Abbildungen der Seite



NOTES:-Gladstone Bibliography, 41-History in Pottery at Brighton, 43-Additions to Halliwell, 45-St. Martin'sin-the-Fields-Mistaken Derivation-The Whole Duty of

Man'-Parish Eke-names, 46. QUERIES:-Miniatures by Engleheart-Painting by Wallis -The Hippodrome-Monk Family-Engraving-Copplestone Family-Gaelic, 47-Lely Family-Arms of Yeomen -W. Eland-MoBarnet and Mackenzie-Atkinson-" The last peppercorn," &c.-Saas - Horace-Pratt' Recollections of Rugby'-'The Children's Garland '-Latin Translation Wanted, 48-Latreille, 49.

REPLIES:-The Letters of Junius, 49-Tennyson's Cambridge Contemporaries - Reeds-G. Walker, Bishop of Derry-Voices in Bells-"Be the day weary," &c.-Sonnet by Tennyson, 52-Tennyson on Tobacco-A "Crank"Picture of the Trinity-St. Cuthbert-" To threep," 53"Zolaesque"-Sedan-chair, 54-"Gee! - Wo!" Anne Waller Goethe and Smollett, 55-Ambrose Gwinett Salisbury Missal-Sir E. Littlehales - Book Margins Verses by Whittier-Towell, 56-J. Pym-" Commenced M.A."Festum Patefactionis"-"La Blanche Compagnie"-Tennyson and the Gem'-Poem by Arthur Hallam-Blow-Mrs. M. Godolphin-Heraldic, 57-Church House-Rev. J. Blair-"Consanguineus Regis "-Chesney Family, 58-Morant's History of Essex,' 59. NOTES ON BOOKS:-Bullen's Stanley's 'Anacreon'— Lang's Scott's Antiquary'- Wheatley's Cunningham's 'Story of Nell Gwyn.'

[ocr errors]

Notices to Correspondents.



(See 8th S. ii. 461, 501; iii. 1.)


Egypt and the Soudan. Speech the House of Commons......12 February, 1884. London, National Press Agency.-1884. 8vo. pp. 31. B.M. 8028 bb. 1 (8).

The Franchise Bill, Speech the House of Commons......28th February, 1884. Authorised edition. National Press Agency.-London, 1884. 8vo. pp. 30. B.M. 8138 e. 4 (13).

Aggression on Egypt and freedom in the East. Article the Nineteenth Century [August], 1877. With preface, &c. London, National Press Agency, 1884.-8vo. pp. 20. B.M. 8028 bb. 1 (7).

Speech on domestic and foreign affairs; delivered at West Calder, November 27, 1879. Representative British Orations,' with notes by Charles Kendall Adams. New York and London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1884, 16mo. B.M. 12301 cc. 3.

The speech occupies pp. 287-345. A short sketch of Mr. Gladstone is prefixed, pp. 277-86.

The Church in Wales. A the House of Commons (May 24th, 1870), on the resolution of......W. Williams. London, W. Poole.-8vo. pp. 8. B.M. 4109 b. 15 (14).

*Letter to R. Bosworth Smith on Disestablishment, Oct. 31, 1885.-2 pp. B.M. 4108 f. 23 (8). *Dawn of Creation and of worship.-Nineteenth Century, November, 1885, pp. 685-706.

l'Histoire des Religions.' A reply to Dr. Réville's 'Prolégomènes de

*Speeches of......W. E. Gladstone...... With a sketch of his life. Edited by H. W. Lucy. London, G. Routledge & Sons, 1885.-8vo. pp. xii, 13-223. B.M. 12301 bbb. 26.

Address to the electors of Midlothian, &c. National Press Agency, 1885.-8vo. pp. 8. B.M. 8135 h. 4 (2).


*Proem to Genesis: a plea for a fair trial.-Nineteenth Century, January, 1886, pp. 1-21.

[ocr errors]

'Postscript to article on Proem to Genesis "" appears on p. 176 of the same number. A short letter, enclosing one from Prof. Dana, is printed on p. 304 of the August number.

