Abbildungen der Seite
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Mr. Chancellor of the

Amendment proposed, to leave out from the word "That," to the end of
the Question, in order to add the words "this House declines to proceed
further with the measure which would enormously add to the national
expenditure until the country has had an opportunity of saying whether it
is willing to bear the necessary burden of taxation."

That the words proposed to be left out stand part of the Question."

Small Landholders (Scotland) (Salaries)

"That, for carrying out the provisions of any Act of the present Session
to encourage the formation of Small Agricultural Holdings in Scotland, it
is expedient to authorise-

(i.) the payment, out of the Consolidated Fund, of the salaries of the
chairman and of each of the other members of the Land Court;
(ii.) the payment, out of moneys provided by Parliament, of—
(a) the salaries and remuneration of the Agricultural Com-
missioners and other persons appointed or employed by
them and by the Land Court, and the expenses incurred
by the Land Court and the Agricultural Commissioners in
the execution of their duties;

(b) an annual sum not exceeding eighty-five thousand pounds for the use of the Agricultural Commissioners;

(c) compensation in certain cases to members and officers of the Crofters Commission."

Date when Closure Moved,
and by whom.

RETURN respecting Application of Standing Order No. 26 (Closure of Debate) during Session 1907--continued.

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Small Landholders (Scotlond) (Salaries)-Resolution reported

"That, for carrying ont the provisions of any Act of the present Session
to encourage the formation of Small Agricultural Holdings in Scotland,
it is expedient to authorise-
(i.) the payment, out of the Consolidated Fund, of the salaries of the
chairman and of each of the other members of the Land Court;
(ii) the payment, out of moneys provided by Parliament, of—
(a) the salaries and remuneration of the Agricultural Com-
missioners and other persons appointed or employed by
them and by the Land Court, and the expenses incurred
by the Land Court and the Agricultural Commissioners in
the execution of their duties;

(b) an annual sum not exceeding eighty-five thousand pounds
for the use of the Agricultural Commissioners;

(c) compensation in certain cases to members and officers of the Crofters Commission."

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Closure carried on Division;
Ayes, 273; Noes, 80.

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RETURN respecting Application of Standing Order No. 26 (Closure of Debate) during Session 1907-continued.

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"That the Report stage of the Small Landholders (Scotland) Bill be
brought to a conclusion in three allotted days; and-
(a) That the new Clauses and Clauses 1 to 16 of the Bill be proceeded
with and proceedings thereon brought to a conclusion on the
first allotted day; and

(b) That Clauses 7 to 15 of the Bill (if and so far as not previously
disposed of), be proceeded with and the proceedings thereon
brought to a conclusion on the second allotted day; and

(c) That the remaining Clauses of the Bill and the Schedules, and
any other matter necessary to bring the Report stage of the
Bill to a conclusion (if and so far as not previously disposed
of), be proceeded with on the third allotted day and the pro-
ceedings thereon brought to a conclusion on that day.

Any day on which the Small Landholders (Scotland) Bill is put down
the first Order of the Day shall be considered an allotted day for the pur-
poses of this Order, &c., &c."

Marriage with a Deceased Wife's Sister Bill

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In House

The Speaker's assent withheld.

In House

The Speaker's assent withheld.

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Closure carried on Division:
Ayes, 177; Noes, 57.

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