Abbildungen der Seite

ministered, the occasions for the use of mechanical means will be found to be much less frequent than has been supposed to be necessary.

Should we, however, be coinced that the welfare of our patient requires the stomach to be emptied mechanically, the means may be both simple and efficient, viz., a simple, well constructed syringe, with a flexible tube. Even the syringe may be dispensed with, unless it be desired to inject fluid forcibly into the stomach; for the tube alone, if of proper diwensions, when passed down into the stomach is sufficient to evacuate its contents, either by being used as a syphon, or by a very moderate pressure of the hand upon the region of the stomach.

In injecting the stomach previous to withdrawing its contents, there is one precaution which must not be omitted, should the patient be in a state of insensibility, and be supported with the head and shoulders raised, as the most convenient position for the operator. If the injection be continued beyond what the stomach can contain, instead of the fluid flowing out by the lower orifice of the stomach, it is apt to rise by the side of the tube. If the tube be very soft, a small piece of whalebone, similar to the handle of a probang, may be inserted in the tube, when it is introduced, to give it firmness and elasticity, withdrawing the whalebone when the tube is fully introduced.

If the simple syringe be used, it may be half filled with tepid water, and when joined to the tube, the liquid may be injected; by raising the handle of the syringe, so as to fill the syringe, double the quantity of the fluid injected may be withdrawn from the stomach: and this process may be repeated as often as necessary, till the stomach be perfectly washed, and its contents evacuated. There is a danger in the use of either syringe or pump, in awkward hands, which may be productive of

distress and injury to the patient; it is the drawing the coats of the stomach forcibly within the tube; and when it is considered that the surface thus drawn in may be subjected to a force equal to the pres sure of the atmosphere, it forms a strong ground for the preference of more simple means, in the use of which a want of dexterity does not endanger the patient. By either using the flexible tube as a syphon, or by a very moderate degree of pressure with the hand upon the region of the stomach, the fluid contents of the stomach may be made to flow through the tube in a full stream, and the application of a greater force, when the lesser is fully adequate, is, to say the least, unnecessary and useless.


Chronic inflammation is frequently produced through the influence of the mind on the body. Thus longcontinued grief will stop the secretion of the bile; anxiety of mind produces disease in the breasts. But whatever is the cause of the arrest of secretion, some congestion is the result; as enlargement of the liver, glands, or the joints; the formation of common tumors, or those of a specific character, as fungus or scirrhus.

In diseases of a chronic kind, give calomel and opium; and I cannot point out to you a better example of its good effects than is observable in chronic inflammation of the joints, or testicle; in the former case, when assisted by counter-irritation, it is by far the best remedy. The most common remedy, and probably, as a general one, the best that is administered in chronic inflammation, is the pilul. hydrarg. submur. comp.: it acts at the same time on the liver, intestines, and skin; and if you can succeed in restoring these, the disease will disappear, and its effects wil! be absorbed; for, by these medicines, in proportion as you increase the se

cretion, you excite the action of the the moment, or rendering the system absorbent vessels. afterwards irritable.

Another excellent medicine, for the cure of chronic complaints, is the oxymuriate of mercury, (corrosive sublimate,) dissolved in nitrous æther, and combined with tincture of bark or of rhubarb, or with the decoction of sarsaparilla; continue it for some time, watching its effects with care, always keeping in mind that mercury, given to excess, will tend to increase rather than destroy constitutional irritation: as sarsaparilla seems to possess the power of lessening irritability, we frequently give it with mercury, and in this combination they are administered with the greatest advantage.

Chronic disorders in children require large doses of the hydrarg. e creta and rhubarb mixed together, and given every night and morning; this compound is exceedingly mild, and will have a particularly benign influence. In children, also, the oxymuriate of mercury, dissolved in an ounce of the tincture of bark, and given in doses of from half a drachm to one drachm, twice a day, in water, according to the age and constitution of the child, is a very valuable medicine. It is said, that the oxymuriate is decomposed by the tincture of bark; but whether it is so or not, it is attended with so many good effects, that I strongly recommend it, particularly in diseases of the mesenteric glands. Calomel and rhubarb, the hydrargyrus e creta and soda, are also medicines of much power in the chronic diseases of children.

Lastly, in some cases, it is not advisable to give these little creatures mercury; a medicine composed of rhubarb and carbonate of iron, or of rhubarb, soda, and colomba, given often, and in small doses will be more beneficial, as these act as aperients, improve the digestive functions, increase the appetite, and restore the general health, without the danger of exciting irritation at


At a meeting of the French Academy of Medicine, Messrs Gimelle, Hedelhofer, and Lisfranc, in reporting on the essai sur la hernie crurale of Dr Manche, protested against his advice to divide the integuments parallel with the fold of the groin, instead of making the first incision parallel with the hernial sac; they, however, approved of his sentiments in regard to the methods of freeing the incarcerated intestine. The incision, for this purpose, is to be made, nor at the superior part of the ring as is recommended by Gimbernat, not at the inferior part of the opening, according to the precept of Scarpa, but upwardly upon Poupart's ligament, by one or two slight cuts. One of the committee had operated twice in this way successfully, and with much greater ease than by any of the other procedures in use. This part of the report gave rise to a discussion, which went to show, that of all the methods of operating for crural hernia, the best is that in which the ligament of Gimbernat is the part divided, seeing it is attended with no other risk than that of wounding the obturator artery, wher this vessel happens to run immediately behind the ligament, and this is a case which is extremely uncommon.