Speech delivered......on moving for leave to introduce a Bill for the better Government of Ireland, on......8th April, 1886. Authorised edition. London, National Press Agency.-1886. The second edition. 8vo. pp. 47. B.M. 8146 c. 4 (2).

*An impeachment of English rule in Ireland......Delivered in the House of Commons, April 8, 1886. A verbatim report.-Speech on the second reading of the Home Rule Bill, Monday, June 7, 1886.

These two speeches form pp. 201-59 and pp. 283308 of The Irish Question as viewed by One Hundred Eminent Statesmen of England, Ireland and America,' New York, Ford's National Library, 1886. B.M. 8146 aaa. 20.

The Government of Ireland Bill. Reply delivered the House of Commons, closing the debate on ..the Bill......on......13th April, 1886. London, National Press Agency.-1886. 8vo. pp. 16. B.M. 8146 c. 4 (3).

Sale and Purchase of Land (Ireland) Bill. Speech delivered in the House of Commons on......16th April, 1886. London, National Press Agency.-1886. 8vo. PP. 31. B.M. 8146 c. 4 (4).

Home Rule manifesto. the Electors of Agency.-8vo. pp. 8, 1886. B.M. 8146 c. 4 (5). Midlothian, May 1st, 1886. London, National Press

The Government of Ireland Bill. Speech delivere 1 ......on moving the second reading of the Bill......10th Press Agency.-1886. 8vo. pp. 31. B. M. 8146 c. 4 (6). May, 1886. Authorised edition. London, National

[in Ireland] in Edinburgh......June 18th, 1886. ManMr. Gladstone's great speech on the political situation chester, A. Ireland & Co.-1886. Single octavo sheet. B.M. 1850 c. 5 (127*).

This contains a portion only of the speech, with an address to Mr. Gladstone in verse by James Hadfield.


Mr. Gladstone's Midlothian speeches......1885. printed from the Daily Telegraph. London, F. E. Long

B.M. Catalogue queries 1884 as date of publi- ley-1886. 8vo. pp. 30. B.M. 8131 a. 15 (12).



Soudan and Afghanistan. The Vote of Credit. Speech the House of Commons...... April 27th, 1885. National Press Agency.-London, 1885. 8vo. pp. 15. .B.M. 8139 bb. 40 (8).

The Irish Question. I. History of an idea. II. Lessons of the election. London, John Murray, 1886.-8vo. pp. 58. B.M. 8146 bbb. 35 (2).

A second edition, pp. 32, was issued by Mr. Murray in the same year. B.M. 8146 aa. 18. Another edition, with an "Addendum on the

[blocks in formation]

FOLKLAND. By Professor Vinogradoff.

MARY and BOLEYN. By James Gairdner.

VILLARS. By His Honour Judge William O'Connor Morris.

2. NOTES and DOCUMENTS.-A Charter of Henry I. (1123). Edited by J. H. Round-Cistercian Students at Oxford in the Thirteenth Century. By A. G. Little-Sermons for the Festivals of St. Thomas Becket, &c., probably by Archbishop Strafford. Edited by the Rev. W. D. Macray-A Letter from Antonio de Guaras to the Irish Rebels. Edited by R. Garnett, LL.D.-The Defence of Jalalabad. By Major W. Broadfoot.

[blocks in formation]



106 pp. 1892, cloth, 15s.

Third Series, Second Supplement. 8vo.

G. J. GRAY. Edited by W. C. HAZLITT. 8vo. 866 pp. double
cols. 1893, cloth, 36s. A few copies on large paper, royal 8vo.

BERNARD QUARITCH, 115, Piccadilly. London.





The Crown having acquired Nos. 4 and 22, Took's Court, the Printing and Publishing Departments are now REMOVED to the New Offices at Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane.



a London B.A.-ARTHUR W. DAWES, 1, Paget-road, N.


