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alacrity, being sick of these triflers." A strange argument! It should rather be reversed. The objectors might truly say," Being sick of religion and its services, we want such triflers to afford us some relief." The sincere servant of Christ would find no recreation, but feel grief of heart in such interviews. It must be a real affliction to observe his divine Lord absolutely disregarded, disregarded on the day peculiarly devoted to his honour. Every vanity now preferred to him, as Barabbas the robber was formerly. The true refreshment for our souls consists in having our faith increased, our hope elevated, and our views of heaven enlarged. In contemplating the infinite perfection and glory of our Redeemer, the infinite grandeur and fulness of his prohibition, and our complete, I might have said, our infinite security from wrath and vengeance by being interested in his merits.

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Objection 3. Sunday is the best part of our time for this purpose: business is suspended; everybody is ready dressed; all circumstances invite." It is the best part of our time. Then let it be devoted to the best of beings. Who is more worthy of our choicest thoughts, affections, hours than that divinely-compassionate Saviour who offered himself in the very prime of his life a bleeding victim for our sins, that his sacrifice might have every recommending circumstance which could render it acceptable to God and available for man?


Objection 4. "It is the universal custom. To discontinue it would render us unfashionable." And cannot you bear to be a little unfashionable for His sake, who was despised and rejected, who humbled himself to death, even the death of the cross, for your sake? Is it the universal custom? Then custom is the idol which we are called to renounce. must say of custom in this case as Elijah said of Baal, "If custom be God, follow its dictates; but if Jehovah be God, observe his precepts." It is written in the Scriptures (Romans xii. 2), "Be not conformed to this world." To what does this prohibition relate? To such ungodly customs, no doubt. No battery of

cannon was ever pointed more directly against a citadel to be demolished than this text against such customs. In indifferent matters, let the Christian avoid singularity. Let him dress somewhat like his neighbours; let him make an appearance suitable to his station; but let him not follow a multitude to profane the Sabbath, or to do any evil. Here religious persons should by all means be singular; should distinguish themselves by a becoming zeal for their God, should set an example and shine as lights in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation; otherwise they may do, not themselves only, but others also incredible harm.

Objection 5. Some people may start, and reply, "If these things are so, to what a degree of sinful negligence is even the Christian world arrived!" With regard to the worldcalled Christian this is too true; and no measure of sorrow can be sufficient to bewail the deplorable degeneracy. Negligence, or rather obstinacy, in this capital instance, is a melancholy indication of no less disobedience in other respects.


Objection 6. This will be irksome, will render our religion a burden." I hope that no one who pretends to seriousness will offer to make this objection. The sinners in Zion made it, for which reason they are branded, and by the Divine Spirit himself, with infamy that will never be blotted out. "Oh, what a weariness is it! When will the Sabbath and its irksome solemnities be gone?" (Malachi i. 13, and Amos viii. 5.) This discovers a heart alienated from God, that has not tasted the good works of grace, and savours not of the things that be of Christ, otherwise such would be the language: 66 One day thus employed is better than a thousand." (Psalm 1xxiv. 10.) Is it tedious and burdensome to pass a single day in devout exercises? How, then, shall we pass, how shall we endure, the ages of eternity, since we are assured that those happy beings who stand round the Throne, clothed with white robes, serve their God day and night, for ever and ever, in his temple! In the regions of im

mortality they find a heaven, because there they have a never-ceasing and eternal communion with God, be

LIKE LOVES ITS LIKE.-The moral worth of a man may be measured by the object of his love. He who is wedded to mean and sordid things, thereby becomes base and vile; but he who has set his affections upon infinite goodness, moulds the temperament of his disposition into nobleness, and cannot stoop to a mean action.

LYSIMACHUS.-Lysimachus, on ac

cause there they have an uninterrupted and everlasting Sabbath.

count of extreme thirst, offered his kingdom to the Getæ to quench it. His exclamation, when he had drunk, says Bishop Horne, is wonderfully striking: "Ah, wretched me! who for such a momentary gratification have lost so great a kingdom!" How applicable this to the case of him who, for the momentary pleasures of sin, parts with the kingdom of heaven!

THE STATE OF THE CONNEXION, AND HOW TO IMPROVE IT. STRONGLY attached, Mr. Editor, to the principles of the Methodist New Connexion, and deeply interested in its welfare, we watch with anxiety its various movements. As the tradesman, when balancing his accounts, is filled with pleasurable or painful emotion on ascertaing a gradual advance or decline in his business; so we experience pleasure in witnessing the onward movements of our Connexion, and pain at any appearance of decline.

