Abbildungen der Seite


ed by Gaston de Foix, duke of Ne-]
mours, i. 148. Second marriage of,
with Mary, sister of Henry VIII.
of England, i. 150. Death of, ib.
Louis XIII. of France. ii. 14.

an edict reproving the parliament,
ii. 17. Marriage of, with Anne of
Austria, ii. 18. Joins his mother in
the project for getting rid of Condé,
ii. 19. Marches into Bearn; re-
duces the church lands, ii. 23. Re-
turns to his capital; his reception
there, ii. 24. His confidence in car-
dinal Richelieu, ii. 27. Retires to
Versailles, ii. 36. Holds his court
at St. Germain, ib. Private char-
acter of, ii. 44. Is reconciled to the
queen, ii. 45. Complains of the
Complains of the
tyranny of Richelieu, ii. 49. Death
of, ii. 52.

Louis XIV., birth of, ii. 45.

accession, ii. 57. Goes in state to
the Te Deum sung in honor of the
battle of Lens, ii. 66. Completes
his minority, ii. 78. Summons the
magistrates to repair to Pontoise;
his entry into Paris, ii. 81. Makes
his first campaign, ii. 85. Gives up
Dunkirk to Cromwell, ib. Marries
the infanta of Spain, ii. 87. Marches
into Flanders at the head of an ar-
my; takes possession of French.
Flanders, Lille, Mons, Tournay,
and Charleroi, ii. 91. Takes the
side of the Jesuits, ii. 92. Takes
every means to detach England
from the alliance, ii. 93. Conquers
Utrecht, ii. 95. Returns to Paris,
ib. Conquers Franche-Comté, ii.
96. Makes himself master
Ghent, ii. 100. His bigotry, ii. 102.
Death of his queen, ib. Married
secretly to madame de Maintenon,
103. Sends missionaries to convert
the Huguenots; tries severity, ii.


His cruelty to the Protestants
rouses the Germans and the Eng-
lish against him, ii. 106. Sends an
army to the Rhine, commanded by
the dauphin, ib. Orders the towns
of Trev. 8, Worms, Spire, and Hei-
delberg, to be destroyed; the elec
tor's ancient palace, together with
the cottages of his meanest sub-
jects, to be burned, ib. Invests Na-
mur, ii. 108. Attacks king William
of England near Lorraine; quits
the army, and returns to Versailles,
ii. 109. Meets with private misfor-
tunes, ii. 132. Death of, ii. 138. Char-
acter of, ib.

Louis XV., his attachment to Fleury,
ii. 155. Marriage of with Maria
Lezinsky, ii. 157. After the death
of Fleury resided chiefly at Choisy,
ii 170. Proceeds to Flanders to join


the mareschal de Noailles, ib. On
hearing of the intended invasion of
prince Charles of Lorraine, flies
from Flanders towards the Rhine;
seized with a fever when he had
reached Metz; asks forgiveness of
the queen, ib. Returns to his capi
tal; his first act was to recall his
mistress, the duchess of Chateau
roux, and to exile her enemies, ii
171. State of the church during the
reign of, ii. 177. Stabbed by a mad.
man on his way to Versailles, ii.
185. Attributes to the great council
of state the same privileges and au-
thority as that wielded by the par-
liament, ii. 186. His jealousy of the
dauphin, ii. 189. Death of the dau
phin; death of the queen; his grief
at her death, ii. 196. His confidence
in his minister Choiseul, ii. 198.
Passes a decree to reverse the judi-
cial verdict of the parliament against
D'Aiguillon, ii. 200. Holds a bed of
justice, ii. 201. Death of, ii. 202.
Louis XVI., marriage of, ii. 198. Ac
cession of, ii. 203. State of society
during the reign of, ii. 204. Char-
acter of, ii. 205. Dismisses Turgot
and Malesherbes from the ministry
ii. 208. Reforms his court, ii. 219.
Opens the assembly of the states-
general at Versailles, ii. 225. Issues
orders for a royal sitting, ii. 228.
Makes known his will at the royal
sitting; annuls all the previous
votes and acts of the assembly, ii.
229. Issues an order requesting the
majority of the noblesse to unite
themselves to the constitutional as-
sembly, ii. 230. Abandons the coun-
sels of the count d'Artois and baron
de Breteuil; hurries to the national
assembly, intending to make peace
with it; announces that orders were
given that the troops should retire
from the capital, ii. 233. Returns to
Paris; receives the keys of the city
from the mayor, ii. 234. Assumes
the tricolor cockade, ib. Returns
to Versailles, ib. Advised by Necker
to interfere and state to the assem-
bly his acceptance of the suspen-
sive, rather than the absolute, veto;
the former was accordingly decreed,
ii. 237. Refuses to fly from Ver-
sailles, ii. 239. Called on by the mot
and the Parisian army to go to Pa-
ris, ii. 241. He assents; repairs to
the Tuilleries, accompanied by the
queen and the royal family, ib. Ad-
vised by Mirabeau to retire to Metz,
and there, at the head of an inde
pendent force, treat with the nation.
ii. 244. Flight of, with the royal
family, ii. 246. Recognized at St

