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times. In your personal, domestic, and social relationship set yourselves determinately against the evil, and, as far as possible, recover others from the widespreading pestilence.


Another matter which we deem of great importance to the prosperity of our Churches is a more regular attendance on our social prayer-meetings. All the promises are sure to persevering prayer. We are not straitened in God, but we are straitened in ourselves; we restrain prayer. Can there be prosperity in our Churches-can sinners be turned from darkness to light, from the power of Satan to God, without divine influence? Most certainly not. The residue of the Spirit is with God, and he is waiting to pour it forth like floods upon the dry ground. But we have not, because we ask not; we ask and receive not, because we ask amiss. Show us the Churches where the word of the Lord comes in the Holy Ghost, and in much assurance-where the arm of the Lord is made bare in the sight of the people. Why so much labour with so little apparent effect? Where can the hindrance be? It is not in Godhe waits to save; it is not in the gospelit is the power of God to salvation; it is not in the Spirit-he is a quickening Spirit. God is nigh to them that call upon him, to such as call upon him in truth. The hindrance must be in Let us shake ourselves from the dust let us arise in the potency of general, united, faithful prayer; let us say, by our earnest perseverance to the God of our mercies, We will not let thee go unless thou bless us. Then signs and wonders will mark the places of our assemblies, and the wilderness will become as a fruitful field. Ye that make mention of the Lord, keep not silent; give him no rest until he establish Zion and make Jerusalem a praise in the earth. May we suggest that in prayermeetings all be simple and to the point, full of strong faith and joyful hope; that we all plead as with the heart of one man, that God may arise and shine, that his glory may descend upon us and make us a praise in the earth. Time was when Methodists were powerful in prayer; they met in private bands for Christian converse and devotion. Scarcely ever did they meet in social intercourse but prayer sanctified and ended the sacred hour; their communion was always profitable for spiritual purposes; as face answers to face in a glass, so did they reflect upon each other's souls the glorious image of Christ, and they were changed from glory to glory as by the

Spirit of the Lord. May we not say, Haste again, ye days of grace! Much might be done for our souls, for our Churches, were we now to improve all seasons of social intercourse in abounding prayer and thanksgiving; God would hearken and hear, and a book of remembrance would be written for them that thought upon his name; dew would descend from heaven, and showers of blessings come down like rain upon the mown grass. Who, then, will stir up himself to lay hold on God? Who will make the experiment? Who will lead the way? Who will fully carry out the spirit of his profession as a witness for Christ? Let the ministers and the people go and weep between the porch and the altar, and cry, Spare thy people, revive our Churches, that our souls may rejoice in thee. Oh! there is hope concerning us in this thing. Now the Spirit is moving, now the heavens are big with rain. Up to your closets, to your assemblies, to the cross! Plead, plead, plead, and in and through Christ we must prevail !

In another way great service may be rendered to the Churches dear to our hearts, viz., by kind, true-hearted recognition of each other as fellow-worshippers and fellow-travellers. A word spoken in season, how good it is! Many are the storms without, many the counteractions to entire devotedness to God, many the anxious cares and struggles of the saints to keep themselves unspotted from the world. Every means possible should be fully employed to keep a good fellowship amongst the servants of our God. Brotherly recognition, the gracious smile, the hearty pressure of the hand, the occasional call, the kind visit in affliction, the tender look, the tones of sympathy, the spiritual prayer-how much the power of these may be felt and diffused! Methodists how scarcely know the people of their congregations; they allow persons to come and go without well-directed efforts for bringing them into the kingdom of God; even some of the members are almost unknown. The bonds of brotherly affection and labour must be brought closer together; we must see eye to eye and meet soul to soul; all must be pervaded and actuated by the Spirit of Christ; and, by Christian conversation and mutual prayer, we must provoke one another to love and good works

Hands, and hearts, and voices raise,
Sing as in the ancient days
Antedate the joys above,
Celebrate the feast of love.

Neither should we overlook those who are without. Many go along the streams of time to eternity saying, as they go, "No man careth for my soul." Can nothing be done to win these souls to Christ? You say, We have invited them. Do it again, the second time; do it again, the third time; the danger to which they are exposed is great. The Redeemer longs for their conversion. You will be

blessed while trying to be a blessing to others; should you succeed in reclaiming but one wanderer how great the glory! Let him know that he that converteth a sinner from the error of his ways shall save a soul from death and shall hide a multitude of sins. Brethren might go out two and two, taking so many families by house-row, and invite those who go to no place of worship, and urge them to join our assemblies; by practice the habit would be formed, and yield its reward; you would, brethren-

Enjoy the grace to angels given, And serve the royal heirs of heaven. The practice of holding short prayermeetings on Sunday evenings, before the public service, to bring down the power of God on our assemblies, should be tried again. Is there not a cause? Do we not much need more of the divine presence? May we not realize much more? Oh, yes!