[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

THE LEARNED and COLLECTORS will find at Mr. ROLLAND'S, Bookseller, 2, Rue des Chantiers, in Paris, great Choice of Documents, Books, Pamphlets, Cuttings from Reviews and Papers, Engravings and Pictures, on any subject wanted, perfectly classified.

Mr. Rolland publishing no Catalogue on account of the enormous quantity of Small Cuttings that could not find place in it, a Manuscript List will be sent to any one requiring it, the desiderata being well specified.


by a PRACTICAL BINDER at moderate prices. Estimates furnished; large or small quantities; Libraries Bound or Repaired; Binding for the Trade.-SHELLEY, 81, Carter-lane, Broadway, Ludgatehill, E.C.-Established 1861.



QUERIES. Published the 15th of each month. First Number published Oct. 15th. Price 6d. net, or 4s. 6d. per annum. post free, if prepaid. Remittances and Orders may be sent to Frank Murray, Moray House, Derby; Frank Murray, Regent House, Nottingham Frank Murray, Stuart House, Leicester; Frank Murray, Shakespeare's Head, Leicester; and Marshall Brothers, Keswick House, Paternoster-row, London, E.C.


Or may be ordered of any Bookseller.

[blocks in formation]

Southampton Buildings, Chancery-lane.

THREE PER CENT. INTEREST allowed on DEPOSITS, repay. able on demand.

TWO PER CENT. on CURRENT ACCOUNTS, on the minimum monthly balance, when not drawn below £100.

STOCKS, SHARES, and ANNUITIES Purchased and Sold.


For the encouragement of Thrift the Bank receives small sums on deposit, and allows Interest at the rate of THREE PER CENT. per annum on each completed £1. FRANCIS RAVENSCROFT, Manager.

CHISLEHURST (near the Railway Station, and

delightfully situated opposite Bickley Park).-TO BE LET, for the residue of Lease (six years unexpired), a SUPERIOR RESIDENCE, with spacious and lofty Reception and Billiard Rooms, Nine Bed and Dressing Rooms, Stabling, Lodge Entrance, Glass Houses, &c., and all the adjuncts of a Gentleman's first-class establishment, surrounded by 14 acres of perfectly charming (though inexpensive) Pleasure Grounds, Gardens, Wilderness, and Pasture. Original rent, 360. per annum. No hurst, Kent; or from Mr. DAVID J. CHATTELL, of 29A (corner of), Lincoln's Inn-fields and Chislehurst, who strongly recommends the property.

HORT CATECHISM of ENGLISH CHURCH premium.-Detailed particulars, &c., may be had at Inglewood, Chisle


HISTORY. By W. T. LYNN, B.A. F.R.A.S. Price One Penny. Published by GEORGE STONEMAN, 21, Warwick-lane, Paternoster

row, E.C.

Now ready, price Fourpence,

HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. Hale Constitutions.

When the human frame has become debilitated from the effects

BRIEF LESSONS in ASTRONOMY. By W. T. if they be taken according to the lucid directions wrapped round each


G. STONEMAN, 21, Warwick-lane, E.C.

box, Holloway's Pills exert the most exemplary tonic qualities in all
cases of nervous depression, whereby the vital powers are weakened
and the circulation is rendered languid and unsteady. They improve

TUNBRIDGE WELLS.-BOARD and RESI- gentle aperients. The Pills are eation, regulate the liver, and act as

offered in a Private Family. Central position.

Close to Common, three minutes' from S.E. Rly. Station. Dry, invigorating air.-R. G., Roxwell, Guildford-road, Grove Hill-road, Tunbridge Wells.

suited ages and habits. A patient writes: "Your Pills to be valued require only to be known. During many years I sought a remedy in vain, was daily becoming weaker, when your Pills soon restored me."


CONTENT 8.-N° 56.

NOTES:-Gladstone Bibliography, 41-History in Pottery at Brighton, 43-Additions to Halliwell, 45-St. Martin'sin-the-Fields-Mistaken Derivation- The Whole Duty of Man'-Parish Eke-names, 46.

