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Ben Jonson.

FORE'NOON, n. s. Fore and noon. The time of day reckoned from the middle point, between the dawn and the meridian, to the meridian: opposed to afternoon.

The manner was, that the forenoon they should run at tilt, the afternoon in a broad field in manner of a battle, 'till either the strangers or the country knights won the field. Sidney.

Curio, at the funeral of his father, built a temporary theatre, consisting of two parts turning on hinges, according to the position of the sun, for the conveniency of forenoon's and afternoon's diversion.

Arbuthnot on Coins. FORENOTICE, n. s. Fore and notice. Information of an event before it happens.

So strange a revolution never happens in poetry, but either heaven or earth give some forenotice of it. Rymer's Tragedies.

FOREN'SIC, adj. Lat. forensis. Belonging to courts of judicature.

Person is a forensick term, appropriating actions and their merit; and so belongs only to intelligent agents, capable of a law, and happiness and misery. This personality extends itself beyond present existence to what is past, only by consciousness.


The forum was a public place in Rome, where lawyers and orators made their speeches before the proper judges in matters of property, or in criminal cases: thence all sorts of disputations in courts of justice, where several persons make their distinct speeches, may come under the name of forensick disputes. Watts on the Mind. FOREORDAIN', v. a. Fore and ordain. To predestinate; to predetermine; to preordain.

The church can discharge, in manner convenient, a work of so great importance, by foreordaining some short collect wherein briefly to mention thanks. Hooker.

FORE PART, n. s. Fore and part. The part first in time: the part anterior in place. Had it been so raised, it would deprive us of the sun's light all the forepart of the day.


The ribs have no cavity in them, and towards the forepart or breast are broad and thin, to bend and give way withont danger of fracture. Ray.


Yet leave our cousin Catherine here with us; She is our capital demand, comprised Within the forerank of our articles.


Fore and recite.

FORERECITED, adj. Mentioned or enumerated before. Bid him recount

The forerecited practices, whereof We cannot feel too little, hear too much. Shakspeare. FORERUN, v. a. I Fore and run. To come FORERUNNER, n. s. before as an earnest of something following; to introduce as an harbinger: to precede; to have the start of: an harthe approach of those that follow: a prognostic; binger; a messenger sent before to give notice of a sign foreshowing any thing.

Against ill chances men are ever merry;
But heaviness foreruns the good event.


The six strangers seek for you, madam, to take their leave; and there is a forerunner come from a seventh, the prince of Morocco.


O Eve! some further change awaits us nigh, Which heaven, by these mute signs in nature, shews Forerunners of his purpose. Milton's Paradise Lost.

The sun

Was set, and twilight from the East came on, Forerunning night.


A cock was sacrificed as the forerunner of day and the sun, thereby acknowledging the light of life to be derived from the divine bounty, the daughter of Providence. Stillingfleet. She bids me hope: oh heavens, she pities me: And pity still foreruns approaching love, As lightning does the thunder.

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My elder brothers, my forerunners came, Rough draughts of nature, ill designed, and lame : Blown off, like blossoms, never made to bear; "Till I came finished, her last laboured care. Loss of sight is the misery of life, and usually the forerunner of death. South.


The keeping insensible perspiration up in due measure is the cause as well as sign of health, and the least deviation from that due quantity, the certain forerunner of a disease. Arbuthnot.

Already opera prepares the way, The sure forerunner of her gentle sway. Pope. For I have drawn much less with a long bow Than my forerunners.


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If there be any thing foreseen that is not usual, be armed for it by a hearty though a short prayer, and an earnest resolution beforehand, and then watch when it comes. Taylor.

No sooner by his incomprehensible wisdom did he foresee we should lose ourselves, than by his immense grace he did conclude to restore us. Barrow.

At his foreseen approach, already quake
The Caspian kingdoms and Meotian lake:
Their seers behold the tempest from afar,
And threatening oracles denounce the war.

Dryden. FORESHADOW, v. a. Fore and shadow. To prefigure; to pity.

The great excellency and efficacy of our Saviour's death-was by manifold types foreshadowed, and in diverse prophecies foretold. Barrow.

FORESHAME, v. a. Fore and shame. To shame; to bring reproach upon.

Oh bill, foreshaming

Those rich-left heirs, that let their fathers lie Without a monument. Shakspeare. Cymbeline. FORESHEW, v. a. See FORESHOW. FORESHIP, n. s. Fore and ship. The anterior part of the ship.

