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pain extended downwards to the fingers and upwards along the inside of the arm to the axilla, clavicle, pectoral muscle, and short ribs. When exacerbations of pain recurred, she was seized with startings, tremors, subsultus, &c., attended with febrile symptoms. Every remediate measure had been previously in vain resorted to, and tetanus was apprehended, if speedy relief was not obtained. An incision three inches in length was made over the vein, which being displayed, was tied with two ligatures at one and a half inches from each other, and equidistant from the wound in the vein. The portion of the vein thus enclosed, was divided, which caused instant relief, allowing the freest motions to the wrist and elbow joints. Considering it unnecessary to pursue the case any further, we may add she recovered perfectly. Several other cases are detailed in illustration of this method of cure. Med. Rec.


Dr. Neumann, of Berlin, having employed digitalis in a variety of pulmonary affections, states as the result of his experience, that it is useless in tuberculous consumption, in abscesses following active hemoptysis, or in local phlegmorrhagies of the lungs; but it is almost uniformly successful in those chronic catarrhs dependent on a state of erithism of the mucous lining of the bronchiæ. This form of the disease is sometimes designated chronic bronchitis, pulmonic catarrh and galloping consumption. In its exhibition he gives the following directions provided the diagnosis be accurately marked.

1. The patient must be susceptible of the stimulant action of the remedy, this is often not the case. We may be sure the digitalis will not produce its effect where the pulse of the patient remains uniform and frequent after he has taken it for several days. It does not suit such persons.

2. The medicine ought to be administered in a proper manner. To be good, the leaves even in the dried state, should be perfectly green, and free from any brown spots. Two ounces of the leaves should be infused in six ounces of boiling water, and the patient may take a tablespoonful every hour, till he feels nausea, or a sense of constriction in his throat, or flashing of the eyes, or irregular pulse. The use of the foxglove shonld then be interrupted for seven or eight days, in which interval the full action of the medicine is developed, the pulse remaining irregular, and the mucous secretion diminishing gradually. If the first trial does not remove it entirely, a second course may be commenced after a few days.-Propagateur des Sciences Medicales, Feb. 1826.


Board of Aldermen, May 18. Petition of John C. Warren, and others, praying the Board to refuse in future to grant special licenses for the sale of ardent spirit on the Common, on Election Days, the 4th of July, and other similar occasions, was referred to Aldermen WELSH and SAVAGE.

Smallpox. A communication was received from Dr. SMITH, resident Physician at Rainsford Island, stating that Nathaniel Colly, of Thomaston, Me. died last

fice. It appears that he has been thus afflicted three years, and that it followed a severe attack of smallpox; whether any preparation of mercury was exhibited to the child during the progress of the disease, we cannot learn.


evening of smallpox. He was a seaman on board the brig Thomas & William, Colly,master, from Ireland bound to New York, with 70 passengers. She put into Thomaston, and arrived at quarantine 15th inst. and landed her passenThe child was admitted on the gers on Rainsford Island, and the sick were placed in the hospital. 1st of November; consequently, All who were subject to the at the date of this report, Nosmallpox were vaccinated.-One vember 23, he has been in the man died of smallpox before her hospital nearly a month, but noarrival. Three men who came thing has yet been done for the in said vessel remain on the Island sick with the smallpox. The vessel has been cleansed and sailed for New York, with the remainder of the crew and passengers, except Mr. John G. Gleason, of Thomaston, who came up in said vessel from that place, and was landed on Long Island in this harbor before the physician boarded the vessel. Mr. Gleason sickened with the modified smallpox, at his lodgings in this city this afternoon and was immediately removed to the Island at his own request, where he now



The patient in this case is a boy seven years of age. The inside of the right cheek has become so firmly adherent to the upper and lower gums, that the mouth is closed, and the motion of the jaw rendered very slight, a little lateral or gridding motion only is allowed. The only method by which the patient can take food, is through an opening occasioned by the removal of one of the incisor teeth; and it is truly distressing to witness him when eating, cramming the food, by means of his fingers, through the small ori

Mr. Key, we hear, is "thinking about" dividing the adhesions between the gums and teeth; if the atmospheric influence of the hospital shall not have previously dissolved them.*-Lancet.

Thus we see, as has before been

said, that without Vaccination, no one can be certain that his mouth will not be sewed up, his ear become torpid, his eye lose its vision, that his face will not become horribly scarred, seamed and grooved,-and even the vital principle itself be extinguished, by-Smallpox.


We lately republished an account of the appearance of a pin, gradually making its way through the flesh of the breast of a little child, but which was by many disbelieved as a thing impossible, though some accounted for it as having been swallowed in the food. This is unquestionably a fact, and this is the rational way

*We know that the Hospital air shuts up many men's mouths, but we never heard of its opening any, except at some of the dronish and long winded lectures. Perhaps it would be worth the experiment, to send the boy to hear a lecture; Ed. Lancet.

it would be invidious to say where.—

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Scald about a double handful of Indian meal, into which put a little salt, and as much cold water as will make it rather warmer than new milk; then stir in wheat flour, till it is as thick as a family pudding, and set it down by the fire to rise. In about half an hour, it generally grows thin; you may sprinkle a little fresh flour on the top, and mind to turn the pot round, that it may not bake to the side of it. In three or four hours, if you mind the above directions, it will rise and ferment as if you had set it with top yeast; when it does, make it up in a soft dough-flour a pan, put in your bread, set it before the fire, covered up, turn it round to make it equally warm, and in about half an hour it will be light enough to bake. It suits best to bake at home in a Dutch oven, as it should be put into the oven as soon as it is light.