SMALL POX.-M. Villermé lately read a report to the Academie Royale de Medecine upon the number of deaths by small pox from the 1st of January to the 1st of October, 1825, in each of the twelve districts of Paris. The total amount of deaths was 1264. The first is the district in which the smallest number happened, viz. eleven; and the 12th that in which the maximum occurred, viz. 399. It is in the poorest quarters, therefore, or those whose inhabitants particularly oppose the practice of vaccination, that the small pox makes the greatest havoc. Of the 1264 victims,764 were males, 500 females. This difference is owing to girls being more frequently vaccinated than boys:

without doubt the hope of preserving personal charms unimpaired, is the motive which leads to the more frequent vaccination of girls than boys.

M. Villermé has ascertained that in the 4th district the unvaccinated boys are in the proportion of one to four, whilst the girls are only in that of one to ten.


Accidental, 1-Brain Fever, 3-Bursting blood vessel, 1-Consumption, 6Canker Rash, 1-Drowned, 1-Intemperance, 1-Lung Fever, 2-Thistilo, i Teething, 1-Tumor in the throat, 1Unknown, 2-Stillborn, 2.



ROPOSALS for publishing by Subcription a Manual of General, Descriptive, and Pathological Anatomy, by J. F. MECKEL, Professor of Anatomy in the University of Halle. Translated from the German, with additions, by A. J. L. JOURDAN and G. BRESCHET, members of the Royal Academy of Medicine at Paris, &c. Translated from the French, by G. BRADFORD, M. D.

Advertisement of the French Editors. A work has long been desired, which should comprise all the important facts in the sciences of general, descriptive, and pathological Anatomy and Physiology. Such a work required an acquaintance with these sciences equally extensive and profound, and could not have been executed except by one of the first anatomists of the age. M. Meckel, who so worthily sustains the hereditary medical celebrity of his family, and to whom we are indebted for many other works of the first order, has not feared to undertake a work of such magnitude. His treatise of Anatomy, regarded as a classic in Germany, cannot but be received with equal favour in our own country. It is one of the most valuable productions of the school of Bichat,-of that Bichat, who has made France the envy of Europe, and to whom M. Meckel renders the noblest tribute, that talents can pay to genius,the tribute of admiration, without enthusiasm. We have endeavoured to add to the translation of the Manual every fact, with which the science has been enriched since its publication. Paris, 1825.

The subscriber has been encouraged to undertake the translation of Professor

Meckel's Manual, by the advice of gen.
tlemen of eminence in the profession, by
the celebrity which this Manual has ob-
tained in Europe, and by the consideration
that the want of such a work must be
continually felt by every scientific mem-
ber of the profession in this country, and
that there is none of the kind now exist-
ing in the English language.

The medical literature of this country appears to want an accurate work on anatomy, which comprehends the observations and improvements of late years. In the French language, the productions of Boyer and Bichat are to be considered admirable examples of exact description. The habits and taste of this country require a work differing from these, in its combining with anatomy an account of the uses and the diseased changes of the parts described. Such a labour has been executed in Germany, by Meckel of illustrious name, and this has been lately adopted into the French language by With Messrs. Jourdan and Breschet. these recommendations in its favour, and combining with them, as it does, the excellent qualities of the treatises of Soemmering, Boyer, Bichat, Portal, and the best English authors, a translation of the "Manual of Anatomy" of Meckel would be a very desirable, and, I doubt not, a very successful publication.


Boston, June, 1826. Extract from a notice of the French edition of Meckel, contained in the MedicoChirurgical Review, for July, 1825. "This is the best work on Anatomy ever published.-Here would be an excellent book to translate."


The translation will be printed on a new type and good paper, in three volumes, octavo, of from 600 to 650 pages each. The price to subscribers will be $2,50 a volume, payable on delivery.

Should the subscription authorize it, the work will be put to press by the first of August, and published in the course of the ensuing winter.

Cambridge, June 1, 1826.

[ocr errors]

Subscription papers are left at the Bookstores of Messrs. Cummings, Hilliard & Co. and H. Gray, Boston, and William Hilliard, Cambridge, where gentlemen disposed to patronize the work are requested to forward their names.

Published weekly, by John Cotton, Proprietor, at 184, Washington-St. corner of FranklinSt. to whom all communications must be addressed (post-paid). Price two dollars per annum, if paid in advance, but, if not paid within three months, two dollars and a half will be required, and this will, in no case, he deviated from.




TUESDAY, JULY 11, 1826.


A new mode of applying galvanism is recommended by M. Bailly, physician to the Hospital de la Pitié, and M. Meyraux. The doctrine is tested and the results given in the following cases from a late number of the Archives Generales.

Rheumatic affection of the Thigh cur

ed by Galvanism.