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In matters of arms he was both skilful and industrious, and as well in foresight as resolution present and great. Hayward. Death gave him no such pangs as the foresightful care he had of his silly successor. Sidney.

Let Eve, for I have drenched her eyes, Here sleep below; while thou to foresight wak'st, As once thou sleep'st, whilst she to life was formed. Milton.

For their wise general, with forseeing care, Had charged them not to tempt the doubtful war; Nor though provoked in open fields advance, But close within their lines attend their chance.

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An hundred of the faithless foe shall slay, And for a dower their hundred foreskins pay, Be Michal thy reward. Cowley's Davideis. FORE'SKIRT, n. s. Fore and skirt. The pendulous or loose part of the coat before. A thousand pounds a year for pure respect! No other obligation? Fore and shorten.

The shipmen would have cast anchors out of the foreship.


Acts xxvii. 30.

To shorten figures for the sake of showing those behind.

The greatest parts of the body ought to appear foremost; and he forbids the foreshortenings, because they make the parts appear little.

Dryden's Dufresnoy. FORESHOW', v. a. Fore and show. To discover before it happens; to predict; to prognosticate; to represent before it comes.

What else is the law but the gospel foreshowed? What other the gospel than the law fulfilled?

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That promises more thousands: honour's train Is longer than his foreskirt.

FORESLACK', v. a. neglect by idleness.

Shakspeare. Henry VIII. Fore and slack. To

It is a great pity that so good an opportunity was omitted, and so happy an occasion foreslacked, that might have been the eternal good of the land.

Spencer's State of Ireland. FORESLOW', v. a. & v. n. Fore and slow. To delay; to hinder; to impede; to obstruct; to neglect; to omit; to loiter; to be dilatory. This may plant courage in their quailing breasts, For yet is hope of life and victory;

Foreslow no longer, make we hence amain.


When the rebels were on Blackheath, the king knowing well that it stood him upon, by how much the more he had hitherto protracted the time in not encountering them, by so much the sooner to dispatch with them, that it might appear to have been no coldness in foreslowing, but wisdom in chusing his time, resolved with speed to assail them.

Bacon's Henry VII. No stream, no wood, no mountain could foreslow Their hasty pace. Fairfax. Our good purposes foreslowed are become our tor mentors upon our death-bed.

Bishop Hall.

Now the illustrious nymph returned again,
Brings every grace triumphant in her train;

The wondering Nereids, though they raised no storm,
Foreslowed her passage to behold her form. Dryden.
Chremes, how many fishers do
you know
That rule their boats and use their nets aright,
That neither wind, nor time, nor tide foreslow?
Some such have been: but, ah! by tempests spite
Their boats are lost,; while we may sit and mean
That few were such, and now these few are none.
P. Fletcher.

FORESPEAK', v. n. Fore and speak. To predict; to foresay; to foreshow; to foretell. To forbid. From for and speak.

Thou hast forespoke my being in these wars, And sayest it is not fit.

Shakspeare. Antony and Cleopatra. Old Godfrey of Winchester, thinketh no ominous Camden's Remains. forespeaking to lie in names. FORESPENT', adj. Fore and spent. Wasted; tired; spent. Forepassed; past. Fore and spent. Bestowed before.

Is not enough thy evil life forespent?

Faerie Queene.
You shall find his vanities forespent
Were but the outside of the Roman Brutus,
Covering discretion with a coat of folly.


We must receive him
According to the honour of his sender;
And towards himself, his goodness forespent on us,
We must extend our notice.

After him came spurring hard,
A gentleman, almost forespent with speed. Id.
FORE'SPURRER, n. s. Fore and
One that rides before.

A day in April never came so sweet,
To show how costly summer was at hand,
As this forespurrer comes before his lord.

FOREST, n. s.

FOREST'ER, n. s.


Shakspeare. Fr. forest; Ital. foresta; Welsh, forest; Teut. foFOREST BORN, adj. rest. According to Du Cange from the Lat. feris, i. e. ferarum statio, a station for wild beasts: according to Vossius and Spelman from the Lat. foris, i. e. beyond the gate of towns. A wild uncultivated tract of ground interspersed with wood; an officer of the forest; an inhabitant of a wild country.

