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"Weel" said the Baillie, "ye may just tak off the discount and I'll settle

wi' ve at once."

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The discount was subtracted and the receipt written, when, instead of handing over the cash, the Baillie very coolly told the exasperated traveller, that he "might draw a bill upon him at twa months."

But, said the latter, I have allowed you discount for cash and not for a bill and you must excuse my taking such a mode of payment.

"Oh! weil" said the imperturbable Baillie, "if ye dinna like to settle the account, ye can just let it stand over till next journey, or may be ye'll draw the bill at sax months instead of twa, and we'll say nothing about the discount."

Finding that remonstrance was of no avail, the traveller reluctantly drew the required bill at two months which the Baillie signed, and handed back, and the traveller took his leave; but just as he was quitting the shop the Baillie called him back, and assuming a tone of confidential sympathy, observed, that "he wadna trouble his gude friend to carry the bit paper to the bank, maybe he wadna object to gie him (the Baillie) the trifle of commission he wad hae had to pay at the bank for cashing it, an he'd een gie him the siller himsel."

The traveller could not help laughing at this shrewd trick for obtaining the extra discount, and he therefore allowed Baillie Angus to cash his own bill for a trifling consideration as he modestly expressed it.



said his father, yon chiel was a great feelosopher, nae dout, but he could na solve one problem that auld Baillie Angus has speered thro' lang ago-he said he could move the world gin he could find a fulcrum for his lever; but he couldna find it Geordie, he couldna find it-Hoot lad, he never thought o' the siller-gie a man money, and he'll move the world in the blink o' an ee."

To do the Baillie justice, however, though he pursued business with such eager and absorbing interest, and held every other acquirement cheap compared with the art of making a good bargain, yet he was neither miserly nor uncharitable. He could higgle stoutly over a halfpenny, when he made his weekly purchases at the market, but when winter came, and work was scarce, many a poor body found her meal chest replenished from the Baillie's bounty, and none could speak a word of kindlier sympathy to the lone mourner in the hour of her bereavement and deep sorrow. As his son grew up the same qualities were largely developed in his character; with intense and unwearied devotion to business he combined a frank, hearty, and good nature, that preserved to him the respect and goodwill even of those who complained most. of his tight dealing.

Such was the man who through many gradations, had at length worked himself to the head of one of the largest outfitting and ready made clothing establishments in the city of London. The extent of business transacted by the firm, and the profitable nature of the trade were mainly owing to the energy and close calculations of Mr. Trained under such influences, it was Angus. "To buy in the cheapest not surprising that George Angus should market and sell in the dearest" had early have learned to regard the acqui- been his ruling maxim, nor had any sition of money as the object of para- misgivings ever crossed his mind as to mount interest and importance. His the right he possessed to use the power father's comment on his studies and afforded by his rapidly accumulating amusements at school, generally com- capital for his own advantage, in whatprising some practical reference to the ever channel it might be employed. main chance. Thus when little George He bought the stock of a broken-down came home one day full of excitement bankrupt, and the labour of a broken about the story he had been reading of spirited family on the same principle; Archemides rushing from his bath to they were offered cheap, and he had announce the discovery of the king's never thought it necessary to look beproblem, for the detection of the gold-yond the amount of discount involved smith's fraud, "Aye, aye, Geordie," in the transaction. Thus he had scores of

workpeople, whose necessities drove them to his warehouse, and he seemed to think that the certainty of his work and of his pay justified him in adopting a scale of prices, governed solely by the alternative, which he knew to exist of employment on his own terms, or the humiliating and precarious resource of the parish. This he called availing himself of the state of the labour market, nor had he ever thought it necessary to enquire whether the wages which he paid procured either comforts or necessities for those who toiled for him. They came to him for work and knew his prices-they were free either to accept or reject it; and as long as he was erowded with applicants on his own terms, he had been too pleasantly occupied in counting his own profits, to calculate for a moment on their possible privation and suffering.


