Abbildungen der Seite

To this same place, to this same monument.
This letter he early bid me give his father,
And threaten'd me with death, going in the vault,
If I departed not and left him there.

Prince. Give me the letter; I will look on it.


Where is the county's page, that raised the watch?
Sirrah, what made your master in this place?
Page. He came with flowers to strew his lady's grave;
And bid me stand aloof, and so I did:

Anon comes one with light to ope the tomb;
And by and by my master drew on him;

And then I ran away to call the watch.

Prince. This letter doth make good the friar's words,
Their course of love, the tidings of her death:
And here he writes that he did buy a poison
Of a poor 'pothecary, and therewithal
Came to this vault to die and lie with Juliet.
Where be these enemies? Capulet! Montague!
See, what a scourge is laid upon your hate,


That heaven finds means to kill your joys with love!
And I, for winking at your discords too,

Have lost a brace of kinsmen: all are punish'd.

Cap. O brother Montague, give me thy hand:
This is my daughter's jointure, for no more
Can I demand.

But I can give thee more:
For I will raise her statue in pure gold;
That whiles Verona by that name is known,
There shall no figure at such rate be set
As that of true and faithful Juliet.

Cap. As rich shall Romeo's by his lady's lie;
Poor sacrifices of our enmity!


Prince. A glooming peace this morning with it brings;

The sun for sorrow will not show his head : Go hence, to have more talk of these sad things; Some shall be pardon'd and some punished:

For never was a story of more woe

Than this of Juliet and her Romeo.

[Exeunt. 310

[blocks in formation]

Afeard, afraid; II. ii. 139.
Affecting, affected; II. iv. 29.
Affections, inclinations; I. i. 125.
Affray, frighten; III. v. 33.
Afore, before; II. iv. 166.
Afore me, "by my life"; III. iv. 34.
Against, in preparation of; III. iv.

Agate-stone, figures cut in the agatestone, much worn in rings; I. iv. 55.

All along, at your full length; V.

iii. 3.

All so soon, as soon (all used inten-
sively); I. i. 132.
Ambling, moving in an affected
manner (used contemptuously);
I. iv. II.

Ambuscadoes, ambuscades; I. iv. 84.
Amerce, punish; III. i. 192.
An, if; I. i. 4.

An if, if; V. i. 50.

Ancient, old, aged; II. iii. 74.
Antic face, quaint mask; I. v. 58.
Apace, quickly; II. iv. 223.

Ape, a term of endearment or pity;
II. i. 16.

Appertaining rage to, rage belonging to; III. i. 64.

Apt to, ready for; III. i. 43.
Apt unto, ready for; III. iii. 157.
As, as if; II. v. 16.

namely, IV. iii. 39.

Ascend, ascend to; III. iii. 147.
Aspired, mounted to; III. i. 119.
Associate, accompany; V. ii. 6.
As that, as to that heart; II. ii.

Athwart, across, over [so Quarto 1;
Quartos, Folios, "ouer "]; I. iv.


58. Atomies atoms, little creatures as tiny as atoms [Quarto I, "Atomi"; Quarto 2, "ottamie"];

I. iv. 57.

Attach, arrest; V. iii. 173. Attending, attentive; II. ii. 167.

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Bill, a kind of pike or halberdt, formerly carried by the English infantry, and afterwards the usual weapon of watchmen "; I. i. 72. Bite my thumb; I. i. 41. (Cp. illus. tration.)

From Jacques Lagniet's Recueil des plus

Illustrés Proverbes (c. 1650).

Blaze, make known; III. iii. 151. Blazon, trumpet forth; II. vi. 26. Brace, couple; V. iii. 295. Brief, briefly; III. iii. 174. Broad goose; "far and wide a b g.," prob. far and wide abroad, a goose (some lost allusion perhaps underlies the quibble); II. iv. 88. Broken, cracked; L ii. 53. Brow,face, countenance (Collier MS. and Singer MS. "bow"; III. v. 20. Burn daylight," a proverbial expression used when candles are lighted in the day-time"(Steevens); hence, superfluous actions in general; here waste time"; I. iv. 43. Butt-shaft, a kind of arrow used for shooting at butts; formed without a barb, so as to be easily extracted" (Nares); II. iv. 16. By and by, directly; II. ii. 152.

By my fay, by my faith (a slight oath); I. v. 127.

By my troth, by my truth, on my word; II. iv. 119.

By the rood, by the cross (a slight oath); I. iii. 36.

Caitiff, wretched, miserable; V. i. 52.

