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Where I a prisoner chained, scarce freely draw
The air imprisoned also, close and damp,
Unwholesome draught; but here I feel amends,
The breath of Heaven blowing pure and sweet
With dayspring born; here leave me to respire.
This day a solemn feast the people hold
To Dagon, their sea idol, and forbid
Laborious works; unwillingly this rest
Their superstitions yield me; hence with leave
Retiring from the popular noise, I seek
This unfrequented place, to find some ease,-
Ease to the body some, none to the mind,
From restless thoughts that like a deadly swarm
Of hornets armed, no sooner found alone
But rush upon me thronging, and present
Times past, what once I was, and what am now."



1. What is the major third to La (A)? The perfect fourth to Fa (F)? The perfect fourth to Si (B)?

2. Write the major scales of Fa (F), Sol (G), La (A), and Si b (Bb), placing the sharps or flats before each individual note requiring


3. Explain the difference between common and triple time, giving examples of each.

4. Explain the difference between simple and compound time, giving examples of each species.


1. What major and minor scales are indicated by the following signatures?

[blocks in formation]

2. Write the ascending and descending minor scales of Sol (G), La (A), Si (B), and Do (C), placing the signature at the beginning of each.

3. In what scale or key is the following passage?

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]


1. Put time signatures to the following bars :

[blocks in formation]

2. In what scale or scales is the following passage?

[graphic][subsumed][ocr errors]

3. Correct the following examples, without altering the number of parts, and state in what respect each is faulty.

[blocks in formation]

1. Explain why La # (A #), which is a semitone above La (A), and

identical with Sib (Bb), cannot be the fourth sound of the scale of

Fa (F).

2. Put the following into score for treble, alto, tenor, and bass, each part on its proper stave.

[merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

4. Add one or more parts above or below the following subject, in simple, or any other kind of counterpoint.


1. What language was spoken by the ancient Britons? By what people is the same or a similar language still spoken?

2. What traces of the old British are to be found in our language? 3. What language was spoken by the Saxon invaders? What people now use similar language?

4. Name the chief writers of the Anglo-Saxon period, and give some account of their works.


1. What language was spoken by the Norman invaders? Until what time was it the language of the nobility?

2. Who were the earliest writers of English?

3. Give some account of Chaucer.


1. When was printing introduced and by whom? State briefly the effect of this invention.

2. Name the poets of the Elizabethan period and their principal works.

3. Give some account of the principal historians of our country. 4. What female writers have obtained celebrity in England? Give some account of the life and writings of any one whom you may select.


1. Make out a list of the principal prefixes derived from Latin. 2. Give the etymology of these words, compose, inscribe, invade, desist, church, neighbour, creed, heptarchy, domestic.

3. What kinds of words are derived from the Greek? Give in


4. Name the principal figures of speech, and give examples of each.



Prepare a time-table for a school of eighty children, with two pupilteachers and one mistress. Let all the subjects be distinctly specified, and add notes if necessary to explain the sub-division.


Explain the method of imparting religious instruction to each subdivision of your school.


State clearly the system which you would adopt for teaching, 1st, the elements of reading; 2nd, good and fluent reading; 3rd, spelling; 4th, penmanship; 5th, geography; 6th, grammar, and 7th, arithmetic.


Write an essay upon either of the following subjects:

1. On the mode of treating idle, stubborn, negligent, or vicious children; also those of good character, but deficient in energy.

2. On the behaviour of a schoolmistress with reference to the schoolmanagers and the parents of her pupils: on the difficulties of her profession-her encouragements and rewards.

3. On the motives which should induce a young woman to adopt the profession of a schoolmistress; the influence of religion on her professional character; and the course of reading she should pursue.



1. PHYSICAL Geography is not a science of memory, any more than Political Geography.

2. There are certain primitive facts, by no means numerous, which have determined the state of rivers, the position of towns, the boundaries of empires, their population, &c.

3. These facts, by no means numerous, which have determined the state of rivers and lands, the position of towns, the boundaries of pro

This paper has been adapted, more or less, from the work entitled, "Causes Primordiales," by Professor Gaubert. Some of the statements must be taken with much caution and reservation. Others will suggest materials for valuable reflection.

vinces, their population, &c., produce a vast number of results, and direct the whole history of the human race; they are laws to which countries and men are alike subjected-primordial laws.

4. The mountains being well indicated upon a map, we can trace the course of water and the outline of the sea-shore.

5. Reciprocally, the course of water being traced, we can trace the chains of mountains.

6. Given, upon a map, the course and the height of mountains, and knowing the relative position of the sun and the earth, we can trace the course, and determine more or less the position of the sheets * of water, mark the spots from whence they have their source; find the state of the soil, its fecundity, the nature of its productions; discover the population of the countries; we can place on it the towns, and determine their population and their history.

If we do not solve this problem as yet, for all localities, without exception, it is because the levels are not known in all localities.

Our ignorance of topographical details will cause us sometimes to place a town upon the map at a trifling distance from the spot where it really is. The approximation is proportioned to the exact knowledge of the spot.

7. Geographical laws, when they are at variance, mutually concede something.

8. Geographical laws sometimes serve to correct geographical maps. They give us an idea of unknown objects by objects already examined; they will afford us many useful means of verification.


9. The spirit of research, restlessness, the hope or the certainty of subsistence often direct people, cause differences amongst diverse nations, and determine in part their history.

10. Water is one of the great necessities of human life. It nourishes man, it enters into the composition of his organs, and contributes to their support.

It nourishes animals and plants, which have much influence on the lot of mankind.

It is an important dissolvent in animal life.

The sheets which it forms serve for routes for travellers.

It determines, in a great measure, the state of the atmosphere, so important to the well-being of the mass of mankind.

11. In climates where rain is rare, the springs, the brooks, and the rivers are deified by men. Ablutions are their religious acts.

12. In studying the wants of man, we become acquainted with his manners and many of his opinions.

13. Caloric greatly influences the history of a country. It acts upon all the elements of life; by its greater or less abundance, it contributes to decide the lot and the individual character of nations. 14. In the east the sun is deified, as water is in other spots; as,

* Nappes d'Eau.

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