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of affairs of state for dalliance with his numerous mistresses, it is surprising that a new revolution was deferred to the short reign of his brother: but his answer to the duke of York, on his observing that he exposed himself with too little caution to his secret enemies, that they knew who was to be his successor, serves as a complete excuse for the general tranquillity of the kingdom. Those who admire wit and good humour though connected with great vices, and can smile at a jest founded on the exercise of sound morality, may say Charles II. was one of the most engaging and amiable of men; may declare their approbation of his tempered raillery and satire, which never severely wounded the person to whom it was addressed; and that all his subjects felt their own consequence in his presence. Yet, though he might, in indulging his own propensities, appear a civil kind husband, an easy master, and a generous father, his character cannot be absolved from that censure, which profligacy excites in private life, and imperiously demands in public.

Aurelian Cook says of Charles, that, "to give him his just and deserved praise, he would not be paralleled in antient, and remain a wonder to all succeeding generations." And the same author, speaking of the mission of the Ministers before-mentioned, gives a very different turn to the cause of the ejaculations overheard by


Mr. Case." He did not, like most princes, make religion an artifice of state only, but accounted it the glory and comfort of his life. His soul in his private devotion soared so high, that he seemed to be wholly swallowed up with the contemplation of the holiness and majesty of the God whom he adored; and with whom he would plead in prayer so earnestly, and with such affection, as though he were resolved to take no denial. And one of the Presbyterian Ministers who attended the Commissioners sent over by the Parliament at Breda, passing accidentally by when he was private in his closet, he was so astonished at the ardency and zeal wherewith he offered up his sacrifices of prayer and praises to Almighty God, that he suddenly clapped his hand upon his heart, and, with a kind of emotion of spirit, cried out to those that were with him, We are not worthy of such a king"."

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Political events had, by the memorable year 1660, prepared the way for an almost total change in the manners and customs, not only of London, but of the whole nation: the measured step, the demure countenance, the features which rarely exhibited any other than religious emotions (even when the sword hovered over each head), were exploded; and the majority now marched with. courtly pride, and exhibited an outline, from head to foot, as nearly similar to that of the gay Monarch restored to the throne as renovated loy


alty could compose upon so sudden an emergency. Those who witnessed the change alluded to, must be allowed permission to inform the publick once more of the astonishing effects of the Restoration, as it operated in a general way.

They are hastning the preparations for his Majesties reception into the City," says the Mercurius Publicus of May 24, 1660, "which will be as magnificent as possibly the time will admit. The Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and chief officers, with choice citizens of all the Companies, to the number of about six hundred, all go out on horseback, habited in velvet, and other costly apparel, with chains of gold, footmen in rich liveries, &c. The streets, from the bridge to Temple-bar, to be guarded, on the one side, by all the forces of the Trained Bands; on the other side, by the liveries, of the Companies: the houses, all the way towards the streets, to be covered with tapestry, and other hangings, &c.

"Divers maidens, in behalf of themselves and others, presented a petition to the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor; wherein they pray his lordship to grant them liberty to meet his Majesty, on the day of his passage through the city, clad in white waistcoats, and other ornaments of triumph.

"At a Common Council this afternoon was read a letter to them from the City Commissioners with his Majesty, giving an account of

their royal reception, and of his Majesties gracious resentment of this and other their services, expressing their abundant satisfaction in his Majesties gracious disposition, and Christian princely virtues, wherein they find him so eminent, that the nation is like to be more than ordinarily happy in his restitution,"

"On Wednesday, his sacred Majesty, the queen of Bohemia, the princess royal, the most illustrious the duke of York, and duke of Glocester, and prince of Orange, went aboard General Montague, in the good ship formerly named the Naisby, but now christned by his Majesty the Royal Charles; where, after a repast, the queen of Bohemia, the princess royal, and prince of Orange, having taken leave of his Majesty, they set sail for England; his Majesty in the Royal Charles, the duke of York in the London, and the duke of Glocester in the James, formerly called the Swiftsure; the Speaker was likewise new christned the Princess Mary.

"On Friday, about three of the clock in the morning, they were in sight of Dover; whereupon an express was sent to the general, then at Canterbury, to hast to Dover, which he did accordingly, and about one of the clock came thither. His Majesty landed about three in the afternoon, at the beech, near the peer of Dover, with the duke of York, duke of Glocester, and many of his nobles. Now did all put themselves

into a posture for to observe the meeting of the best of kings, and most deserving of subjects: the admirers of majesty were jealous on the king's behalf of too low a condescention, and the lovers of duty fearful on the other side of an ostentation of merit; but such an humble prostration was made by his Excellency kneeling, and so fitting a reception by his Majesty kissing, and imbracing him, that all parties were satisfied, and the general now taught, by the sight of his soveraign, to make a perfect mixture of Hephaestion with Craterus; so that what hath hitherto been done out of bounden duty to his liege lord, will hereafter be continued out of loyal affection to his gracious master. His Majesty walk'd up with the general, a canopy being carried over his head, and a chair of state by him, towards his coach. In his passage, the Mayor and Aldermen of Dover, with Mr. Redding the minister, met his Majesty, and, after a short speech, Mr. Redding presented his Majesty with a large Bible, with gold clasps. His Majesty went to his coach; then the duke of York, who sate at one end of the coach, the duke of Glocester and his Excellency at the other end, and the duke of Buckingham in the boot; after them, several coaches with six horses, and several on horseback. About two miles beyond Dover his Majesty took horse, and the dukes on the right hand of the King, and the General on the left bare, after whom followed the


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