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her less just at the edges, say nine or ten inches: however, call the mean depth fifteen inches. Believing this to be (as I have every reason to suppose it is) the first appearance of the famous and true Ganges in daylight, we saluted her with a bugle-march, and proceeded (having to turn a little back to gain an oblique path) to the top of the snow-bed, having ascended it to the left.'

Captain Hodges afterwards gives the following account of this bed or valley of snow, which gives rises to the Ganges. It appears that we passed up it, somewhat more than a mile and a half. From our last station we could see onwards, as we estimated, about five miles, to where there seemed to be a crest or ridge of considerable elevation, though low when compared with the great peak which flanked it. The general slope of the surface of the snow valley was 7°, which was the angle of elevation of the crest, while that of the peak St. George, one of those which flanked it to the left, was 17° 49′. In the space we had passed over the snow bed, the Ganges was not to be seen; it was concealed, probably, many hundred feet below the surface. We had a fair view onward, and there was no sign of the river; but I am firmly convinced that its first appearance in day is at the débouché I have described. Perhaps, indeed, some of those various chasms and rents in the snow-bed, which intersect it in all sorts of irregular directions, may occasionally let in the light on some part of the bed of the stream; but the general line and direction of it could only be guessed at, as it is altogether here far below the broken snowy surface. The breadth of the snow valley or bed is about a mile and a half, and its length may be six and a half or seven miles from the débouché of the river to the summit of the slope, which terminated our view; as to the depth of the snow, it is impossible to form a correct judgment, but it must be very great. It may easily be imagined, that a large supply of water is furnished at this season, by the melting of this vast mass in the valley, as well as by the melting of that of the great peaks which bound it. From their bases torrents rush, which, cutting their way under snow, tend to the centre of the valley, and form the young Ganges, which is further augmented by the waters which filter through the rents of the snow-bed itself. In this manner, all the Himalaya rivers, whose heads I have visited, and passed over, are formed; they all issue in a full stream from under thick beds of snow, and differ from the Ganges, inasmuch as their streams are less, and so are their parent snows. On our return down the snow valley, we passed nearer to its north side than in going up, and saw a véry considerable torrent cutting under it from the peak; this was making its way to the centre. At times, we saw it through rents in the snow, and at others, only heard its noise. As there must be several more such feeders, they will be fully sufficient to form such a stream as we observed the Ganges to be at the débouché, in the space of six or seven miles. I am fully satisfied that, if we could have gone further, we should not have again seen the river, and that its appearance at Mahádéva's Hair was the real and first débouché of the B'hagiratha. All I regret

is, that we could not go to the ridge, to see what was beyond it. I suspect there must be a descent, but over long and impassable wastes of snow, and not in such a direction as would lead direct to any plains, as the course to bring one to such plains would be to the north-east or north; whereas the line of the river's course, or rather of the ridge in front, was to the south-east, parallel to the run of the Himalaya, which is generally from south-east to north-west. Immediately in front of the ridge no peaks were seen, but on its south-east flank, and at the distance of about eighteen miles, a large snowy peak appeared: so that I think there can be no plain within a considerable distance of the south-east side of the ridge: if there be streams from its other side, they must flow to the south-east. After all, I do not know how we should have existed, if we had been able to go to the ridge, for we could not have arrived there before night, and to pass the night on these extensive snows, without firewood or shelter, would have cost some of us our lives; but of that we did not then consider much. We had only a few trusty men with us, and a short allowance of grain for them, for this and the following day, and had sent orders to the people left at Gangotri, to make their way back towards Reital, leaving us what grain could be spared, and to forward on what they might meet, as I expected some from Reital, whence we were supplied during our absence from it, of altogether twenty-eight days. I cannot suppose, that by this way there can be any practicable or useful pass to the Tartarian districts, or doubtless the people would have found it out, and used it, as they do that up the course of the Jahnaví.'

