Abbildungen der Seite
[blocks in formation]

Leg'e re [lec'tus] = to choose, to gather.
Clud'e re [clu'sus] = to shut, to close.

se lec'tion

e lec'tion

col lec'tion

in'tel lect pre clude'

ex clude'

con clude' ex clu'sive

con clu'sion

At every election, the loyal and public-spirited citizen will exercise his right to vote.

On Sunday afternoon, the city pours forth its legions to breathe fresh air.

"Character is higher than intellect." His conduct was such as to preclude an entrance into good society.

"It is not the nature of true greatness to be exclusive."


[blocks in formation]

a blush'

a glow' viv'id









"The Orchard rows are all ablush,
The meadows are aglow;

On every bush a vivid flush,

A drift of petaled snow;

The clustered bloom with faint perfume,

Wreathes many a garland fine,

And many a rosy, nodding plume
In apple-blossom time.”

"Be swift to hear, but cautious of

tongue." Watts.

[blocks in formation]

ef fect'ive
be speak'

ca pac'i ty
gran'a ry
pre'mi um
a ward'ed

be hav'ior

be tray'


"Kindness is a noble and effective weapon, for it strikes the heart."

"A loud voice bespeaks the vulgar man."

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"It was the lark, the herald of the morn."-Shakespeare.

The capacity of the granary is two thousand bushels.

The premium was awarded to the pupil for good behavior.

"Nature never did betray the heart that loved her."- Wordsworth.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[blocks in formation]
[ocr errors]

Cred'e re [cred'i tus] = to believe. Lo'cus a place. Fors [for'tis] brave, strong.


cred'it or

cred'i ble

in cred'i ble

dis'lo cate lo'cal

lo cal'i ty

lo ca'tion'

for'ti fy

ef'fort less

com'fort er


"Live truly, and thy life shall be a great and noble creed." - Bonar. "Creditors have better memories than debtors."- Franklin.

That statement is incredible.

When performing on the trapeze, the athlete dislocated his arm.

The paper contained much news of local interest.

"The comforter whom we need is not the one who will merely say kind things, but the one who will do them."

[blocks in formation]


ju'ror tri'al

con tend'ing

ac cord'

ev'i dence wit'ness

suc cess'ful re sist'ance

temp ta'tion


In a court of law, a jury consists of a body of sworn jurors, usually twelve in number, whose duty it is to sit in judgment at the trial of any question in dispute between the contending parties and to render a verdict in accord with the evidence given by the witnesses examined.

"Every successful resistance to temptation is a victory.'

[blocks in formation]

foun da'tion

hon'es ty


sen'si ble

af front'

au thor'i ty scep'ter

mas'ter y


her'o ism

"Honesty of action is the foundation of the finest manners."

"A moral, sensible, well-bred man Will not affront me, no other can.' Cowper.

"Virtue must tip the preacher's tongue and the ruler's scepter with authority."

"Self-mastery is the essence of heroism." -Emerson.

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