Abbildungen der Seite
[subsumed][merged small][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][merged small][ocr errors][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][merged small][merged small][merged small]

im port'ed

ex port'ed trans port'


re port'er port'al

port fo'li o

port'a ble




to carry, to bear. Fol'i um a leaf.

Articles of commerce imported are called im'ports; those exported, ex'ports. A vessel used to transport' soldiers is called a trans'port. "Thick with sparkling Orient gems The portal shone."- Milton.

A portfolio is a portable case for holding loose papers, drawings, etc.

The porter will carry the luggage for the passengers.

[blocks in formation]

as sem'ble

as sem'bled spec ta'tor

the'a ter re'cent ly ap plause' lunch'eon ca fé' cap'i tol state'ly met'tle


The assembled spectators were much pleased with the play given recently at

the theater.


Applause from old friends and neighbors is the most grateful that ever reaches human ears."

I took luncheon at the café.

"There the capitol thou seest


Above the rest lifting its stately head."

- Milton.

"The rascal hath good mettle in him.”

[blocks in formation]

"Work wields the weapons of power, wins the palm of success, and wears the crown of victory."


cor'puscle con vey' con veyed' cir'cu late worn'out'

ox'y gen tis'sue ve'nous

re new'al

ar te'ri al cir'cuit


The bright red corpuscles of the blood when leaving the lungs are rich with oxygen. This is conveyed to all parts of the body as the blood circulates. Thus the wornout tissues are repaired. Upon losing the oxygen, the corpuscles become dark red. The venous blood returns to the lungs for a renewal of oxygen, and, as arterial blood, issues again from the lungs and heart for circuit of the body.

[blocks in formation]

"Truth may bend, but it will never break. Truth will ever rise above falsehood, like oil above water."

- Cervantes.

en a'ble

ex ert' vig'or tem'per ance man'i fest

an nounce'

in ter rupt' knell

de cease'


"Temperance gives Nature her full play, and enables her to exert herself in all force and vigor."— Addison.

"The most manifest sign of wisdom is continued cheerfulness." Montaigne. "The bells that announce our birth would seem to be interrupted by the toll of the knell that announces our death."

[blocks in formation]

"To keep on patiently in the right direction is sometimes tiresome, but think how much it means to be right."

"In great souls, despair awakens energy.”



Te ne're [ten'tus] (tain) = to hold, to keep.
Cycl (Greek, kuklos) = circle.

Cor, cor' disa heart.

re tain'
ob tain'a ble
re ten'tive

ab stain'

sus tain'

de tain'




tri'cy cle cy'clone

"You may take my house when you take the prop that sustains the house." Sickness detains the boy from school. "A discord itself is but a harshness of divers sounds meeting."— Bacon. "Nor shall glory be forgot,


Where fame her record keeps.' The guests received a cordial welcome and were royally entertained. "When cyclones cease to sweep, the earth will be a dead earth."

su pe'ri or ar'gu ment sub mit'


mod'es ty


drudg'er y

com plain'

cat'a ract

Ni ag'a ra


"Strive not with your superiors in argument, but always submit your judgment to others with modesty." -Washington.

"We wear out our teeth in the hard drudgery of the outset, and when we do get bread, we complain that the crust is hard." Scott.

[ocr errors]

The falls of Niagara form the greatest cataract in the world.

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