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ter his recovery, I called to see him, and inquired whether he continued to abstain from the use of spirituous liquors. He answered in the affirmative, and the same information was given by his wife. He said he had felt, several times, as if he wanted something, but could not tell what; he thought of several articles of food, but it was nothing of this kind; he next thought of ardent spirit, but the mere idea excited disgust; this he seemed surprised at, as it never was the case before. He was still ignorant of any attempt having been made to overcome his habit of intemperance. About a week after this, his wife informed me that when he came home the preceding evening, he told her some of the men, with whom he worked, had been drinking, and that the odor of the liquor was so unpleasant to him that he could scarcely refrain from vomiting. This disinclination for all spirituous liquors continued till the 19th of August. On this day, after considerable solicitation, he was prevailed on by a companion to visit a tavern, where they indulged pretty freely in the intoxicating draught. On the 23d, he told me that his desire for ardent spirit had returned; and requested that I would again give him something to destroy this habit, which he acknowledged he was unable to resist. I added a drachm of the acid to a pint of brandy, and directed him to take four wineglassfuls a day. The third dose occasioned vomiting. After

much value in mania a potu. My knowledge of its utility, in these cases, was originally derived from Dr. Physick; to whom, so far as I know, the credit is due of introducing it into the treatment of this disease.

much persuasion he attempted to take another dose, but it was so unpleasant to him, that he only succeeded in swallowing half of it. By this time, however, his desire for ardent spirit had ceased.

A day or two after I was first called to the preceding case, another of the kind presented itself.

Case 2.-H. W., aged forty years, had always been an honest and industrious man, an inoffensive neighbor, and a kind and affectionate husband. His wife informed me that he had been in a frolic about a week previous; since which time, he had done nothing but throw himself away, as she expressed it. She expostulated with him, and endeavored to persuade him to abandon the course he was pursuing; but all to no purpose. He acknowledged his folly, and said he was convinced he was injuring himself; but notwithstanding all this, he confessed his total inability to refrain from drinking. I added a drachm of sulphuric acid to a pint of whiskey, and requested his wife to give him a wineglassful every hour. His wife told him that as he was conscious the brandy was injuring him, and yet could not relinquish its use, she had requested me to put something in it to counteract its injurious effects. This information gratified him, and he consented to take no liquor but what she gave him. She poured out a wineglassful, and he took it with much satisfaction. In an hour, she poured out a second, and though his desire for it was not so great, he drank it. The next hour she poured out the third dose, he said he believed he did not want any more. She told him it would not injure him, as the doctor had added something




to it to prevent its producing any effect of this kind. He still declined taking it, alleging that he felt no inclination for it. She then proposed wine or porter; but he persisted in refusing everything of the kind. Since that time he has had such a disgust for all spirituous liquors, that he has uniformly refrained from their use. This was a striking case, and one which unequivocally manifested the efficacy of the sulphuric acid in eradicating the disposition to indulge in the use of inebriating potations. So great was the impression made on the mind of the individual, and so sensible was he that his relief was attributable to what was put in the liquor, that he called on me in a few days to express his gratitude for the important service I had rendered him.

Case 3.-C. B. had been an intemperate man for many years. So freely had he indulged in the use of ardent spirit, that his constitution was materially impaired. He commenced taking the remedy at the request of the gentleman by whom he was employed. One pint of gin containing a drachm of the acid was sufficient to destroy his inclination for all kinds of ardent spirit.

The only cases, in which I have had an opportunity of ascertaining the effects of the remedy, have now been detailed, and I trust, with candor. Certain I am, that there has been no intention on my part to impose on others; and future trials must determine whether or not I have been deceived myself.

These facts I have been induced to lay before the profession mainly with a view of calling their attention to the subject of intem

perance. It is a subject which is exceedingly interesting to every humane individual; and one which involves the spiritual, as well as temporal concerns of thousands of our fellow creatures.

