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epidemic smallpox endanger the life of the infant, or a necessity present itself for its immediate removal, to a situation where pure vaccine matter can with difficulty be procured; in such cases, it would be the height of imprudence to delay, for a moment, on any slight pretext, the employment of a preservative, the certainty and innocent nature of which are now placed beyond the possibility of doubt.

It has been remarked that vaccination adds nothing to the danger, nor in any degree interferes with the process of dentition; and practitioners of eminence, of whom we may cite VALENTIN and HUSSON, assure us, that the communication of the vaccine disease has had the effect of completely removing crusta lactea, herpes, tinea capitis, convulsions, ophthalmia, and even scrofula. Hence, we find, there are few circumstances which will warrant us in hesitating, for a moment, to place in security, by vaccination, every infant in the least danger of being exposed to the influence of the smallpox contagion.--N. American Med. and Surg. Journ.

For the Medical Intelligencer.



In ancient days the habits of literary men were vastly different from what they now are. Then a large portion of their time was devoted to exercise, to increasing their muscular frame, to rendering themselves powerful in action, and robust in constitution. Now, it is different, What time our literary men have to spare from study, instead of being devoted to healthful recreation, is usually spent either in silent me

ditation, or in listless inactivity, both of mind and body. The wise men of the early ages thought proper to pay as much attention to the cultivation of the bodies of their children, as to the cultivation of their intellect; while those of our day are so apprehensive that their children will become fools and dunces, and are so anxious that they should become prodigies, that they direct all their attention to cultivate their intellect; and in so doing, wholly forget, or wilfully neglect, the cultivation of their physical system. In our day, men are apt to think but little of strength of limbs, and vigor of body, so that they but possess a sound mind and good sense,-not thinking that it is the vigor and strength of the body that can alone insure a sound and vigorous mind. In ancient times, on the contrary, vigor and activity of body were qualities of chief consideration. If a man's limbs were small or his muscles weak, he was invariably an object of ridicule and contempt among his associates. Even in our day, we may in some measure observe this contempt, not so much towards persons short of stature, as towards those of slender and puny limbs. For example, how are the French ridiculed for the lankness of their frames, tailors for the smallness of their legs, and students generally for the smallness of their arms. The vigor and activity of body for which the ancients were so remarkable were acquired by a constant routine of daily exercise, and of exercise in all its forms. In fact, the Gymnastic or athletic exercises were considered by most of the ancients as a necessary branch of education. And it is among

the ancients that we must go to find the rarest specimens of the union of intellectual vigor with activity. Yes; in these days it may be said with peculiar emphasis, men had iron franes and giant minds. Their bodie could endure almost every fatigue, and could brave almost every hardship. Their minds could grasp almost every object, the most stupendous, the most grand, the most intricate.

The ancient Greeks were alike distinguished for symmetry of form, for beauty of proportion, for elegance of feature, for hardness of constitution, for strength of frame, and for gigantic powers of mind. The moderns, on the contrary, are distinguished for uncouthness of proportion, for bloated or otherwise disfigured features, for shattered constitutions, for lean and enervated bodies, and for weak and powerless minds. The conclusion is obvious, and it is unavoidable. The ancients loved action, the moderns love


The ancients did not consider it below their dignity, neither did they consider it as at all Judicrous, to engage in all the variety of the exercises of the Palæstra. The moderns are too dignified and too stately to condescend to make fools of themselves,' as they may be pleased to term it, 'by performing the ridiculous exercise of a Gymnasium.' And what is the consequence? The ancients enjoyed health and strength of body and mind; the moderns have neither.

