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but light does not follow the rising of the sun more invariably than national prosperity and stability follow the nation that obeys the Bible; and darkness will follow the setting of the sun with no more certainty than discord and national ruin follow the nation which rejects the Bible."

And upon the opening of a recent commission in one of our assize towns, a learned Judge thus concluded his charge to the Grand Jury: "The diffusion of sound religious knowledge, in which there can be no excess, amongst the labouring classes, is the best security for their orderly behaviour, and the peace and safety of the empire."

Your Committee, whilst thankful to the Great Head of the Church that unity of heart and action has prevailed in their business and general meetings, now proceed to a statement of details immediately connected with their own local operations.

In the two Manchester Circuits there are eight schools, six only of which have already joined the Union; the other two, Eccles and Altrincham, we did hope would ere this have seen it to be their duty, as well as privilege, to unite with us; but although they have not done so at present, they, in common with the schools in the Union, have been treated in every respect as though they formed a part of it; and we are willing to hope that the time is not far distant when they will freely cast in their lot among us. All the schools have been visited, and addressed quarterly, by our most experienced and active Sunday-school agents, who have encouraged teachers and scholars by their presence and intercourse with them.


The first quarterly meeting was held on the 13th December, 1851, when a paper was read by the Rev. T. Cartwright on "The Influence of Sabbathschools in relation to the Present and Future Condition of the Church and the World." The second, on the 20th of March, 1852, when Mr. E. W. Makinson, M.A., delivered an address on "Our Connexional Catechism." The attendance on both occasions was encouraging, and the services of considerable interest.

The annual service for children and teachers was held on Whit-Wednesday, June 2nd, in Peter-street Chapel. Though the weather was unfavourable, between 500 and 600 scholars assembled, and were addressed by the Rev. Mr. Clapham (Independent). The cheerful and well-sustained attention of the children proved the reverend gentleman's

He en

appeal to be a successful one. tered with his whole heart into the service, and expressed his pleasure and thanks for the privilege, as also his willingness to serve us on any future occasion.

By these means we have reason to believe that in many instances the weak have been strengthened, the discouraged animated, the indifferent moved, and the thoughtless aroused.

[Here follows a statistical account of the schools in the Manchester Union; but as this has already been given in the account of the meeting, we need not repeat it.]

These are the details of our first year. In closing their Report, your Committee, with deep anxiety for the continuance and spread of pure scriptural instruction, feel it their duty to press upon the attention of ministers, officers, leaders, and members of Churches, the great importance of Sabbath-school operations, and with united voice intreat their countenance in proceeding with this glorious work, and thereby promoting the interests of these nurseries of the Churches; we solicit their co-operation, and earnestly intreat them to identify these schools as part and parcel of the Christian Church.

With every sentiment of grateful esteem may we be permitted to turn to our revered ministers, and specially urge them to assist in rightly directing these institutions-institutions of endearing interest. The questions of senior classes, the appointment of officers and teachers, occasional meetings of former scholars, and systems of visitation to parents and districts, need the assistance of their experience, prudence, and judgment. We, therefore, solicit them to confer with the teachers in committee, and favour them with their countenance and support, so that provision may be made for perpetuating to the Churches future Samuels, Davids, and Isaiahs. The glimpse, the distant glimpse of such help, such union, is animating and strengthening to the Committee, and suggests as their conclusion the application of the cheering language of the poet

Come, bright improvement, on the car of time,

And rule the spacious world, from clime to clime;

These Bible schools shall every wild explore,

Pass o'er the waves, and culture every shore.

THOMAS JONES. 20, Grove-street, Manchester, 16th October, 1852.


MR. EDITOR,-For some time we had been impressed with the conviction that the parents of our scholars did not cooperate with us so heartily as was desirable. We felt assured that if we could excite in their minds a more lively interest in our efforts, and prevail upon them to do all they could to second our endeavours, our operations would be carried on with much greater efficiency, and be productive of a larger measure of success. To bring about this desirable result we determined to hold "A Parents' Tea Meeting." We thought that if we could get them together at a meeting of this kind we should have an opportunity of expressing to them, in a kind and affectionate manner, the objects we had in view in the instruction of their children, and our desire that they should render us all the assistance in their power. We thought also that we should have an opportunity of inviting those who did not attend any place of worship to come to ours, and of impressing upon their minds the importance of the concerns of the

soul, and the necessity of attending to their eternal interests. With these objects in view we commenced our preparations. One of the teachers of each class was furnished with a number of tickets at 4d. each, and two for self and

colleague at 6d. each, the conductors having a number put into their hands for sale to the elder scholars. The teachers entered heartily into the work, the home of each of their scholars was visited, and the parents invited to the tea-meeting.