First on the wall was peinted a forest
In which ther wonneth neyther man ne best;
With knotty, knarry, barrein trees old,
Of stubbes sharpe, and hidous to behold;
In which ther ran a romble and a swough,
As though a storme shuld bresten every bough.
Chaucer. The Knightes Tale.
There overtoke. Ta grete route
Of hunters and of foresters.
By many tribulations we enter into the kingdom
of heaven, because, in a forest of many wolves, sheep
cannot chuse but feed in continual danger of life.

Id. Boke of the Duchesse.

Macbeth shall never vanquished be, until Great Birnham-wood to Dunsinane's high hill Shall come against him.

-That will never be :

Who can impress the forest, bid the tree
Unfix his earth-bound root. Shakspeare. Macbeth.
Forester, my friend, where is the bush,
That we may stand and play the murtherer in?
-Here by, upon the edge of yonder coppice.

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Now Cancer glows with Phœbus' fiery car,
The youth rush eager to the Sylvan war;
Swarm o'er the lawns, the forest walk surround,
Rouse the fleet hart and cheer the opening hound.

A mighty mass of brick, and smoke and shipping,
Dirty and dusky, but as wide as eye
Could reach, with here and there a sail just skipping
In sight, then lost amidst the forestry
Of masts.


But when the rising moon begins to climb
Its topmost arch, and gently pauses there;
When the stars twinkle through the loops of time,
And the low night-breeze waves along the air,
The garland-forest, which the grey walls wear,
Like laurels on the bald first Cæsar's head;
When the light shines serene but doth not glare,
Then in this magic circle, raise the dead :
Heroes have trod this spot-'tis on their dust ye tread.
Id. Childe Harold.

FOREST, in geography. The Caledonian and Hercynian forests are famous in history. The first was a celebrated retreat of the ancient Picts and Scots; the latter anciently occupied the greatest part of Europe; particularly Germany, Poland, Hungary, &c. In Cæsar's time it extended from the borders of Alsatia and Switzerland to Transylvania, and was computed sixty days' journey long, and nine broad: some parts or cantons thereof are still remaining. The ancients adored forests, and imagined a great part of their gods to reside therein; temples were frequently built in the thickest forests; the gloom and silence whereof naturally inspire sentiments of devotion, and turn men's thoughts within themselves. For similar reasons the Druids made forests the place of their residence, performed their sacrifices, instructed their youth, and gave laws in them.

FOREST, in law. Forests are bounded with unremoveable marks and meres; either known by record or prescription; replenished with wild beasts of venery or chase, with great coverts of vert for the said beasts; for preservation and continuance whereof, with the vert and venison, there are certain particular laws, privileges, and officers. A forest in the hands of a subject is properly the same thing with a chase; being subject to the common law, and not to the forest laws. But a chase differs from a forest, in that it is not enclosed; and likewise that a man may have a chase in another man's ground as well as his own; being, indeed, the liberty of keeping beasts of chase, or royal game therein, protected even from the owner of the land, with a power of hunting them thereon. See PARK. Though the king may erect a forest on his own ground and waste, he may not do it on the ground of other persons without their consent; and agreements with them for that purpose ought to be confirmed by parliament. If he grants a forest to a subject, on request made in the chancery, that subject

and his heirs shall have justices of the forest, in which case the subject has a forest in law. A second property of a forest is, the courts thereof. A third property is the officers belonging to it, as the justices, warden, verderer, forester, agistor, regarder, keeper, bailiff, beadle, &c. See BAILIFF, FORESTER, &c. By the laws of the forest, the receivers of trespasses in hunting or killing of the deer, if they know them to be the king's property, are principal trespassers. If a trespass be committed in a forest, and the trespasser dies, after his death it may be punished in the life-time of the heir, contrary to common law. The Anglo-Norman kings punished such as killed deer in any of their forests with great severity; also in various manners; as by hanging, loss of limbs, gelding, and putting out eyes. By magna charta de foresta, it is ordained, that no person shall lose life or member for killing the king's deer in forests, but shall be fined; and, if the offender has nothing to pay the fine, he shall be imprisoned a year and a day, and then be delivered, if he can give security not to offend for the future, &c. 9 Hen. III. c. 1. Before this statute, it was felony to hunt the king's deer; and by a late act, persons armed and disguised, appearing in any forest, &c., if they hunt, kill, or steal, any deer, &c., are guilty of felony. 9 Geo. I. c. 22. He who has any license to hunt in a forest or chase, &c., is to take care that he does not exceed his authority; otherwise he shall be deemed a trespasser from the beginning, and be punished for that fact, as if he had no license. See GAME and GAME LAWS.