Possessing the gospel of salvation in its purity and power, enjoying Christian ordinances, and favoured with a system of Church government at once liberal, sound, and scriptural, it is to us quite evident that we are designed by God to exert, in common with other Christian communities, considerable influence in forming the character, regulating the condition, and controlling the destiny of our nation and of the world.

The struggle of 1797, which led to the formation of our Connexion, was one of no ordinary character. A crisis in Methodism had arrived. Useful as the sys tem of John Wesley had been, it was far from being perfect; and to Kilham and his coadjutors a change in some essential matters appeared absolutely necessary. In their movements they were undoubtedly guided by the Divine Being, who had led Wesley, in opposition to his own preconceived notions and intentions, to construct the Methodistic Church, and who was now designing its modification and improvement to meet the altered and improving state of the times. From 1790 to 1800 was an important period of time. Mysterious as was the operation, Jehovah was undoubtedly working upon the nations of the earth. The political changes of England, France, and other

nations, indicated a growing desire for liberty on the part of the people, as well as the ruling hand of God; and happening at this juncture of time, it seems more than probable that the revolution which took place in Methodism was produced by God for important purposes, but through the instrumentality of Kilham. That was a division different, in some respects, from all subsequent divisions. It was a noble contention for principle, for religious liberty and Christian privileges. The Methodist New Connexion was formed on a scriptural basis, and evidently approved by God. Notwithstanding the calumniations of some of its opposers, its friends had just reason to adopt the language of the dying founder of Methodism, "The best of all is, God is with us!" And it is, we think, impossible to contemplate the origin and constitution of our Connexion, and the circumstances through which it has passed, without being impressed with the idea that God designed it to form some mighty system by which he will diffuse scriptural light, and freedom, and joy, and subdue all nations to himself.

How far have we answered the design of our existence ? What influence have we exerted in ameliorating the moral condition of mankind? To what extent have we made known our distinguishing principles, and aided in extending the Redeemer's kingdom?

It cannot be supposed that we have existed fifty-four years without exerting some beneficial influence-without doing even much good. And, viewing the difficulties with which we had to contend at our commencement, and, indeed, all through our history, the success which has attended our efforts, and our present

hopeful, and, in some respects, prosperous condition, we see no ground for the insinuation so often thrown against us, that we are an insignificant community, and that our present small number, and especially our decrease during the last ecclesiastical year, is proof that our liberal form of Church government is not conducive to prosperity. Truly, it is better to be free than bound with fetters; to have a constitution which concedes to every minister and member his rights and privileges, than to live under a despotic sway, our eyes partially blindfolded, our tongues tied, and our minds, as far as priestly power can bind them, bound down in abject submission. And, were numbers a criterion of excellence and power, then might we argue against Christianity itself, and almost every wise and benevolent system which has been propounded; and Paganism, Mahomedanism, and other systems of imposture and error, will claim the palm.

Has there not, however, been cause for reproach in many of our arrangements and proceedings? While in the past there is ground for gratitude and rejoicing, is there not equal cause for humiliation and sorrow? Might not more have been done by us? How little of Christian enterprise we have possessed! What a feeble influence, after all, we have comparatively exerted ! How often have resolutions for the extension of the Connexion been formed, without being carried out - fields of missionary labour thrown open before us, but not enteredopportunities for doing good presented, but not improved? And, as we survey the present condition of the Connexion, the questions involutarily arise, How much more rapidly might we advance? Cannot we greatly extend our borders and contribute more largely to the machinery employed to effect the conversion of the world?

Making every allowance for pecuniary and other difficulties, which are common to the establishment of a mere community, and duly considering how often we have suffered from reaction after a season of powerful excitement, to which, by-the-bye, every other community is subject, the conclusion nevertheless forces itself upon us that, had there been more earnestness and faithfulness, more of Christian enterprize and missionary liberality and zeal, we should now have formed a more prominent and important part among the thousands of Judah.