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I cannot refrain from express. ing my regret, that we have no institution for the relief of persons addicted to intemperance. Notwithstanding the many charitable and benevolent societies by which we are surrounded, the poor drunkard is forgotten, or perhaps his vice is even encouraged indirectly by these very establishments. Could there be an Asylum for the reception of such persons, their intemperate habits could unquestionably, in some instances, be eradicated in one way or another. Let the medical faculty once have a fair opportunity of directing their exertions to the suppression of intemperance, and we fear not an unfavorable result to their investigations. It would give us unfeigned pleasure to see this subject engage the attention of those humane individuals, whose numerous philanthropic acts have rendered them a blessing to their country. Every one with whom we have conversed appears to be sensible of the importance of instituting a society for the suppression of intemperance: nor is the practicability of establishing a society of this kind less generally conceded. hope, therefore, that measures will be taken by our enterprising citizens, to accomplish this design.

Philadelphia, Sept. 1, 1826.


The preceding observations were written nearly a year ago, with a view to publication; but by the advice of an eminent medical friend, I was induced to withhold them from the public,

till I could obtain additional evidence of the efficacy of the remedy. Having, in the mean time, had many opportunities of prescribing the remedy, I am now prepared to make a more correct estimate of its value.

these, it is not in my power to
state; the only one of which I
have any knowledge, has been

In a few cases, a single pint of
the medicated liquor is sufficient;
sometimes a quart is necessary,
and occasionally several gallons
are required to eradicate the ha-
bit of intemperance.

With regard to the second and third cases, the cure appears to be complete; but I have not since met with an instance where so small a quantity as was used in the second case, had the desired effect. In the first there was a relapse several times; but a recurrence to the remedy invariably excited the desired disgust. I pint. The dose is a wineglassf have met with several other cases, where a relapse ensued at the expiration of three, four, and six weeks; but in the greater number of cases, the disinclination to the use of ardent spirit has so far continued. Some of the individuals have not indulged in their former favorite beverage, for three, four, six, eight, ten, and twelve months. A single case of complete failure has come to my knowledge; in this instance, the use of the remedy was persisted in for about a month, without occasioning the desired effect: the dose, however, by this time, had become so extremely disagreeable to him, that he declared he would rather have his hand cut off than continue to take it still no effect was produced on his appetite for liquor which did not contain the acid: I was surprised to find, in this case, that the dose was rendered comparatively palatable by the addition of a portion of hop tea. Candor compels me to say, that I have directed the remedy in many cases, without having been able to ascertain the result. Whether or not there have been failures among any of

My usual practice is to add a
drachm of the acid to a pint of any
description of liquor the patient
prefers now and then I find it
necessary to augment the quantity
of acid to two drachms to the

every one, two, or three hour;
the interval between the deses
being regulated by the quantity
of liquor the patient has previous
ly been in the habit of taking; I
always request that it may not be
taken to the extent of producing
intoxication. An individual, about
three weeks ago, instead of at-
tending to the directions, took a
quart of liquor, containing two
drachms of the acid, in less than
two hours, and requested his wife
to go for more, which she refused
to do before the next day; but on
the ensuing day, he told her it
was not necessary to get any
more, as his desire for ardent
spirit had ceased. No bad effect
was occasioned by so large a
quantity being taken in so short a

In one instance where the re-
medy was directed without the
knowledge of the individual, the
alteration in the taste of the liquor
prevented its being taken: on
being informed of this circum-
stance, I ordered a weak tincture?
of ipecacuanha to be made, con-
taining a drachm to the quart;
and as the taste of the liquor was
not perceptibly altered, it was

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taken without suspicion by this means, a considerable degree of nausea was kept up, and vomiting was occasionally excited: he continued to take it, however, till he finished two quarts; since which, he has felt no desire for ardent spirit; though it has repeatedly been offered to him, he has uniformly refused it. I have suc ceeded in four or five other cases with ipecacuanha; indeed, I now make it a rule to give the latter, where the patient refuses to take the former, or where he is unwilling to take any remedy; and I prefer it in these cases, because it can be given without the knowledge of the individual, which is often an important consideration; for I not unfrequently have applications from females, who are so unfortunate as to have husbands addicted to intemperance, and yet so infatuated as to refuse to take anything which they aight suppose would deprive them of their relish for spirituous potations. I have succeeded in several cases of this description; and to this day, the individuals have not been able to account for their disgust to ardent spirit. I commence its use by directing a drachm of pulverized ipecacuanha to be infused in a quart of any kind of ardent spirit, for ten or twelve hours; after which the liquor is to be decanted, and taken ad libitum: where a sufficient degree of nausea is not excited, the proportion of ipecacuanha is to be augmented.