FOREST COURTS, courts instituted for the government of the king's forests, and for the punishment of all injuries done to the king's deer, to the vert or greensward, and to the covert in which such deer are lodged. These are the courts of attachments, of regard, of sweinmote, and of Justice-seat. 1. The court of attachments, wood-mote, or forty-days' court, judge Blackstone observes, is to be held before the verderers of the forest once in every forty days; and is instituted to enquire into all offenders against vert and venison: who may be attached by their bodies, if taken with the mainour (manœuvre à manu), that is, in the very act of killing venison, or stealing wood, or in the preparing so to do, or by fresh and immediate pursuit after the act is done; else they must be attached by their goods. And, in this forty days' court, the foresters or keepers are to bring in the attachments, or presentments de viridi et venatione; and the verderers are to receive the same, and to enrol them, and to certify them under their seals to the court of justice seat or sweinmote: for this court can only enquire of, but not convict offenders. 2. The court of regard, or survey of dogs, is to be holden every third year for the lawing or expeditation of mastiffs; which is done by cutting off the claws of the forefeet, to prevent them from running after deer. No other dogs but mastiffs are to be thus lawed or expeditated, for none other were permitted to be kept within the precincts of the forests; it being supposed that the keeping of these, and these only, was necessary for the defence of a man's house. 3. The court of sweinmote is to be holden before

the verderers, as judges, by the steward of the sweinmote, thrice in every year; the sweins or freeholders within the forest composing the jury. The principal jurisdiction of this court is, first, to enquire into the oppressions and grievances committed by the officers of the forest: 'de super-oneratione forestarorium, et aliorum ministrorum forestæ; et de eorum oppressionibus populo regis illatis;' and secondly, to receive and try presentments certified from the court of attachments against offences in vert and venison. And this court may not only enquire, but convict also; which conviction shall be certified to the court of justice seat under the seals of the jury, for this court cannot proceed to judgment. But the principal court is, 4. The court of justice seat, which is held before the chief justice in eyre, or chief itinerant judge, capitalis justitiarius in itinere, or his deputy; to hear and determine all trespasses within the forest, and all claims of franchises, liberties, and privileges, and all pleas and causes whatsoever therein arising. It may also proceed to try presentments in the inferior courts of the forests, and to give judgment upon conviction of the sweinmote. And the chief justice may therefore, after presentment made or indictment found, but not before, issue his warrant to the officers of the forest to apprehend the offenders. It may be held every third year; and forty days' notice ought to be given of its sitting. The court may fine and imprison for offences within the forest, it being a court of record: and therefore a writ of error lies from hence to the court of king's bench, to rectify and redress any mal-administration of justice; or the chief justice in eyre may adjourn any matter of law into the court of king's bench.

FOREST LAWS are peculiar laws, different from the common law of England. Before the making of Charta de Foresta, in the time of king John and his son Henry III., confirmed in parliament by 9 Henry III. offences committed therein were punished at the pleasure of the king in the severest manner. By this charter, many forests were disafforested and stripped of their oppressive privileges, and regulations were made for the government of those that remained; particularly, killing the king's deer was made no longer a capital offence, but only punished by fine, imprisonment, or abjuration of the realm: yet even in the charter there were some grievous articles, which the clemency of later princes has since, by statute, thought fit to alter per assisas forestæ. And to this day, in trespasses relating to the forest, voluntas reputabitur pro facto; so that if a man be taken hunting a deer, he may be arrested as if he had taken a deer. To hunt in a forest, park, &c., in the night, disguised, if denied or concealed, upon examination before a justice of the peace, it is felony; but, if confessed, it is only fineable. Keepers, &c., may seize instruments used in unlawful cutting of trees. Stat. 4 Geo. III. c. 31. Between the years 1787 and 1793 a series of Reports, seventeen in number, was made by commissioners specially appointed to enquire into the state of the woods, forests, and land-revenues of the crown. The third report gives a list of the forests, parks, and chases in England, then under the survey of the

