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ulterior changes, appetite will not return, for the nervous energy is engaged in their completion, and cannot therefore accumulate in the stomach on the contrary, in certain diseases, as in tabes mesenterica, not withstanding the presence of alimentary matter in the stomach, the appetite is never pacified, in conse. quence, probably, of the diminished expenditure of vital power which attends the act of chylification in such cases, where only a small quantity of chyle is absorbed by the lacteals, and poured into the circulation. Voracity, or canine appetite, may sometimes depend on a morbid state of the pylorus, which suffers the food to pass out of the stomach before it is properly chymified: such cases are attended with extreme emaciation. From these views we may de duce the following important corollary, that the several processes by which aliment is converted into blood cannot be simultaneously performed, without such an increased expenditure of vital energy as weak persons cannot, without inconvenience, sustain: thus chylification would appear to require the quiescence of the stomach, and sanguification to be still more incompatible with the act of chymification. If, therefore, the stomach be set to work during the latter stages of digestion, the processes will in weak persons be much disturbed, if not entirely suspended. Certain circumstances cause hunger to return at nearer intervals, by accelerating the nutritive process; while others, by producing an opposite tendency, lengthen such intervals.

It is a wellknown fact, that if a person be interrupted in his meal for a quarter of an hour, he finds, on resuming it, that his appetite is gone, though he may have not eaten half the quantity which he required. Dr Wilson Philip explains this circumstance by supposing, that the gastric fluid which had accumulated bas had time to combine with, and be neutralized by, the food he had taken;

but those who believe with me, that a new supply of gastric fluid is furnished on the contact of every fresh portion of food, must seek for some other explanation. Will not the views which I have offered in the preceding paragraph afford a solution of the problem? namely, that during the suspension of the meal the food had entered on its ulterior changes, and that the energies of the stomach had therefore declined.

The subsidence of appetite, or the feeling of satiety is not produced by the quantity but the quality of the food, the very reverse of what would happen were the mere volume of the aliment alone necessary to pacify the cravings of the stomach. This is remarkably displayed in the habits of ruminating animals; for in wet and gloomy seasons, when the grass contains a diminished portion of nutritive matter, these animals are never satisfied-they are constantly in the act of grazing; whereas, in hot and dry weather, they consume the greater portion of their time in that of ruminating, or chewing the cud. I apprehend that this is not to be explained, as M. Majendie believes, to the sensibility of the mu cous membrane of the stomach, but is to be solely referred to the fact, that the vital energy is only expended in decomposing such substances as are capable of furnishing chyle, Volume or bulk, however, is a necessary condition of wholesome food: the capacity of our digestive organs sufficiently proves that nature never intended them for the reception of highly concentrated food. I some years ago directed considerable attention, in conjunction with some wellknown agriculturalists, to the nutritive value of different crops, as the food of cattle, and I constructed a logometric scale for the solution of various problems connected with the subject; but I soon found that mere bulk produced a very important influence, and that, to render one species of nutriment equivalent in value

to another, it was necessary to take into consideration the quantity of inert matter which furnished excre


Thirst. This instinctive feeling announces to the individual the necessity of introducing a certain quantity of liquid into the system, in order to repair the waste which the body has sustained in the exercise of its functions; or to impart a due degree of solubility to the aliments which have been taken. We accordingly find that excessive perspiration increases the demand, and dry food is followed by the same effect. With the history of morbid thirst we have at present nothing to do. The sensation of thirst appears to reside in the throat and fauces, as that of hunger does in the stomach; and yet the intensity of this feeling does not bear any relation to the dryness of these parts; for in some cases where the tongue, to its very root, is covered with a thick and dry crust, there is little thirst; while, on the other hand, it is frequently intolerable at the very time the mouth is surcharged with a preternatural quantity of saliva: like hunger, I apprehend it must be referred to a particular condition of the nerves. The desire for drink after long speaking is analogous to thirst, but must not be confounded with it. The influence of salted food in exciting this sensation is not well understood.

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Thirst is certainly under the control of habit: those who indulge in the vicious habit of frequent potations are rendered thirsty, by its privation. There are some persons who have never experienced the sensation, and who only drink from a sort of sympathy, but who could live a long time without thinking of it, or without suffering from the want of it. I have a lady, of fifty years of age, at this time under my care, who has declared that she is perfectly unacquainted with the nature of the sensation. Sauvage relates two similar instances that oc

curred to himself; and Blumenbach, also, quotes several examples of the same idiosyncrasy.