What is our present position? In a

pecuniary sense we are undoubtedly more favourably situated than at any former period. The noble efforts which have been made of late years for the reduction of chapel-debts, &c., call for commendation. But we fear the spiritual prosperity of the Church has not increased in proportion to its financial; and at the risk of being censured by some, we feel constrained to say, while approving of the objects of bazaars generally, that they have of late so fully engrossed the attention of many of our friends, and engendered such a spirit of worldly conformity and pride, as seriously to operate against the spirituality of the Church. With a ministry generally intelligent and zealous, and means of grace so reviving and refreshing, is it not strange that so little power attends the preached word, that we so seldom hear the penitent's cry for mercy, and have so few souls added to the Church? Allowing that in some Circuits a revival of religion is prevailing, this leads to the inquiry, Why have we not a general revival? Why are special efforts needed to produce a revival? And then, Why are these seasons of special excitement followed by an almost special decline in the zeal of the Church? Whatever be the immediate cause of this, it is but too true that it is so. Our congregations and societies, our prayer-meetings and classmeetings, our love-feasts and sacraments evidence this. Where now the overflowing audiences? the raising of new classes? the formation of new societies?

Should we not endeavour to ascertain the cause of this spiritual declension ? A knowledge of the disease will facilitate the cure; and it is in vain to refer to the past unless from it we derive warning for the future and a stimulus to increased activity and zeal. To charge this low state of things upon one part of the community only would not be just. For members to condemn ministers only for the want of prosperity would evidence an absence of Christian charity, and would partake too much of the sin of Adam in trying to exculpate himself by throwing the blame upon his wife; while for ministers to charge the fault solely upon the members would be equally unfair and unjust. Are we not all guilty in the sight of God? As members of one Church, have we not all contributed to its decline by our apathy, pride and unbelief? In the ministry there may have been wanting simplicity, earnestness and faithfulness, and attention to pastoral duties; but have not leaders and members been guilty in refusing


their co-operation, and ofttimes needlessly indulging in a complaining and censorious disposition ? How often, after ministers have been beseeching, with all the earnestness of dying men, sinners to be reconciled to God, have members refused to remain a short time longer to intercede with God for the success of the preached word? Beside frequent absence from class-meetings and other means of grace, has there not often been an indisposition to assist in any effort by which to promote a revival of religion? for the want of co-operation on the part of the Church, the hands of ministers have hung down, the Church has declined, and those whose duty it was to help have sat at home with folded arms, complaining of the low state of things. While we have reason to be satisfied with our wise and scriptural form of Church government, have we not, in some instances, depended too much upon it, forgetting that, without divine aid, the best forms of governments, and, indeed, all human efforts, are vain ? And has not this tended to our decline? While, by our laws and the precepts of the gospel, peace and unity should be preserved in the community, how lamentable to find in many places the bond of union broken, the principle of Christian charity lying dormant in the heart, if it exist there at all, and strife, envy, and jealousy prevailing! What little of bearing and forbearing with each other! and, in some cases, what a want of confidence among the ministers and people, and at times even among ministers themselves! How much of worldlymindedness has crept in among us, and now prevails! With many business is the Alpha and Omega. The "countinghouse" or "office" might be the door to paradise. Others are continually complaining of the poverty of their circumstances, and refuse to support the mis. sionary cause, and give most parsimoniously to the support of the Church at home; and yet they can afford to spend their funds in decking themselves in the fashions of the day, in taking pleasureexcursions, and think the loss of a few hundred pounds by railway-speculations little! What numbers complain of the pressing nature of their engagements, the claims of business, &c., and make this an excuse for absence from class for weeks together, and occasionally from the Sunday-morning preaching; and yet they have time, and disposition too, to attend concerts, evening-parties, political meetings, and even to gossip and smoke! And if these things are mentioned to them, affectionately and faithfully, what

offence is taken! What little attention has been devoted to our young! and how often have the motives of those who have interested themselves in the welfare of the young been impugned by those who have been too proud to see others stand before them, and too idle to dɔ what they ought to do themselves! How little of the spirit of prayer and faith we have possessed, and what a small measure of divine influence has been enjoyed! When have we special meetings for prayer, as in the ancient days? How few family altars are erected, and how little is the closet frequented for prayer! When have we scenes similar to those of the Primitive Church or of the early Methodist Church? Poor souls cry, Oh for the simplicity, earnestness and faith of the apostles and primitive Christians -of Wesley, Whitfield, Fletcher and other devoted and successful ministers of the Church! As the communication of divine influence is essentially connected with human instrumentality, did we more faithfully use the appointed means, how abundantly should we be blest! expect the divine blessing without this would be as vain as for the husbandman to expect a fruitful harvest without ploughing his ground and sowing his seed, because the rain descends and the sun shines. How often we have fallen into this error !