QUERIES:-Miniatures by Englebeart-Painting by Wallis -The Hippodrome-Monk Family-Engraving-Copple stone Family-Gaelic, 47-Lely Family-Arms of Yeomen -W. Eland-MoBarnet and Mackenzie-Atkinson-" The last peppercorn," &c.-Saas-Horace - Pratt-' Recollections of Rugby-The Children's Garland'-Latin Translation Wanted, 48-Latreille, 49.

REPLIES:-The Letters of Junius, 49-Tennyson's Cambridge Contemporaries - Reeds-G. Walker, Bishop of Derry-Voices in Bells-"Be the day weary," &c.-Sonnet by Tennyson, 52-Tennyson on Tobacco-A "Crank"Picture of the Trinity-St. Cuthbert-"To threep," 53"Zolaesque"-Sedan-chair, 54-"Gee!- Wo!" Anne Waller-Goethe and Smollett, 55-Ambrose Gwinett Salisbury Missal-Sir E. Littlehales - Book Margins Verses by Whittier-Towell, 56-J. Pym-" Commenced M.A."-"Festum Patefactionis"-"La Blanche Compagnie"-Tennyson and the Gem'-Poem by Arthur Hallam-Blow-Mrs. M. Godolphin-Heraldic, 57-Church House-Rev. J. Blair-"Consanguineus Regis "-Chesney Family, 58-Morant's History of Essex,' 59.

NOTES ON BOOKS:-Bullen's Stanley's 'Anacreon'-
Lang's Scott's Antiquary'- Wheatley's Cunningham's
'Story of Nell Gwyn.'
Notices to Correspondents.



(See 8th S. ii. 461, 501; iii. 1.)


Egypt and the Soudan. Speech the House of Commons......12 February, 1884. London, National Press Agency.-1884. 8vo. pp. 31. B.M. 8023 bb. 1 (8).

The Franchise Bill. Speech the House of Commons......28th February, 1884. Authorised edition. National Press Agency.-London, 1884. 8vo. pp. 30. B.M. 8138 e. 4 (13).

Aggression on Egypt and freedom in the East. Article the Nineteenth Century [August], 1877. With preface, &c. London, National Press Agency, 1884.-8vo. pp. 20. B.M. 8028 bb. 1 (7).

Speech on domestic and foreign affairs; delivered at West Calder, November 27, 1879.-Representative British Orations,' with notes by Charles Kendall Adams. New York and London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1884, 16mo. B.M. 12301 cc. 3.

The speech occupies pp. 287-345. A short sketch of Mr. Gladstone is prefixed, pp. 277-86.

The Church in Wales. A the House of Commons (May 24th, 1870), on the resolution of......W. Williams. London, W. Poole.-8vo. pp. 8. B.M. 4109 b. 15 (14).

*Letter to R. Bosworth Smith on Disestablishment, Oct. 31, 1885.-2 pp. B.M. 4108 f. 23 (8). *Dawn of Creation and of worship.-Nineteenth Century, November, 1885, pp. 685-706.

A reply to Dr. Réville's 'Prolégomènes de l'Histoire des Religions.'

*Speeches of......W. E. Gladstone...... With a sketch of his life. Edited by H. W. Lucy. London, G. Routledge & Sons, 1885.-8vo. pp. xii, 13-223. B.M. 12301 bbb. 26.

Address to the electors of Midlothian, &c. National Press Agency, 1885.-8vo. pp. 8. B.M. 8135 h. 4 (2).


*Proem to Genesis: a plea for a fair trial.-Nineteenth Century, January, 1886, pp. 1-21.

'Postscript to article on Proem to Genesis "" appears on p. 176 of the same number. A short letter, enclosing one from Prof. Dana, is printed on p. 304 of the August number.

Speech delivered......on moving for leave to introduce a Bill for the better Government of Ireland, on......8th April, 1886. Authorised edition. London, National Press Agency.-1886. The second edition. 8vo. pp. 47. B.M. 8146 c. 4 (2).