The sensations of hunger and thirst appear to be incompatible with each other: when the stomach requires food, there is no inclination to drink; and when thirst rages, the very idea of solid aliment disgusts us. So, again, those circumstances which tend to destroy appetite may even excite thirst, such as the passions of the mind &c.

When the healthy system is in a condition to require food, besides the local sensation of hunger, there are certain general phenomena which deserve notice;-a universal lassitude of the body is experienced; there is also a sensation of pressure or drawing down, in the epigastric region; the diameter of the intestines becomes diminished, and their peristaltic motion being at the same time increased, portions of contained air are successively displaced, which give rise to gurgling sounds. There is, besides, an alteration in the situation of some of the abdominal viscera; they are less capable of sustaining pressure, and they receive a less quantity of blood. M. Majendie also supposes, that when the stomach is empty, all the reservoirs contained in the abdomen are more easily distended by the matters which remain sometime in them; and he believes that this is the principal reason why bile then accumulates in the gallbladder. As soon as a certain quantity of food enters the stomach, the general feeling of lassitude gives place to that of renewed force, and this usually occurs more rapidly after the ingestion of liquid, than of solid aliment; which is sufficient to prove that the phenomenon results from a local action on the nerves of the stomach, since in neither case is it possible to suppose that any nutritive principle can have been so rapidly transferred to the system.

So soon as digestion commences, the blood flows with increased force

be in every public and private library, and in the hands of every instructer of youth.

We copy this notice from the Traveller, as we could not better express the high estimation in which we have always held the Journal of Education. It is precisely the work we all need to sustain and accelerate the great work of improvement, public and private, individual and national.


[blocks in formation]

Ingesta, everything taken into the stomach.

Lacteals, absorbing vessels which carry the chyle into the blood vessels.

Pleura, a membrane which lines the internal surface of the thorax, or chest, and covers the lungs.

Prognosis, foretelling the event of a disease from particular symptoms, Pylorus, the lower opening of the stomach, through which the food

Some editors of newspapers use passes into the intestines. the former of these words for the latter, which is a mistake not less gross or mischievous, than to substitute the word transpose for transposition, or depose for deposition. They mean, it is true, the French word ex

Serum, the thin, watery part of the blood.

Tabes Mesenteria, a wasting of the body from want of nourishment.

posé, but as the accent is not used, the blunder is virtually as above stated. But why should any one use a foreign word which so few comparatively know how to write, print, pronounce, or interpret, when we have an equivalent in our own


JUST published in Boston, and for sale by Hilliard, Gray & Co., THE FRIEND TO HEALTH, being a selection of valuable Truths relating to the Preservation of Health, from the works of Thacher, Thompson, Salzmann, &c. I vol. 12mo. pp. 107.


HIS contemplated work is in progress,

language, which is perfect, and all T and a prospectus and subscription

we need; and which everybody can read, write, print and understand? Let those who are capable of committing this outrage against every attribute of a good style, answer the question.


will be arranged and presented to the public so soon as materials can be collected.

Those gentlemen who will be kind enough

to furnish materials for the work are respectfully requested to forward their communications to the publisher of this paper, or to Dr Thacher, Plymouth, the intended author, as soon as may be convenient.


Acetic acid, vinegar freed from JUST published by Corrons & BAR

water and various impurities by distillation.

Anasarca, a species of dropsy, in which a serous fluid is effused between the skin and the flesh. Antiphlogistic, cooling, reducing inflammation.

Bronchia, the branches of the windpipe.

NARD, 184, Washington-St., a new and greatly improved edition of the MODERN PRACTICE OF PHYSIC, by Jas. THACHER, M.D. A.A.S. Author of the American New Dispensatory, and Observations on To this work is prefixed Hydrophobia. an interesting history of the rise and progress of Medical Science in the United States, detailing in the order of their respective organization, an account of the Medical Schools, with the names of the

Professors and number of students in each, together with the expenses and terms of admission and graduation in the several schools. In treating of the diseases in this work, the author has consulted those European authorities which are considered of the highest standing at the present day; as Good, Parr, Thomas, Armstrong, &c. But, as relates to the epidemic and other diseases peculiar to our own country, precedence has been given to American authors, as the most correct and sure guides to American practitioners. The author expresses a confident hope that this work will be found to comprise a mass of practical knowledge that will meet the approbation of the profession, and prove particularly useful to the young practitioner. Boston, Nov. 1826.

