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bus hystericus, a disposition to fainting, and a weak tremulous pulse. In persons more advanced in life, who take their daily allowance of wine, and use exercise but sparingly, the decided evidences of a flow of blood to the head, will probably manifest themselves.

gastric fever, it is not meant to infer that other remedies will not afford effectual aid. In many cases indeed they are indispensable. Leeches to the pit of the stomach are often a valuable preparative, and the stimulus of ether and of camphor is frequently required to support the system under the exhausting effects of so powerful a medicine..

This may serve as a sketch of the prevailing malady of the present month. No particular Disorders of the respiratory difficulties have been experienced organs have been very generally in the management of it. Where met with during the preceding the strength of the patient's habit month, but not more perhaps than was such as to admit of the ope- the season would, warrant us in ration of active remedies, the expecting. An English spring is union of calomel and antimony has proverbially variable, and the proved singularly serviceable. Meteorological Register for the The heightening of the effect of last month, as faithfully kept by particular drugs by combination Mr. Harris, will satisfy the readis a principle well known to phy- er that hitherto our climate has sicians, and admirably exempli- no disposition to improve in this fied in the instances of Dover's Powder, and Cathartic Extract. The principle is equally well illustrated in the case of calomel and antimony. This union of two powerful drugs supplies us with an evacuant remedy of very extensive operation, influencing indeed the whole series of the natural functions; and it will be found highly efficacious in all those cases of fever which are of fortuitous origin. Within four or five hours after being received into the circulation, its influence will become apparent. The liver is perhaps the first to feel it, and the biliary ducts are emulged. If the stomach be at all irritable, vomiting now takes place. In a short time afterwards the bowels are relieved. A second dose, administered the following day, will in many cases complete the cure, by further relaxing the skin and the kidneys. By assuming this as the basis of treatment in

respect. Coughs, and asthmas, and spittings of blood are abundant. There has been perhaps less of the acute pleurisy than is usual at this season, and the lancet, therefore, has been less in requisition; but to compensate this, leeches and cuppingglasses have been largely resorted to, and the benefits which they confer will bear out the pathologist in all his speculations concerning local congestion, and irregular distributions of blood. Few practitioners perhaps have sufficiently turned their attention to that curious doctrine in physic, the limitation of diseased action in internal organs, a doctrine than which we know none admitting of a wider or more practical application.

Among contagious and epidemic diseases, hooping cough has been the most generally diffused. The reporter has himself met with many instances of it in children;


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cannot be too much diffused or respected in our literary institutions.

and he has heard from others of grown up persons who have lately passed through it with no inconsi"In his Introductory Lecture, derable degree of severity. One of those cases, which fell under which is written in a chaste and his own care, was extremely vio- correct style, Dr. Roget exhibits lent, and affords a fine illustration a general view of the organs and of the varied dangers to which functions of the animal body, and the little sufferer in this disease illustrates in an interesting manel is too often exposed. Permanent ner the importance of the science difficulty of breathing was the of physiology. Sometime hence first untoward symptom, and the it will not be believed, that in congestion of the lungs was with the present day it should have difficulty restrained. The brain been necessary to insist on the suffered next, and an attack of usefulness of this study, especialconvulsions was sufficient to cre- ly to the medical student, and ate alarm. This danger was This danger was that its utility should have been scarcely obviated, when hectic so little felt, that till the Autumn fever developed itself, under the of 1826, there should not have daily attacks of which the child is been a single medical school in now suffering and wasting. The England, perhaps with one excepcough still continues, and will tion, in which even an attempt probably yield only to the genial was made to exhibit a general influence of time. The favorite view of the science. In the Unispecific of the present day is well versity of London, it would apknown to be a combination of car- pear, physiology is to form a sebonate of soda and cochineal pow- parate branch of instruction. We der. Its real influence is very would take leave to suggest that small, and probably on a par with the lectures delivered from this that of the once vaunted, but now chair should not be framed with forgotten, remedies of a former a view to medical pupils excluage, tincture of castor and pare- sively, but should be adapted to the general student. Without goric elixir.


May 24, 1827.