vention, and all those inhabitants
who had taken arms guillotined,
iii. 59.


Menehould by Drouet; arrested and
conveyed to Paris, ii. 247. Arrival!
af, in Paris, ib. Suspended by the
national assembly from his func- Lys, river, declared the boundary of
tions, ib. Opens the legislative as- France and Flanders, i. 70.
sembly, ii. 250. Refuses to have any
guard, and occupies his solitary
palace, exposed at all times to the
irruptions of the rabble, ii. 254. His
reply to the populace that forced
their way into the Tuilleries, ii.
258. Refused to be saved by La
Fayette, ii. 259. Refuses to stoop
to an alliance with the Girondists,
ii. 260. Rejects the offers of the duc
de la Rochefoucault and La Fay-Mack, the Austrian general, iii. 138.
ette of the means of escape, ii. 262. Shut up with the remains of his
Abandons the château, and retires army in the town of Ulm; surren-
with his family to the national as- ders to Napoleon, iii. 194.
sembly, ii. 264. Sends M. de Her- Magdeburg, siege of, iii. 207.
villy with an order for the Swiss to Madrid surrenders to Napoleon, iii.
retire and abandon the château, ii. 229.

Macdonald, iii. 141. Created marshal
on the field of battle by Napoleon,
iii. 237.
Machault, the finance minister, ii.
181. Transferred from the depart-
ment of finance to that of marine
affairs, ib.

Machiavel, birth of, i. 121.

265. Transferred with his family Maestricht, capture of, ii. 96.

from Luxembourg to the Temple, Magnentius, his war with Constan
iii. 27. Separated from his family, tius, i. 8.

and denied the sole consolation of Maillard, ii. 268.

his captivity, that of instructing Maillebois, mareschal, ii. 167.
his infant son, ib. His trial, iii. 29. Mailly, madame du, ii. 166.
Selects Turgot and Malesherbes for Mailly, marshal de, ii. 265.
his counsel, ib. Appears before Maine united to France, i. 46.
the convention attended by his de-Maine, duc de, ii. 112. 148.
fenders, iii. 30. Sentenced to death Maintenon, madame de, ii. 103.
by the convention, iii. 32. His last Major Domus, a royal judge, at one
interview with the queen and the time appointed by the king, at an-
princesses, iii. 33. Execution of, iii. other by the aristocracy, i. 12.
Malmesbury, lord, sent from Eng
Louis Bonaparte made constable, iii. land to Paris to propose a negotia-
184. Declared king of Holland, iii. tion, by which she would restore
200. Marriage of, with Hortensia France her colonies in return for
Beauharnois, ib. Resigns his crown Flanders being again ceded to Aus-
and retires to a private station in tria, iii. 123.
Germany, iii. 244.

Louis, prince, of Prussia, death of,
iii. 204.

Louisa of Savoy, i. 145.

Louvois, ii. 95. His jealousy of Tu-

renne, ii. 96. Death of, ii. 97.

Louvet, his speech, iii. 22.