*An impeachment of English rule in Ireland......Delivered in the House of Commons, April 8, 1886. A verbatim report.-Speech on the second reading of the Home Rule Bill, Monday, June 7, 1886.

These two speeches form pp. 201-59 and pp. 283308 of 'The Irish Question as viewed by One Hundred Eminent Statesmen of England, Ireland and America,' New York, Ford's National Library, 1886. B.M. 8146 aaa. 20.

The Government of Ireland Bill. Reply delivered the House of Commons, closing the debate on .the Bill......on......13th April, 1886. London, National Press Agency.-1886. 8vo. pp. 16. B.M. 8146 c. 4 (3).

Sale and Purchase of Land (Ireland) Bill. Speech delivered in the House of Commons on......16th April, 1886. London, National Press Agency.-1886. 8vo. PP. 31. B.M. 8146 c. 4 (4).

Home Rule manifesto. the Electors of Agency.-8vo. pp. 8, 1886. B.M. 8146 c. 4 (5). Midlothian, May 1st, 1886. London, National Press

The Government of Ireland Bill. Speech delivere 1 ......on moving the second reading of the Bill......10th Press Agency.-1886. 8vo. pp. 31. B. M. 8146 c. 4 (6). May, 1886. Authorised edition. London, National

Mr. Gladstone's great speech on the political situation [in Ireland] in Edinburgh......June 18th, 1886. Manchester, A. Ireland & Co.-1886. Single octavo sheet. B.M. 1850 c. 5 (127*).

This contains a portion only of the speech, with an address to Mr. Gladstone in verse by James Hadfield.


Mr. Gladstone's Midlothian speeches......1885. printed from the Daily Telegraph. London, F. E. Long

B.M. Catalogue queries 1884 as date of publi- ley 1886. 8vo. pp. 30. B.M. 8131 a. 15 (12).



Soudan and Afghanistan. The Vote of Credit. Speech the House of Commons...... April 27th, 1885. National Press Agency.-London, 1885, 8vo. pp. 15. B.M. 8139 bb. 40 (8).

The Irish Question. I. History of an idea. II. Lessons of the election. London, John Murray, 1886.-8vo. pp. 58. B.M. 8146 bbb. 35 (2).

A second edition, pp. 32, Murray in the same year. Another edition, with an

[ocr errors]

was issued by Mr. B.M. 8146 aa. 18. Addendum on the

[ocr errors]
[blocks in formation]

FOLKLAND. By Professor Vinogradoff.

MARY and BOLEYN. By James Gairdner.

VILLARS. By His Honour Judge William O'Connor Morris.

2. NOTES and DOCUMENTS.-A Charter of Henry I. (1123). Edited by J. H. Round-Cistercian Students at Oxford in the Thirteenth Century. By A. G. Little-Sermons for the Festivals of St. Thomas Becket, &c., probably by Archbishop Strafford. Edited by the Rev. W. D. Macray-A Letter from Antonio de Guaras to the Irish Rebels. Edited by R. Garnett, LL.D.-The Defence of Jalalabad. By Major W. Broadfoot.

[blocks in formation]



The Crown having acquired Nos. 4 and 22, Took's Court, the Printing and Publishing Departments are now REMOVED to the New Offices at Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane.



a London B.A.-ARTHUR W. DAWES, 1, Paget-road, N.

[blocks in formation]

Monthly Catalogue of Second-hand Books.

Telegraphic address, Bookmen, London.

136, 8TRAND, W.C.; and 7, PICCADILLY, W.


at Mr. ROLLAND'S, Bookseller, 2, Rue des Chantiers, in Paris, great Choice of Documents, Books, Pamphlets, Cuttings from Reviews and Papers, Engravings and Pictures, on any subject wanted, perfectly classified.

Mr. Rolland publishing no Catalogue on account of the enormous quantity of Small Cuttings that could not find place in it, a Manuscript List will be sent to any one requiring it, the desiderata being well specified.


by a PRACTICAL BINDER at moderate prices. Estimates furnished; large or small quantities; Libraries Bound or Repaired; Binding for the Trade.-SHELLEY, 81, Carter-lane, Broadway, Ludgatehill, E.C.-Established 1861.