The result was, that on the evening of the tea-meeting, the school-room was thronged. A good tea was provided, to which ample justice was done. After tea, our esteemed minister, the Rev. T. Clifton, took the chair. The first resolution was moved by S. Naylor, and seconded by J. Jarvey, viz., “That in the opinion of this meeting it is highly desirable that the parents should cooperate with the teachers in the work of instructing the children placed under their care." The second resolution, which was as follows, was moved by T. Elkinton, and seconded by W. Diggle, “That in view of the educational and religious aspects of the age, this meeting pledges itself to renewed and increased exertions to promote the intellectual and spiritual well-being of their charge." The addresses were listened to with deep attention, and, at the close of the meeting, all retired evidently gratified with the proceedings of the evening. We hope and devoutly pray that the meeting may be productive of much good. October, 1852.


"How can our Sabbath-schools be made more beneficial to our Churches ?" Ever since their establishment, this has been a desideratum. Now, it occurs to me, sir, that this may be supplied to a con. siderable extent were our schools to carry out several plans which are being adopted in various parts of the Connexion. Without naming them separately, we would refer to one which is working well in connexion with our Peter-street School, Manchester. They have in that school two large adult classes, and these classes form a society which frequently meets for mental and spiritual improvement-a kind of introductory society to the Church. In addition to their weekly meetings, they hold also an annual teameeting.

The second annual meeting was held on the 7th Nov., when a goodly company drank tea together. After tea, the meeting being opened as usual, in the absence of their chairman and teacher, Mr. T. Jones, I was called upon to occupy that position. Mr. R. Wood, their secretary, read the report, which stated the amount of money raised by the weekly subscrip

T. E.

tions and fines of the scholars, the amount expended in the purchase of books for the use of the classes, and other outlays, after which the young people were addressed on suitable subjects by Messrs. Gee, T. E. Whittaker, Greaves, &c. This part of the meeting was closed at an early hour, when the room being cleared, the young people indulged themselves with a little physical recreation which must have been beneficial and necessary after their all-day confinement.

But best of all, sir, this society is producing a salutary influence upon our Church and congregation at Peter-street. Some of our youth have been brought to Jesus, who has justified and delivered them from the dominion of sin, and who are now giving evidence of the possession of a cheerful but sincere piety. I trust the Lord will preserve them by the power of his Spirit, and prepare them to take part in the future development of Christ's kingdom, which shall gladden the coming age. T. C.

Pendleton, Nov., 1852.


DEAR BRETHREN,-Permit us, your ministers, to address you on subjects in which both we and yourselves have a deep and solemn interest. The Church of the living God, which he has purchased with his own blood, is the repository of his saving truth, and the great channel through which the Holy Ghost works, by various means, for the salvation of mankind. In the efficiency and prosperity of the Church is closely united, not only the glory of God and the joys and encouragements of the saints, but the well-being of the whole world. What Christian, fully convinced of these things, does not deeply mourn that the Church is not more fully imbued with the spirit of Christ, more aggressive in its movements, more effective in its labours in the salvation of men?

Lamenting the apathy of the Churches, and the want of marked success in the cause which all Christians profess to be dearer to them than life itself; knowing that declension may be followed by the withdrawal of the Holy Ghost, unless we search and try our ways, and turn again unto God, rending our hearts and pleading with him to spare and revive us again that we may rejoice in him -the ministers in the district met together at Peter-street Chapel, Manchester, on Friday, September 24th, 1852, and, after devotional exercises and pondering seriously the state of the Churches, resolved on issuing an address to the members and friends with whom they are identified, calculated to stir up your minds by way of remembrance.

Receive, beloved brethren, in the spirit of brotherly kindness and prayer, the matters which we now lay before you. It is high time for us to awake out of sleep, and go forth in the power of omnipotent grace to the great work of saving a perishing world. Hitherto we have done but little for our God; but let us shake off sloth, and by the armour of righteousness on the right hand and on the left, and full of the Holy Ghost, be effective witnesses for Christ. May we, in the first place, urge upon all, as members of Christ, that there be a marked improvement in your attendance on the sacrament of the Lord's Supper. Some of our people, for conscience sake, mindful of their obligations to Christ, and anxious for the prosperity of their souls, do frequently commune with their Saviour in this sacred repast; others, we