Lucien Bonaparte, iii. 148.

Luckner, ii. 252.

Malplaquet, battle of, ii. 131.
Malesherbes dismissed from the min-
istry, ii. 208. Chosen by Louis XVI.
as one of his counsel, iii. 29. And
all his family perish on the scaffold,
iii. 68.

Malouet, ii. 226.

Mandat, ii. 263.

Manny, Walter de, i. 83.

Ludovico Sforza, i. 136. His death, i. Mansourah, battle of, i. 59.


Mantua, siege of, iii. 114.

Luther, Martin, publishes his propo-Marat, accused by Dumouriez of ex-

sitions, i. 179.

Luxembourg conquered by the duke
of Orleans, i. 195. Reconquered by
the imperialists, ib.
Luxembourg, mareschal de, arrest of;
imprisoned in the Bastile; liberat-
ed, ii. 102. Death of, ii. 111.
Luynes, de, favorite of Louis XIII.,
ii. 18. Becomes sole master of the
state; liberates the prince de Condé,
ii. 21. Raises an army, ii. 23. His
death, ii. 24.

Lyons destroyed by order of the con-

citing the people to sedition in his
journal called the "Ami du Peu-
ple," ii. 254. His character, ii. 266.
Addresses the convention, iii. 18.
His address to the people, iii. 19.
Accusation of, iii. 20. Recom-
mends, in his journal, the mob to
pillage the magazines and hang the
monopolizers, iii. 36. Tried and
acquitted by a revolutionary tribu-
nal, iii. 42. Murder of, iii. 54.
Marcel, Stephen, chief of the munici
pality of Paris, releases the king of


Navarre from prison, i. 87. Death
of, ib.

Marche, count de la, i. 56.
Marengo, battle of, iii. 161.
Margaret of Anjou, her heroism, i.


of France, her coronation, i. 295.
Appointed regent, ii. 11. Her char-
acter, ii. 12. Guided by the minis-
ters of the late king, ib. Dismisses
the army intended for Italy, ib. Un-
popularity of, ii. 14. Goes to Poitou
with the young king to counteract
rebellion, ii. 15. Ceases to be regent,
ii. 18. Retires to Blois, accompa-
nied by Richelieu, ii. 19. Escapes
by night from the château of Blois;
meets Epernon at the head of a
strong party, ii. 20. Obtains the
government of Anjou, ii. 21. Re-
fused to be admitted to court, ib.
Her hatred to the duke of Nevers,
ii. 32. Causes Mary of Gonzaga to
be immured in the Bastile, ii. 33.
Gains the good-will of the Pari-
sians, ii. 36. Arrested at Com-
piegne, ii. 37. Flies out of the king-
dom, and retires to Brussels, ii. 43.
Death of, ii. 47.

Maria Theresa, daughter of the em-
peror of Austria, ii. 160. Succeeds
her father Charles VI., ii. 166. Ap-
peals to her Hungarian subjects to
aid her against the elector of Bava-
ria, ii. 167. Obtains the imperial
crown for her husband, ii. 171. Dis-
patches two armies to Italy, com-
inanded by prince Charles of Lor-
raine and the prince of Lichten-
stein, ii. 173. Recovers Austrian
Flanders, ii. 175. Dissatisfied with
the loss of Silesia, ii. 183. Signs a
treaty with France, ii. 184. Signs a
treaty of peace with Prussia, ii. 193.
Maria Leczinski, queen of Louis
XV., ii. 157. Death of, ii. 196.
Marie Antoinette, marriage of, with
Louis XVI., ii. 198. Accused of
having influenced the king to dis
miss Turgot and Malesherbes from
the ministry, ii. 207. Her character, Massena, general, iii. 108.
ii. 214. Excites the hostilities of the Massillon, ii. 25.