[blocks in formation]


For the encouragement of Thrift the Bank receives small sums on deposit, and allows Interest at the rate of THREE PER CENT. per annum on each completed £1. FRANCIS RAVENSCROFT, Manager.

CHISLEHURST (near the Railway Station, and

delightfully situated opposite Bickley Park).-TO BE LET, for the residue of Lease (six years unexpired), a SUPERIOR RESIDENCE with spacious and lofty Reception and Billiard Rooms, Nine Bed and Dressing Rooms, Stabling, Lodge Entrance, Glass Houses, &c., and all the adjuncts of a Gentleman's first-class establishment, surrounded by 144 acres of perfectly charming (though inexpensive) Pleasure Grounds, premium.-Detailed particulars, &c., may be had at Inglewood, ChisleGardens, Wilderness, and Pasture. Original rent, 3601. per annum. No hurst, Kent; or from Mr. DAVID J. CHATTELL, of 29A (corner of), Lincoln's Inn-fields and Chislehurst, who strongly recommends the property.

HOLLOWAY'S PILLS.-Hale Constitutions.

When the human frame has become debilitated from the effects

BRIEF LESSONS in ASTRONOMY. By W. T. if they be taken according to the lucid directions wrapped round each



G. STONEMAN, 21, Warwick-lane, E.C.

UNBRIDGE WELLS.-BOARD and RESIDENCE offered in a Private Family. Central position. Close to Common, three minutes' from S.E. Rly. Station. Dry, invigorating air.-R. G., Roxwell, Guildford-road, Grove Hill-road, Tunbridge Wells.


box, Holloway's Pills exert the most exemplary tonic qualities in all cases of nervous depression, whereby the vital powers are weakened and the circulation is rendered languid and unsteady. They improve the appetite, strengthen the digestion, regulate the liver, and act as gentle aperients. The Pills are suited to all ages and all habits. A patient writes: "Your Pills to be valued require only to be known. During many years I sought a remedy in vain, was daily becoming weaker, when your Pills soon restored me."

[blocks in formation]

QUERIES:-Miniatures by Engleheart-Painting by Wallis -The Hippodrome-Monk Family-Engraving-Copplestone Family-Gaelic, 47-Lely Family-Arms of Yeomen -W. Eland-MoBarnet and Mackenzie-Atkinson-" The last peppercorn," &c.-Saas-Horace - Pratt' Recollections of Rugby-The Children's Garland'-Latin Translation Wanted, 48-Latreille, 49.

REPLIES:-The Letters of Junius, 49-Tennyson's Cambridge Contemporaries - Reeds-G. Walker, Bishop of

Derry-Voices in Bells-" Be the day weary," &c. Sonnet

by Tennyson, 52-Tennyson on Tobacco-A "Crank"Picture of the Trinity-St. Cuthbert-"To threep," 53“Zolaesque❞— Sedan-chair, 54-"Gee !- Wo!" Anne Waller - Goethe and Smollett, 55-Ambrose GwinettSalisbury Missal-Sir E. Littlehales - Book Margins Verses by Whittier-Towell, 56-J. Pym-" Commenced M.A."Festum Patefactionis"-"La Blanche Compagnie"-Tennyson and the Gem'-Poem by Arthur Hallam-Blow-Mrs. M. Godolphin-Heraldic, 57-Church House-Rev. J. Blair-"Consanguineus Regis"-Chesney Family, 58-Morant's History of Essex,' 59.

NOTES ON BOOKS:-Bullen's Stanley's Anacreon'-
Lang's Scott's Antiquary'- Wheatley's Cunningham's
'Story of Nell Gwyn.'
Notices to Correspondents.



(See 8th S. ii. 461, 501; iii. 1.)

Egypt and the Soudan. Speech the House of Commons......12 February, 1884. London, National Press Agency.-1884. 8vo. pp. 31. B.M. 8028 bb. 1 (8).