The Ganges from the Gangoutri descends for a considerable way among the mountains. This is the B'hagiratha, or most sacred branch of it, but the Dauli, being longer, should be considered, it is said by some writers, the principal source. From Hurdwar to Allahabad, where it receives the Jumna, its width is about a mile or a mile and a quarter. After this junction its course is more winding, and its bed wider, until it is successively swelled by the Goggra, the Soane, the Gunduck and several minor streams. The channel is now at the widest, which is sometimes three miles, but it is often divided by islands. Before the influx of the Jumna some places are fordable; but for 500 miles above the sea, the depth, when least, is as we have said about thirty feet. Previously to its junction with the ocean its breadth suddenly expands, and the current becomes so weak that it has not power to disperse the banks of mud and sand accumulated by the strong south wind, which render the principal streams too shallow to admit large vessels. The descent of the bed is nearly nine inches per mile, but the windings of the river often reduce it to four. About 200 miles in a direct line from the sea, or 300 by the course of the stream, the Delta commences. That part of the Delta bordering on the sea consists of a labyrinth of creeks and rivers, spreading over a space of coast for nearly 200 miles, called the Sunderbunds, which are principally covered with marshes and jungles.

The Ganges is subject to periodical and important inundations, both from the melting of the

snows on the southern declivities of the Himalaya chain, and from the heavy rains of the Monsoons. The whole height of this increase is reckoned at thirty-two feet. The rain begins to descend on the mountains in April, and by the latter end of June the river has risen about six feet. The rainy season in the low country then sets in, and the rise becomes more rapid, increasing from two or three inches a day, to five or six. By the latter end of July, all the lower parts of Bengal, near the mouths of the Ganges and the Burrampooter, are overflowed. One complete sea envelopes every thing for 100 miles in width, the villages and trees appearing here and there above the water.

great mountain Himavata; her sister Ooma as the spouse of Mehadeva, the destroying power. She is called Ganga on account of her flowing through gang, the earth; she is called Jahnavi from a choleric Hindoo saint, whose devotions she interrupted on her passage to the sea, and, in a fit of displeasure, he drank her entirely up; but was afterwards induced, by the humble supplications of the Devas (demi-gods), to discharge her by his ears. She is called Bhaghirathi from the royal devotee Bhagaratha, who, by the intensity and austerity of his devotions, brought her from heaven to the earth, from whence she proceeded to the infernal regions, to reanimate the ashes of some of his ancestors. She is called Triputhaga, on account of her proceeding forward in three different directions, watering the three worlds-heaven, earth, and the infernal regions. According to the Brahminical mythology, the sea, although dug before the descent of the Ganges from heaven, is, by the Hindoos, supposed to have been empty of water.'

GANGHON, n.. Fr. A kind of flower. GANGLION, n. s. Gr. γαγγλιον. A tumor in the tendinous and nervous parts.

The velocity of this stream, when the water is at the lowest, is about three miles an hour, but this is increased at other seasons; and the quantity of water discharged in a second, when least, has been computed at 80,000 cubic feet. When the river is full, the quantity is double, and the velocity being increased in the proportion of three to five, the discharge is about 405,000 cubic feet per second. The medium discharge of the whole year has been stated at 180,000 cubic feet. When the floods begin to subside, the Bonesetters usually represent every bone dislocated, waters are so charged with earth, that the quan- though possibly it be but a ganglion, or other crude tity deposited is inconceivable. One instance is tumour or preternatural protuberance of some part of recorded, in which a branch was filled up in a a joint. Wiseman. week nearly to a level with the adjacent country, though it must have required a quantity of materials equal to 900,000,000 solid feet. It also frequently encroaches upon one of its banks, and deposits the soil either in islands or on the opposite bank: it is stated that between Colgong and Sooty alone, more than 25,000 acres, or forty square miles, have been in this manner removed. Between the mountains and the sea, the Ganges is swelled by eleven large rivers equal to the Thames, and some of them as large as the Rhine. The whole of its course is estimated at 1560 miles.