Mary of Gonzaga, ii. 33.
Mary, princess, daughter of James II.
of England; marriage of, with the
prince of Orange, ii. 99.

high church party, ib. Summoned Matigon, mareschal de, i. 263.
Necker; promises to support and Matthieu Dumas, iii. 101.
adopt his views; persuades him to
resume the ministry, ii. 229. Nar-
rowly escapes being massacred by
the people, ii. 240. Her last inter-
view with the king before his exe-
cution, iii. 33. Execution of, iii. 57.
Maria Louisa, archduchess, iii. 233.
Marriage of, with Napoleon Bona-
parte, iii. 241. Flight of, from the
castle of Vincennes, iii. 276.
Marignano, battle of, i. 155.
Marillac, mareschal de; execution of, Maximilian, archduke, iii. 323.
ii. 37.

Maupeon, ii. 199. Establishes inferior
and provincial courts; destroys the
overgrown jurisdiction of the capi-
tal, ii. 201.
Maurepas, compte de, ii. 163. Chosen
minister of Louis XVI., ii. 205. Ad-
ministration of, ii. 206. Death of, ii.

Mark, mareschal de la, i. 189.
Marlborough, duke of, intrusted with
the chief command by queen Anne
of England; enters on the campaign|
of Flanders, ii. 119. Takes Bonn
and Luxembourg, ii. 120. Marches
against the French at Schellenberg,
ii. 121. Gains the battle of Blen-
heim, ii. 123. Takes Tournay, ii.
130. Gains the victory of Malpla-
quet, his last victory, ii. 131.
Mary, daughter of Charles duke of
Burgundy, i. 121. Marriage of, i.
129. Death of, ib.

Mary, princess of England, marriage
of, with Louis XII., i. 150.
Mary queen of Scots, i. 210. Marriage
of, with the dauphin of France, i.

Mary queen of England, marriage of,
with Philip of Spain, i. 218.
Mary of Medicis, queen of Henry IV.


Maurice elector of Saxony, i. 214.
Maximilian king of the Romans, i.
135. Death of, i. 160.

Mayenne, duke of, i. 263. Causes car-
dinal de Bourbon to be declared
king under the name of Charles X.,
i. 213. Worsted at the battle of
Arques, i. 274. Advances to relieve
the town of Dreux, i. 275.
Mazarin, cardinal, ii. 55. Opposition
of, to the parliament; brings the
young king into the parliament;
causes him, sitting on his throne,
to order nineteen edicts to be regis-
tered, ii. 63. Anathematized the
parliament before the whole court;
compared the coadjutor De Retz to
Cromwell, and himself to Strafford,
ii. 76. Takes his departure for
Havre-de-Grace; sets the captive
provinces at liberty; resigns him-
self to his disgrace, and prepares to
leave the kingdom, ib. Returns; is
welcomed by the Parisians, ii. 82.
Solicits an alliance with Cromwell,
ii. 8 Acts personally as negotiator


on the part of France at the con-Montfort, countess de, heroism of, 1
ference for the peace in the Isle of
Pheasants, ii. 86. Death of, ii. 88.
Meda, iii. 74.

Medici, cardinal de, i. 148.
Meerfeldt, general, iii. 267.
Melancthon, i. 185.

Mendoza, the Spanish ambassador, i.

Menou, general, iii. 89. Espouses a
Turkish woman, and adopts the
Mahometan religion, iii. 167.
Mercœur, duke of, i. 134.
Mercy the Austrian general surprises
Turenne in his camp, and defeats
him, ii. 59. Killed in the battle of
Recroi, ib.

Merovingians, so called from their
supposed founder Merovée, govern
the Franks, i. 11.
Merveille, i. 183.

Metternich, the Austrian envoy, iii.

Montgaillard, iii. 98.

Montgomery executed by order of
Catherine de Medicis, i. 230.
Montluc, mareschal, i. 198.
Montmorency intrusted with the de
fence of Provence; acts the part of
Fabius, i. 188. Made constable of
France, i. 192. Exiled to Chantilly,
i. 194. Recalled to court, and es
tablished in authority, i. 206. Char-
acter of, i. 207. Sent to crush the
insurgents in Bourdeaux, i. 209. Re-
tires to Chantilly, i. 227. Recalled
to court, i. 235. Commands the
Catholics at the battle of St. Denis;
death of, i. 243. Character of, ib.
Montmorency, marshal de, i. 255.
Created constable, i. 282. Taken
prisoner in a skirmish at Castle-
naudari, ii. 38. Execution of, ii. 39.
Montmorency, mademoiselle de, i.

