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above our brethren; and because we think we do over-top 'em we think we may over-look 'em too, and despise 'em as vulgar and contemptible, &c.

To arrogate to our selves more than our due, is the ready way to be deny'd that which else would be confess'd our right.

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Pride, of all others, the most dangerous fault, Proceeds from want of sense, and want of thought." Vain-glorious men are the scorn of wise men, the admiration of fools, idols of parasites, and slaves of their own vaunts.

The Platonists give seven arguments for humility. (1.) That the spirit of man is light and troublesome. (2.) His body is brutish and sickly. (3.) He is constant in folly and error, and inconstant in his manners and good purposes. (4.) His labours are vain, intricate, and endless. (5.) His fortune is changeable, and seldom pleasing, never perfect. (6.) His wisdom comes not 'till he is ready to die; that is, 'till he is past using of it. (7.) His death is certain, always ready, and never far off.

"Tis not birth, wit, riches, or great employments, but the right use of them in the discharge of his duty to God, himself, and neighbours, makes the worthy man.




To the descendants of noble families, where the spirits have been rarifyed by vertue, and industry, and the blood holds its tincture, as it usually does, through successive generations, our best devoirs are due: But what's nobility it self, if not accompanied with real goodness; the honour paid such as usurp their ancestors arms, without inheriting their vertues, belongs to 'em no more than the reverence the good man did to Isis, belong'd to the Ass that carried Her Image.


Learn, child, to keep an even state,
Whatever scene your care imploys,
Amongst the smiles or frowns of fate;

Not mean in grief, nor insolent in joys.”

Are many above you, turn your eye upon those that are under you: If you have no inferiors, have patience a while, and you shall have no superiors. The Grave requires no Marshal.

Go on.

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233. Son. An old man that upon entring the room



seem'd to want bread, was no sooner fill'd with wine, but boasted the being a projector from his cradle, and told us,

That he had by him scores of rare projects in posse, esse, and futuro.

That he could extract volatile spirits from lees of wine, grounds of beer, or dust of tea, one drop whereof would turn a quart of water into the best wine, beer, or tea upon earth, for colour, taste, smell, and wholesomeness.

That he could separate the smells of all the differviands usually dress'd in a cook's shop, and thence ract salts of beef, veal, mutton, pork, &c. one in whereof would strengthen and nourish a man re than a pound of any of those sorts of meat. That to save watermen the labour of rowing inst tide, he had contriv'd to make the Thames tinually to ebb on one side, and flow on t'other. That he was an Adept, had lately discover'd gitude, and the perpetual motion, how to square circle, fix Mercury, and transmute lead into gold. All which rare projects he intended to divide shares, and put in practice, as soon as only hundred thousand pounds were subscribed, advanced him.

At this rate he made ropes of sand, built castles he air, and talked as if capable of benefiting kind more than the invention of spectacles, he never yet oblig'd the world with any thing seful as a mouse-trap.

Father. Many projectors seem like those astrors that can direct others to find hidden treasures, st themselves are out at heels, and want repairs bows.

Tis confess'd the benefit accruing to Spain, by umbus's discovery of the West Indies-To the



Italians, by procuring the eggs from China and Persia, and raising silk-worms in Italy-To England, from Sir Walter Raleigh's contrivance of raising tobacco and sugar in our plantations, &c. will not allow us rashly to condemn all projects.

Yet had you Argus's eyes, Briareus's hands, and Pluto's helmet, still great adventures are like leaps in hunting, they bring a man sooner into the chase, but may chance to cost him a fall. 244. Babel's projectors seeking a name, found confusion; and Icarus by flying too high, melted his waxen wings and fell into the sea.

245. Advise, deliberate, weigh, examine, consider what's practicable and what 's not, and compute the proportion between the means and the end; lest too eagerly pursuing things out of your reach, you conlife and estate in hopeless and fruitless



sume your

"Fools only make attempts beyond their skill, A wise man's power's the limits of his will." Who plows the clouds can only reap the wind.

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