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lation of facts and observations an unnecessary degree. Pliny

has been selected and arranged, with some degree of reflection on the subject, and with solicitude to render it better understood than it has yet been by practitioners in this country. Many of these particular observations and circumstances, valuable in themselves, have been made public, in works of a more enlarged character; but so partially interspersed with other matter, and so little in detail, as to afford a very imperfect and inadequate view of a practice which should be looked on as of very general consideration and utility, requiring a certain degree of systematic arrangement with reference to its physical and chemical properties.

In order that these particular properties and the nature of vapor may be more clearly and distinctly understood, the practical result of whatever information I could derive from others, as well as from my own personal experience, has been brought to bear on the subject, with as little obscurity as was within my power,

Abuses of the most pernicious kind arose from the too frequent and constant use of heated air amongst the Romans, either to diminish the inconvenience or distress of an overloaded stomach, or to promote an appetite for food in

inveighed with earnestness against the medical practitioners of the day, who could suffer so unjustifiable a practice for the selfish and despicable gratification of the appetite, so often exercised by those whose moments

were devoted to gross sensuality and the luxuries of the table; and Seneca, beholding this luxurious practice increase considerably during his time, is still more indignant against the abuses arising from too frequent an exposure to heated air, which enervates and exhausts the strength of the body. But the importance of baths was of such moment among these people, and wherever their conquests extended, that for many centuries they were an object of the constant care and attention of the government; yet, from their general and extensive use, abuses were inevitable, so as to injure the character of a practice at once salubrious and grateful, and often productive of health and vigor.

It may be truly remarked, that where any remedy of such import is administered indiscriminately and incautiously, it becomes more than difficult to bring it under any degree of regularity; but when this is in part effected, a promise of further progress soon follows, and we become more satisfied at each step that leads us to

steady principles and just conclusions.


Brighton, July, 1825.

On the Vapor Bath, Friction,
Shampooing, &c.

being naturally produced, while in others, this must be effected by artificial means.

The administration of Vapor, in disease, may be traced to the days of Hippocrates; Introduction-Vapor Bath and was efficaciously used by less used formerly not chemi- Celsus, Galen, and many of the cally or scientifically understood, Arabian Physicians; but, to &c. To trace the causes that the inhabitants of the East, to have hitherto operated against the Egyptians, the Greeks, and the practice of bathing in gen- the Romans, its active applieral, under its different forms cation, both topically and genand modifications, and to ascer

tain why the use of the VAPOR known; but more known tain why the use of the VAPOR erally, has been extensively BATH has not been more than understood, from the earknown among us, would be an liest records to the present inquiry attended with less uti- day.

lity than difficulty.

In the burning regions of The prevailing use of baths, the East, and in the frozen as a means of relief in disease, and extended countries of Rusor as a salutary or luxurious sia, Finland, Sweden, &c., the custom, existed in former times practice has become as genemuch less among us as a peo- ral, as is the estimation in ple than at present; and which it is universally held; more particularly as to the probably arising from the exknowledge and application of istence of sensations and disthe steam or Vapor Bath, eases peculiar to regions rewhich, till of late years, was markable for the extremes of more known as a remedy than heat and cold; added to this, scientifically or chemically un- the constant habits of a peoderstood; but, as the proofs ple occupying these districts is of its efficacy, both here and such, that existence becomes on the Continent, are becom- painful without the comfort of ing more numerous, the natu- the bath under one form or ral result must be, that the another; indeed, to such a depractice will extend in a ratio gree, that a strict preclusion equal to its utility. from its use is exercised and considered as a punishment of considerable severity. Should any instance of this nature occur, among the Egyptian women, from an interdiction

Among different nations, the medical application of Vapor varies according to habit and casual circumstances;--in many places, the steam or vapor


the husband or otherwise, it and sweating rooms are raised would be considered of so cru- as high as 115 degrees of

el a nature, as to cause gene- Fahrenheit,, The bathers enral disapprobation; for they ter, and to open the pores, and not only enjoy the greatest de- promote a more free respiralight from the salutary luxury tion, the surface of the body of the bath, but when they as- is gently struck with twigs, semble at the adjoining apart- formed sometimes from one ments, converse with the shrub, sometimes from anothgreatest animation on subjects er; this produces both a pleasof every agreeable description. ing and useful effect, and is In the colder districts, apart- succeeded by feelings of gratements, heated to a very high ful relaxation and refreshment. temperature,are used as baths, and after the necessary time of exposure, the bathers are habituated to rush into cold and frosty air; nay, numbers from a high degree of heated medium, plunge into cold water contained in a pond convenient to the bath, or in winter roll themselves in snow, which, from force of habit, is found productive of no bad consequence, even though the change from heat to cold, and from cold to heat, is often reiterated; on the contrary, the removal of disease is frequently known to succeed; and, it is worthy of remark, that this custom is found among most uncultivated nations, from the experience of its utility.

In his travels in Russia, Cox describes the Russian bath as "containing one room provided with ranges of broad benches, placed like steps one above the other, almost to the height of the ceiling.-Within were about twenty persons undressed; some were lying on benches, some were sitting, others standing; some were washing their bodies with soap, others rubbing themselves with small branches of oakleaves tied together like a rod; some were pouring hot water on their heads, others cold water; a few, almost exhausted by the heat, were standing in the open air, or repeatedly plunging into the Volkof."

In another account, he says, In these countries, and in "Having taken off my clothes, Lapland, the same mode of I laid myself down on the bathing, as well as of produc- highest bench, while the ating Vapor, maintains, as in Ja- tendant was preparing tubs of pan;-from heated flints the hot and cold water, and conapartment is raised to a high tinued to increase the vapor temperature, and by this by pouring hot water on heatmeans, in Iceland, their dry ed stones. Having dipped a

on many occasions, it will furnish a salutary beverage. The same ob

bunch of twigs into the hot ritability of the stomach,* and that, water, he repeatedly sprinkled and rubbed with it my whole body.