The Lord will to his temples come; Prepare your hearts to make him room.

Brethren, our hearts are open to you; now, for a recompense in the same, be ye enlarged! We judge correctly when we state that you esteem your ministers, you love the brethren, you pray for the peace and prosperity of our Zion, you long for the coming of Christ's kingdom.

Your ministers, anxious that you should have your best desires fulfilled, have met together and prayed for you, and agreed to address to you these words of counsel.

Receive us; we long for your perfection, and for the spiritual growth and increase of our Churches. The timeyea, the set time to remember Zion is come. We have had a day especially set apart to deplore the falling off of our numbers last year; how depressing the news of declension-how cheering the tidings of success! Great will be our rejoicing if, at the next Conference, we can report the accession of hundreds of converts to our Churches; the very thought makes the heart bound with delight! Why should it not be so?

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MR. EDITOR,-I rejoice to know that our magazine is open for the temperate discussion of questions affecting our interests and well-being as a community. I feel assured, therefore, that you will give insertion to the following brief article on a subject which we cannot but think of some importance.

I had recently a conversation with one of our worthy ministers in reference to preachers' sons, and the question was asked, Why are so few of our preachers' sons in the ministry? After viewing the subject in various lights, we came to the conclusion that a Connexional institution for the training of preachers' sons at a moderate cost was a great desideratum among us. It is well known that a considerable proportion of the ministers, both among the Wesleyans and Dissenters, consists of preachers' sons. It is equally well known that both Dissenters and Wesleyans have schools, or collegiate institutions, for the training of the ministers' sons. In the case of Wesleyan ministers, the cost of education to the parent is little or nothing; and among the Independents and the Baptists it is fixed at a very low rate, the remainder being supplied by contributions from wealthy members and friends of the respective communities. Why may not the Connexion have an institution of this kind? We are fully persuaded, Mr. Editor, that there is both the ability and the disposition on the part of many of our friends to assist in promoting such an object; and that the matter needs only to be plainly laid before them in order to secure their sanction and support. The salaries of our ministers, while they afford the means of comfortable subsistence, are yet not sufficient to allow of a superior education for their children. A plain, commercial training is all that they can hope to effect for their offspring. Several of our ministers, in order to secure the advantages of classical and extended culture

to their children, have sent them to dissenting schools expressly established for preachers' sons, and supported in part hy the contributions of the people. Now, while we cannot blame our ministers for endeavouring to secure a superior education for their children at a moderate cost, we think that such an instituţion ought to be established among ourselves; that it ought to be Connexional in its aims, supported by Connexional contributions, and conducted by Connexional teachers.

If our ministers are compelled, from motives of economy or necessity, to send their sons to dissenting schools, the probability is that those sons will imbibe the principles taught in those schools; and, instead of becoming Methodists, will become Baptists or Independents; they will gradually lose all Connexional attachment and allegiance, and finally be lost to the community. It is a remarkable fact, that, out of the eighty-five circuit preachers in the New Connexion, we have only one minister's


We would say, then, in conclusion, let suitable premises be taken and fitted up; let an able, pious, and judicious teacher be chosen from our own ranks; let a few of our wealthy friends in each Circuit be solicited for an annual contribution; let the terms of instruction be fixed at a rate compatible with our ministers' limited means; let the education be extended to the classics, and to systematic and pastoral theology, together with such moral and intellectual culture as the present times demand; and I have no doubt great good will result both to our ministry and the Connexion at large.


[The friends of the Connexion generally are agreed, we presume, with the opinion of our respected correspondent as to the desirableness and importance of the privilege for which he pleads; for it will be remembered this was one of the objects proposed to be accomplished by the Jubilee Fund, and, had that fund realized the amount contemplated, the important object would no doubt have been carried out. We are persuaded that this object will have to be taken up at some period, and the letter of our correspondent presents a fair topic for the consideration of our Jubilee Committee during the present year.]

"CHRISTMAS OFFERINGS." MR. EDITOR,-As it is the object of the Missionary Committee to extend our

Missions to Australia, providing the means to carry out their wishes can be obtained, I venture to suggest the propriety of issuing handsomely printed cards for the collecting of "Christmas Offerings" for the furtherance of the good cause. It is a practice in the Wesleyan Connexion for the Sunday-scholars at Christmas to collect for their Missions. The writer knows one of their Circuits, where it is the custom of the superintendent to invite, a few days after Christmas, all those children to tea, after which he receives their "offerings;" when those who have collected not less than one shilling are generally rewarded with a picture of the missionary ship. Now, sir, if that community can raise a large amount of money yearly by this means, why may we not try to do the same? If all our Sunday-school teachers, and our friends generally, would try and induce their children to enter heartily into this work, believe a sum large enough to send out our first Australian missionary would be realized. There is not the least reason, sir, to suppose that the collecting of Christmas offerings will in the least injure the General Mission Fund. Christmas is a time when people give cheerfully, and there is no class who are more liberally treated at that time than our juvenile collectors. Let us try, then, what we can do. If reports from the various Circuits which engage in it were sent to the Committee for insertion on the cover of our February Magazine, every Circuit would then see what had and what might be done; and we should all look forward to that time with feelings of interest. Hoping that this humble "offering" may prove acceptable and useful,

I am, sir, yours respectfully,
October 20th.

