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to a similar tumor at the knee. Vesalius was cousulted about a tumor in the back, which he pronounced to be an aneurism, but an ignorant practitioner having made an opening into it, the patient instantly bled to death. Nothing can be more easy than to confound an aneurism of the artery of the neck with a swelling of the glands in its neighborhood; with a swelling of the cellular substance which surrounds the artery; with abscesses of various kinds; but if a surgeon were to fall into this error, and to open a carotid aneurism, his patient would certainly be dead in the space of a few moments. It must be evident, then, that a thorough knowledge of anatomy is not only indispensable to the proper treatment of cases of this description, but also to the prevention of the most fatal mistakes.

There is nothing in surgery of more importance than the proper treatment of hemorrhage. Of the confusion and terror occasioned by the sight of a human being from whom the blood is gushing in torrents, and whose condition none of the spectators is able to relieve, no one can form an adequate conception, but those who have witnessed it. In all such cases there is one thing proper to be done, the prompt performance of which is generally as certainly successful, as the neglect of it is inevitably fatal. It is impossible to conceive of a more terrible situation than that of a medical man who knows not what to do on such an emergency. He is confused; he hesitates while he is deciding what measures to adopt the patient expires: he can never think of that man's death without horror, for he is conscious that,

but for his ignorance he might have averted his patient's fate. The ancient surgeons were constantly placed in this situation, and the dread inspired by it retarded the progress of surgery more than all other causes put together. Not only were they terrified from interfering with the most painful and destructive diseases, which experience has proved to be capable of safe and easy removal, but they were afraid to cut even the most trivial tumor. When they ventured to remove a part, they attempted it only by means of a ligature, or by the application of burning irons. When they determined to amputate, they never thought of doing so, till the limb had mortified, and the dead had separated from the living parts; for they were absolutely afraid to cut into the living flesh. They had no means of stopping hemorrhage, but by the application of astringents to the bleeding vessels, remedies which were inert; or of burning irons, or boiling turpentine, expedients which were not only inert but cruel. Surgeons now know that the grand means of stopping hemorrhage is compression of the bleeding vessel. If pressure be made on the trunk of an artery, though blood be flowing from a thousand branches given off from it, the bleeding will cease. Should the situation of the artery be such as to allow of effectual external pressure, nothing further is requisite: the pressure being applied, the bleeding is stopped at once: should the situation of the vessel place it beyond the reach of external pressure, it is necessary to cut down on it, and to secure it by the application of a ligature. Parè may be pardon.

ed for supposing that he was led to the discovery of this invaluable remedy by inspiration of the Deity. By means of it the most formidable operations may be undertaken with the utmost confidence, because the wounded vessels can be secured the moment they are cut: by the same means the most frightful hemorrhages may be effectually stopped; and even when the bleeding is so violent as to threaten immediate death, it may often be averted by the simple expedient of placing the finger on the wounded vessel, till there is time to tie it. But it is obvious that none of these expedients can be employed, and that these bleedings can neither be checked at the moment, nor permanently stopped, without such a knowledge of the course of the trunks and branches of vessels, as can be acquired only by the study of anatomy.-Westminster Review.

To be continued.


A great variety of applications have been made use of in the cure of itch, notwithstanding our knowledge of a decided specific. The unpleasantness of the smell of sulphur would render it very desirable to find a substitute for it, and many trials have been made, but hitherto without effect; the undermentioned* have, however, been found sometimes adequate to the removal of trifling cases of the disease; but there is no doubt that sulphur is the safest and most expeditious remedy.

*Solutions of potash, muriate of ammonia, oxymuriate of mercury, arsenic; decoctions of hellebore, digitalis, and to

bacco; sulphuric and oxygenated muriatic acid properly diluted, &c. &c.

The most common form in which it is employed in this country is that of ointment; but the recent importation of the French fumigating baths has afforded us some opportunities of avoiding the unpleasantness of this plan, and though somewhat more tedious in bringing about a cure, they are sometimes entitled to preference on account of the superior degree of cleanliness the patient is enabled to observe during the treatment.

