. E it enacted by the King's most Excellent Majesty, Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, 5 as follows: A.D. 1927. 1. After the passing of this Act no criminal pro- Abolition of ceedings shall be instituted in any court against any criminal properson for schism, heresy, blasphemy, blasphemous libel, ceedings for blasphemy. or atheism. 2. This Act may be cited as the Blasphemy Laws Short title. (Amendment) Act, 1927. Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be Printed, 10 March 1927. To be purchased directly from H.M. STATIONERY OFFICE at the following addresses: 120, George Street, Edinburgh; York Street, Manchester; 1, St. Andrew's Crescent, Cardiff; 15, Donegall Square West, Belfast; or through any Bookseller. Kingston upon Hull Provisional Order. A BILL ΤΟ Confirm certain Provisional Orders made by one A.D. 1927, of His Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State under the Public Health Act 1875 relating to Bolton and Kingston upon Hull. WHEREAS the HEREAS the Right Honourable Sir William Joynson-Hicks Baronet one of His Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State has made the Provisional Orders set out in the schedule hereunto annexed under 5 the provisions of the Public Health Act 1875: And whereas it is requisite that the said Orders should be confirmed by Parliament: Be it therefore enacted by the King's most Excellent Majesty by and with the advice and consent of the Lords 10 Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in this present Parliament assembled and by the authority of the same as follows: 38 & 39 Vict. c. 55. 1. The Orders as set out in the schedule hereunto Orders in annexed are hereby confirmed. schedule confirmed. 15 2. This Act may be cited as the Bolton and Short title. Kingston upon Hull Provisional Orders Confirmation Act 1927. A.D. 1927. Kingston upon Hull Provisional Order. SCHEDULE. Bolton 12 & 13 Geo. 5. c. xciii. BOROUGH OF BOLTON. Provisional Order for altering the Bolton Corporation Act, 1922. To the Mayor Aldermen and Burgesses of the Borough of 5 And to all others whom it may concern. 66 WHEREAS the unrepealed provisions of the Bolton Corporation And whereas by Section 199 of the Local Act provision is made for the imposition of a penalty for keeping obscene pictures 15 etc. for sale; And whereas by virtue of subsection (5) of Section 199 of the Local Act the provisions of that section will cease to be in force on the Third day of August One thousand nine hundred and twenty-seven unless they shall have been continued by Act 20 of Parliament or by Provisional Order made by the Secretary of State and confirmed by Parliament which Order the Secretary of State is thereby empowered to make in accordance with the provisions of the Public Health Act 1875 relating to Provisional Orders amending Local Acts and in the application of those 25 provisions to the purposes of that Section the Secretary of State shall be substituted for the Local Government Board or the Minister of Health: And whereas the Corporation have applied to the Secretary of State for the issue of a Provisional Order to continue in force 30 the provisions of Section 199 of the Local Act for a further period : Now therefore I the Right Honourable Sir William JoynsonHicks Baronet one of His Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State in pursuance of the powers given to me by Sections 297 and 303 35 38 & 39 Vict. of the Public Health Act 1875 and subsection (5) of Section 199 of the Local Act and of all other powers enabling me in that c. 55. 10 Kingston upon Hull Provisional Order. behalf hereby order that from and after the date of the Act of A.D. 1927. Parliament confirming this Order the following provisions shall take effect namely: Art. I. Notwithstanding anything contained in Section 199 5 of the Local Act the provisions of such Section shall continue to be in force in the Borough without further limit of time. Bolton Order. Extension of tion of Section time for opera 199 of Local Act. Art II. This Order may be cited as the Bolton Order 1927. Short title. Given under my hand this Fourth day of April One W. JOYNSON-HICKS. 15 CITY AND COUNTY OF KINGSTON UPON HULL. To the Lord Mayor Aldermen and Citizens of the City and And to all others whom it may concern. Kingston upon Hull Order. WHEREAS the unrepealed provisions of the Kingston upon Hull 7 Edw. 7. Corporation Act 1907 (hereinafter referred to as "the Local Act c. cvi. of 1907") as altered by the Kingston upon Hull Corporation 2 & 3 Geo. 5. 20 Provisional Order 1912 which was duly confirmed by the Kingston c. cli. upon Hull Corporation Act Provisional Order Confirmation 66 Act 1912 and by Section 29 of the Kingston upon Hull Corpora- 12 & 13 tion Act 1922 (hereinafter referred to as the Local Act of 1922 ") Geo. 5. are in force in the City and County of Kingston upon Hull (herein- c. lxxxvi. 25 after referred to as "the City ") and the Lord Mayor Aldermen and Citizens acting by the Council (hereinafter referred to as "the Corporation ") are the Local Authority within the City for the purposes of the Local Act of 1907; And whereas by Section 4 of the Local Act of 1907 provision 30 is made for the imposition of a penalty for keeping obscene pictures etc. for sale; And whereas by virtue of subsection (5) of Section 4 of the Local Act of 1907 and of Section 29 of the Local Act of 1922 the provisions of Section 4 of the Local Act of 1907 are limited to 35 expire on the Thirty-first day of December One thousand nine hundred and twenty-seven unless they shall have been continued by Act of Parliament or by Provisional Order made by the Secretary of State and confirmed by Parliament which Order the Secretary of State is thereby empowered to make in accordance |