'Although,' says Mr. Hamilton, 'the water of the whole river from Gangoutri to Sagor is holy, yet there are places more eminently sacred than the rest, and to these pilgrims from a distance resort to perform their ablutions, and to take up the water that is used in their ceremonies. The chief of these are the five Prayags, or holy junctions of rivers, of which Allahabad is the principal, and by way of distinction named simply Prayag. The others are situated in the province of Serinagur, at the confluence of the Alacananda, with different small rivers, and are named Devapagraya, Rudraprayaga, Carnaprayaga, and Nandaprayaga. The other sacred places are Hurdwar, where the river first escapes from the mountains; Uttara Janagiri, a short distance below Monghir and Sagor Island, at the mouth of the Calcutta River, named by Europeans the Hoogly. Besides its sanctity, the Ganges is much esteemed for its medicinal properties, and is on this account drunk by many Mahommedans. In 1792 Abd ul Hakeem, the reigning nabob of Shanoor, near the west coast of India, although at the distance of more than 1000 miles from this river, never drank any other water.

In the Hindoo Mythology Ganga (the Ganges) is described as the eldest daughter of the

GANGLION, in surgery, is a hard tubercle, generally moveable, in the external or internal part of the carpus, upon the tendons or ligaments in that part; usually without any pain to the patient.

GANGOUTRI, a noted place of Hindoo pilgrimage, situated among the Himalaya Mountains, in the northern province of Serinagur. Here the Ganges, running from the north by east, is only fifteen or twenty yards broad, the current is moderate, and it is not in general more than three feet deep. Two miles higher up is the place commonly called the Cow's Mouth, or a large stone in the middle of the river, which the water passes on each side, leaving only a small piece above the surface, which the Hindoo fancies to bear the resemblance of the sacred animal. On the bank nearly opposite is a temple, in which are two images representing the Ganges and the Bhaghirathi rivers. The Brahmins here divide the bed of the river into three portions, for the use of the pilgrims. One of these portions is dedicated to Brahma, anotner to Vishnu, and the third to Seva. The performance of the pilgrimage hither is supposed both to redeem the soul from troubles in this world, and to insure a happy transit through all the stages of transmigration which it may undergo. The water taken hence is drawn under the inspection of a Brahmin, to whom a trifling sum is paid for the privilege, and it is afterwards offered up by, or on the part of the pilgrim, at the temple of Baidyanath, a celebrated place of Hindoo worship in Bengal. The water of this river is said to be here so pure, as neither to evaporate, nor to become corrupted by being kept. The mountains in the vicinity have a barren appearance, the only tree produced being the Bhurjapatra.

GANGPOOR, a small independent town and district of the province of Gundwana, situated in

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Addison's Spectator.

The blood, turned acrimonious, corrodes the vessels, producing hæmorrhages, pustules red, lead-coloured, black and gangrenous. Arbuthnot on Aliments.

A GANGRENE, is a very great and dangerous degree of inflammation, wherein the parts affected begin to corrupt. See MEDICINE, and SURGERY.

GANG'WAY, n. s. Sax. gangwag. In a ship; the several ways, or passages, from one part of it to the other.

GANG'WEEK, n.s. Gang and week. A term applied to rogation week, when processions are made to lustrate the bounds of parishes.

GANJAM, a fertile district, town, and seaport, of Hindostan, in Cicacole, constituting one of the collectorships into which that province was divided in the year 1803. The town is situated on the north-eastern bank of a river, only navigable during the rainy season, but defended by a small fort, which is a regular pentagon, well fortified, and generally garrisoned by sepoys. It is also the station of the civil judge, collector, and commercial resident of the district. Since the erection of the cotton manufactories, in England and Scotland, the trade of the port has much declined.