In about half an hour I removed to the lower bench, which I found much cooler; when the attendant lathered me from head to foot with soap, scrubbed me with flannel for the space of ten minutes, and throwing several buckets of warm water over me, till the soap was entirely washed off, he finally dried me with napkins.


"As I put on my clothes in a room without a fire, I had opportunity of remarking that the cold air had little effect on my body, though in so heated a state; for, while I was dressing, I felt a glow of warmth which continued during the whole night. This circumstance convinced me, that when the natives rush from the Vapor Baths into the river, or even roll in the snow, their sensations are in no respect disagreeable, nor the effect in any degree unwhole



Continued from page 215. SAGE TEA. The virtues of sage have been so extravagantly praised that, like many of our remedies* the plant has fallen into disuse from the disgust which its panegyrists have excited. I am convinced, however, that in the form of infusion it possesses some power in allaying the ir

* Pharmacologia, vol. 1, p. 35.

servation will apply to balm tea.

TEA. There is no subject which has occasioned a greater controversy amongst dietetic writers than the subject of tea. By one party it is described as a poison; by another it is extolled as a medicine, and a valuable addition to our food; while some refer all its beneficial effects to the water thus introduced into the

system, and its evil consequences to the high temperature at which it is drank. In order to understand the value of the different arguments

which have been adduced in support, or to the disparagement, of this beverage, it will be necessary to inquire into its composition. Two kinds of distinguished by the epithets black tea are imported into this country, and green. Both contain astringent and narcotic principles, but in very different proportions; the latter producing by far the most powerful in

fluence on the nervous system, As the primary operation of every nar cotic is stimulant, tea is found to exhilarate and refresh us, though there exist individuals who are so morbidly

sensible to the action of certain bod

ies of this class, that feelings of depression, accompanied with various nervous sensations, and an unnatural vigilance, follow the potation of a single cup of strong tea; while others experience, from the same cause, symptoms indicative of derangement of the digestive organs: but these are exceptions from which no general rule ought to be deduced. The salubrity of the infusion to the general mass of the community is established by sufficient testimony to outweigh any argument founded on individual cases. It must, however, be admitted, that if this beverage be taken too soon after dinner, the digestion of the meal may be disturb

It is frequently used by the Chinese as a tonic for debility of the stomach.

ed by the distension it will occasion, as well as by its influence as a diluent; the narcotic and astringent principles may also operate in arresting chymification; but when a physician gives it his sanction, it is with the un-, derstanding that it shall be taken in moderate quantities, and at appoint ed seasons. When drank four hours after the principal meal, it will as sist the ulterior stages of digestion, and promote the insensible perspiration; while it will afford to the stomach a grateful stimulus after its la bors. With regard to the objection urged against its use, on the ground of temperature, it will be only necessary to refer to the observations which have been already offered on this subject. In enumerating, however, the advantages of tea, it must not be forgotten that it has introduced and cherished a spirit of sobriety; and it must have been remarked by every physician of general practice, that those persons who dislike tea, frequently supply its place by spirit and water. The addition of milk certainly diminishes the astringency of tea; that of sugar may please the palate, but cannot modify the virtues of the infusion.

COFFEE. The hostility which has been manifested against the use of tea, has been extended, with equal rancor, against that of coffee; and, probably, with equal injustice. The principle on which its qualities depend is more stimulant than that of tea, and certainly exerts a different species of action on the nervous system, though it is very difficult to define the nature of this difference. If taken immediately after a meal, it is not found to create that disturbance in its digestion which has been noticed as the occasional consequence of tea; on the contrary, it accelerates the operations of the stomach, and will frequently enable the dyspeptic to digest substances, such as fat and oily aliment, which would otherwise occasion much disturbance. The custom of taking coffee immediately

after dinner, as so universally practised by the French, no doubt must counteract the evil effects which the peculiar form of their diet is calculated to produce. Coffee, like tea, has certainly an antisoporific effect on many individuals; it imparts an activity to the mind which is incompatible with sleep: but this will rarely occur if the beverage be taken for several hours before our accustomed period of repose. It seems to be generally admitted, that it possesses the power of counterating the effects of narcotics; and hence it is used by the Turks with much advantage, in abating the influence of the inordinate quantities of opium they are accustomed to swallow. Where our object is to administer it as a promoter of digestion, it should be carefully made by infusion; decoction dissipates its aroma. The addition of milk is one of questionable propriety; that of sugar, or rather sugarcandy, may be allowed.* I have known some persons who have never taken this beverage without suffering from acidity in the stomach: where this happens, the practice must be abandoned.

CHOCOLATE. In consequence of the large quantity of nutritive matter which this liquid contains, it should be regarded rather as food than drink. It is prepared by reducing the cocoa nut into paste, with sugar, milk, or eggs: it is also frequently mixed with different aromatics, the

torrefaction of various grains. In the Coffee has been often imitated by the "Fourth Century of Observations” in the "Miscellanea Curiosa" we find a critical dissertation on the coffee of the Arabians, and on European coffee, or such as may be prepared from grain or pulse. Dillenitions made with peas, beans, and kidneyus gives an account of his own preparabeans; but says, that made of rye comes nearest to true coffee, and was with diffi culty distinguished from it. This fact is curious, inasmuch as a spurious coffee has more than roasted rye. The article is been lately vended, which is nothing well known, under the name of "HUNT'S ECONOMICAL BREAKFAST POWDER.”

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