Canker, canker-worm; II. iii. 30. Captain of compliments, "complete master of all the laws of ceremony"; II. iv. 20.

Carry coals, endure affronts (the carriers of coal, prob. charcoal, were the lowest menials; cp. "blackguard," originally the attendants upon the royal household's progress); I. i. 1.

Chapless, without jaws; IV. i. 83.
Charge, weight; V. ii. 18.
Cheerly, cheerily; I. v. 16.

Cheveril, the skin of the kid; II. iv.
Chinks, a popular term for money


Chop-logic, sophist; III. v. 150.
Circumstance, details; II. v. 36.
Civil, sober, grave; III. ii. 10.
Close, closely, very near; III. i. 40.
Closed, enclosed; I. iv. 110.
Closely, secretly; V. iii. 255.
Closet, chamber; IV. ii. 33.
Cockatrice (called also basilisk); the

fabulous serpent, said to kill by a look; III. ii. 47. Cock-a-hoop; "set c.-a-h.," i.e. pick a quarrel; I. v. 82. Cockerel, young cock; I. iii. 53. Coil, ado, confusion; II. v. 67. Coldly, coolly, calmly; III. i. 53. Come near ye, hit it; I. v. 21. Comfortable, helpful, full of comfort; V. iii. 148.

Commission, warrant; IV. i. 64. Concealed, "secretly married"; IIL iii. 98.

Conceit, imagination; II. vi. 30.
Concludes, ends; III. i. 187.

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Conduct, conductor; V. iii. 116. Conduit, referring to the human figures on wells which spouted water; III. v. 130. Confounds, destroys; II. vi. 13. Conjurations, entreaties (Quarto 2, "commiration"; Quarto 3, Folio I, "commisseration ; Capell, juration, etc."); V. iii. 68. Consort, used with play on the two meanings of the word (i.) a company of musicians, (ii.) associate, keep company; III. i. 47. Consort, consort with, keep company with; III. i. 132. Consorted, associated; II. i. 31. Consort'st, dost keep company; III. i. 46.

Content thee, keep your temper; I. v. 66.

Contrary, contradict, oppose; I. v.86. Convoy, conveyance; II. iv. 196. Corse, corpse; III. ii. 128. Cot-quean, a man who busies himself with women's business; IV. iv. 6. Counterfeit; "gave the c.," played a trick; II. iv. 48. Countervail, balance; II. vi. 4. County, count; I. iii. 106. Court-cupboard, side-board for setting out plate; I. v. 8.

Courtship, courtliness; III. iii. 34. Cousin, a term used for any kinsman or kinswoman; I. v. 31. Cover, book-cover; used with a quibble on the law phrase for a married woman, who is styled a femme couverte feme covert) in law French (Mason); I. iii. 88. Cross, perverse; IV. iii. 5.

thwart, hinder; V. iii. 20. Crotchets, used with play upon both senses of the word (i.) whims, fancies, (ii.) notes in music; IV.

V. 120.

Crow, crow-bar; V. ii. 21.
Crow-keeper, scarecrow; I. iv 6.
Crush a cup (cp. modern phrase crack
a bottle); I. ii. 82.

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Cunning, skill, art; II. ii. 101. Cures with, is cured by; I. ii. 49. Curfew-bell, the bell ordinarily used for the ringing of the curfew at night; IV. iv. 4.

Cynthia, the moon; III. v. 20.

Damnation; "ancient d.," old sinner; III. v. 235.

Dared, challenged; used with play upon the two senses of the word; II. iv. 12.

Dares, ventures; II. iv. 12. Date, time, duration; I. iv. 108. Date is out, time has long gone by, is out of fashion; I. iv. 3. Dateless, without date, without limit; V. iii. 115.

Dear, true ((Quarto 1), "meere"); III. iii. 28.

important; V. ii. 19. Death, to death; III. i. 136. Defence, defensive weapons; III. iii. 134.

Demesnes, landed estates (Folio 4,
"demeans "); III. v. 182.
Deny, refuse; I. v. 20.
Depart, go away, part; III. i. 54.
Defend, impend; III. i. 121.
Desperate, reckless; III. iv. 12.
Despite, defiance; V. iii. 48.
Determine of, decide; III. ii. 51.
Dew-dropping south, rainy south (it
was a common belief that all dis-
eases and noxious vapours came
from the south); I. iv. 103.
Digressing, deviating; III. iii. 127.
Discover, reveal; III. i. 144.
Discovered, betrayed; II. ii. 106.
Dislike, displease; II. ii. 61.
Disparagement, injury, harm; I. v.

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