We subjoin one quere only. Is it useful, or rational, or necessary practice, to carry one remedy so far as to require another to support the system under its exhausting effects?

At the close of the Review of an excellent lecture on human and com

parative Physiology by Dr. Roget, at the new medical school in Aldersgate Street, London, published in the Westminster Review of April last, are the following remarks, which

doubt all the facts of the science, and all the principles deducible from a comparison of these facts might be communicated to the general student, just as easily as to him who is to devote himself to a particular profession. We feel satisfied that to the candid and enlightened men to whom the regulation of this matter is intrusted, it cannot be necessary to point out the advantage which would result to the community by the general communication of instruction of this kind. Independ ently of the new world of knowledge which it would open to the

mind, than which there is none in its own nature more interesting, or the practical, we may even say the moral, influence of which would be more truly valuable, the admission of this science into the general course of instruction, as a regular and necessary part of it, would operate most beneficially on the medical profession itself, were it only that it would enable the educated part of the community to detect professional ignorance, and to appreciate professional merit.



Mr. Piorry reports the following case to the Royal Academy of Paris, in which the cuppingglasses were successfully applied. A man, aged 45, was bitten in the right hand by a viper. In two hours the whole arm was painful, tumefied, and benumbed; the temperature of the body was lowered, and the circulation retarded; the pulsation of the radial arteries and of the carotids, could not be perceived; nausea, vomiting, and involuntary stools succeeded, with enormous tumefaction of the face. The wounds of the hand were laid open, and a cuppingglass applied for half an hour; some serous fluid flowed from the wound, with which a cat was inoculated without any bad effects. The symptoms gradually abated. The next day, the supervention of phlegmonous erysipelas being apprehended, forty leeches were applied; and the patient recovered.-Nouv. Biblioth. Med.

The practice of sucking wounds is, as every one knows, very ancient. In certain parts of our country, it is a very common practice, when any person has been bit

ten by a rattlesnake, to take a bottle, put a little whiskey into it, hold it to the fire till it becomes filled with the vapor of the spirit, and then apply the mouth of the bottle to the wound. As the bottle cools the vapor condenses, a partial vacuum is formed, and the effect of a cuppingglass is produced. How far we are justified in referring the recovery in Mr. P.'s case to the effects of the cuppingglass, we leave it to our readers to decide; but the experiments of Mr. Barry, which have been repeated and extended with the most satisfactory results, by Messrs. Orfila, Adelon, and Laennec, the committee appointed for this purpose by the Royal Academy of Medicine of Paris, and also the experiments of Messrs. Breschet and Edwards, would justify us in anticipating the most pleasing consequences from their use.-Phil. Journ. of the Med. and Phys. Sci.

A new method of separating the

Placenta from the Uterus in cases
of profuse Hemorrhage after

AN Italian physician has practised
the following process with uniform
success. Having left the vein of
the umbilical cord to itself for
sometime, that it may discharge
itself of the blood which it con-
tains, and having deprived it of
this fluid as perfectly as possible
by artificial means, he injects
through it into the uterus, with
a certain degree of force, a quan-
tity of water acidulated with vi-
negar. Either the sudden im-
pression made on the placental
tissue by the injected fluid, or the
sensation of cold which is at the
instant communicated to the vas-
cular structure which unites it to
the uterus, causes a separation
always to take place, without be-

ing under the necessity of introducing the hand into the uterus. In case the first injection does not succeed, he repeats it a second and a third time, always taking care to let the previously injected fluid pass out of the vessels before he repeats the operation. -Repertorio di Med. etc. Torino Maggio, 1826.



Proofs of the efficacy of this practice are multiplying on us. We have lately perused the history of a case in which Dr. P. B. Wilcox, of Kentucky, resorted to it, with complete success. The patient was an infant, seven weeks old. It had been in a deep sleep for eight hours; and was affected with violent convulsions, laborious respiration and suspended deglutition. After continuing the affusion of cold water for fifteen minutes, all the symptoms were greatly relieved, the convulsions ceased to recur, and the ability to swallow was restored. An emetic and cathartic completed the cure.-Western Med. and Phys. Journal.


