erroneous writ be delivered to the sheriff, and he execute it, he shall have his fees, though the writ be erroneous. 1 Stalk. 332. It seems to be laid down in the old books as a distinction, that upon an extent of land upon a statute, the sheriff is to have his fees, so much per pound according to the statute immediately; but that upon an elegit he is not to have them till the liberate. Poph. 156. Winch. 51. S. P. Fees are now recoverable by an action for money had and received, which has been introduced in lieu of an assise. Money given to A. and claimed by B. as perquisites of office, connot be recovered by B. in such action, unless such perquisites be known and accustomed fees, such as the legal officer could have recovered from A. 6 Term. Rep. K. B. 681, 3. Action on the case lies for an attorney for his fees, against him that retained him in his cause: and attorneys are not to be dismissed by their clients till their fees are paid. 1 Lil. 142. But attorneys are not to demand more than their just fees; nor to be allowed fees to counsel without tickets, or the signature of counsel, &c. Stat. 3 Jac. I c. 7. An attorney may have action of debt for his fees, and also of counsel, and costs of suit: as a counsellor is not bound to give counsel till he has his fee, it is said he can have no action for it: though it has been held otherwise, F. N. B. 121. Brownl. 73. 31 H. VI. Whanne thou makist a feest clepe pore men, feble, crokid, and blinde: and thou schalt be blessid. Wiclif. Luk xiv. Warn them that are unruly, comfort the feebleminded, support the weak, be patient toward all men. 1 Thess. Thenceforth the waters waxed dull and slow, Or as a castle reared high and round, Id. Faerie Queene. bears. Another, hideous sight! unseamed appears, His gory chest unveils life's panting source; Though death-struck, still his feeble frame he rears; Staggering, but stemming all, his lord unharmed he Byron. FEED, v. a., v. n. & n. s.) Sax. fedan, fœdan; FEEDER, n. s. Goth. fodan; Dan. fede; Icl. fodr. To supply with nutriment; to nourish; entertain: hence to supply generally; to graze; consume by cattle; fatten: as a neuter verb, to take food; live by eating; to prey; to pasture: as a substantive, feed is used synonymously with food, also for a meal, and a given quantity of food: a feeder is either one who gives food, or one who eats; hence one who excites or encourages: also one who is devoted to the training or feeding of cattle for market or If a man shall cause a field to be eaten, and shall put in his beast, and shall feed in another man's field, he shall make restitution. Exod. xxii. 5. Barbarossa learned the strength of the emperor, craftily feeding him with the hope of liberty. Knolles. To feed were best at home; You cry against the noble senate, who, When thou do'st hear I am as I have been, In every mess have folly, and the feeders Besides his cote, his flocks and bounds of feed Id. Id. As You Like It. A fearful deer then looks most about when he comes to the best feed, with a shrugging kind of tremour through all her principal parts. Sidney. The brachmans were all of the same race, lived in fields and woods, and fed only upon rice, milk, or herbs. Temple. He feeds on fruits, which of their own accord, The willing grounds and laden trees afford. Dryden. Her heart and bowels through her back he drew, And fed the hounds that helped him to pursue. Id. But such fine feeders are no guests for me; Riot agrees not with frugality: When I can be profusely fed Cunningham. The Dove. Ode 9. Though laden, not encumbered with her spoil; Laborious, yet unconscious of her toil; When copiously supplied, then most enlarged; Still to be fed, and not to be surcharged. Cowper. Till canker taints the vegetable blood, Mines round the bark, and feeds upon the wood. Darwin. FEEJEE, FIDGEE, or Prince William's Islands, are a group of islands on the South Pacific Ocean, the exact number and extent of which are not yet ascertained. They are said to be situated from about 15° 33′ to 19° 15′ of S. lat.; and to about 175° of E. long. The missionary ship Duff counted from fifteen to twenty. They are equally fertile as the generality of the islands in the South Pacific, and produce the same kinds of roots and fruits. Sandal wood is plentiful, and attempts have been made to introduce this valuable tree from hence into Tongataboo, but without success. The inhabitants are a ferocious race, and greatly dreaded by their neighbours; being said to be cannibals in the strictest