GAN-KING-FOG, a town of China, the capital of the province of Kiangnan, and situated

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GANTELOPE, n. s. Į The latter is a corGAN ́TLET, n. s. ruption of the former, and derived from Dut. gant, all, and loopen, to run: a military punishment, in which the criminal, running between the ranks, receives a lash from each man.

But wouldest thou friend, who hast two legs alone, Wouldst thou to run the gantlet these expose, To a whole company of hob-nailed shoes? Dryden. Young gentlemen are driven with a whip, to run the gantlet through the several classes. Locke.

GANTELOPE, IN SHIPS OF WAR, is executed in the following manner:-The whole ships' crew are disposed in two rows, standing face to face on both sides of the deck, so as to form a lane, whereby to go forward on one side, and return aft on the other; each person being furnished with a small twisted cord, called a knittle, having two or three knots upon it. The delinquent is then stripped naked above the waist, and ordered to pass forward between the two rows of men, and aft on the other side a certain num. ber of times, rarely exceeding three, during which every person gives him a stripe as he runs along. In his passage through this painful ordeal, he is sometimes tripped up, and very severely handled while incapable of proceeding. This punishment, which is called running the gantlet, is seldom inflicted, except for such crimes as will naturally excite a general antipathy among the seamen; as, on some occasions, the culprit would pass without receiving a single blow.

GANTELOPE, in the land service. When a soldier is sentenced to run the gantelope, the regiment is drawn out in two ranks facing each other; each soldier, having a switch in his hand, lashes the criminal as he runs along naked from the waist upwards. While he runs, the drums beat at each end of the ranks. Sometimes he runs three, five, or seven times, according to the nature of the offence. The major is on horseback, and takes care that each soldier does his duty.

GANYMEDES, in mythology, a beautifui youth of Phrygia, son of Tros and brother to Ilus king of Troy; or, according to Lucian, the son of Dardanus. Jupiter was charmed with him, and, carrying him away, made him his cupbearer in the room of Hebe. Some say that he caused him to be carried away by an eagle, and

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GAOL, n. s. & v. a. Fr. géole; Welsh, GAOL-DELIVERY, n. s. géol; Spa. jaula; Ital. GAO'LER, n. s. Sgaiola, caiola; all, perhaps, from Lat. caveola, cavea. A prison to confine in a prison: the keeper of a prison: the judicial process which evacuates the prison, either by condemnation, or acquittal of the prisoners..

For he had yeven drinke his gayler so— Of a clarre made of a certain wine, With narcotikes and opie of Thebes fine, That all the night, though that men wold him shake, The gailer slept; he mighte not awake.

Chaucer. The Knightes Tale. Then am I the prisoner, and his bed my gaol. Shakspeare. King Lear. Have I been ever free, and must my house Be my retentive enemy, my gaol?


I. we mean to thrive and do good, break open the gaols, and let out the prisoners.

This is a gentle provost; seldom, when

The steeled gaoler is the friend of men.



appoint; and informs them that, for the same purpose, the king hath appointed his sheriff of the same county to bring all the prisoners of the gaol and their attachments, before them at the day appointed. The justices of gaol-delivery are empowered by the common law to proceed upon indictments of felony, trespass, &c., and to order to execution or reprieve they may likewise discharge such prisoners, as on their trials are acquitted, and those against whom, on proclamation being made, no evidence has appeared; they have authority to try offenders for treason, and to punish many particular offences, by sta

tute 2 Hawk. 24. 2. Hale's Hist. Placit. Cor. 35.

GAOLERS. Sheriffs are to make such gaolers for whom they will be answerable: but if there be any default in the gaoler, an action lies against him for an escape, &c., yet the sheriff is most usually charged; 2 Inst. 592. Where a gaoler kills a prisoner by hard usage, it is felony; 3 Inst. 52. No fee shall be taken by gaolers, but what is allowed by law, and settled by the judges, who may determine petitions against their extortions, &c., 2 Geo. II. c. 22.