A man of an advanced age, who had been much addicted to venereal excesses, had suffered several rheumatic attacks. About six months ago, having exposed himself to damp weather, he was seized with a rheumatic affection through the whole course of the right thigh. At first the pain was rather of a dull, heavy nature, but after continuing it for several months the pain became more acute, and increased until he was scarcely able to move the hip joint. A needle was planted in the middle of this joint, another was placed in the interior surface, and a galvanic communication established by two conducting threads. The sensation and contraction produced through the whole extent of the af fected part demonstrated the passage of the galvanic fluid. The phenoména are more marked at the place where the positive unites with the negative fluid. This operation, repeated four times in the same way, succeeded in easing the pain, and restoring complete energy to the joint. Rheumatic affection of the Arm, with incapacity of moving it, cured by Galvanism.

R. H., aged 55, had been for many years subject to rheumatic affections. In 1819 he was seized with severe pains throughout the muscular system, and swellings of the joints,

No. 8.


which were mitigated by the use of
baths, leeches, and poultices. The
next year, the pain in the whole
course of the deltoid muscle and the
fore-arm became so severe, that the
patient was unable to move the joint.
The pain subsequently became in-
tense, but the incapacity of moving
the arm, together with some degree
of swelling continued, and resisted
the employment of baths, blisters,
frictions, and simple acupuncturation,
which last remedy was tried five
times. When we saw the patient,
the muscles were much diminished
in size, but the sensibility of the part
appeared to be increased, for when
the skin was pinched, the patient suf-
fered acute pain, without, however,
being able to move the arm.
needles were inserted at the origin
and terminations of the brachial plex-
us, and the galvanic communication
established. The action of the gal
vanic pile consisted of four elements.
The areola was formed, the needles
were in an instant oxidated; a small
black point was observed in the cen
tre of the areola; some small drops
of water escaped. The conducting
liquid was water, acidulated with a
sixteenth part of nitric acid. When
the communication was established,
the patient felt a pricking sensation;
there was not much contraction, but
there was a sense of tension in all
the nervous ramifications. On con-
tinuing the current, the patient com-
plained of insupportable pain, which
he compared to what is felt when
fire is applied to a part. We conti-
nued the operation for the space of
25 minutes. Three days after, the
sensible of returning
patient was
power in the arm, and by repeating

the operation, he was in twenty-five days completely cured.

It is a remarkable circumstance in this case, that during the short time the patient was submitted to the action of the galvanic fluid, the cellular tissue was observed to be augmented in volume, and the muscles which covered it to become developed. This completely overthrows one of the opinions of Bichat, who has said in his general anatomy, that alterations of the nutritive system are entirely independent of the nervous system. Indeed it seems highly probable from this and other similar cases, that we shall in many instances be able to arrest the progress of atrophy, by the action of the galvanic fluid on the muscular and nervous systems.

Neuralgia cured by Galvanism.

A patient, aged 34, had suffered, for the last six months, a severe pain in the branches which the frontal nerve distributes to the soft parts of the cranium, and the direction of the trunk towards the bottom of the orbit. The pain varied in intensity at different times, but never entirely intermitted, and had hitherto baffled all the treatment which had been employed, such as local bleeding, frictions, and opiates. The circulating, digestive, and respiratory systems, in this patient, were in their natural state. When we first saw him, the violence of the pain had extended to the facial and sub-orbital nerves, and seemed to produce the same effect in all their ramifications as in those of the frontal.

A needle was introduced in the direction of the cartilaginous pulley of the great oblique muscle, within which passes the internal branch of the frontal, and another was placed on the middle of the corrugator supercilii. The communication with the galvanic pile was established, when the patient felt severe pain in the bottom of the orbit, and experienced various optical illusions, such as the flashing of light before the

eyes. The orbicularis palpebrarum, corrugator supercilii and frontal, were contracted every time we endeavoured to establish the communication with the rectangles, which were only separated from each other by four elements. We attempted to increase the interval by two additional pairs, but the contraction and irritability became so violent, that we were obliged to desist. The patient was only galvanized for the space of twenty minutes, and did not experience much relief on the following day. Three days after, the first needle was placed in the direction of the levator palpebræ superioris, where the branch of the orbiter-frontal nerve commences, and the second was carried towards all the parts where the nerve seems to terminate; the communication with the pile was established as before. The pain abated after this second operation, and after ten operations the patient was completely cured.

Chorea cured by Galvinism.

A girl, after difficult dentition, was affected with convulsions of the muscles of the right cheek, which soon extended to the shoulder of the same side. The disorder had resisted all the treatment which had been employed, and at the age of 7 years the symptoms had become more violent. When she was brought to La Pitié, she was in a debilitated state; the muscles on the right side were much wasted; the alternate contraction and relaxation of the muscles in the face produced constant convul. sions and distortions. Galvanism was first applied to this patient by simple communication, without the introduction of needles, but she derived no benefit from it; a needle was then introduced near the first and second cervical vertebræ, and another was placed near the division of the brachial plexus. Three elements developed enough of the galvanic fluid to produce decided contractions and a painful sensation. The girl felt so much relieved by

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