Abbildungen der Seite
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we spent them not in, 166.
Track the steps of glory, 482.
Trade, two of a, 611.
Trade's proud empire, 319.
Tragedy, gorgeous, 203.
Trail of the serpent, 452.
Trailing clouds of glory, 421.
Train, a melancholy, 343-
of night, 185.

Train, starry, 183.
up a child, 555-

Traitors, fears do make us, 96.

our doubts are, 22.

Trammel up the consequence, 90.
Trample on my days, 211.
Transfigures its golden hair, 539.
Transforms old print, 362.
Transgressors, way of, is hard,

[blocks in formation]

Treasure is, where your, 566.
miser's, 196.

of his eyesight, 76.
Treasures hath he not always,

up a wrong, 485.

three, love light and calm
thoughts, 435

Treatise, rouse at a dismal, 98.
Treble, childish, 41.
Tree, die like that, 247.

falleth, where the, 559.
fruit of that forbidden, 170.
is inclined, as the twig is bent
the, 276.

is known by his fruit, 567.
like a green bay, 547.
my hollow, 288.

of deepest root is found, 379.
of liberty, 394.

of Life, 181.

woodman spare that, 512.

Trees, Arabian, drop tears as fast
as, 131.

blossoms in the, 271.

bosom'd high in tufted, 201.
tongues in, 39.

venerable, 412.

Tremble like a guilty thing, 422.
thou wretch, 120.

when I wake, 361.
Tremblers, boding, 346.
Trembles too, turning, 372.
Trembling hope repose, in, 335.

limbs have borne him, 372.
Trenchant blade, 213.
Trencherman, valiant, 26.
Tresses like the morn, 198.
Trial by juries, 377;

Tribe, the badge of all our, 36.
richer than all his, 131.
were God Almighty's gentle-
men, 264.

Tribes that slumber, 513.
Tribute, nature under, 396.
not one cent for, 393.
of a sigh, 334.

of a smile, 444-
Trick worth two of that, 55.
Tricks, fantastic, 23.

in simple faith, 86.
Tride, thou that hast not, 12.
without consent, 146.
Tried each art, 345.

she is to blame who has been,

[blocks in formation]
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with thick-coming fancies, 98.
Troubles, against a sea of, 110.
of the brain, 98.
Troublesome disguises, 183.
insects of the hour, 354
Trowel, laid on with a, 39.
Troy divine, tale of, 203.

fired another, 221.

half his, was burned, 60.
heard, doubted, 489.
in ashes, 236.
Truant, aged ears play, 30.
husband should return, 486.
True Amphitryon, 230.

and honourable wife, 84.
as steel, 33, 79.

as the dial, 218.

as the needle to the pole,


battled for the, 523.

blue, Presbyterian, 213.
dare to be, 155.
ease in writing, 282.
easy to be, 234.
friendship's laws, 299.
hearts lie withered, 455.
hope is swift, 70.

[blocks in formation]


thing became a, 410.
Trumpet-tongued, 90.
Truncheon, the marshal's, 23.
Trundle-tail, tike or, 121.
Trust in all things high, 521.

in critics, before you, 466.
in princes, put not your, 551.
no future, 530.

soothed by an unfaltering, 513.
that somehow good will be,

Trusted, let no such man be, 38.
to thy billows, 476.
Trusts to one poor hole, 297.
Truth and daylight meet, 208.
and shame the devil, 57.
and soberness, 572.
beauty is, 499.
countenance of, 206,
crushed to earth, 514.
denies all eloquence, 480.
doubt, to be a liar, 108.
friend to, 279.
from his lips, 345.
from pole to pole 253.
great is, and mighty, 566.
has such a face, 225.
heirs of, 419.

his utmost skill, 141.
impossible to be soiled, 206.
in every shepherd's tongue,

[blocks in formation]

Truth miscall'd simplicity, 135.

mournful, 318.
ocean of, 237.

of a song, 242.
of truths is love, 516.
on the scaffold, 539.
put to the worse, 208.
ridicule the test of, 596.
severe, 331.

shall be thy warrant, 597.
shall make you free, 571.
sole judge of, 272.
speech is, 446.
stooped to, 287.
stranger than fiction, 491.
the poet sings, 519.
time will teach, 531.
vantage-ground of, 136.
well known to most, 370.
whispering tongues can poi-

son, 431.

who having unto, 17.
with gold, 291.

