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painful soon after they are inflicted, we believe nothing affords such certain relief as cold. This may be applied by means of a bladder nearly filled with water and applied to the part-it sometimes is useful to add ice to it; or ice may be applied over the dressings, agreeably to the recommendation of Sir James Earle. Burns have almost always this peculiarity in healing; namely, they shoot up fungus most rapidly; nor is this easy to subdue, even by active caustics, which we are almost always obliged to use. There is little or no sensibility in this fungus, when it is abundant; we have applied caustic often to such surfaces, without the patient's expressing the least uneasiness. When it is more moderate in quantity, it is generally more sensible.

It may be proper to mention, that we have seen great error committed in the application of caustic, by its being spread over the whole fungous surface. This, we believe, is never necessary; for the healing proceeds pretty constantly from the margin of the wound; consequently, it is only necessary to suppress its excess immediately at the edges. Dry lint, where compression can be made easily, is very useful in removing this superabundant product. But the lunar caustic is the least irritating, and most certain of all the escharotics we have employed.

When burns are healing, great pains should be taken that no two parts that are naturally separate, should come into contact, lest they adhere permanently. On this account, when the hands or feet are the seats of the accident, the fingers and toes should be

kept separate, by well regulated dressings. Splints and bandages may also be necessary to prevent contractions.


J. H. James, Esq., surgeon, Exeter, describes his own case, in which very extensive local disease with constitutional disorder was caused by the absorption of morbid virus.

Mr. James having assisted at the examination of a man who had died of diabetes, in whom erysipelatous inflammation occurred round the orifice after repeated venesection; on the following day set out for London. A painful sensation was soon felt in the left biceps, over which two red lines were traced, marking the course of inflamed absorbents. On the following day, there was faintness and depression, succeeded by a rapid increase of the swelling and redness of the arm. There was a sensation of burning heat, with great tenderness and enlargement of the axillary glands.

On the subsidence of the diffuse inflammation two carbunculous abscesses formed in the course of the absorbents, which had a livid tinge, with phlyctene on the surface, containing sanies and sloughs of cellular substance. The seat of the nailspring was occupied by an indolent foul ulcer. Extreme nervous irritability with spasms of the back and trunk followed the state of prostration.

On arriving at London, Mr. Abernethy directed frequent evaporating poultices, small doses of calomel and jalap, and effervescing draughts. In about a month Mr. J. was enabled to return to Exeter.

After some general remarks on

the influence of morbid poisons, Mr. J. concludes with recommending the hands of the dissector to be washed in citric acid and water to ascertain the seat of the wound or scratch, and afterwards to suck the part and cauterize freely.-Medical Recorder.


to four or six hours, and the attacks were proportionally diminished.

Dr. D. remarks that this medicine has great advantages over most others; 1st, because it is easily taken, even in large doses; 2d, because it is not capable of causing any local or general disorder in the system. None of our author's patients complained of headache, flushings of the face, acceleration of the pulse, or any other unpleasant effect from the medicine. It generally increased the appetite, and improved the functions of di

Dr. Duparque has been testing, to use an American phrase, and by no means a bad one, the virtues of subcarbonate of iron, in neuralgic affections, and it appears, from his testimony, that the nerves of gestion. Frenchmen are nearly as suscepti-It is gratifying to find this corble to the steeling process, so long employed in this country, as those of John Bull. Dr. D. has related a considerable number of cases in the July No. of the BIBLIOTHEQUE MEDICALE, where the carbonate of iron succeeded, after quinine and various other remedies had failed, in facial and other neuralgia. We shall only give the particulars of one case, as an example.

