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Tears like those which angels weep, flow all as they remember and plead with God for they love.

s is no fancy picture, but a veritable scrap of y, a volume of which might be written and of which it has been our privilege to know. o shall estimate the value to the world and to urch of an institution of learning that breathes a spirit, that cultivates and fosters such piety, ein God is owned, worshipped and praised in bitual aspirations of tender maidenhood; such elieve ours has ever been, and such we devoutly that it may ever remain.


MARCH 24, 1876.

e Centennial exercises were resumed in Metroin Hall, at 10 o'clock A. M., Bishop E. M. in, D. D., in the chair.

ligious services conducted by the Bishop, asby Rev. R. O. Burton.

e chairman announced that Rev. J. T. Harris d assist the secretary.

e Bishop then introduced the Rev. E. A. Yates, ding Elder of the Newbern District, who aded the audience on

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The general subject of discussion at the celebraon of a centennial of Methodism, in its various ub-divisions, necessarily brings about an impingeent of the several parts upon each other, and leads herefore to some re-statement of facts. This, howver, is rather a good feature, as it serves to impress he mind more deeply with both the history and hilosophy of Methodism. And the importance of he relation which the church sustains to the Sabath school is of such magnitude, that it may well aim the privilege of touching a few facts already iven.

It is almost a century--exactly ninety years— nce the first Sabbath school was organized upon is continent, and its spread is simply wonderful; ut the great revival of this interest in the last few ears certainly marks an epoch in the progress of he work. The improvement in text-books, the pubcation of papers suited to the wants of children, he improvement in Sabbath school music, and the onstantly increasing number of Sabbath school cholars, indicate that the church of Christ is alive

o this important arm of the service.

There are now over ten million of Sabbath school holars in this country and in Europe; and over five illion in the United States. Adding the Northern

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a century--- exactly ninety years-

atl. sel ool was organized upon ude spi 1 is simply wonderful; revival of this interest in the last few ly make an epoch in the progress of

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increasing number of Sal bath school
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ant arm of the service.

ow over ten million of Sabbath school
Atry and in Europe; and over five
Lited States. Adding the Northern


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