The history of the sulphur vapor bath appears to have commenced with the experiments and researches of Dr. Gales. The comparatively rude and unpleasant expedient of saturating blankets with the vapor, by means of the warming pan, was first adopted, on the burning coals of which the sulphur was strewed when the vehicle was introduced into the bed, till the combustion was complete. The patient was then directed to enter it naked, and was covered up to the throat. Seven repetitions of this process in as many nights was found to be adequate to the cure; and it seems probable, that in very delicate habits, or in the cases of pregnant women, it is entitled to preference over the vapor bath at present in use.


The vapor of the sulphur is unquestionably the agent by which the cure is brought about, and there seems as little doubt that the destruction of the insect constitutes its modus operandi. Horn, of Berlin, and Dr. de Carro, of Vienna, appear to have been next to Dr. Gales in the use of the bath. these, Mr. Wallace, of Dublin, Subsequently to has published his observations; and step by step, by the joint im

provements or suggestions of the observers, the instrument, from having been inconvenient and uncomfortable to the patient, is now become not only an important and decided remedy of great value in many cutaneous diseases, but an absolute luxury as regards the patient's feelings.

The number of fumigations necessary to the cure of Scabies differs much, according to the virulence of the disease, the degree of irritability of the skin, &c.; but if the clothes of the patient be suspended in the bath during each application, which is always prudent in the cases of the lower class of people, the cure will be much expedited.

Besides the advantages of the bath already alluded to, it is never followed by that irritation of the skin, which long continued use of the ointment is often found to produce, and which has not unfrequently led to the continuance of the remedy long after the disease has been really subdued.Plumbe on the Diseases of the Skin.


Warts appear to be produced by disordered action in a congeries of vessels on the surface of the cutis, commonly originating from the irritation of substances which insinuate themselves into, and, perhaps, sometimes through the substance of the cuticle. Their structure and formation are almost too well known to require description; it is, however, evidently resembling the cuticle, and may be considered an irregular fungous production of this covering. It is said by some surgical writers, that they are readily and easily destroyed by stimulants or caustics. This is true as re

gards those occurring on parts covered by an extremely delicate cuticle, as the glans penis, &c., a very slight degree of excitement only being necessary to their destruction in these situations; but when they occur on the hands, the most expeditious mode is as follows: A small portion of the Emplas. Lyttæ is to be laid on the crown of the wart, and retained in this situation by adhesive plaster in a day or two the substance of the wart is in a soft and moistened state, and a little ring of vesication appears round its base. In this condition the greater part of the wart may be picked or sliced off; and if this be done, so as to bring it down to a level with the surrounding skin, the application of a little caustic will generally be all that is necessary.

Venereal warts, as they have been termed by English authors, the végétations syphilitiques of Alibert and Rayer, yield with less trouble to milder escharotics; a fact which is satisfactorily referrible to the inferior solidity of structure consequent on their rapid growth.-Ib.



Mr. Wardrop lately removed from the head of a young woman six soft encysted tumors of different sizes,according to the mode adopted by Sir Astley Cooper, namely, of laying open the cyst so as to remove the contents, and then by tearing away the cyst. The facility with which tumors of a certain size, and containing soft substances, the melicerous kind, can be removed by this method, and the slight degree of pain which it inflicts, were well exemplified in this case; and the wounds

healing in two or three days, the chance of suppuration, an objection that has been made to Sir Astley's plan of laceration, was obviated. The removal of a small portion of the cyst by the scissars we have found to answer as well as the removal of the whole cyst, adhesive inflammation taking place, so as to obliterate the cavity, and this is attended with no pain, and to us appears more chirurgical than the extirpation of the cyst by forcible laceration, which is sometimes painful, and the cure is not less expeditious. Gazette of Health.



In the first stages if the patient be bilious, purges are to be freely given, and sudorifics if the skin be dry. Cinchona Mr. Wardrop considers as a specific in this malady; turpentine either singly or combined with rhubard also does great good. Mercury used so far as to produce ptyalism aggravates the complaint. Evacuation of the aqueous humor, and after the operation, warm fomentations to the eye, and if it continues irritable the vinous tincture of opium, are found to be valuable in the advanced stages. Local bleeding does little good in this complaint, excepting where there is a great tendency to plethora with a full and hard pulse; indeed so little advantage attends the use of venesection in this disease that Mr. Wardrop considers this circumstance as a diagnostic.