Madame P. 68 years of age, had been afflicted, for 16 years, with suborbital neuralgia of the right side. The pains returned at irregular periods, but were seldom more than eight or ten minutes absent. The pains were of a tearing, burning character, accompanied by sneezing, lachrymation, and redness of the conjunctiva. The motions of the lower jaw, the tongue, and the pharynx, were sometimes almost annihilated, and the whole body rendered stiff, as in tetanus. All the means that could suggest themselves to the most eminent Parisian practitioners were tried, but all in vain, and it was contemplated to try a division of the nerve; but at this time Dr. D. administered the carbonate of iron. After four days, the intervals were lengthened

roboration of the therapeutical effects of the carbonate of iron in foreign countries. Indeed, we think that, next to quinine, the medicine in question is one of the most important we possess in the reduction of that morbid sensibility of the nervous system, so prevalent in this country.-Medico Chirur. Review.


Mr. Wakley has published an interesting case of a painful affection chiefly in the dorsal portion of the spine. The immediate seat of the disease, he supposes, to have been either in the spinal marrow, or its envelopes. The patient, Mary Peck, about 45 years of age, was of a florid complexion. She had been under the care of Mr. Beaman, a scientific general practitioner, of Covent Garden. When she first applied to Mr. B. for his advice, she complained of sore throat, and pain in her limbs, which gave way to mercury and the Lisbon diet drink. She applied to him on account of a violent pain in the back bone. The symptoms inducing Mr. B. to suppose inflammation had taken place in the membranes

The result of this case is certainly in favor of the practice recommended by the late Dr. Baillie, of increasing the dose of laudauum, in cases of pain, or increased action, unconnected with inflammation, till it has an effect on the disease. This was his favorite practice, in cases of diabetes, which he attributed to increased action of the secretory vessels of the kidneys.-L. Gaz. of Health.


Some months ago something was said by a number of physicians in Connecticut and in Boston respecting the impropriety of visiting the sick on Sunday, excepting in cases of necessity or urgency,—and perhaps we may now speak on the subject with less danger of being indiscreet or misunderstood, than we might have done in the short time during which some excitement existed, while the topic was under discussion.

of the spinal marrow, he applied leeches over the seat of the disease; after which he had recourse to counterirritation, and purgative and anodyne medicines. This treatment succeeded in abating the anguish, of pain during the day, but it recurred in greater violence every evening. The abstraction of blood evidently afforded considerable relief. The disease continuing obstinate, she was sent to St. Thomas's Hospital, where she was admitted an inpatient, under the care of the obser- BOSTON, TUESDAY, JULY 31, 1827. vant and scientific physician, Dr. Elliotson. The treatment adopted by the Doctor, in the first instance, was the application of the tartar emetic ointment along the side of the spine; but in conse quence of extreme tenderness of the parts, the remedy could not be properly used. Five days after her admission, the pain being very acute, the Doctor prescribed laudanum, in the dose of sixty drops, to be taken in the evening. The following day, the dose of laudanum was increased to seventyfive drops. The pain still continuing to recur in great violence every evening, the Doctor ordered a drachm of laudanum to be administered three times a day. This treatment succeeded in shortening the paroxysms, and in subduing the anguish of pain. At this time, the pustular effects of the tartar emetic ointment had considerably advanced. After persisting in the use of the laudanum, in drachm doses, three days, she was affected with headache and vomiting, which induced the Doctor to reduce the dose of lau- patient ought to be attended by the danum to half a drachm. The pain continued to decrease in violence, so that in the course of a week she was discharged, cured.

It was said that no visits or operations should be deferred to the Christian Sabbath which might be done as well on some other day of the week, and this we think is wor

thy of all respect and observance; for surely no one disposed to spend the Sabbath in the most suitable and profitable manner would encumber the day with any labor or distraction of mind which could rightfully be avoided. We readily admit that no

physician on Sunday whose case is not in some degree urgent, or which does not at least require attention, But what is to be received as evi

dence that the case is of this character? We answer, the request to the physician to visit the sick is to be taken as plenary evidence that this is the fact. Who can know that the case is not of this kind, but the medical attendant, and this too, after he has seen the patient? We all know that the people are not in the habit of calling in the physician too soon; on the contrary, we know that every day many attacks of disease are rendered severe, protracted and dangerous from the want of timely resistance. A message on the Sabbath, on Sunday, or the Lord's day, for we would not cavil about names, is to receive, according to its tenor, the same attention which is due to it on all other days. It seems singular that any physician indeed of a sound mind and having Christianity for his guide, can have any doubt as to what is proper and incumbent in this case, for, both the example and precepts of the founder of our religion bear with remarkable directness and distinctness on this point, and we presume no man will seek or wish for higher authority than this to direct his course.