The present being not only a seasonable time to prepare this valuable medicine, but to recommend its usefulness, particularly amongst children afflicted with bowel complaints-a feeling mo

ther offers the following recipe for public benefit.

Take the fruit before it is very ripe, extract the juice, and to each quart add one pound of white sugar, skim and boil it about half an hour, when cool enough to bottle add a small teacupful of brandy. From one to two tablespoonfuls, may be taken frequently, as age and circumstances may require.


Mix together a quarter of a pound of tallow, 3 onnces of common turpentine, one ounce of shellack, and one ounce of bees' wax. Make the boots or shoes perfectly dry, this is absolutely essential, and warm, and rub them with this mixture, as hot as possible, and repeat this operation every other day, for at least four times successively. The articles thus impregnated will be found perfectly water proof.

Sermons on the evils of intemperance,delivered by the Rev. Mr. Palfrey, of this city, on the late Public Fast, are published and for sale by Bowles and Dearborn, Washington Street, at 25 cents. A more benevolent and useful act, perhaps, cannot be done than to distribute these discourses through the community.


The public are cautioned against purchasing Cordials and Drops from those hawkers and pedlars who constantly infest our houses" with their nobody knows what," under the title of Essences. The writer of this article has witnessed for eight days past an obstinate and dangerous case of delirium, arising from a young female taking a quantity of essence, labeled, "to gain love and friend

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OURSELVES AND OUR CHILDREN. So long as our feelings and enjoyments are affected by heat, cold, atmospheric changes, and other natural causes, to whose agency we are constantly exposed, so long men will naturally speculate and act in reference to subjects connected with health; and their efforts to secure their physical wellbeing will be more or less successful in proportion to their acquaintance with the causes of disease, and with the means of avoiding these, or of counteracting their effects. This information is not only valuable, but attainable, and should constitute a part of general education. Every man, in ordinary circumstances, should be able to take care of himself; this would not only prevent much suffering, but much expense and loss of time; many interruptions of business and pleasure, -of noble pursuits, of cheering hopes, and the dearest realities. Many other species of knowledge, which are sought with ardor and perseverance, are, in comparison with this, of little or no worth. In pursuit, they confer nothing worth possessing, and lead to nothing desirable in the result.

To succeed in this enterprize, it is only requisite that men should feel the conviction that a wellformed, sound, and vigorous body, lays at the foundation of every earthly privilege

and enjoyment; secondly, that the attainment of this blessing is the basis of all rational and prosperous education; and thirdly, that all this is very practicable.

This extensive field of labor, whenever it shall be duly cultivated, will yield a richer abundance of good fruits than has ever yet been gathered, or by many, even thought to be possible. We do not wish, however, to be enthusiastic on this subject, but choose rather to confine our expectations of improvement to the demonstrations of actual experiment. That education, generally speaking, has at no time, or in any country, been what it is now known it might be rendered, is a fact which no intelligent individual will hesitate to admit, who is acquainted with the effects produced in the gymnastic schools which have been recently established in Europe. These insti tutions are none of them old, and are doubtless susceptible of still nearer approaches to perfection. They have, however, already accomplished so much more than any other institutions in which the influence of the body and the value of its culti vation are not distinctly recognized, that they promise more for the advancement of society, than any other preceding sources of improvement. To give the animal mechanism the estimation it deserves in the composition of the human being; to point out and facilitate the means of exercising and unfolding its various organs and properties, and of preserv ing these through life in a state of soundness, vigor, and activity, are now beginning to receive something

of that primary attention to which they can never cease to be entitled. Whatever known causes can impair or destroy the health of the individual, or of the community, it will be one object of this paper to point out, and to make known the methods of avoiding, lessening, or removing them. It also comes within the plan of the editor to notice, from time to time, such popular errors, theoretical and practical, in the treatment of diseases, as are incessantly doing much mischief in society. We had proceeded thus far some months ago, and of course before we had the pleasure of reading the article on Physical Education in the last number of the American Journal of Education. This article is worthy of the subject it treats, and of the excellent publication in which it appears. We do not renew this subject today because it will bring to our readers the charm of novelty, without which so many fastidious readers of the present day caunot consent to be charmed at all, but because we deem it important to keep it continually before the public till our legislators, school committees, parents, and teachers, shall unite and cooperate in head, heart, and hand, till the improvement aim ed at shall be fully accomplished.

All the defects in the management of children and young persons, mentioned in the article of the Journal of Education, arise from causes of longstanding, and which have gained strength from time and usage; let it be the glory, then, of the present generation, to detect, expose and eradicate them. From the day that

a better knowledge of the human being shall prevail, and the means of making him happy shall be distinctly perceived, every institutor and projector while locating and erecting his schoolhouse and college, will feel it to be no less their duty and interest to provide light for the eye, pure air for the lungs, and sufficient space for exercising the muscles, nerves, and senses, than they will to prepare for their pupils-books, forms, benches, apparatus and teachers,because the former are quite as necessary and beneficial as the latter. As a common instance of the absurdity and incongruity which still prevail on this subject, let us turn our attention, for a moment, to the Public Latin School in this city. The building is situated in the midst of a crowded, noisy, and busy part of the town, where every foot of earth would sell for three dollars or more. In the intervals of recess, the boys are very properly forbidden to go into the street, where the passing multitude are not disposed to be turned out of their course by one or two hundred of capering boys, intent only on their own amusement, and who in this state of action and excitement, would be little less likely to run down a lady than a pig would be in the city of New York. If they go into the yard, which is exceedingly narrow and restricted, the more quiet and orderly are subjected to the tricks and annoyances of their more turbulent and mischievous comrades. And while thus cooped up during the periods assigned for refreshment and recreation, they are compelled to breathe an atmosphere

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