Montmorin, a noted royalist, acquit..
ted by the revolutionary tribunal,
in order to provoke the people, and
to prove the necessity of more sum
mary modes of justice and of ven-
geance, ii. 268.

Mirabeau, ii. 225. His answer to De
Brezé when he summoned the con-
stitutional assembly to depart, by
order of the king, ii. 229. Proposes
to the king to countermand the
troops which thronged around Paris,
and to form the citizens of Paris
into a civic guard, ii. 281. Leagues
secretly with the court to support
the crown, and recover for it a por- Montpensier, duchess de, i. 271.
tion of strength requisite for its ex- Moore, Sir John, iii. 228. Killed in
istence, ii. 243. Advises the king the battle of Corunna, iii. 230.
to retire to Metz; and there, at the Morat, battle of, i. 127.

Montpensier, duc de, i. 139. Death of,
i. 140.

head of an independent force, treat Morbec, a knight of Arras, i. 86.
with the nation, ii. 244. Death of, Moreau, general, sent to replace

ii. 245.

Miranda, iii. 38.
Mismandre, ii. 239.

Miron, provost of the merchants of
Paris, ii. 16.

Molé, the president, i. 280. His hero-
'ism, when threatened by an infu-
riated mob, ii. 71.
Molwitz, battle of, ii. 167.
Monçada, viceroy of Naples; death
of, i. 176.

Mönch, leader of the French in the
battle of St. Jaques, killed by a
captain of Uri, i. 112.
Monneins, governor of Bourdeaux, i.

Mons, siege of, ii. 108.

Montaigne publishes his Essays, i.

Montbazon, madame de, ii. 57.
Montcontour, battle of, i. 247.

Montebello, duc de, iii. 160.
Montenotte, battle of, iii. 107.
Montespan, madame de, ii. 89.
Montesquieu visits London, ii. 146.
Style of his writings, ii. 154.
Montfort, count de, i. 80. His death,
J. 81.

Pichegru on the Rhine, iii. 105.
Obliged to retreat through the Black
Forest, iii. 114. Arrest of, iii. 179.
Trial of, iii. 181. Mortally wound-
ed in the battle of Dresden, iii. 265.
Morpeth, envoy of Great Britain to
the court of Prussia, iii. 203.
Mortier, general, iii. 175.
Moscow, the burning of, iii. 256.
Mounier, ii. 226.

Muhlberg, battle of, i. 211.
Murat, iii. 113. Sent to Naples by
Napoleon, iii. 177. Created a Ger-
man prince, iii. 200. Marriage of,
with Caroline Bonaparte, iii. 201.
Takes the place of Joseph Bona.
parte on the throne of Naples, on
his being declared king of Spain,
iii. 225.

Muret, battle of, 1. 49.

Muscovy invaded by the Moguls, i. 57.

Nantes, the famous edict of, issued, i.
287. Repeal of, ii. 10.

Naples invaded by Conradin, i. 64.
Becomes the Parthenopian repub.
lic, iii. 139.

