N.B.-THE Figures at the beginning of the line correspond Abolition of Capital Punishment. Bill to provide for the abolition of Capital Punishment Bill to make provision with respect to certain Agencies Agricultural Holdings (Scotland) (Defence against 143. Bill to enable occupiers of agricultural holdings in Scotland VOL. I.-1927. Bill to amend the law with respect to the effect of sur- charges by district auditors, appeals from decisions of district auditors, and the recovery of sums certified to be 173. Same [as amended by Standing Committee D]. 85 175. Bill to confirm a Provisional Order under the Private 88. Bill to prohibit the use of young persons in the con- Betting Overseas (Prohibition). Bill to prohibit the making with bookmakers of bets on Bona Fide Travellers. 46. Bill to amend the law relating to the sale and supply of intoxicating liquors to bona fide travellers. p. 161 Candidates (Local Government) Election Deposit. 137. Bill to require candidates at local government elections to deposit a sum of money to be forfeited under certain conditions. 165 Cardiff Corporation Tramways Provisional Order. 128. Bill to confirm a Provisional Order made by the Minister of Transport under the Tramways Act, 1870, relating to Cardiff Corporation Tramways. Cinematograph Films. 169 80. Bill to restrict blind booking and advance booking of cinematograph films and to secure the renting and exhibition of a. certain proportion of British films, and for purposes connected therewith. 183 182. Same [as amended by Standing Committee C.] 213. Lords Amendments. 205 227 Clubs. 114. Bil! to amend the Law relating to the sale and supply of intoxicating liquors in clubs; and for purposes in connection therewith. 233 24. Coal Mines. Bill to repeal Coal Mines Act, 1926, and for purposes connected therewith. 239 Coal Mines (No. 2). 91. Bill to prohibit the employment of young persons at night below ground in coal mines; and for other purposes connected therewith. Coal Mines (Abolition of Wheelless Tubs). 241 86. Bill to provide for the abolition of wheelless tubs in coal mines. Coal (Selling Price Agreements). 243 59. Bill to render illegal certain agreements as to the selling price of coal. 245 |