Internationales Wörterbuch der Metrologie: Grundlegende und allgemeine Begriffe und zugeordnete Benennungen (VIM) Deutsch-englische Fassung ISO/IEC-Leitfaden 99:2007

Beuth Verlag GmbH, 07.08.2012 - 76 Seiten
This standard reference work - known throughout the world as the "VIM" - is not only essential for those involved with metrology, but also for anyone who carries out measurements or statistical analyses in any sector. Being the only one of its kind, this bilingual edition is of special interest because it gives all terms and full definitions in both German and English. This is the fourth, expanded edition of the VIM, which is otherwise only available in English or French. Basic terms relating to quantities and units, measurement in general, measuring devices and measurement standards are defined, with numerous examples.

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