Truths that wake, 422.

to be self-evident, 376.
who feel great, 516.

Try men's souls, 375.

Tub stand upon its own bottom,


to the whale, 246.

Tufted crow-toe, 200.
Tug of war, 237.
Tully's curule chair, 337-

Tumbling down the turbid stream,

Tumult of the soul, 407.

Tune, bells jangled out of, 112.
Tuneful tongue, 296.
Turbans, white silken, 192.
Turf, bless the, 339.

dappled, 403.
green be the, 528.
green grassy, 359.
of fresh earth, 210.

that wraps their clay, 339.

Peter, 44.

Turk, base Phrygian, 20.

bear like the, 286.

out-paramoured the, 121.

Turn and fight another day, 586.

out a sang, 387.

over a new leaf, 611.

the smallest worm will, 67.
Turning trembles too, 372.
Turnips, man who, cries, 322.
Turns at the touch of joy, 372.
Turrets of the land, 535.

Turtle, voice of the, is heard, 561.
love of the, 478.
Twain at once, 360.

[blocks in formation]

Uncertain coy, 447.

glory of an April day, 19.
Uncertainty, glorious, 304.
Uncle me no uncle, 613.
Unclean lips, 562.
Unconquerable mind, 329, 412.
will, 170.
Unconquered steam, 371.

will, star of the, 531.
Unconsidered trifles, 48.
Unction, flattering, 116.
Under the canopy, 75.
the gallows-tree, 147.
the hawthorn, 201.
the open sky, 513.
the Rialto, 484.
the shady roof, 200.
the tropic, 168.

which King Bezonian, 62.

Underlings, we are, 82.

Underneath this sable hearse, 145.

this stone, 144.

Understanding, get, 552.

Union, music of the, 508.

must be preserved, 397-
of hearts union of hands, 512.
of lakes union of lands, 512.
of states none can sever, 512.
once glorious, 462.
strong and great, 533.
with its native sea, 424.
United we stand, 512.

yet divided, 360.

Uniting we stand, 374.

Unity, to dwell together in, 551.
Universal darkness, 293.

world, in the, 65.

Universe, born for the, 347.
Unjust peace, 316.

to nature, 262.

Unknell'd uncoffin'd, 476.

Unknowing what he sought, 224.
Unknown and like esteemed, 197.
and silent shore, 429.

argues yourselves, 184.
she lived, 402.

thus let me live, 295.

too early seen, 77.

Unlamented let me die, 295.

Undescribable, describe the, 474. Unlearned, amaze the, 281.

give it an, 103.

more sweet, 29.

to direct, 358.

Undevout astronomer, 266.

Undiscovered country, 111.

Undisputed thing, 536.

Unless above himself, 142.

Unlettered soul, 29.

Unlike my subject, 306.

Unlineal hand, 94.

Undivulged crimes, 120.
Undone widow, 146.
Undress best dress, 310.
her gentle limbs, 431.
Uneasy lies the head, 61.

light, remnant of, 412.
Unexpressive she, 42.
Unfaltering trust, 513.

Unfathomed caves of ocean, 333.
Unfeather'd two-legg'd thing, 222.
Unfed sides, 120.
Unfeeling for his own, 328.
Unfit for all things, 347-
Unforgiving eye, 383.
Unfortunate Miss Bailey, 392.

one more, 506.
Unfurled her standard, 496.
Ungalled play, the hart, 114.
Unhabitable downs, 245.
Unhand me gentlemen, 105.
Unhappy folks on shore, 428.

none but the great, 257.
none think the great, 267.
Unheeded flew the hours, 438.
Unhonour'd and unsung, 446.
Unhousel'd disappointed, 107.
Unintelligible world, 406.
Union and liberty, 462.

flag of our, 512.
here of hearts, 437.

Unlooked for, she comes, 294.

Unmusical to the Volscians' ears,
Unnumbered woes, 298.