But to

But to what purpose is this complaining? Alas! we have too much of a complaining spirit, and here is one cause of our want of success. It is with delicacy we have made the preceding remarks; but are they not true? and does not the state of our Connexion call for them? To remedy the evil is not, however, impossible. The disease is not incurable. What course shall we adopt ?

Humiliation and sorrow evidently form the first part of our duty. Have we been so unprofitable, unfaithful, worldlyminded, &c.? Oh, how deeply should we be humbled before God on account of this! Clothing ourselves with sackcloth and ashes, we should mourn between the porch and the altar, in the family and the closet. Vain will be our future efforts unless we see and acknowledge our past offences and unfeignedly repent of them. How can God bless us while our sins are unrepented of, and while we are indulging in the very sins which have led to our decline? Ministers and people! away to your closets, and there, retired from business, noise and care, afflict your souls, and weep and mourn! Review the past, consider the present, look to the future! Recal your

sins, one by one-pride, unbelief, covetousness, rashness of temper, worldlymindedness, unfaithfulness in the performance of duty, opportunities of doing good slighted, means of grace neglected. What a catalogue! Bring them before the Lord, and with a sincere heart and unfeigned lips confess, repent, forsake, and you shall find mercy. Intercede for yourselves, your families, the Church. Do it immediately, without any other call than a sense of duty. But may it not also be done simultaneously, at the call of the Connexion? If danger threatens our country, or the destroying angel is passing through the land, days of humiliation, fasting, and prayer are then appointed. Our hearts are humbled before the Lord, and we repair to our closet and sanctuaries. It is right. But shall we do this for our country and not for our Church? Is the temporal of more importance than the spiritual? On behalf of the Connexion let such a day be called, and we believe it will be responded to. If a Connexional fast be not called, let the approaching quarterly meeting in each Circuit take the matter into consideration, resolve, appoint and perform: and while ministers and people are pouring forth their lamentations, and tears and prayers, the Lord, we believe, will have mercy upon us, and build up the walls of our Jerusalem!

With humiliation and sorrow we must not rest. Increased exertion is required. We must avoid the sins of the past and do more for the time to come.

Unity and co-operation are needed. The unity of the laity with the ministry -the distinguishing characteristics of our community-should be exemplified, not merely in matters of business, but in the spiritual operations of the Church. Is it not true that there has not always been that close union and co-operation between the ministers and people there should have been? By the latter the whole responsibility of the Church has been thrown upon the former. Because ministers should take the lead, it is often supposed that they are to carry on the cause by their own efforts, just as though they were capable of fulfilling every office and performing every duty. This is a mistake. Ministers are only men, and, when they have done their best, much remains for others to do, and if it is not done the Church cannot prosper. Let every man, then, do his duty, ministers preaching with increasing earnestness and faithfulness, and devoting increasing attention to pastoral duties; but

the work must not be left with them. Where are our leaders and members? And what shall they do? Let everyone be found at his post, and by individual effort and combined exertion much will be done. When plans are proposed for the benefit of the Church, let all the members zealously co-operate, and not each apart wait to see whether the proposed plans will succeed before they express their hearty concurrence; and if they happen to prove a failure, to blame the poor ministers and few friends who united with them. When meetings are called for the transaction of business-whether they be leaders' meetings or of another character-let the members of them punctually attend and take their share in the business of the Church, and not remain at home, fearful lest some unpleasant circumstance should occur, or some additional responsibility have to be borne, and then complain that business is not properly transacted and that things are in a loose way. When the sanctuary is open for divine worship, whether on the Sabbath or week-nights, for preaching, or prayer-meeting, or classmeeting, let all its ordinances be attended, that ministers may not so often have the pain of preaching to small congregations and then be complained of for not drawing more to hear them. We are fearfully defective on this point. Many of our ordinances are miserably attended; and if members will not come to the house of the Lord to have their strength renewed, it is natural that they should decline. But who is to blame in the matter? An improvement in this respect would leave great means of producing a more prosperous state of things. Let increasing attention be devoted to our young; let day-schools be commenced, and plans devised and adopted for securing our elder scholars as members of the Church. And then, let us comply with the two grand requirements of the gospel, prayer and faith. We need more of these. Where is now the importunity and earnestness of Jacob, or the faith of Abraham and Moses? How often when we pray are our minds full of unbelief! A revival of religion should be the constant burden of our prayer, and our preachings, plans and efforts should be directed to this. Special meetings for prayer should be appointed; protracted religious services should be held; and ministers and people thus united, ever aiming at the accomplishment of one object, the salvation of men and the pros. perity of the Church, Jehovah's blessing

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