Christ, we read, once went into a synagogue of the Jews and found a man there whose hand was withered. "And the Jews asked him, saying, is it lawful to heal on the Sabbathdays? that they might accuse him. And he said to them, what man shall have one sheep, and it fall into a pit on the Sabbathday, will he not lay hold on it and pull it out? How much then is a man better than a sheep? Wherefore it is lawful to do well on the Sabbathdays." Then

Christ, to show what he thought was proper to be done on the Sabbathday, and to reprove the faultfinding spirit of the Jews, said to the man," Stretch forth thy hand; and he stretched it forth; and it was restored whole, like as the other." On some other occasions, and in similar circumstances, Jesus performed a similar miracle to show how much more excellent and worthy of his Father and of himself was the great purpose of his mission, the healing of the moral and physical disorders of the world, than the ceremonies rituals and the narrow and unteachable minds, and inconsistent conduct of the people to whom he was sent.


With regard to the reputation of the medical faculty, to attempt to establish at this period for the first time, a rule that no unnecesary visits be made to the sick on Sunday, is to imply that such visits are now made. After some inquiry on the subject we cannot learn that any physician in Boston is now in the habit of making such visits, nor, that for 30 years past at least, has there been more than one practitioner of medicine and surgery who was more or less in the habit of preferring Sunday for his capital operations. We are sorry to believe that there are some members of the profession who are capable of doing what is unquestionably criminal and altogether unpardonable in any human tribunal: but as to this reflection of making superfluous visits on Sunday, we are happy to say that we can find no evidence of the fact, nor have we any inclination to suppose that it

exists. But be this as it may, least of all things need the public apprehend that the sick will be neglected, for, while one in the hundred of physicians may doubt or delay with respect to the discharge of an obvious duty, the ninety and nine, in this good land, will hold themselves prepared and disposed to obey every call of humanity, and to execute every office for the sick which reason shall require, or revelation enjoin. In this will they most honor themselves, and what is more, in this, as we believe, will they act most consistently and acceptably as Christians.


We publish the following facts for the information and benefit of those

concerned,—in other words, for the public, for we are all concerned in detecting the misconduct of public agents, and in preventing or curing the consequent evils. Dr. Stevens, a subscriber, writes thus from Castine, Me.

comes to me

"Your paper with such irregularity that it is of little utility. I have not received more than onefourth of the numbers since I subscribed. For upwards of three months I did not receive one, and for the last four weeks I have received but one."

Another gentleman, Dr. Raymond, of NewSharon, Me. writes that he does not get one half of his papers, and that he had previously written two letters, to this office, neither of which has been received here. Our papers, strongly covered, have been put into the Post Office here, punctually, without one exception, every

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Chancre, a veneral ulcer, or sore. Chlorine, oxymuriatic gas, so called from its yellow greenish color.

Chloruret or chloride,-a compound of chlorine with a simple base.

N. B. The "chloruet" of our last No. should have been chloruret.

calcium,-a compound of chlorine Chloruret of oxide of sodium, or of with sodium, or of calcium, the same salts which were formerly called oxymuriate of sodium, and of lime.

Chlorometer, an instrument to measure the strength of chlorine, or its salts.

Deliquescent salt, one which attracts moisture on exposure to the air.

Efflorescent salt, one which loses its water of crystallization on exposure to the air.

Hydrochlorates, the same as mu


[blocks in formation]
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