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paper in writing would not be able to represent and make intelligible. How many BUILDINGS may a man see? How many MACHINES and habits meet with, the IDEAS whereof would be easily retain'd and communicated by a little skill in drawing?

He that has any bodily DISEASES, INFIRMITIES, or UNDECENCIES, ought to use such exercises for his diversion, as by bringing sufficient spirits to the parts afflicted are most likely to regulate and amend them.

801. ¶ SHOOTING With a long bow is said to be good for the breast and arms.

802. ¶ BOWLING, for the reins, stone, gravel, &c. 803. SWINGING, and hanging upon the arms, for



TRIDING for the head.

805. ¶ By WALKING in the open air with a wise

companion, both body and mind may be recreated and delighted.


¶ By all just means prevent quarrels. Wise men turn away wrath.'

He that considers the subject matter of all our controversies, will find 'em commonly mean, low, and not worth the thoughts of a generous mind.

SOCRATES being asked, Who was the wisest man ? answered, He that offends least.

Be always well advised in your words and actions. (§ 645.)

If you have err'd persevere not in it; think it no shame to submit to truth, but rather rejoyce that you have found it. (§ 714.)

Never swell a small impertinence into a crime by defending it.-Be the first to condemn your self, 'tis the way to extricate your self out of intrigues with honour. (§ 736.)

He that confesseth his fault shall be preserv'd from hurt.2

2 Ecclus. 20. 8.

1 Prov. 29. 8.


HEALTH is best preserved by calmness and evenness of mind; men's INTEREST is best secured by gentleness, and an obliging temper; and their SAFETY by cession and placableness. (§ 734, to 741.)

815. ARISTIPPUS and ESCHINES having fallen out, Aristippus came and asked Æschines whether they should be friends; yes, with all my heart, says Æschines. Remember, says Aristippus, that I, tho' your elder, sought for peace: True, says Eschines I began the strife, and you the peace; for which reason I will always acknowledge you to be the worthiest man.




A man that walks the streets in a populous city must expect to meet with a JOSTLE in one place, a SLIP in another, a STOP in a third, the dash of a kennel in a fourth, the &c. &c. Just such are the adventures of life, and with the same consideration to be undergone.

The Mexicans salute their new-born infants thus, INFANT, thou art come into the world to suffer, endure, suffer, and hold thy peace.

Humane LIFE is a state of probation and adversity, in which the post of honour is often assigned to the best and most select spirits.

819. SUFFERING is the great trial and cupel of gallant



spirits, without which our faculties can never be advanced to the height of their power.

"SUFFERING in some sort is the one half of our life, as DOING is the other.-Not to name spiritual afflictions-Suffering in BODY, sicknesses, pains, want of conveniences in diet, lodging, liberty, weariness, &c.-In GOOD NAME, obloquies, defamations, revilings, affronts, expectation, and the like.-In MIND, ignorance of what we desire, or is fitting for us to know, discontents for losses, miscarriages of relations, and friends, breaches of friendship, and treacheries, ingratitudes, failings of our designs, insultings of our enemies, &c.-In EXTERNAL THINGS, losses, poverty, with infinite more, which that we may be the less obnoxious unto, it's good not to set our minds upon what is not in our power."

Catch not too soon at an OFFENCE, nor give too easy way to ANGER, the one shews a weak judgment, the other a perverse nature.

822. Distinguish between idleness, ignorance, want of

attention, and malice.-Words do sometimes slip from the tongue, which the heart did neither hatch nor harbour.

823. Disputes commonly begin in mistakes, are car

ried on with heat and fury, and end in reproach,

and uncharitable names, and too frequently in

blood. (668.)

824. It's the glory of a man to pass by a transgression, not rendering evil for evil." Anger resteth in the bosom of fools.3

825. Life was given to man to manage to the ut


826. It's not enough to die with Roman courage; nor to be as resolute as Cato; nor yet that the cause of death be just, but it must also be necessary, unsought, and INEVITABLE.




We never read of formal Duels among the Romans, in relation to private injuries; but now upon the least controversy a challenge is sent, and goods, ease, credit, life, and even soul it self, is exposed in pursuit of revenge.

What blind FURY pushes on unhappy mortals, their days are so short, and the misery that attends them so great, why do they hasten fate that is already so near?

The terrible consideration of hurrying our own SOUL, or the soul of one's enemy, into the world from whence there is no redemption, in the very heat of diabolical passion, is, one would think,

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