sense of the word. Englishmen have seen numerous baskets of human flesh, and many bodies of fallen enemies and slaughtered captives devoured. The stature and appearance of the Feejeeans is superior to those of the Friendly Islands, their complexion is darker, and their hair approaches more to a woolly texture. Their arms are neatly fashioned, their canoes of better workmanship, and they are more industrious in their habits also than most of their neighbours. They supply the Friendly Islands with the feathers of a red parroquet, with vessels of earthenware, stone for their hatchets, and all their cut cutting implements. It is uncertain what kind of government prevails. Some of them have been supposed subject to Tongataboo, but this is very doubtful. These islands were originally discovered by Tasman in the year 1643, who named the more northern Prince William's Island, and Heemskirk's shoals. They were seen by captain Bligh in 1789 and 1792; and in the year 1794 captain Barber anchored, in a merchant-ship, at a bay on the western side of the largest island, where he was attacked by the natives. FEEL', v. n., v. a. & n. s. FE'LIDEN, part. adj. Saxon felan; Belg. voelen; Goth. falwa. To have perception by the touch; to explore by feeling: hence to have acute mental sensibility; to appear to the touch: as an active verb, to perceive by the touch; to try; sound; perceive mentally; know: as a substantive, the sense of feeling: a feeler is one who feels or perceives; an instrument of feeling conspicuous in insects: feeling means expressive of acute sensibility; felt sensibly: as a substantive the sense of touch, power of acting upon sensibility; sensibility; perception. Wickliffe uses the word feliden for perceived; apprehended. And thei knewen not this word and it was hid bifore hem that thei feliden it not, and thei dredden to axe him of this word. Wiclif. Luk ix. This hand, whose touch, Here feel we but the penalty of Adam, Shakspeare. no The air is so thin, that a bird has therein feeling of his wings, or any resistance of air to mount herself by. Raleigh. He feelingly knew, and had trial of the late good, and of the new purchased evil. Id. A king that would not feel his crown too heavy for him must wear it every day but if he think it too light, he knoweth not of what metal it is made. Bacon. Great persons had need to borrow other men's opinions to think themselves happy: for if they judge by their own feeling, they cannot find it. Id. But why should those be thought to escape, who Those rods of scorpions and those whips of steel ? Nor did they not perceive the evil plight Why was the sight Milton. To such a tender ball as the eye confined; Id. Thy wailing words do much my spirits move, They uttered are in such a feeling fashion. Sidney. The princes might judge that he meant himself, who spake so feelingly. smooth. Id. Blind men say black feels rough, and white feels Dryden. The sense of feeling can give us a notion of extension, shape, and all other ideas that enter at the eye, except colours. Addison's Spectator. Soon in smart pain he feels the dire mistake, Lashes the wave, and beats the foamy lake. Gay. The difference of these tumours will be distinguished by the feel. Of these tumours one feels flaccid and rumpled; the other more even, flatulent and springy. Sharp. Insects clean their eyes with their forelegs as well as antennæ; and, as they are perpetually feeling and searching before them with their feslers or antennæ, I am apt to think that besides wiping and cleaning the eyes, the uses here named may be admitted. Derham's Physico-Theology. As we learn what belongs to the body by the evidence of sense, so we learn what belongs to the soul by an inward consciousness, which may be called a sort of internal feeling. Watts. He that will not fear, shall feel the wrath of heaven. What is so hateful to a poor man as the purse-proud Young. arrogance of a rich one? Let fortune shift the scene, and make the poor man rich, he runs at once into the vice that he declaimed against so feelingly: these are strange contradictions in the human character. Cumberland. FEELING is one of the five external senses, by which we obtain the ideas of solidity, hardness, softness, roughness, heat, cold, wetness, dryness, and other tangible qualities. Although this sense is perhaps the least refined, it is of all others the most sure, as well as the most universal. Man sees and hears with small portions of his body, but he feels with all. The author of nature