The Worcester papers announce the death of a child of Mr. Lewis Moore, aged 7 years, of Sudbury, in consequence of eating the seeds of the wind hemlock, which he mistook for caraway seed.-The above plant, the Cicuta Maculata of Bigelow, is said to be probably the most dangerous of our poisonous vegetables, and growing in all parts of New England, and sometimes by the road side, it has occasioned various instances of speedy death on children who have unwarily eaten the seeds or the root.


An Extract of a Letter from Dr. BARTLETT, of Providence R. I., who is now in Paris, to Dr. J. D. FISHER, of this City. "I BELIEVE I spoke in my last letter to you of a supposed case of aneurism of the common carotid at La Pitié. Lisfranc gave several clinical lectures on the case, and insisted especially on the difficulty with which, in many instances, aneurisms were distinguished from tumeurs érectiles' or fungus hæmatodes. He carried the patient, who was a female, to the meeting of the Academy of Medicine, and requested and obtained the opinion of a considerable number of his professional brethren. He had had suspicions that the trunk of the artery was diseased and dilated, and feared it might be necessary to tie the innominata. It was decided by the members of the academy who examined it, that the case was one of aneurism, and that probably the trunk of the artery was sound. In regard to the latter consideration, he said immediately before the operation, he should govern himself by the circumstances; and if, on arriving at the artery, he found it diseased, he should go down and tie the innominata. The operation was performed some fifteen days ago, the artery found and tied with facility, and the patient suffered but little. Lisfranc had always expressed his fears of a hemorrhage, on the ligature's coming away. Three or four days since, there was a hemorrhage indeed, and the patient died. An examination was made, and there was no aneurism at all. It was a fungus hæmatodes. The ligature

had not come away, but the artery had ruptured immediately below. It was a striking illustration of the text on which the surgeon had so emphatically dwelt, -the difficulty in many cases of pronouncing with certainty on the nature of the disease.

"M. Lisfranc succeeded so well in his last nosemanufacture,

that he intends, in a few days, making another attempt."

New England Med. Journal.

Simeon Butler, of Northampton, proposes to publish by subscription, a Treatise on Gymnastics, taken chiefly from the German of F. L.


It is desirable that there should be within the reach of the public, a short and comprehensive work on the subject of Gymnastics, a work suited to gratify the curiosity of the general reader, and to furnish the details necessary for the proper conducting of a gymnasium. Of many German authors that have written on this department of education, no one has treated of it with more knowledge or practical zeal, or after more successful experience than Jahn.

His treatise is acknowledged to have the strongest claim to originality and thoroughness in explaining the science, which he contributed essentially to revive. Such additions will be made to the original, as have been suggested by recent experience.

The work will be prepared for the press by Dr. CHARLES BECK, of Northampton. As he was formerly a pupil of the author, there is a sufficient guarantee, that the translation will be executed with fidelity, and that the additions which will be made, will be in the spirit and tone of the original treatise,

The volume when published will contain about 200 pages, in octavo, and will be accompanied by eight copperplate engravings, illustrative of the subject. and engraved by an artist long and familiarly acquainted with gymnastic exercises. The price of the work to subscribers will be $ 1,75.

ed in the principles, practice and efA literary friend who is well skillfects of gymnastic training, observes on this subject :-


"The spreading of gymnastie exercises in this country seems to require the speedy publication of a common standard work, according to which these exercises may everywhere be conducted. meet this apparent want of our gymnastic institutions, no work seems to be so well calculated as that of Jahn, whose eminent merits in this department have deservedly procured him the name of the father of the gymnastic art. work has, since its first publication, served as a common textbook in every German gymnasium. The gymnasiums in England and in this country have been established and conducted according to the same standard.


Jahn's book excels all other treatises on gymnastics I know, by the systematic arrangement of the different exercises, and the practical description of each of them. The work of Dr. Beck contains all that is important in Jahn, together with later improvements, and a number of engravings, drawn and executed by a skilful German artist who is at present connected with the school on Round Hill. The usefulness of such engravings, which represent the most important exercises, is evident, particularly for those who wish to acquaint themselves with gymnas

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