[We are happy to inform our correspondent that missionary books and cards of a superior sort have been prepared for our Sunday scholars and others; and as these will be sent out to the Circuits in the December parcels, the suggestion of our friend may be effectually carried out. Let Our teachers and friends enter heartily into this good work.]

MANUSCRIPT PRIZE ESSAYS ON CHRISTIAN BENEVOLENCE.-In the early part of the present year a gentleman named Mr. J. E. Pell, of Toronto, desirous to stimulate and encourage the Sundayscholars of that city to think and write on the subject of benevolence-no doubt with a view to their being induced to

cherish and exercise that noble disposition presented a handsomely-bound Reference-Bible to the superintendents of each of the twelve Sunday-schools in Toronto, that one might be given to the author of the best essay on that subject. The scholars, thus encouraged, set to work, and within a given time the essays were written, and finally the decision was given. We have eleven of these essays now before us, and they exhibit the commendable care bestowed, and the diversified talent exercised, by the juvenile essayists. The successful writer in our school at Toronto was William Tyner. We hope these dear children will largely possess and constantly exemplify this noble disposition. Then will they be blessed in themselves, and be a blessing to others.


LEEDS CIRCUIT.-On Sunday, November 7th, sermons, in behalf of our Missions, were preached in Ebenezer, Zion, and Armley Chapels, by the Revs. W. Cocker, J. Nicholas, and C. Atkinson. On the following Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, meetings were held at the above places of worship, and were presided over, respectively, by our worthy friends, Mr. H. Dixon, Mr. C. T. Tiffany, and Mr. B. Wainman. The speakers at the meetings were the Revs. W. Cocker, J. Nicholas, P. J. Wright, C. Atkinson, W. Jones, T. Gutteridge, and Messrs. J. Mallinson, W, S. Yates, F. Nettleton, G. Walker, and J. Wilson. An excellent report was read by the secretary, Mr. E. Tiffany, and the speeches delivered by the various speakers produced a most happy effect. The services of the deputation were highly appreciated; their words were fitly spoken, and were like apples of gold in net-work of silver; their sentiments, as they fell from their lips, were full of light for the intellect, warmth for the heart, and power for the conscience; the results were holy affections, and liberal contributions: the increase on the collections of last year, at Ebenezer £3; at Zion, 9s.; at Armley, £1 18s. The collectors, also, are stimulated to greater activity, and the juveniles are all astir. Accordant with the resolutions of the late Conference, a number of our friends were invited to take tea with the deputation, previous to the meeting at Ebenezer, and stimulated to augment their subscriptions to our Mission Fund. The following are the results:-Messrs. J. G. and T. Heaps, £5; Messrs. H. and S.

Dixon, £4 4s.; Mr. Moss, £2 2s.; Mr. Parker, £2; Rev. P. J. Wright, £1; Mr. Tiffany, £1; Mr. Topham, £1; Mr. R. Wright, £1; Mr. Love, £1. This is encouraging; and, as the missionary services have yet to be held at Hunslet and Bethesda, and our friends are never backward in a good work, we confidently expect a liberal increase in the collections and subscriptions at these places. If the other Circuits in the Connexion, according to their ability, imitate the example of Leeds, the standard of three thousand pounds, set before us by the Conference, will be reached; and we shall be able next year to employ three or four additional home missionaries, do more for Ireland and Canada, and go to Australia. And why should it not be so? We have abundant resources, and woe be unto us if we do not employ them in extending the Connexion! Have we no laymen among us ready to stand forth, like Joshua and Caleb of old, with suitable gifts in their hands, and say unto their brethren, "Let us go up and possess the good land, for we are well able? How is it that the highest subscription in our Missionary Report is only five guineas? While Wesleyans are giving their fifties and hundreds, and one is giving seven guineas a day to the cause of missions, have we no laymen in the Potteries, Lancashire, Yorkshire, and elsewhere, able and willing to give more than five guineas? Awake! arise! ye men of means who dwell in costly houses, ye prosperous manufacturers, ye thriving tradesmen, ye well-employed operatives, ye young men and maidens, ye little children, and do your duty to the Missions of the Methodist New Connexion ! P. J. WRIGHT. NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE.-On Lord's day, Oct. 24th, two missionary sermons were preached in Salem chapel by the Rev. W. Baggaly of Liverpool. The annual meeting was held on the following Tuesday evening, when suitable and effective addresses were delivered by the Revs. W. Baggaly (deputation), T. Griffiths of Sunderland, J. Simon of Blythe, and D. Sheldon of Gateshead. Our worthy and faithful friend Mr. J. F. Grant, the treasurer, occupied the chair; Mr. John Lee, the secretary, read the report and financial statement. The meeting, though not numerously attended, was pronounced highly interesting and satisfactory. During the same week, juvenile missionary services were held at Scotswood, and missionary meetings at Wallsend and St. Peter's Quay. In ad