The Franchise Bill. Speech the House of Commons......28th February, 1884. Authorised edition.

National Press Agency.-London, 1884. 8vo. pp. 30.

B.M. 8138 e. 4 (13).

Aggression on Egypt and freedom in the East. Article the Nineteenth Century [August], 1877. With preface, &c. London, National Press Agency, 1884.-8vo. pp. 20. B.M. 8028 bb. 1 (7).

Speech on domestic and foreign affairs; delivered at West Calder, November 27, 1879. Representative British Orations,' with notes by Charles Kendall Adams.

New York and London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1884, 16mo.

B.M. 12301 cc. 3.

[blocks in formation]

*Letter to R. Bosworth Smith on Disestablishment, Oct. 31, 1885.-2 pp. B.M. 4108 f. 23 (3). *Dawn of Creation and of worship.-Nineteenth Century, November, 1885, pp. 685-706.

l'Histoire des Religions.' A reply to Dr. Réville's 'Prolégomènes de

*Speeches of......W. E. Gladstone...... With a sketch of his life. Edited by H. W. Lucy. London, G. Routledge & Sons, 1885.-8vo. pp. xii, 13-223. B.M. 12301 bbb. 26.

Address to the electors of Midlothian, &c. National Press Agency, 1885.-8vo. pp. 8. B.M. 8135 h. 4 (2).


Century, January, 1886, pp. 1-21. *Proem to Genesis: a plea for a fair trial.-Nineteenth

'Postscript to article on "Proem to Genesis" appears on p. 176 of the same number. A short letter, enclosing one from Prof. Dana, is printed on p. 304 of the August number.

Speech delivered......on moving for leave to introduce a Bill for the better Government of Ireland, on......8th April, 1886. Authorised edition. London, National Press Agency.-1886. The second edition. 8vo. pp. 47. B.M. 8146 c. 4 (2).

*An impeachment of English rule in Ireland......Delivered in the House of Commons, April 8, 1886. A verbatim report.-Speech on the second reading of the Home Rule Bill, Monday, June 7, 1886.

These two speeches form 201-59 and pp. pp. 283308 of The Irish Question as viewed by One Hundred Eminent Statesmen of England, Ireland and America,' New York, Ford's National Library, 1886. B.M. 8146 aaa. 20.

The Government of Ireland Bill. Reply delivered the House of Commons, closing the debate on

.the Bill......on......13th April, 1886. London, National Press Agency.-1886. 8vo. pp. 16. B.M. 8146 c. 4 (3).

Sale and Purchase of Land (Ireland) Bill. Speech delivered in the House of Commons on......16th April, 8vo. 1886. London, National Press Agency.-1886. PP. 31. B.M. 8146 c. 4 (4).

Home Rule manifesto. the Electors of Agency.-8vo. pp. 8, 1886. B.M. 8146 c. 4 (5). Midlothian, May 1st, 1886. London, National Press

The Government of Ireland Bill. Speech delivere l ......on moving the second reading of the Bill......10th Press Agency.-1886. 8vo. pp. 31. B.M. 8146 c. 4 (6). May, 1886. Authorised edition. London, National

Mr. Gladstone's great speech on the political situation [in Ireland] in Edinburgh......June 18th, 1886. Manchester, A. Ireland & Co.-1886. Single octavo sheet. B.M. 1850 c. 5 (127*).

This contains a portion only of the speech, with an address to Mr. Gladstone in verse by James Hadfield.

Mr. Gladstone's Midlothian speeches......1885. Reprinted from the Daily Telegraph. London, F. E. Longley.-1886. 8vo. pp. 30. B.M. 8131 a. 15 (12).

The Irish Question. I. History of an idea. II. Lessons of the election. London, John Murray, 1886.-8vo. pp. 58. B.M. 8146 bbb. 35 (2).

A second edition, pp. 32, was issued by Mr. Murray in the same year. B.M. 8146 aa. 18. Another edition, with an Addendum on the


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