has bestowed that general sensation wherever there are nerves, and they are every where found where there is life. If it were otherwise, the parts wanting this sense might be destroyed without our knowledge. On this account it seems wisely provided, that this sensation should not require a particular organisation. The structure of the nervous papillæ is not absolutely necessary to it: the lips of a fresh wound, the periosteum, and the tendons, when uncovered, are extremely sensible without them, though they serve to the perfection of feeling, and to diversify sensation. Feeling is, perhaps, the basis of all other sensations. The object of feeling is every body that has consistency or solidity enough to move the surface of our skin. To make feeling perfect, it was necessary that the nerves should form small eminences, because they are more easily moved by the impression of bodies than a uniform surface; and it is owing to this structure that we are enabled to distinguish not only the size and figure of bodies, their hardness and softness, but also their heat and cold. To the blind, feeling is so useful a sensation, that it supplies the office of eyes, and in a great measure indemnifies them for the want of sight. See BLIND. FEET BEARER, an officer in the courts of the ancient Anglo-Saxon and Welsh kings. He was a young gentleman whose duty it was to sit on the king's feet in his bosom all the time he sat the floor, with his back towards the fire, and hold at table, to keep them warm and comfortable.— Leges Walliæ, p. 58. FEHRABAD, or FAHRABAD, a town in the province of Mazanderan, Persia, situated at the mouth of a river, near the south coast of the Caspian. It carries on some trade in rice, salt, fish, and pottery. Some time ago the population was computed at 16,000 persons, the descendants fish Not take your word in! Ben Jonson. And these three voices differ; all things done, the doing, and the doer; the thing feigned, the feigning, and the feigner; so the poem, the poesy, and the poet. Id. Myself an enemy to all other joys; Which the most precious square of sense possesses, Such is the greedinesse of men's natures (in these of earthly growth; her gardens are the skies. Burton. Athenian dayes) of news, that they will rather feigne T. Ford, 1647. than want it. Others in virtue placed felicity; Milton. Some of the fathers went so far, as to esteem the love of music a sign of predestination; as a thing divine, and reserved for the felicities of heaven itself. Sir W. Temple. How great, how glorious a felicity, how adequate to the desires of a reasonable nature, is revealed to our hopes in the gospel. Rogers. The felicities of our wonderful reign may be comAtterbury. plete. Watts. Young. Pound St. Paul's church into atoms, and consider any single atom; it is, to be sure, good for nothing: but put all these atoms together, and you have St. Paul's church. So it is with human felicity, which is made up of many ingredients, each of which may be Johnson. shown to be very insignificant. FELICUDI, one of the Lipari Islands, the ancient Phænicusa. It consists chiefly of a vol FELIPE (St.), or St. Philip de Xativa, a town of Spain, in, in the province of Valencia, situated on the declivity of a mountain. It has an old castle built on a rock, containing several Roman and Moorish remains. The Roman name of this place was Setabis, changed by the Moors to Xativa. In 1706 it was taken by assault and burned; king Philip, on ordering it to be rebuilt, gave it the name of San Felipe. The adjacent country is productive in rice. Twenty-nine miles S.S. W. of Valencia. Population 10,000. FELIPE, SAN, a city of Venezuela, South America, was, a century ago, only a village, known by the name of Cocorota. A great number, however, of Canarians, and natives of the neighbouring districts, attracted by the fertility of its soil, having settled there, the company of Guipuzcoa, some time before its dissolution, established stores for the purpose of trading with the interior. From that time this place gained a new aspect; handsome houses, and streets regularly built, took the place of huts huddled together without order. It stands in lat. 10° 15′ N., fifty leagues west of Caraccas, fifteen north-west of Valencia, and seven northwest of Nirgua. The neighbouring district is watered by the rivers Yarani and Aroa, and by numerous rivulets. Copper mines exist also there. The city is regularly built; the streets are in a line and broad; and the parish church is handsome and