It may be observed, that the eye like other parts of the body may be involved in any general diathesis which may prevail, as rheumatic, catarrhal, &c. and must be treated accordingly;

though Mr. Wardrop did not find bleeding useful, others have succeeded with it, in a form which is regarded as a variety of catarrh. Then calomel and opium till salivation is produced; local bleeding, Dover's powder; blisters behind the ear, to the temple and to the nape of the neck; local frictions with laudanum, and the vinum opii diluted and dropped into the eye twice or thrice a day has been found to be useful, after the active inflammation has been removed; before this time, no local means are of any use, in the catarrhal variety.

The pupil of the affected eye should be kept uuder the influence of belladonna by smearing the eyebrow and the eyelids every evening at bedtime. Bark is re commended in the chronic stage and Fowler's solution in the dose of ten drops thrice a day also suit very well the catarrhal form; however with regard to all these remedies the diathesis changes very much according to the season, and it is left to the acute and discerning practitioner to discove what the character of the disease is, whether inflammatory, typhous, rheumatic, catarrhal, bilious, &c. and according to the general prevalence of either he may determine what kind of remedy to use. In this view the surgeon will learn much from the experienced physician and without attending to the general prevailing constitution, neither will be able to do much good.

Mr. Scudamore thinks that cups to the temples have done much good; the poppy fomentation has also effected great relief; a cold solution of the acetate of lead with a little spirit, applied by a layer of linen, has been use

ful. Purgative and then alterative doses of calomel, with James's powder at night, united with a little opium, have done good, particularly combined with the draught composed of the vinegar of colchicum, sulphate of magnesia, carbonate of potash, carbonate of magnesia, and tartarized antimony with as much lemon juice as will neutralize the potash, combined with distilled water and syrup, as before mentioned. Bark with Fowler's solution, in the convalescence, Mr. Scudamore has also found to be valuable.-Philadelphia Journal of Medicine and Surgery.


Spots of Blood.-In a recent sitting of the Paris Royal Academy of Medicine, M. Orfila stated, that since he had read to the Academy the paper on the means of recognizing spots of blood on clothes, &c. it had been published on the authority of M. Dulong, that by aid of a microscope, it might be seen whether the spots were formed of human blood or the blood of animals. He had since made experiments with the microscope, on spots of human blood, and the blood of pigeons, both in a dry and liquid state, and the result was, that so far from perceiving any difference, he could not distinguish with any certainty whether they were really. blood or not.

year, after which he was restored to favor and covered with honors. The Date Obolum Belisario is thus a creation of fancy, and a fine moral text disappears.

The smallpox is or recently has been in this harbor and in a neighboring village. It is now said to prevail among the French at Chizenlook. In Halifax, N. S.

hundreds of families have been. visited, some more lightly, but most have to lament the loss of one, two or three of their members, and in some instances, whole families have been swept away." Discussions are going on in the papers relative to the surest preventive, and the best method of treating the disease. Some have no faith in vaccination, others advise the inoculation for smallpox, while others again have full confidence in the efficacy of the cowpock.

Out of 30 deaths last week, in the city of Philadelphia, ten were by the smallpox!a fact which reflects no credit on the foresight and philanthropy of our neighbor, when vaccination affords so simple and effectual a safeguard.

Such is the tendency of smallpox to diffuse itself over the country; and nothing can prevent its spreading but depriving it of subjects on which it can act.

Intemperance. From an official source, we are enabled to state that during the first eleven months of the present year, the number of deaths in this city, from intemperate drinking alone, has been twentyfive!

Lacepede has shown, in his history of Europe, that the story of the blindness and mendicant life of Belisarius, is untrue. The famous commander never experienced poverty, but was in dis- If we were to say that one death grace with Constantine only one in six of all that have occurred dur

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