surveyor general of the woods, in which there was any stock of timber: these are in Berkshire, Windsor Forest, Cranburn Cħase, and Windsor Great and Little Park. Esser, Waltham Forest, anciently called the Forest of Essex, and sometimes Epping or Hainault Forest. Gloucestershire, Dean Forest. Hampshire, the New Forest, Alice Holt and Woolmer Forest, Bere Forest. Kent, Greenwich Park. Middlesex, St. James's Park, Hyde Park, Bushy Park, and Hampton Court Park. Northamptonshire, the Forests of Whittlebury, Salcey, and Rockingham. Nottinghamshire, Sherwood Forest. Orfordshire, Whicnwood Forest. Surrey, Richmond Park. Of these, Sherwood is the only one north of Trent; the others all being south of Trent. By several acts, passed in consequence of these Reports and further enquiries, the boundaries of several of these and other forests have been ascertained, and regulations made for disafforesting and enclosing them in part or in the whole, and applying them to the benefit of the public.

FOREST, BLACK, or Schwartzwald, an extensive forest. in Germany, in Suabia, on the right side of the Rhine, consisting chiefly of mountains, which run across the greatest part of Suabia from north to south, and from east to west. This forest lies chiefly between Switzerland, the Rhine, and Wurtemburg.

FOREST SUR SEVRE, a town of France, in the department of the Two Sevres, eight miles southwest of Bressuire.

FOREST, OF FORREST (Arthur), an English naval officer of the eighteenth century. He was lieutenant of one of the ships sent under Vernon on the unsuccessful expedition against Carthagena. He distinguished himself under the captains Boscawen, Watson, and Cotes, in the attack of the Earradera battery, being among the foremost who entered the enemy's work, at the head of a party of seamen. He was not, however, advanced to the rank of a post-captain till the 9th of March, 1745, at which time he was appointed to the Wager. In 1746 he was employed in this ship on the Jamaica station, where he took a large Spanish privateer. In 1755 he was appointed to the Rye; and soon after to the Augusta, in which ship he was ordered to the West Indies. In the month of October, 1757, as he, in the Augusta, with the Dreadnought and Edinburgh under his command, was cruising off Cape François, a remarkable head-land of St. Domingo, on the 21st at seven in the morning, the Dreadnought made a signal for seeing the enemy's fleet coming out of Cape François; in consequence of which captain Forest made sail towards them. About half an hour after eight he could enumerate seven sail of large ships, a schooner, and a pilot boat. He, nevertheless, bore down upon the French; and, about twenty minutes after three, the action commenced with great spirit on both sides, and continued for two hours and a half; when, in consequence of a signal from the French commodore, one of the frigates bore down to tow him out of the line, and the rest of the French ships followed him. The British ships had suffered so much in their masts and rigging during the engagement, that

they were not in a condition to pursue them. In this engagement, besides the damage which their ships sustained, the French had 500 men among the killed and wounded, while the British had only twenty-three men killed and eightynine wounded. This brilliant display of intrepidity was followed, on the 24th of December1759, by the capture of the Mars, a French frigate of thirty-two guns, with her whole convoy, consisting of eight sail, laden with sugar, indigo, coffee, cotton, &c., which cost £170,000. The Mars struck on receiving the first broadside, and all the rest instantly followed her example. Soon after this event captain Forest returned to England, and, in 1760, was appointed to the Centaur, and sent out to Jamaica as commodore and temporary commander on that station. He sailed from England, with a convoy of thirty-four ships, on the 16th of January, and arrived at Port Royal on the 6th of March. He continued on that station till the conclusion of the war, and, in 1769, was again appointed to the same command, with the established rank of commodore; but died soon after his arrival in that country, on the 26th of May, 1770.

FOREST (John), a celebrated landscape painter, born at Paris in 1636. His landscapes gained him the appointment of painter to the king of France. He died in 1712.

FORE-STAFF, an instrument formerly used at sea for taking the altitudes of heavenly bodies, so called because the observer, in using it, turned his face towards the object; in contradistinction to the back-staff, where he turned his back to the object. This instrument is now, however, entirely exploded.

FORESTALL, v. a. Į Sax.ponertallan, i. e. FORESTALLER, n. s. Fope and real, a station; i. e. to stop from coming to, or to anticipate a market, or station of goods: hence to anticipate; take up beforehand; hinder by preoccupation or prevention; to seize or gain possession of before another; to buy, in order to raise the price; one that anticipates the market; one that purchases before others, to raise the price.

He bold spake, Sir knight, if knight thou be,
Abandon this forestalled place at erst,
For fear of further harm, I counsel thee.

Spenser. Faerie Queene.

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