GAONS, a certain order of Jewish doctors, who appeared in the East, after the closing of the Talmud. The word gaons signifies excellent or sublime; as in the divinity schools we formerly had irrefragable, sublime, resolute, angelic, and

subtile doctors. The Gaons succeeded the Seburæans, or Opines, about the beginning of the sixth

Gaoling vagabonds was chargeable, pesterous, and century. Chanan Meischtia was the head and of no open example.


Then doth the' aspiring soul the body leave, Which we call death; but were it known to all, What life our souls do by this death receive, Men would it birth of gaol-delivery call.

I know not how or why my surly gaoler,
Hard as his irons, and insolent as power
When put in vulgar hands, Cleanthes,
Put off the brute.


Dryden's Cleomenes.

From the polite part of mankind she had been banished and immured, till the death of her gaoler. Tatler.

GAOL. Every county has two gaols, one for debtors, which may be any house where the sheriff pleases; the other for the peace and matters of the crown, which is the county gaol. If a gaol be out of repair, or insufficient, &c., justices of peace, in their quarter-sessions, may contract with workmen for the rebuilding or repairing it: and by their warrant order the sum agreed on for that purpose to be levied on the several hundreds, and other divisions in the county by a just rate, 11 and 12 Will. III. c. 19. See PRISON.

GAOL-DELIVERY. The administration of justice being originally in the crown, in former times our kings in person rode through the realm once in seven years, to judge of and determine crimes and offences; afterwards justices in eyre were appointed; and since, justices of assize and gaoldelivery, &c. A commission of gaol-delivery is a patent, in nature of a letter from the king to certain persons, appointing them his justices, or two or three of them, and authorising them to deliver his gaol, at such a place, of the prisoner in it: for which purpose it commands them to meet at such a place, at the time they themselves then

first of the Gaons. He restored the academy of Pandebita, which had been shut up for thirty years.

GAP, n. s.
GAPE, v. n.
GAPER, n. s.

Saxon, geapan; Goth. gap. Primary sense, an opening; and used in reference to a variety of subjects, both literally

and figuratively. One who opens his mouth; stares vacantly and foolishly. To stop a gap is to supply a deficiency; to stand in the gap is to expose himself for the protection of some one in danger. Gap-toothed, a person whose teeth are widely separated from each other: gat-toothed in Chaucer may be understood as debauched, from Fr. gate; or, perhaps, gat-toothed may be simply goat-toothed.

Gat-toothed wos she sothly for to say.

Chaucer. Prologue to the Canterbury Tales. See how he galpeth, lo, this dronken wight, As though he wold us swallow anon aright. Hold close thy mouth, man.

Id. The Manciples Prologue. The former kings of England passed into them a great part of their prerogatives; which though then it was well intended, and perhaps well deserved, yet now such a gap of mischief lies open thereby, that could wish it were well stopt.


The loss of that city concerned the Christian com. monweal: manifold miseries afterwards ensued by

the opening of that gap to all that side of Christendom. Knolles.

Each one demand, and answer to his part We were dissevered. Performed in his wide gap of time, since first Shakspeare. Winter's Tale. If you violently proceed against him, mistaking his purpose, it would make a great gap in your honour Id. King Lear.

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Whose mother's killed in seeking of the prey,
Cry in their nest, and think her long away;
And at each leaf that stirs, each blast of wind,
Gape for the food which they must never find.
What would become of the church if there were
none more concerned for her rights than this? Who
would stand in the gap?

Where elevated o'er the gaping crowd,
Clasped in the board the perjured head is bowed,
Betimes retreat.
Gay's Trivia.
Gaping or yawning, and stretching, do pass from
man to man; for that that causeth gaping and stretch-
ing is when the spirits are a little heavy by any


That all these actions can be performed by aliment, as well as medicines, is plain; by observing the effects of different substances upon the fluids and solids, when the vessels are open and gape by a wound. Id.