Unpaid-for silk, rustling in, 133.
Unperceived decay, 317.
Unpitied sacrifice, 351.
Unpleasant body, moist, $38.
Unpleasing sharps, 80.
Unpremeditated verse, 188.
Unprofitable, flat and. 101.
Unreal mockery hence, 95.
Unreflected light, 515.
Unrelenting foe to love, 311.
Unremembered acts, 406.
Unrespited, unpitied, 175.
Unreturning brave, 471.

Unrighteous man his thoughts, 563.
Unripened beauties of the north,


Unseen, born to blush, 333.
walk the earth, 183.
Unskilful laugh, make the, 112.
Unsought be won, 188.

is better, given, 47.
Unspoken, what to leave, 137.
Unstable as water, 541.
Unsunned heaps, 196.

Untaught knaves, 55.

Unthinking time, 226.

Unto dying eyes, 521.
the pure all things are pure, 576.
Untrodden ways, 402.
Untwisting all the chains, 202.
Unused to the melting mood, 131.
Unutterable things, 309.
Unvarnished tale, 123.
Unveiled her peerless light, 182.
Unwashed artificer, 51.
Unwept unhonour'd, 446.
Unwhipped of justice, 120.
Unwilling ploughshare, 416.
Unwillingly convinced me, 322.
Up and quit your books, 417.
in my bed now, 508.

my friend and clear your
looks, 417.
rose Emilie, 3.

rose the sonne, 3.
Upon this hint I spake, 125.
Upturned faces, sea of, 450, 464.
Urania, govern thou my song, 186.
Urn, can storied, 333.

from its mysterious, 501.
loud-hissing, 363.

mouldering, 359.

of poverty, 501.

Vales, pyramids in, 265.
Valet, hero to his, 595.
Valiant and cunning in fence, 48.
taste death but once, 84.
thou little, 50.
trencher-man, 26.

Valley of decision, 565.
So sweet, 454.
Vallombrosa, brooks in, 171.
Valour, for contemplation he and,
form'd, 181.

is certainly going, 382.
is oozing out, 382.
the better part of, 59.
Value, we rack the, 27.
Vanished hand, touch of a, 520.
Vanities of earth, 414.
Vanity, all is, 557.

and lies, 557.

and vexation of spirit, 558.
Fair, name of, 231.

of this wicked world, 579.
of vanities, 557-
Vanquished, e'en though, 346.
Vantage, best have took, 23.
coigne of, 90.

Vantage-ground of truth, 136.

pictured, scatters from her, Vapour sometime like a bear, 132

[blocks in formation]


Used similitudes, 565.
Useless to excel, 324.
Uses of adversity, 39.

of this world, 101.
to what base, 118.
Utica, no pent-up, 443.
Utterance of the early gods, 498.
Uttered or unexpressed, 438.
Uttermost parts of the sea, 551.

Vacant interlunar cave, 193.
mind, laugh that spoke the,
Vain as the leaf, 449.

is the help of man, 548.
loved in, 466.
pomp and glory, 72.
to be a belle, 324

was the sage's pride, 290.
wisdom all, 176.

Vale, meanest floweret of the, 335.
in whose bosom, 454.
of life, sequestered, 334.
of pain, pleasures in the, 450.
of years, declined into the, 128.

Vapours, congregation of, 109.
Variable as the shade, 447-
Varied God, are but the, 310.
Variety is the spice of life, 362.
order in, 294-

stale her infinite, 131.
Various are the tastes, 337.
his employments, 362.

man so, 223.

Varying verse, 289.

Vase, you may shatter the, 455.
Vast, antres, and deserts idle, 124.
Vault, deep damp, 264.

fretted, 332.

mere lees is left this, 93.
Vaulting ambition, 91.
Vaward of our youth, 60.
Vehemence of youth, 448.
Veil the matchless boast, 309.
Vein, Cambyses', 56.

I am not in the, 70.
Venerable trees, 412.
Veneration, have much, 136.
Venice, I stood in, 473.

sate in state, 473.

Venom, bubbling, 468.
Ventricle of memory, 30.
Vents in mangled forms, 40.
Venus sets ere Mercury can rise,

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