CLASS I. continued. VOTE 14. PUBLIC WORKS AND BUILDINGS, IRELAND. ACCOUNT of the Sum Expended, compared with the Sum Granted, to pay the Expenses of the Erection, Repairs, and Maintenance of PUBLIC BUILDINGS in IRELAND; for the Maintenance of certain PARKS and PUBLIC WORKS, and for Maintenance of DRAINAGE WORKS on the River SHANNON, in the Year ended 31st March 1906, showing the Surplus or Deficit upon each Sub-Head of the Vote. CLASS I.-continued. VOTE 14. PUBLIC WORKS AND BUILDINGS, IRELAND. ACCOUNT of the Sum Expended, compared with the Sum Granted, to pay the Expenses of the Erection, Repairs, and Maintenance of PUBLIC BUILDINGS in IRELAND; for the Maintenance of certain PARKS and PUBLIC WORKS, and for Maintenance of DRAINAGE WORKS on the River SHANNON, in the Year ended 31st March 1906, showing the Surplus or Deficit upon each Sub-Head of the Vote. CLASS I. continued. VOTE 14.-PUBLIC WORKS AND BUILDINGS, IRELAND-continued. EXPLANATION of the Causes of Variation between Expenditure and Grant. B.-Reference is requested to the detailed statement which accompanies this Account. C.-Saving arose mainly in connection with the maintenance of State Residences, Metropolitan Police The following sums were paid for Compensation during the year :- Treasury Letter 10,622, June 10th 1905 Dublin Customs Phoenix Park D.-Excess caused by-Expenditure on furniture hired for Estates Commission (Examining Staff), Treasury Letter 23,826, January 15th, 1906, authorised 7501. Furniture for Arterial Drainage Commission, not provided for in Estimates, 867. Increased demands for Chief Secretary's Lodge, 150l. E.-Saving-Casual. F.-Saving-Mainly due to decreased consumption of Gas and Water. G.-Excess--Expenditure includes cost of some alterations provided for in previous year. Ha. Excess-Remanet. I.-Deficit-Casual. EXTRA REMUNERATION IN EXCESS OF £25. R. Anderson, Bailiff, Phoenix Park, £50 Gratuity for extra work in connection with re-planting, &c., of Phoenix Vote from which paid. The Surplus of 1,459l. 10s. 10d., shown on Account of the Vote "Public Works and Buildings, Ireland, Class I., Vote 14" for the year ended 31st March 1905, has been surrendered. Office of Public Works, Dublin, 30 November 1906. J George C. V. Holmes, Chairman and Accounting Officer. D. T. Jones, I certify that this Account has been examined under my directions, and is correct, Examined, John A. Kempe, Comptroller and Auditor General. C. H. Archibald. CLASS I. continued. VOTE 14.-PUBLIC WORKS AND BUILDINGS, IRELAND-continued. SUB-HEAD B.-NEW WORKS AND ALTERATIONS. 31st March 1906, and the Saving or Excess on each item of the Sub-Head. OBSERVATION S. Work completed. Unforeseen extras, viz. :-Richmond Tower Sanitary Works, new outfall main at Infirmary and night work. Work completed. The tender proved to be lower than the Estimate. Building destroyed by fire. Work abandoned. Work reduced by request of General Officer Commanding. Work completed. Work completed. Estimated cost, 6007. Expended, 7407. 18s. 9d. Expensive work necessary owing to site selected. Work completed. Estimated cost, 3,617. Estimated cost, 4,6337. Estimated cost, 450l. Estimated cost, 3,000l. Estimated cost, 8,300l. Estimated cost, 4,000l. Estimated cost, 3,9707. Work postponed at request of Admiralty. Work postponed at request of Admiralty. Expended, 3,6941. 3s. 9d. Site extremely difficult of access. Work completed. Work postponed at request of Admiralty. Abolition of Station under consideration. Work postponed at request of Admiralty. Revised scheme proposed. Provision in 1906-7. Estimated cost, 3,2301. Work postponed at request of Admiralty. Estimated cost, 2,5281. Work abandoned. Expenditure for Surveyor's fees, etc, only. Work postponed. Site not acquired. Provision in 1906-7. Work postponed at request of Admiralty. The tender proved to be lower than the Estimate. Work completed. Work completed. Work completed. Work completed. Work completed. Estimated cost, 1,2007. Work postponed at request of Admiralty. Estimated cost, 7601. Work abandoned, |