But we are asked-What is the nature and utility of Gymnastic Exercises? Exercise we allow is necessary, but why is that of the Gymnasium better than any other? Exercise is exercise

and why is not sawing and splitting wood as good and as wholesome an exercise as the feats of the Gymnasium?' We answer

1. In the first place, exercise, of whatever kind it may be, should be of such a nature as to delight the mind at the same time that it gives strength to the body. And it should always be recollected, particularly by parents and guardians, that exercise, however innocent, or gentle, or thorough it may be, is of little or no use to give the exerciser health and strength, if it be of such a nature as to be irksome to him, or if it be at all repugnant to his feelings; for we know, that even as the mind sympathises with the body, so also does the body sympathise with the mind. And it is for this reason, because the body sympathises with the mind, that a weak → or sickly person, if he engages in an exercise disagreeable to him, will generally find it entirely useless. It is for this reason also, that dyspeptic and consumptive persons, who of all others are usually most averse to exercise, when they perform a journey, or take some other exercise sickening to their feelings, so often return as sick as before they went, or more so.

But many sick persons are persuaded very much against their inclination to go to sea or take a

journey, and yet return in sound health. True; but we maintain that in such cases the disinclination did not continue. We maintain that the patient, though at first opposed to the exercise, as most sick persons are opposed to all exercise, afterwards acquired a relish for it. And this, we maintain, was the real cause, in the hands of God, of this recovery. Now we confi

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2. Allowing, as we must, that the exercise of splitting and sawing wood is good so far as it goes, and that some persons do actually take pleasure and satisfaction in the operation, still we say that even then it brings into action only a certain set of muscles,-and what is the consequence? It is, that these muscles are strengthened, while the others retain their former size and strength, or I should perhaps say, weakness, and thereby the equilibrium between the different parts of the body is destroyed. And, as was before observed, and an instance given in the case of the tailor, better not exercise violently at all, than to exercise one part of the body violently and leave the rest without exertion.

But to proceed to the utility of Gymnastic exercises. The utility derived from Gymnastic exercises is for the present time most particularly. But by exercising in early years the good effects will in a great measure probably last through life. The first immediate effect of the Gymnastic exercises is to make the muscles, nay, if one after exercising might judge from his feelings, to make his whole body extremely sore, so much so, in fact, that some persons, particularly those whose constitutions are weak, find them

selves so sore after exercising an hour, that they can scarcely walk about with any convenience, and are obliged to obtain the assistance of others while dressing, and find that they cannot without pain touch any part of their body, legs or arms.

I mention this circumstance attending the exercises, in order that persons need not be alarmed when they perceive these symptoms approaching, as has been the case in some instances. They imagined that their system was dangerously injured, and they tormented their poor bodies with blisters, sticking plasters and poultices, till, after a few days, when the soreness naturally goes off, they found themselves fortunately cured of this great evil which was threatening them with the most dire calamities. And then,-"Away with Gymastics! I narrowly escaped with my life,-I don't put myself in jeopardy again." Such has been the style in which some persons have reasoned. Now the cause of their alarm is this, they are entirely ignorant of the cause of the soreness of which they complain. They do not understand the manner in which the muscles of the human body operate. But the real consequences of this soreness are not so dreadful as they imagine.

Now, if we are asked why the muscles of the legs, for instance, should be made sore by taking a few exercises in the Gymnasium, when a man can walk four miles at one time without suffering any inconvenience though the same muscles appear to be used, that is, the muscles of the legs. We answer, first, because many, nay, the greater part of the muscles used in the Gymnasium have ne

ver been called into action be- and enable them to endure much fore; and therefore the exerciser greater fatigue, and for a longer

when he feels these uncommon sensations is alarmed and amazed, and puzzled to know why he has never felt anything of the kind before; whereas the reason is obvious, it is because he has never before had an opportunity of feeling anything of the kind. For example: take the simple exercise of sinking on the legs in a erouching posture. Let any one not accustomed to it perform this exercise of sinking and rising, with its variations of hopping, &c. for the space of one quarter of an hour, and it is a great chance if he is able to walk about the next day with any kind of ease. How