I may here remark, that ipecacuanha appears to be the active constituent, in the remedy of Dr. Chambers, of New York, disguised with cochineal, gum ammoniac, and some other unimportant articles; and from its occasional harsh

effects, I am inclined to believe that it contains, at least sometimes, a portion of emetic tartar.

We are pleased to find that a society has just been established, in this city, for the purpose of discouraging the nse of ardent spirit: from the conspicuous station which many of its members hold in society, joined to their well known zeal in the promotion of objects of benevolence and public utility, we anticipate much good from their labors. It is quite gratifying to observe so respectable a number of medical gentlemen in the list of managers.

The able report of a committee of the Board of Guardians of the Poor of the City and Districts of Philadelphia, recently published, contains the following important remarks:

"Another indispensable institution remains to be established; we allude to an Asylum for the Intemperate this, if erected, and properly conducted, would tend to stop the progress of an increasing and destructive evil. If full powers were granted to its directors, to arrest and detain these brutalized beings, otherwise devoted to shame and reproach, a more effectual blow would be inflicted on pauperism than could be achieved by any other means; for drunkenness is the parent of every crime, and disease and want its inseparable followers." An asylum of this description, we are fully persuaded, would be productive of results the most beneficial.


Philadelphia, August 1st, 1827.

From the Gaz. of Health, Lond., Sept., 1827.

For the following valuable communication, we are indebted to

the experienced and scientific Dr. Kinglake, of Taunton.

Morbid Fallacies.-Three cases have lately fallen under my notice, in which the cavity of the pericardium was wholly obliterated by adhesive inflammation, which had the effect of embarrassing the action of the heart, so as greatly to enfeeble its contractile energy. An aching sensation was also experienced about the pericardial region. The respiration was occasionally quickened and somewhat oppressed, with a strong tendency to fainting on sudden or unusual exertion.

Dyspeptic symptoms, of the worst descriptions, with intestinal constipation and a vitiated state of the biliary and the various enteric secretions almost constantly prevailed. These ailments were indeed so prominently afflicting as to have induced a suspicion that the disordered feeling of the heart sympathetically emanated from them, leading to the fallacy of substituting the effect for the


Each of these cases was under close medical observation for upwards of twelve months, and eventually proved mortal. After death they were severally examined, when a universal adhesion of the pericardium to the heart so as to consolidate the two structures, was found to be the organic disease that had been chiefly characterized by disordered feelings of the digestive organs. No manifestation of disease presented in the other viscera, excepting a plethoric fulness of vessels resulting from a retarded and impeded circulation.

In renal disease, much uncertainty and deception often arise in speculating on the concomitant

symptoms. Instances have occurred of the kidneys having been vastly augmented in size, and on the contrary, of having been diminished and wasted almost to annihilation. Of the former description, an example was recently afforded in this place, in which one of the kidneys had been gradually enlarging for upwards of twenty years, and had finally attained, as proved by examination after death, so enormous a bulk, as to weigh rather more than nine pounds. The strange anomaly on this occasion was, that though the patient was an experienced medical practitioner, no ailment wa ever either felt, or suspected exist in the region of the kidneys, but was uniformly and exclusively referred to that of the liver, inducing the patient to observe, use his own expression, that he had been oppressed for many years with a heavy liver,' which, from its long duration and magnitude, was held to be irremediable.

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The urinary secretion was extinct in the diseased kidney, but the other had undergone no structural change, and seemed to have sufficiently executed the natural office of both kidneys. In the circumstances stated, it is almost incredible that the deception should have been so complete as to have persuaded the patient that the liver and not the kidney was the seat of the enlargement that had prominently intruded itself into the anterior part of the cavity of the abdomen.

In another case, a diseased liver was supposed to exist under circumstances that had long threatened to prove destructive. At length, life was terminated, when on examination, the hepatic organ was found to be in a healthy

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