Abbildungen der Seite

are here diffected in a manner which we think unsafe to relateto the public.

29. A Letter to G. G. 8vo. Pr. 25. Williams.

A contemptible infipid collection of abufe upon the right honourable person to whom it is, addreffed. It goes as far back as the time when the Confiderations upon the German War, were published, which he fuppofes that right honourable gentleman to have patronized. The author next attacks, a pamphlet * of which he is conjectured to be the author, and then proceeds to other topics of common-place abuse and cenfure. We find nothing new or interefting in this publication, which is a farrago of hackneyed objections to the right honourable gentleman's administration.

30. A Letter to the Right Hon. J. P. Speaker of the House of Com mons in Ireland. 8vo. Is. Wilkie.

This is a very fhrewd fenfible letter. The writer, who has not treated the right honourable perfon to whom he addreffes it with much politeness, lays hold of the report, that the present lord-lieutenant is to refide in Ireland; a scheme which he highly approves; and gives us a very lively, and, we are afraid, a very true picture of the evils refulting from the momentary defultory refidence of former lieutenants. He then with great freedom contrafts the late ftate of Ireland with the auspicious change he expects from the new arrangements, and the perfonal character of the earl of B.

Tho' this letter is peculiarly calculated for the meridian of Ireland, yet it may be read with great fatisfaction and improvement by the people of Great Britain.

31. An Inquiry into the Management of the Poor, and our Polity refpecting the Common People; with Reasons why they have not bitherto been attended with Succefs, and fuch Alterations offered to the Confideration of the Legislature, as may probably introduce a more general Spirit of Industry and Order, and greatly leffen the Publick Expence. 8vo. Pr. Is. 6d. White.

This performance is written by a well-meaning volunteer in the public's fervice, who imagines that if all the people of Great Britain were as well intentioned as himself, the poor might be relieved. As we are not disposed to throw the smallest obstacle in the way of any charitable proposal, we moft heartily recom

* Vide vol. xxii. p. 346.

mend the perufal of this pamphlet to the members of the two houfes of parliament, to the church wardens and overfeers of the poor in every parish of the kingdom, and to all benevolent gentlemen who are willing and able to relieve the diftreffes of their neighbours.

32. Some Obfervations on the Farmer's Three Letters to a Member of Parliament: And his Propofal for preventing future Scarcity. In which a real Inftance is given of the Improvement of Land; and the Reasonableness of abolishing Tyth in Kind is fully confidered. By a Country Gentleman. 8vo. Pr. 6d. Almon.

We have already * given our opinion of the Three Letters above-mentioned. The pamphlet before us is written upon the fame plan, and very poffibly by the fame hand.

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33. Uniting and monopolizing Farm, plainly proved disadvantageous to the Land-Owners, and highly prejudicial to the Public. By a Gentleman in the Country. 8vo. Pr. 6d. Smith.

This writer has confidered his fubject, which we have already recommended to the public, with great accuracy and precifion. We do not remember to have seen an answer profeffedly written against this author's scheme of dividing large farms, though fome have thought † that the engroffing of farms is not fo great an evil as has been reprefented. We fhall not prefume to add any thing to what we have already faid on this topic, because it is now under the most serious confideration of the higher powers.

34. Important Hints, towards an Amendment of the Royal DockYards: Being Confiderations on a late Pamphlet on the Oak-Timber. Wherein fome Paffages in that Book are farther explained and illuf trated, with fuitable Remarks thereon. By a Man of Kent. 8vo. Pr. 15. Wilkie.

This valuable pamphlet is a sequel to one we have || already recommended, as of the highest importance to the public of England. We are glad to understand that the fubject has already engaged the attention of fome of the chief officers of the navy, who are more immediately interested in remedying the abuses here complained of; and we wish them all imaginable fuccefs in their endeavours for that purpose.

35. A Letter from a Gentleman to bis Friend, concerning the Custom of giving and taking Vails. 8vo. Pr. 6d. Dodfley. The public has through many channels been apprized of the fcandalous practice and difagreeable confequences of fervants

* See Vol. XXII. p. 384. + See Vol. XXII. p. 386, See Vol. XXI. p. 467.

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taking vails and perquifites. All the arguments against this pernicious cuftom are collected in this pamphlet, which we hope will produce the defired effect.

36. The celebrated fatyrical Lecture on Hearts. To which is added, a critical Differtation on Nofes. 8vo. Pr. 15. Kearly.

These lectures cannot be cenfured; the author's intention is Jaudable, and his plan is executed with no inconfiderable degree of humour, which we fuppofe is heightened by the manner in which the lectures are delivered.

37. A Difcourfe on the Importance of Anatomy, delivered in the Amphitheatre of Surgeons in London, on Wednesday the 21st of January, 1767. By G. Arnaud, M. D. Quarto. Price 6d.

From this difcourfe we learn three things, viz. ft. That anatomy is a fcience of great importance: zdly. Thit doctor Arnaud writes very bad English and, 3dly, That he had the honour to instruct Adelaïde of Orleans, princess of the blood, as virtuous as great scholar in every science and art,' in the operations of furgery; and that the blooded herself with the greatest ease and fafety, though very fat and difficult.