HE Medical Lectures at Bowdoin
College, will commence on Tuesday,
the 20th day of February, 1827.

Theory and Practice of Physic by DANIEL OLIVER, M. D. Professor of the same department at Hanover, N. H.

Anatomy and Surgery by J. D. WELLS,

M. D.

Midwifery by J. M'KEAN, M. D. Chemistry and Materia Medica by P. CLEAVELAND, M. D.

The Anatomical Cabinet is very valua

ble and extensive.

The Library is one of the best Medical Libraries in New England; and is every year enriched by new works, both foreign and domestic.

Every person becoming a member of this Institution, is required to present satisfactory evidence, that he possesses a good moral character.

Citizens of Maine in indigent circumstances may have surgical operations per formed, free of expense, if brought into the vicinity of the College during the Course.As a reduction in the price of boarding is an object of importance to many, arrangements have been made, which, it is hoped, may effect this object to a considerable extent.

Brunswick, September 26, 1826.



Regents of the University have filled the
vacant Professorships in this Institution,
and that the College will be opened on
the first Monday of November next, by an
Address from the President. The respec-
tive courses of Lectures in the following
order, viz.

atomy and Physiology.

the Principles and Practice of Surgery. JAMES F. DANA, M. D. on Chemistry. JOSEPH M. SMITH, M. D. on the Theory and Practice of Physic and Clinical Medicine.

EDWARD DELAFIELD, M. D. on Obstet. rics and the Diseases of Women and Children.

JOHN B. BECK, M. D. on Materia Medica and Botany.

The Trustees are assured that the sev eral courses of instruction will be full and complete, and that the means of illustration will be ample.

ed Lectures in this Institution, are notified The students who have already attendthat the changes which have taken them of any privileges or facilities heretoplace in the College will not deprive fore enjoyed.

the Honorable the Regents of the UniIn conformity with the ordinancès of New-York, every Student is required to versity, and the Laws of the State of attend two full courses of all the Lectures admitted as a candidate for the Doctor delivered in the College, before he can be afe; unless said Student shall have atthe Session of 1822-3, or shall have tended Lectures in this College prior to attended one entire course of Lectures delivered in some incorporated Medical School or University.

three years with some respectable practiThe candidate must also have studied tioner of Medicine, and have arrived at the age of 21 years.

the College and its first session in NovemIn announcing the new organization of ber next, the Board of Trustees believe that the high expectations of the Profession and the Public will be fully realized, and sustained by the distinguished reputation and talents of the several Gentlemen who have been appointed to fill the respective professorships.

By order of the Board of Trustees,

JOHN WATTS, Jr, M. D., Pres."

THE Trustees have the satisfactie the NICOLL H. DERING, M. D., Regis

Published weekly, by John Cotton, at 184, Washington-St. corner of Franklin-St., to whom all communications must be addressed (post-paid).-Price three dollars per annum, if paid in advance, but, if not paid within three months, three dollars and a half will be required, and this will, in no case, be deviated from.-Advertisements,$1 a square.






No. 28.

Advice to Young Mothers on somewhat different from those in the Physical Education of which they were written. Children. By a Grandmother. London. 1823.

[blocks in formation]

This lady, who seems fully entitled to the honorable name of a

In her preface the author says,

The object of this work is, chiefly, to instruct young mothers how to prevent, rather than to cure, the diseases of children; for when maladies assume a dangerous form, and require medical treatment, the years is necessary to study of it with advantage. apply it with When, at some future time, the progress of science shall have simplified the art of heal

Grandmother, has with great judging, to the general advantage

ment drawn the line within which

she has qualified herself to ac: with safety and advantage without the physician, and beyond which he is seasonably called in. When this is done, after telling him every thing, she places herself by his side, attentive only to understand and execute his wishes. So far as we can judge of the wants and taste of mothers and general readers, we shall occasionally enrich these pages with suitable portions of instruction from this treasury of experience and good sense.

Some parts of the work will need a few explanatory remarks, to adapt them to a climate and state of society

of mankind, the preventive part of medicine will, probably, be considered as the most important; and, in consequence, the number of maladies be diminished.

Long experience, and much observation, have induced the author of this work to believe, that a great number of the diseases which afflict the human race are effects of imprudence and neglect in the early part of life; and that by constant and judicious attention to the physical education, during the first fifteen years, many of these diseases might be

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