FROM COMMISSIONERS, INSPECTORS, AND OTHERS: SIX VOLUMES. (1.) AGRICULTURE (SCOTLAND); AIR; ARBITRATION; Session 8 February 1927-22 December 1927. VOL. VII. REPORTS FROM COMMISSIONERS, 1927. SIX VOLUMES-CONTENTS OF THE N.B. THE Figures at the beginning of the line correspond with the No. at the foot of each Report; and the Figures at the end of the line refer to the Paging of the Volumes arranged for the House of Commons. AGRICULTURE (SCOTLAND) : [Cmd. 2854.] Fifteenth Report of the Board of Agriculture for Scotland, for the year 1926. AIR: p. 1 [Cmd. 2844.] Report on the Progress of Civil Aviation, 1926. 93 ARBITRATION: [Cind. 2817.] Report of Committee on The Law of Arbitration. ASSURANCE COMPANIES : [Cmd. 2820.] Report of the Departmental 157 Committee appointed to inquire and Report what Amendments are desirable in the Assurance Companies Act, 1909. BUILDING: [Cmd. 2787.] Chairman's Report of the Inter-Departmental Committee appointed to survey the prices of building materials for the period up to November, 1926. 305 [Cmd. 2821.] Similar Report for the period up to February, 1927. 323 [Cmd. 2879.] Similar Report for the period up to May, 1927. 341 [Cmd. 3001.] Similar Report for the period up to November, 1927. 359 CHARITIES: Charity Commission : [Cmd. 2843.] Seventy-fourth Report of the Charity Commissioners for England and Wales, 1926. Supervision of Charities: p. 377 ✓ [Cmd. 2823.] Report of the Home Office Departmental Committee on the Supervision of Charities. CHURCH ESTATES: 401 [Cmd. 2830.] Seventy-sixth Report from the Church Estates Commissioners, for the year preceding 1st March, 1927. 449 CHURCH OF ENGLAND ASSEMBLY 93. Indian Church Measure, 1927, passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England. 455 94. Twenty-seventh Report by the Ecclesiastical Committee, being a Report on the Indian Church Measure, 1927. 463 95. Clergy Pensions (Amendment) Measure, 1927, passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England. 467 96. Twenty-eighth Report by the Ecclesiastical Committee, being a Report on the Clergy Pensions (Amendment) Measure, 1927. 97. 471 New Dioceses (Transitional Provisions) Measure, 1927, passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England. 475 98. Twenty-ninth Report by the Ecclesiastical Committee. being a Report on the New Dioceses (Transitional Provisions) Measure, 1927. 479 117. Prayer Book Measure, 1927, passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England. 483 118. Thirtieth Report by the Ecclesiastical Committee, being a Report on the Prayer Book Measure, 1927. CHURCH TEMPORALITIES (WALES): 493 [Cmd. 2875.] Twelfth Report of the Commissioners of Church Temporalities in Wales, for the year 1926. 549 COLONIES: Africa: [Cmd. 2893.] Report for 1926 on the Importation of Spirituous Beverages into certain territories under British Control in Africa and Import Duties levied thereon. Agricultural Research: p. 559 [Cmd. 2825.] Report of a Committee appointed to inquire into Agricultural Research and Administration in the Non-Self-Governing Dependencies. British Guiana : 563 [Cmd. 2841.] Report of the British Guiana Commission. 665 [Cmd. 2985.] Report of the British Guiana Constitution Commission. Colonial Office Conference : 735 [Cmd. 2883.] Summary of Proceedings of the Colonial Office Conference, 1927. 751 [Cmd. 2884.] Appendices to the Summary of Proceedings. 825 |