well maintained. The inhabitants, who amount to nearly 7000, are reputed laborious and industrious. They have only priests, and no monks or miraculous images among them. The atmosphere is hot and moist, and the town consequently not very healthy. FELIS, Lat. felis, the cat, in zoology, a genus of quadrupeds, belonging to the order of feræ. The characters, according to Gmelin and Kerr, are these: six cutting teeth, all equal: grinders three: the tongue beset with rough papillæ, which point backwards: the feet are provided with sharp hooked claws, which are lodged in a sheath, and may be extended or drawn in at pleasure: the head is mostly round, and the visage short. All the animals of this genus, though ferocious, are temperate; very agile in climbing trees; alight on their feet, when falling from a height; and seize their prey by surprise. The females bring a considerable number at a birth, and have all eight paps. This genus comprehends twenty-eight species. Mr. Pennant has arranged it in two subdivisions, viz. 1. those having long tails and plain ears; and, 2. those with short tails and ears pencilled at the tips. The latter comprehends nine different species of lynxes, and the former nineteen species, consisting of the lions, tygers, panthers, leopards, cats, and all the rest of the genus. This arrangement is adopted by Kerr. F. capensis, the Cape tiger, is the nsussi of Labat, who was the first that noticed this species which he describes as of the size of a dog, with a coat as much striped and varied as that of a tiger. Its appearance bespeaks cruelty, and its eyes fierceness; but it is cowardly, and gets its prey only by cunning and insidious arts. It is found in all parts of Africa, from Congo to the Cape of Good Hope. When Dr. Forster touched the second time at the Cape of Good Hope, in 1775, an animal of this species was offered him to purchase; but he refused to buy it because it had a broken leg. It was very gentle and tame. It was brought in a basket to his apartment, where he kept it above twentyfour hours, which gave him the opportunity of describing it more accurately than had hitherto been done, and of observing its manners and economy. These he found to be perfectly analogous to those of our domestic cats. It ate fresh raw meat, and, after it had been several times fed by our author, followed him like a tame favorite cat. It liked to be stroked and caressed; it purred and rubbed its head and back against the person's clothes who fed it. It had been taken when quite young in the woods, and was not above eight or nine months old; but had already very nearly, if not quite, attained its full growth. The doctor was told that the tiger-cats live in mountainous and woody tracts; and that in their wild state they are very great destroyers of hares, rabbits, jerboas, young antelopes, lambkins, and of all the feathered tribe. F. catus, the common cat. Of this species there are many varieties. Mr. Kerr describes nine. F. catus Angorensis, the Angora cat, with hair of a silvery whiteness and silky texture, and very long, especially about the neck, where it forms a fine ruff. It is a large variety; found about Angora, the same country which produces the fine-haired goat. It degenerates after the first generation in our climate. A variety of this kind, with pendant ears, is found in China, of which the Chinese are very fond, ornamenting their necks with silver collars. F. catus domesticus, the domestic, or tame cat, is of a smaller size, and has the hair shorter and thicker than the wild cats. Although when young they are playful and gay, they possess a perverse disposition, which increases as they grow up, and which education teaches them to conceal, but never to subdue. Constantly bent upon theft and rapine, though in a domestic state, they are full of cunning and dissimulation; they conceal all their designs, and seize every opportunity of stealing. They love ease, and search for the softest and warmest places to repose in. The cat is extremely amorous; and the female is more ardent than the male. The female goes with young fifty-five or fifty-eight days, and generally produces from three to six kittens at a litter, which are blind for nine days. She takes care to conceal them, and, when she is apprehensive of a discovery, she takes them up in her mouth one by one, and hides them in holes or inaccessible places. When she has nursed a few weeks, she brings them mice, small birds, &c., to teach them to eat flesh. The cat is inca |