38. A Treatise on the Stone, Gravel, and other Disorders arifing from Obftructions of the Urinary Paffages: giving fame, Account of the Success and fuperior Efficacy of two new Medicines for the Gure of thofe Difeafes. Illuftrated with fome particular Cafes.. By J. Awfiter, M. D. 8vo. Pr. 15. Wilkie.

We venture to prophefy that the time is not far off, when quack medicines will fink into disrepute mankind, we acknowledge, are in general very credulous; but they are not fo exceedingly ftupid as to be duped for ever. Thofe for whom noftrums are intended, may poffibly not difcover a trick fo immediately as their betters, and confequently are liable to be longer impofed on; but give them time, and they will certainly find the truth at laft. They may poffibly at firft be taken in by a treatise on fuch or fuch a difeafe, and believe, that the fole motive of the author was the good of mankind; but give them leifure for reflection, and they will infallibly dif cover the treatise to be in fact no other than a paper stuck against a poft, fignifying that the author profeffes to cure a certain disease, better and cheaper than any body elfe; and as to the cafes ufually published upon these occafions, it requires very little fagacity to know, that for any thing the reader can difcover to the contrary, they may be entirely the invenItion of the author,



For the Month of March, 1767.


The Hiftory of England from the Acceffion of James I to the Eleva tion of the House of Hanover. By Catharine Macaulay. Vol. III. 4to. Pr. 15s. Cadell. [Concluded.]


clofed our laft review of this work with the author's representation of Strafford's deteftable management in Ireland. She proceeds to fhew, that though the Irish committee were all papifts, yet the English house of commons took a brotherly concern in the intereft of that conquered country; and that by the friendship of those popular noblemen, Manchefter, Effex, Warwick, Say, and others, the Irish obtained a favourable answer to almost all their demands, as well as advantages beyond their most fanguine hopes. This candour and moderation bears a glorious teftimony to the patriots of that period, who thought the caufe of freedom ought to be confined to no fect or religion; and our author intimates, that their real intention was to lay a firm establishment for an exalted fyftem of liberty.


Sir William Parfons and Sir John Borlaffe fucceeded - Strafford and his creature Wandesford, who died of fear and vexation, in the management of Irifh affairs, and were united to the patriots in the English parliament. A fpirited fett of articles declarative of the Irish liberty paffed that parliament, the perufal of which fills us with a very high idea of the abilities and good fenfe of their authors. They even reformed the university of Dublin, which had been contaminated by the practices of Strafford, and his chancellor, archbishop Laud: Mrs. Macaulay gives a very fine, and we believe a very just, defcription of the national bleffings introduced by this free and equitable plan of government: But (fays our author) this VOL. XXIII. March, 1767.




was but a fhort-lived calm, a fatal ftate of fond fecurity, by which the working heads of ambitious priests were able to introduce more diabolical mifchiefs than perverted religion, in the most depraved state of man, had ever yet effected.' are then presented with the particulars of the plan for the maffacre, in the execution of which, we are told, the confpirators were to be affifted by the courts of France and Spain. The barbarities which followed are thus defcribed by our ingenioushiftorian..

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It is faid, that one Roger More, of an indigent fortune, yet fwollen with fanciful ideas of greatness derived from family defcent, and Owen O'Neal, a colonel in the Spanish fervice, were the men who first formed a project to expel the English, and affert the independence of Ireland. The plan was propofed to lord Macguire and Sir Phelim O'Neal, two other diffolute adventurers, then to all the Irish chieftains, who readily embraced the propofal, on receiving intelligence, from one 'Toole O'Conley, a prieft, that Owen O'Neal would be with them with his regiment of Irish Papifts fifteen days after the rifing. They were likewife affured by More, that the Irish of the pale, or the old English, being all of them Papists, would join their brethren; that the Irish officers in the Spanish service had promised affiftance; the pope would fupply money; cardinal Richelieu had given affurance of a powerful aid; and the Spanish ambaffador had declared, that they should not fail of fuccours from Spain. It was refolved, that the castle of Dublin should be feized by Macguire, Macmahon, More, Plunket, Paul O'Neal, an active priest, and others; whilft, on the fame day, the rest of the adventurers undertook to feize the caftles and forts of the feveral provinces. On the twenty-fecond of October, the day preceding that affigned for the enterprize, the city of Dublin was full of confpirators. The lords juftices had received fome dark and general hints that schemes of im portance were tranfacting among the Irish; but fuch was that apparent harmony and union of intereft between the Proteftant and Papift, that the intelligence was totally difregarded. One O'Conolly, an Irishman and a Proteftant, was trufted with the fecret at almost the very period of its intended execution, he difcovered it to the juftices: the juftices fled for fafety to the caftle, reinforced the guards, and gave the alarm to the town. Macguire and Macmahon were taken. The difcovery of a ge neral infurrection and maffacre was extorted from thefe criminals, but too late to prevent the execution. Sir Phelim O'Neal, and the reft of the infernal gang, were barbarously, punctual to the villanies they had promised to perform. The perfons, houfes, cattle, and goods of the English were feized;


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