THERE is no subject which occupies the public mind to a greater extent than Life Assurance, and certainly no subject promises so fairly to become one of great and permanent interest to communities growing hourly in enlightenment and comprehensive policy. Science has been brought to calculate its chances. Experience, with its gray sobriety, tests the truth of all its principles; and the wisdom of a maturer age fosters and encourages its practice and extension. Indeed, he must be but a tyro in the great school of Political Economy who failed to recognize the power of Life Assurance as an auxiliary in the consideration of order, and as one of the stoutest bulwarks against attacks upon the constitutional fabric. No journal or periodical can pretend to advocate the "Commonwealth" who fails to perceive, or is slow to appreciate, the manifold advantages incidental to a proper comprehension and extensive practice of the principles of Life Assu rance. Impressed with these views, it is our intention to exhibit from time to time the most prominent and attractive features of the system. It may seem strange to persons who have for years

perhaps heard the subject mentioned in their own circles, to find that Life Assurance is comparatively still in its early infancy; that out of 16,000,000 of persons, little more than a quarter of a million have, up to the present time, availed themselves of its benefits; and of these more than one-third are policies effected for business purposes, and not from provident motives. But, as we said before, a new impetus seems to have been given to the practice of Assurance, now the middle and industrious classes begin to comprehend the calculations and to appreciate the advantages, whilst hitherto few but the higher classes understood the system, and adapted it to suit their views and wants.

Independently of the great and primary motive of Assurance, arising as it does from the best, the purest, and the holiest of human affections,-independently of the habits of forethought and prudence which it is sought by the principle to inculcate--the practice of Life Assurance is becoming one of great commercial moment. There are few mercantile transactions of an extensive character that do not require and call to their aid the practice of Assurance. Partnership, marriage-settlements, bankruptcies, loans extended, credits, mortgages, reversions, renewal of leases determinable on lives, and various others too numerous to mention, are daily effected by such means and we are confidently of opinion that but little time will elapse before Life Assurance, whether regarded with a view to commercial or prudent objects, will be far more extensively adopted to the various wants of every-day life than it has ever yet been; and that all those lesser combinations, such as benefit clubs and others, slips as they are of the parent stock, which now call so loudly for revision, will emerge into and become part of the more solid, respectable, and better regulated Life Assurance Institutions. Our first care will be, however, to glance at the beneficial effects of Life Assurance, properly so called, as it affects the masses of mankind, and materially enhances the prospect of happiness to the human family.




(Concluded from page 54.)

Is it not a fact, that an immense number of children who attend our public schools, even for several years, go away unable to read with any degree of freedom? And is it not equally true that to acquire the arts of reading and writing (which, after all, are no part of education, properly so called, but only instruments wherewith to obtain it) is a labour of many years? The reason of this is that our time-honoured alphabet of twenty-six letters is miserably defective (though it seems almost sacrilege to meddle with it), and words are spelt in a manner almost to defy the skill of youth in discovering their proper pronunciation. Nothing is clearer than the fact that the sound of a word ought to be gathered from its spelling; the avowed object of alphabetic writing, when it superseded the hieroglyphic method, was to represent the sounds of words by written characters. But did you ever, reader, hear a child spell the word l-o-v-e, and then ask why move should not be pronounced in the same way, and not moove; and afterwards, perhaps, inquire, in a state of innocent perplexity, whether r-o-v-e should be Sounded ruv or roove? The various sounds of the o in these words love, move, rove, (and these are not half the sounds represented by this letter, witness, word, woman, women, on,) furnish a tolerable illustration of the difficulty of learning to read. Each of the vowels in our alphabet represent several different sounds, varying from five to eight or nine in number; and wherever any vowel occurs the child has to remember its particular sound in that particular place-not being allowed to reason by analogy, and pronounce it as sounded in other cases. There is not a single letter in the alphabet, vowel or consonant, invariably used to represent the same sound wherever it occurs, and the pronunciation, therefore, of almost every word must, as we have said, be studied and remembered individually. A person who had learned to call eight "ait," would naturally call height hait" (as is the case with many persons in Yorkshire and other counties);

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and if told it was "hight" (like the adjective 'high"), would wonder, with regard to weight, whether it was "wait," or "wight!" Thousands upon thousands of these anomalies are to be found in the English language; and it is solely owing to the existence of such contradictions and perplexities that the infantine mind is so puzzled and bewildered. The first step which a child takes in learning should be smooth and easy, so that it may be gradually prepared for the more difficult studies to be subsequently encountered; whereas it is rugged and difficult-in many cases disheartening. We have heard of instances of adults who have spent hour upon hour, week upon week, month upon month, in endeavouring to master the art of reading, and were compelled at last to give it up in despair, although they brought the most willing minds to the task; and we have heard of such, too, who, on betaking themselves to the new system, have been as delighted as they were before disgusted, and have found reading as easy as they before found it perplexing.