is this accounted for? Here are brought into action only a part of the muscles of the legs,-members which are probably exercised more than any other. They are daily used in walking and running, and often in other exercises. True; and the muscles that are used in walking, &c. are well exercised. But scarcely any of these muscles, namely, the walking muscles, are used at all in the sinking or crouching posture just described. So that a different set of muscles must be used. This very circumstance proves the utility of Gymnastic exercises, and at the same time shows how imperfect an exercise is walking. In walking, one set of muscles only are brought into action, and if no other exercise be taken, the remainder are suffered to become languid, feeble and weak. Whereas the athletic exercises of the Gymnasium, by their great variety bring into brisk action all those muscles which are not used in walking, and thereby strengthen the legs

time than they could before. This shows how improper it is for literary men, whose habits are well known to be often ruinous to their health and peace, to trust for exercise and recreation entirely or chiefly to walking. Walking, comparatively speaking, fatigues the body without refreshing the mind, exhausts the body without strengthening the limbs, and wastes the body without giving health to the system.

Some further remarks will be reserved for a future number.



Retreat for the Insane.-The annual report of the visiting physicians to the Connecticut Retreat for the Insane, located in Hartford, presents some interesting facts connected with the mode of treating the patients, their number, those relieved, &c.

During the year ending in April, there were sixtytwo patients in the Retreat. Of these, twenty were old cases and five recent ones remaining at the close of the previous year, and thirtyseven admitted during the year. In the same period fortyfour patients have been discharged, of which four were old cases recovered, five much improved, five improved, and four stationary; making eighteen old cases discharged. Of the recent cases discharged, twentyfive were recovered and one much improved. Eighteen patients remained in the Retreat. No deaths occurred during the year. While the records of other lunatic asylums show that six or eight only in a hundred of pa

stitution, that patients, who had always been raving when confined without being told the reason, and

tients are recovered, the report of this institution presents the flattering result of twenty five out of twentyeight recent cases cured-refractory when commanded in

a proportion of 89 in the hundred. Of the moral and medical management of the patients the committee are bound to give a brief detail, as the general plan of treatment adopted at this institution is more or less original, and differs in some material respects from that pursued at any other hospital.

In respect to the moral and intellectual treatment, the first business of the physician, on the admission of a patient, is, to gain his entire confidence. With this view he is treated with the greatest kindness however violent his conduct may be; is allowed the liberty which his case admits of, and is made to understand, if he is still capable of reflection, that so far from having arrived at a madhouse, where he is to be confined, he has come to a pleasant and peaceful residence, where all kindness and attention will be shown him, and where every means will be employed for the recovery of his health. In case coercion and confinement become necessary, it is impressed on his mind that this is not done for the purpose of punishment, but for his own safety and that of his keepers. In no case is deception on the patient employed or allowed. On the contrary, the greatest frankness, as well as kindness, forms a part of the moral treatHis case is explained to him, he is made to understand as far as possible, the reason why the treatment to which he is subjected has become necessary.


By this course of intellectual management, it has been found as a matter of experience at our In

stead of being intreated, soon became peaceable and docile.

This kind of treatment of course does not apply to idiots, or those laboring under low grades of imbecility, but it is applicable. to every other class of mental diseases, whether maniacal or melancholic.

Effects of Ardent Spirit.-Two persons near Red River, in Louisiana, lately made a bet which should drink the greatest quantity of ardent spirit. A gallon of whiskey was procured, and they both commenced, drinking by turns the contents of a tumbler. The gallon in a few minutes was gone; and the person who proposed the bet went for more! but on his return found the other lifeless.

Mr. Fuller, the teacher of Gymnastics, who has been exceedingly successful in establishing schools in this city and Philadelphia, has recently gone to Canada, for the purpose of introducing his excellent system there. Mr. F. will return in the course of a couple of months, and resume his vocation here.-N. Y. Albion.

Beer Pumps.-It is said that three young men have recently died in New York, in consequence of drinking beer and cider drawn through leaden pipes and brass pumps. The oxide of lead and verdigris, formed by the liquors and extracted by the action of drawing them, are deadly poisons.

Col. Charles Coit, of Norwich, Conn. being fully satisfied of the

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