The hiatus, or gap, between two words, is caused by two vowels opening on each other.

She stretches, gapes, unglues her eyes, And asks if it be time to rise.




His policy consists in setting traps,
In finding ways and means, and stopping gaps.
Ah, Vice! how soft are thy voluptuous ways
While boyish blood is mantling who can 'scape
The fascination of thy magic gaze ?
A cherub-hydra round us dost thou gape,
And mould to every taste thy dear delusive shape.
Byron. Childe Harold.

GAP, a town and bishop's see of France, the capital of the department of the Upper Alps. It stands in a deep funnel-shaped valley surrounded by barren mountains, though the soil in the vicinity is rich, and is an ill built place, with narrow streets and low houses. The museum of its literary society contains a variety of curious minerals, plants, and birds of the Alps. Here is also a magnificent monument of the duc de Lesdiguieres, too well known in the civil wars of France. Gap is an ancient town, being mentioned under the name of Vapinum by Antoninus. It was sacked and burnt in 1692 by the duke of Savoy, and which its present state shows but too VOL. IX.

plainly. Population 8000. Fifty-six miles south by east of Grenoble, and 426 south by east of Paris.

GAR, v. a. Isl. giera. To make. Obsolete, except in Scotland.

But specially I pray the hoste dere!

Gar us have mete and drinke, and make us chere
And we sal paien, trewely at the full.

Chaucer. The Reves Tale.
Tell me, good Hobbinol, what gars thee greet?
What! hath some wolf thy tender lambs ytorn?

Or is thy bagpipe broke, that sounds so sweet? Or art thou of thy loved lass forlorne? Spenser.

GARAMA, in ancient geography, the capital of the Garamantes in Libya Interior; near the spring of the Cinyphus, now in ruins. It lay south of Gætulia, extending from the springs of the Cinyphus, and the Gir, to the mountains which form at the Vallis Garamantica (Pliny): or from the springs of the Bagrades to the lake Nuba (Ptolemy).

GARAMOND (Claude), a very ingenious letter-founder, born at Paris; where he began, in the year 1510, to found his printing-types, free from all the remains of the Gothic, or (as it is generally called) the black letter, and brought them to such perfection, that in Italy, Germany, England, and Holland, the booksellers, by way of recommending their books, distinguished the types by his name; and in particular, the small Roman was by way of excellence known among the printers of these nations by the name of Garamond's small Roman. By the special command of king Francis I. he founded three sizes of Greek types for the use of Robert Stephens, who with them printed all his beautiful editions of the New Testament, and other Greek authors. He died at Paris in 1561.

GARASSE (Francis), a remarkable jesuitical writer, the author of that irreconcileable enmity which so long subsisted between the Jesuits and Jansenists, was born at Angoulesme, in 1585, and entered the Jesuits' College in 1600. As he had a quick imagination, a strong voice, and a peculiar turn to wit, he became a popular preacher in the chief cities of France; but distinguished himself still more by his writings, which were bold, licentious, and produced much controversy. The most considerable in its consequence was entitled La somme Theologique des veritez capitals de la Religion Chretienne; which was first attacked by the abbot of St. Cyran, who observing in it a prodigious number of falsifications of the Scriptures and of the fathers, besides many heritical and impious opinions, conceived the honor of the church required him to undertake a refutation. Accordingly he published a full answer to it; while Garasse's book was also under examination of the doctors of the 'Sorbonne, by whom it was afterwards condemned. Garasse replied to St. Cyran; but the Jesuits were forced to remove their brother to a distance from Paris; where, probably weary of his inactive obscurity, when the plague raged at Poictiers, in 1631, he begged leave of his superior to attend the sick, in which charitable office he was infected and died.

GARB, n. s. Fr. garbe; Ital. garbo; Teut. garb, Dress; fashion; external appearance.

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