Abbildungen der Seite

V. Every fuch clergyman fhall own and acknowledge,
as his fpiritual governor under Chrift, the bishop of the
diocese or diftrict in which he is fettled, and shall pay and
perform to the said bishop, all fuch canonical obedience,
as is usually paid by the clergy of the Scotch Episcopal
Church, or by the clergy of the united church of England
and Ireland, to their refpective diocefans, faving and ex-
cepting only fuch obedience as thofe clergymen, who do
or may hold spiritual preferment in England or Ireland,
owe to the bishops, in whofe dioceses, in those parts of
the united kingdom, they do or may hold such preferment.

VI. Every fuch clergyman, who fhall approve and ac-
cept of the foregoing articles, as terms of agreement and
union with the Scotch Epifcopal church, fhall testify his
approbation and acceptance of the fame, in manner follow-
ing, viz.

* At


day of



and priest

do hereby testify and

"dained deacon by the lord bishop of
"by the lord bishop of
"declare my entire approbation and acceptance of the
66 foregoing articles, as terms of union with the Scotch
"Episcopal Church, and oblige myself to comply with,
" and fulfil the fame with all fincerity and diligence.
"In teftimony whereof, I have written and subscribed
"this my acceptance and obligation, to be delivered in-
"to the hands of the Right Revd.

[ocr errors]


bishop of

as my diocefan and ecclefiaftical fuperior,

"before thefe witneffes, the Revd.

and the

both clergymen of the faid diocefe,


specially called for that purpose."




ABEL's facrifice-why accepted, 36.

Abraham-called to be the father of the church of the He-

brews, 42.

trial of his faith, 45.

Acts of the apostles quoted-for the fenfe of 7 To aulo. 255.
Addrefs to the Epifcopalians of Scotland, 455, et feq.
Aerius-the heretic-the first oppofer of Epifcopacy, 274.
Ananias a difciple-how employed to baptize Paul, 159.
Anderson of Dunbarton-followed by Dr. Campbell, 137. 168.
again quoted, 177. 187.

agrees with the church of Rome, 198.

Angels of the feven churches of Afia, 199.

fuppofed by Dr. Campbell to be moderators, 200. 205.
proved to be bishops, 201.

Anti-Jacobin Review quoted, 147. 155. 172. 253.
Apostles of Chrift-when and how commiffioned, 121. 123.
fet first in the church, 124.

fifted, 191.

in what their extraordinary character con-

reafons for their not having fucceffors con-

fidered, 189. 198.

nued, 196.

when the title was laid afide, 195.
how their Epifcopal office has been conti-


Apoftles of Chrift-all modelled the church on the same plan,


Articles-XXIII. and XXXVI. of the Church of England
confidered, 166, 167.


THIRTY-NINE-how received by the Scotch Epifco-

pal clergy, 479.

give no countenance to a falfe liberali-

ty of mind, 495.


Baptism, one of the terms or conditions of falvation, 153.
administration of it-an effential part of the apoftolic

commiffion, 190.

Bellarmine—Cardinal-denied that the apostles had fucceffors,


Beza-quoted as favourable to Epifcopacy, 331.
Bingham-mifreprefented by Dr. Campbell, 206.


his authority for goixa being used for a diocese,

Bishops-how fucceffors of the apoftles, 127.


college of-in Scotland were duly confecrated, 387,

foon became diocesan, 395.

Bishops in Scotland-how elected-396.

Bishops, priefts and deacons, expressly distinguished by the

Church of England, 170.

Blondel quoted-212.

acknowledges Polycarp's Epifcopal character, 217.

his Apology for the Opinion of Jerom, 291.

how the conclufion of that apology was fuppreffed, 332,

Book of confecration, &c. of the Church of England quoted-

Boucher-Rev. Jonathan, quoted on the American Epifcopate,
398, 399.

Bow-in the cloud-a token of God's covenant, 41.


Brett-Dr.-his Divine right of Epifcopacy-quoted, 169.

Burn's Ecclefiaftical Law quoted-310.

Butler's Analogy, &c. quoted, 105.


Cain's facrifice-why rejected-36, 37.
Calvin-quoted on Timothy's ordination, 182.
quoted as favourable to Episcopacy, 330.

Campbell-Dr.-his Lectures on ecclefiaftical Hiftory, 104.447.
for what purpose these lectures were publish-

ed, 451.

of it, 108.

the prefs, 135.

Lectures, 138.

land, 149, 166.

ment, 150.

covenant, 153.

his opinion of church government, 107.
and of the difficulty of ascertaining the form

his severity against prieftly pride, 134.
his lectures faid to be prepared by himself for

his Differtation on Miracles quoted, 136.
his account of the plan and purpose of his

his misrepresentation of the Church of Eng-

his reference to the teft as a coarse imple-

his opinion respecting the terms of the gospel

his account of Philip the deacon, 156.
his popular claim receives no countenance

from the converfion of Cornelius, 158.

his account of the office of evangelifts, 188.
his defcription of the apoftolic character,

189, 191, 193, 195, 196.


his account of the angels of the feven churches,

his opinion of the teflimony of the fathers, 210.

3 Y

Campbell-Dr.-his mifreprefentation of Clemens Romanus,

212, 216.

222. 227.

243. 248.

his objections to the epiftles of Ignatius,

his description of parochial Epifcopacy, 240.

his account of church unity, 257. 259.
his Tranflation of the Gofpels quoted, `259.
his parochial Episcopacy incompatible with

that of Jerufalem, 263, 264.

[blocks in formation]

his opinion of ordination, as an appointment
to a particular charge, 356, 357. 360.

his attack on the orders of the Scotch Epif-

copal church, 365. 369.

he allows the nonjurors to have a fort of pref

byterian ordination, 402.

felf, 409-413.

his abfurd reasoning on that subject, 403, 406.
his argumentum ad hominem retorted on him-

his character and disposition, 448.

his account of Gibbon's Hiftory, &c. 452.
Chalcedon-general council-referred to by Dr. Campbell,



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