The plan of the new method, or phonotypy, is to spell every word according to its sound. This is done by providing a symbol for every sound in the language, each symbol representing but one sound, each sound being represented by but one symbol. Thus, learning to read is only learning the letters; and as each letter has its distinct sound wherever it occurs, there can be no difficulty in pronouncing the longest combination, or the most awkwardly sounding word. The phonotypic letters are about forty in number; nearly all the ordinary Roman letters have been used for the sounds they most frequently represent in the " old system (as the spelling reformers sometimes prospectively call it), and new letters have been introduced for the additional sounds.


person acquainted with the present or Romanic system might learn to read by the new method in five or ten minutes; and a few weeks' study by a person totally unacquainted with reading, would, in most cases, be sufficient to enable him to read as well as by a twelvemonth's study on the present plan.

It is gratifying to know that the spelling reform has its advocates in all parts of the kingdom. In some places phono

Catechism of Common Things.

Q. What is rice?

typhy has been introduced into public schools (we may instance the Swinton Schools, near Manchester, and the Lower Mosely-street Schools-a wellknown establishment in that city); and the experiments that have been made to test its practicability have been, in every instance, highly successful. In some localities, Phonetic Sunday-schools have palm-like tree, which grows in the Molucca is

been formed, and the means of learning to read have thus been placed within the means of the dullest and poorest. Very many books have been printed in phonotypy, and many more are in the course of publication; so that the phonetic literature will be sufficient to meet all demands, and no fear need be entertained that there will not be books enough for the disciples of the new system to read.

But there is a feature connected with the Spelling Reform which we cannot overlook-we allude to Mr. Pitman's system of phonography, or writing by sound; based on the principles above alluded to, and adapted as a system of short-hand. The value of short-hand is too great for us to expatiate on at the close of our article; and the immense superiority of phonography over every other system, both in point of brevity and legibility, is now too generally acknowledged to need any argument in its favour from our pen. We can safely recommend our readers to become acquainted with it, and thus possess themselves of one of the greatest facilities and incentives to study that can be placed within their reach.

ABOLITION OF CAPITAL PUNISHMENT.I demand the abolition of capital punishment in the name of that Spirit of Mercy who alone filled the glorious seat in the Holy of Holies, above which the angel of the covenant spread his holy-inspiring wings; I demand it in the name of our common Christianity, disgraced, outraged by the crimes committed professedly under her sanction; I demand it for the welfare and security of society, endangered by these exhibitions of bloodshed and barbarism; I ask it for the sake of the criminal himself, who is our brother still; and, if it be without presumption, I ask it for the honour of that God whose favourite attribute is mercy. The gibbet is doomed; it is tottering to its fall; the handwriting is on the wall against it, and it must assuredly come down.-C. Gilpin.

A. A grain which in the East Indies is regarded and used as wheat is in Europe. It flourishes best in moist ground. The grains grow in clusters, with a rough yellow covering. Q. What is sago?

A. The pith of the landan tree, a stately lands.

Q. How is it procured?

A. When the tree is cut down, the pith is taken out and reduced to a powder resembling meal, it is then made up into a paste, and after being dried in a furnace, is fit for use.

Q. What is arrow-root?

A. The root of a tree which grows in the South Sea Islands. It is dried and then ground. Q. What is manna.

A. A sweet gum, which oozes from ash trees in Sicily. The most pleasant is that which is obtained from Arabia; it is a kind of condensed honey, and is used as a medicine.

Q. What are tamarinds?

A. The preserved fruit of a tree which grows in the East and West Indies. Its leaves are like fern, and its flowers grow in large bunches, and resemble orange blossoms.

Q. Where do oranges chiefly grow?
A. In Portugal and fertile Spain
Abound the orange groves;

In France the juicy grapes they train
Around the trim alcoves.

Q. What is treacle?

A. That part of the juice of the sugar cane. which boiling fails to make more solid than a syrup.

Q. What is chocolate produced from?

A. The fruit or nuts of the cocoa tree, which are enclosed in a rind resembling a cucumber in shape.

Q. How are they made fit for use?

A. The nuts or kernals, which are the size of

almonds, are beaten into a paste, with sugar

and cinnamon, or other spices, then made into little cakes, called chocolate.