Napoleon Bonaparte born, 1769; edu


cated at the artillery school of Bri-
enne; appointed by the convention
to command the siege of Toulon,
iii. 60. Appointed to succeed gen-
eral Menou in the command of the
national army, iii. 96. Appointed
to the command of the army in
Italy, iii. 105. Marries Josephine,
widow of general Beauharnois, ib.
Dispatched to the Alps, iii. 106.
Gains the victory of Montenotte,
iii. 107. Marches to crush the Sar-
dinian army, and menace Turin, in
order to force that court to abandon
the alliance of Austria, iii. 108.
Treats with Colli, the Sardinian
general, and requires the surrender
of all the important fortresses of
the kingdom, iii. 109. His address
to his soldiers, ib. Writes to the
directory; their answer, iii. 110. His
reply; achieves the conquest of
Piedmont, ib. Gains the battle of
Lodi, iii. 112. Enters the Venetian
states, ib. Forms the siege of Man.
tua, iii. 113. Calls a council of
war; abandons Mantua; marches
to repulse Quasdonowitch, iii. 115.
Wurmser, with upwards of 3000
inen, surrender to him, iii. 116. Re-
sumes the siege of Mantua; attacks
Davidowitch; defeats him at Ro-
veedo, iii. 117. Joined by Josephine
in Italy, iii. 118. Attacks Alvinzi;
endeavors to drive him from Calde-
ro, 119. Obliged to retire to Vero-
na, ib. Joins the legion marching
to chastise Rome for its late demon-
stration; grants terms to the pope
at Toletino, iii. 123. Writes to the
archduke Charles proposing peace;
the Austrian court replies by send-
ing negotiators, who signed a pre-
liminary treaty of peace at Leo-
ben, iii. 125. Declares war against
Venice, iii. 129. Anecdote of, iii.
134. Returns to Paris; his trium-
phal welcome there, ib. Accepts
the command of an army to effect
the conquest of England, iii. 135.
Sails in the expedition against
Egypt, iii. 136. Takes possession
of Malta, ib. Takes Alexandria;
commences his march up the Nile
to Cairo, ib. Called by the Arabs
the Sultan of Fire, ib. Returns to
France; takes Jaffa by storm, iii.
143. Returns to Egypt, iii. 144.
Returns secretly to France, leaving
his army to the command of gene-
ral Kleber, with Menou as his lieu-
tenant, iii. 145. Reaches the shores
of Provence; received by the inhab
itants as their deliverer, iii. 147.
Arrives in Paris, iii. 148. Charged
with the command of the troops of


the capital, iii. 149. His address to
Bottot, the secretary of Barras, ib.
His address to the president of the
council of ancients, iii. 150. Made
provisional consul; charged with
preparing the new constitution, iii.
155. Instals himself in the palace
of Luxembourg, ib. Leaves Lux-
embourg for the Tuilleries, iii. 157.
His letter to the monarch of Great
Britain, ib. Leaves Paris; enters
Milan; seizes all the letters and
communications passing betwixt
Melas and Vienna, iii. 159. His
observation to Kellerman, after the
battle of Marengo, iii. 162. Returns
to Paris; enthusiastically received
by the people, ib. An attempt made
to assassinate him, iii. 164. Re-es-
tablishes the Catholic religion in
France, iii. 165. Gains a concordat
from the pope, ib. Concludes a
peace with the British government
at Amiens, iii. 168. Decreed first
consul for ten years, in addition to
the ten already allotted, iii. 170.
Demands that the Bourbons should
be expelled from England; he meets
with a firm and generous denial,
iii. 172. His. interview with lord
Whitworth, the British ambassador,
iii. 173. Makes offers of peace to
England and Russia; commences
war with Russia, iii. 174. Re-com
mences war with England, iii. 175.
Conspiracies against, iii. 179.
Causes the duc d'Enghien to be
murdered, iii. 180. Character of,
iii. 183. Styled emperor of the
French by a decree passed the 18th
of May, 1804, iii. 184. On assuming
his new title, he visits Boulogne, ib.
Hurries to Aix-la-Chapelle;
knowledged by the emperor of Aus-
tria, iii. 185. Coronation of, ib
Takes a journey to Miian, in order
to change his title of president of
the Cisalpine republic to that of
king of Naples, iii. 190. His letter
to Le Brun, governor of Genoa, ib.
His conversation with Bourriene
on the subject of the intended war
with England, iii. 191. His address
to his soldiers, iii. 194. Enters Vi-
enna, ib. His interview with the
emperor of Austria, iii. 199. Enters
Berlin, iii. 208. Meditates re-estab-
lishing the ancient kingdom of Po-
land; presses the siege of Dantzic,
iii. 210. Dispatches a messenger
with offers of peace to the king of
Prussia, iii. 212. Madrid surrenders
to; abolition of the inquisition by,
iii. 229. His displeasure at Jose-
phine's answer to the congratula.
tions of the legislative body on the


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