dition to some of those named above, the Revs. S. Jones of Gateshead, and L. Saxton and J. Innocent of Shields, with Messrs. J. Potts, sen. and jun., and H. K. Robey, rendered assistance at these services and meetings. The services at St. Peter's Quay were preached on Lord's day, Oct. 31st, by the Revs. W. Baggaly and T. G. Robey.

The various services of this anniversary have been seasons of hely refreshing and great stimulus to our friends. May their healthful savour long abide with us. The collections are a little improved upon those of last year.

Connexional engagements bringing the Rev. W. Ford from Staffordshire among us, and likewise detaining the Rev. W. Baggaly here a second Sabbath, special religious services took place in Salem Chapel, Newcastle, on Lord's day, Oct. 31st. A prayer-meeting was held at nine o'clock, A.M. Mr. Baggaly preached morning and evening to increased congregations.

His discourses were practical, appropriate and earnest, and were highly appreciated by our people.

After the evening service, Mr. Ford addressed the Church and congregation, giving suitable counsel, and making encouraging statements relative to the improving state and prospects of the surrounding Circuits.

These services were continued on the following Monday and Tuesday evenings. The sojourn among us and labours of our highly-esteemed brethren and ministers, Messrs. Ford and Baggaly, are gratefully felt and acknowledged, as having tended to encourage and unite our friends in the great and holy work of building up and extending our Zion. May further fruits yet appear, such as shall be matured unto eternal life!

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NORTH SHIELDS CIRCUIT.-On Sunday, November 14th, sermons in behalf of our Missions were preached in West Holburn Chapel, South Shields; in the afternoon by Dr. Crofts of Birmingham, and in the evening by the Rev. T. Griffiths of Sunderland. The sermons were excellent and spirit-stirring, and highly calculated to awaken a tender and lively interest in behalf of the perishing souls of men. On the Tuesday evening following, the annual public meeting was held, our worthy friend, Mr. R. Foreman of Gateshead, in the chair. An interesting report was read by the Rev. J. Innocent, and addresses were delivered by the Revs. H. O. Crofts, D.D, T. Griffiths (the deputation), S. Jones, T.

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G. Robey, Jones (Wesleyan Association), and Mr. W. G. Tate. The speeches, like the discourses on the Sabbath, were of the right kind, eminently adapted to tell on the hearts of the people, and to excite to greater zeal in the missionary cause. The attendance at these services, although the weather was extremely inclement, was good, the feeling produced excellent, and the collections encouraging.

On Sabbath, November 7th, a juvenile missionary meeting, of a very pleasing character, was held in the above chapel, an account of which has been forwarded for insertion in the "JUVENILE INSTRUCTOR."

May a deeper solicitude for the salvation of men be produced, not only in this Circuit, but through the Connexion. North Shields. L. SAXTON.

LONGTON CIRCUIT.-The services in aid of our Missions were held in this Circuit on the 24th of October, and during the following week. The sermons and addresses by the deputation-the Revs. H. Watts and T. Cartwright-were interesting and effective, tending much to excite the right feeling and promote greater efforts in the missionary enterprise. At the Longton meeting, the Revs. A. Lynn and S. Brown (Wesleyan), rendered us good service; and at Stoke we were favoured with the valuable aid of the Rev. W. Mills.

A circumstance occurred at Stoke which contributed much to interest the meeting and aid the collection. Mr. Brokenshire, formerly in connexion with us in Cornwall, but leaving that part, was under the necessity of uniting with our Wesleyan friends; being in the neighbourhood, he attended the meeting, and after expressing the good he had received in our community-his attachment to our principles, and sincere desires for our prosperity, proposed to give as much as should be collected. The collection was made, and amounted to £1 10s., when Mr. B. proposed that it should be made up to £2, and he would give other £2, which was very cheerfully done on both sides.

The weather was very unfavourable every day, which had an influence on the attendance, and consequently on the collections. Yet we have cause to thank God and take courage. C. J. D.

SCOTLAND-STREET CHAPEL. - SHEFFIELD NORTH.-The Rev. John Nelson, of Chester, preached twice in the above chapel on Sunday, Nov. 14, on behalf of the Methodist New Connexion Missions.

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