Q. What is cocoa?

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THE LANGUAGE OF FLOWERS. How eloquent are the flowers! As the psalmist said of the stars on high, so may we say of these stars of earth: "There is in them no speech nor language, yet their voice is not unheard." Since the dew of the first morning rested upon them amid the groves of Paradise, they have been whispering their sweet counsels of love and beauty in the ears of man-and yet they are not silent. Year by year, as they come forth to adorn the everchanging links of the rolling seasons, they bring with them fresh messages from that spirit-land, whose glories seem at times well-nigh bursting through their bright etherial forms. Gentle poets and prophets are they; poets, by virtue of their mission to interpret the beautiful to the eye of man; and prophets, inasmuch as they prefigure, as they come forth one by one, from their dark winter sleep in the bosom of earth, to light and life and joy, that great mystery of our nature, that we, too "shall not sleep but be changed."

Surely, if there is, in the "glorious apparelling" of this outward world, one thing more than another, which speaks of the love of God, it is the flowers; it is a perfect hymn of love and praise that is written on the furrowed page of earth with these lovely hieroglyphics at first pale and trembling and delicate, as the first unfolding of a tale of affection; then deepening, month by month, in fervency and luxuriance; and again sinking away, like the vanishing hues of the rainbow, or the last melting touching strains of an Æolian melody.

The Flowers have a high and holy mission to fulfil; humble, but appointed servitors are they in the vast Cathedral of Nature, consecrated and ordained by none other than the Great High Priest Himself, in that hour wherein He looked upon them arrayed in a glory greater than that of Solomon, and gave them a gospel to preach, to all generations of men, a gospel of love and trusting faith, and the assured belief to man, that

"Whoso careth for the flowers, Will much more care for him.' "9 The lonely traveller in the far off wilds of Africa is but a type of the myriads of human spirits that have drunk refreshment and consolation from these way-side fountains, that have listened to the ministry of these lowly preachers, and have gone on their way rejoicing.

Who has not felt, in contemplating the vastness of creation, in standing upon the very portals of the Infinite, and following the mighty hosts of Heaven in their unimaginable multitudes and wanderings-in gazing


into those abysses of space, where the torch of science serves but to make the darkness, visible, a sensation of fearful and heartcrushing awe, a sense of weakness, and littleness, and insignificance, like that which actuated the Poet-king of Israel to exclaim, "Lord what is man, that thou art mindful of him, or the son of man that thou visitest him?" It is in such moments as these, that the breath of the lowly flowers floats over the soul, like a waft from the other world;-it is then that we listen most willingly to the sound of their holy Evangel;

and, as our sinking eyes turn from the crushing grandeurs of starry Heavens to the turf beneath our feet, these heaven-sent messengers are there, to assure us, by the hoards of loveliness lavished upon their fairy forms, and the delicate perfection of their organization, that our poor notions of great and small bear no relation to Infinitude, that they exist not in the workings of the Eternal Order, that they are among the many shadows that will flee away at the dawning of Everlasting Day; and that, if the testimony of our Father's might is written in burning cyphers on the firmament of Heaven, the message of His boundless and all embracing love, is as clearly told and as gladly accepted from the gleaming pages of the grassy earth.

And many a blessed lesson, besides these great ones, do the flowers teach to the willing and lowly mind that can stoop with child-like simplicity to learn of these gentle teachers. To some submitted souls, they have breathed forth great secrets of the Spirit World: they have become transparent with the radiance of their hidden and spiritual essence, and have stood before them, transfigured into the shining glory of those thoughts of God of which they are the symbols, and the visible language, and embodiments. These have gazed upon them "with thoughts too deep for tears," because their delicate forms have been too thin a

veil to hide from them the radiance of that in-dwelling in-forming spirit of the Universe which is the life and soul of nature. Thus every separate flower has its own truth to tell, besides forming an harmonious part of the great whole; and though the more ærial notes of the music they breathe may be heard alone by deeply spiritualized natures, yet they have tones of solemn sweetness loud enough for all but the dullest ear to hear. Who can look on the snowdrop and the violet without thinking of spotless purity and modest virtue; on the daisy, without remembering the numberless mercies that gladden our path of life, unacknowledged and almost unseen, which would yet be sorely missed were they to de

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