fear, are seriously remiss in this sacred duty; they allow trivial reasons to keep them from the Lord's table. How strong, how various our obligations to yield willing obedience to his gracious sovereign will! How sweet, how refreshing to hold communion with him! And where can we enjoy this communion to greater advantage than in the spiritual participation of the sacred emblems of his death and passion? In this holy service is symbolized the great acts and wondrous doings, the immense love of the world's Redeemer. Therein is set forth, in a most persuasive manner, the only way of acceptance. In this service God and man are brought into saving communion. By a proper participation in this sacrament we are made partakers of the divine nature-are changed from glory into glory. Can it be supposed that any real Christian will neglect so holy an ordinance? The mere supposition is painful to the mind. Yet it is to be feared that some do neglect it. Ponder, dear brethren, deeply ponder your obligations to Christ, the power of your example, the necessities of your souls, and make strenuous efforts to be at these seasons of homage and refreshment, so helpful to your struggling piety. Get nearer to the cross in your general conversation and spirit. Frequently consider the price of your redemption, the amazing love of Christ to a fallen world, and let your hearts be filled with his power. Every time you hear the sacrament announced, spend portions of every day in that week in preparation for the sacred feast of the following Sabbath; come to his table with hearts deeply affected with your own unworthiness, reflecting profoundly on the power of Christ to save to the uttermost; with hearts deeply penetrated with brotherly love, and with melting charity to all mankind. There may be an attendance on this sacred means of grace without personal profit; but it need not be so, for Christ has promised that his banner over us shall be love, and that his fruit shall be sweet to our spiritual taste; and when we approach his table with devout breathings for his presence, he will reveal himself to our waiting souls, and feed us with that bread of which if a man eat he shall live for ever.

We would also urge upon all our members the high necessity and experimental advantage of a regular and pious attendance on our class-meetings. All

Christians are called upon, not only to believe in Christ, but openly to confess him before men. We all greatly need the exhilarating power of communion with kindred spirits, occupied as we are in seeking the salvation which is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory. How refreshing, how encouraging for Zion's travellers to commune with brethren by the way! How often do we find not only instruction but abounding consolation and divine boldness in these brotherly meetings! We beseech you, brethren, that you make these means as wells of salvation to your souls. Let our leaders be much with Christ, in spirit, in faith, in prayer, and in searching the Holy Scriptures, that they bring forth out of the abundance of their hearts sound instruction for the correction, edification and comfort of the members. Let the leaders and members come nearer together in holy sympathy, brotherly intercourse, combined purpose, and zeal for God. It would, we believe, tend to mutual profit if our leaders would see all their members at least once a week. To the members we would say, hold up the hands and cheer the hearts of your leaders by marked progress in knowledge and grace, by a uniform pious attendance on the sacred means of mutual and spiritual profit. Let each member bring a portion of divine influence to the social meeting, that all present may have power with God, renew their strength, and go on their way rejoicing.

Other Churches having adopted means of communion somewhat similar to our class-meetings, ought to raise them in our estimation, and urge us to use them for purposes of closer fellowship with Christ and his people. Forsake not, brethren, the assembling of yourselves together as the manner of some is; but stir up the gift of God that is within you, and exhort one another, and so much the more as you see the day approaching.

Another subject which we urge upon your devout consideration is family worship. How responsible the position of parents; how great the service which they may render to the cause of Christ by a pious discharge of the onerous yet pleasing duties which devolve upon them! Can there be a greater good than the possession of the great salvation? and do not you, as parents, wish to meet t your children in heaven? Have you done all which might be done for such a desirable purpose? Let conscience speak. Highly imperative it is that there should be stated times for devotion in every family; that the worship within those sacred in

closures should be simple, pure and heartfelt, pervading, as by a cloud of divine glory, the whole members of the household. See to it, we beseech you, that in these hallowed exercises you realize times of refreshing coming from the presence of the Lord. What can contribute so much to the success of these sacred exercises as a uniform consistent practice of breathing piety on the part of the heads of families? You love the souls, you long for the conversion of your children; show this deep concern in studiously avoiding everything which would damage their religious impressions, and by a scrupulous regard to all those gracious acts and doings which enter so largely and powerfully into the spiritual training of your beloved offspring

By actions, words and tempers show
That you your heavenly Master know

And serve with hearts sincere.

We know it, we lament it, that much is left undone which ought to be done; but let us, dear brethren, hope better things concerning you. Think often and seriously of the immense value of the souls committed to your care-of the vastness of that eternity to which both you and they are hastening-of the glory and blessedness of those parents who will be able to say to the Supreme Judge, Here are we, and the souls whom thou gavest us. Be serious, be regular in these holy duties. A man in the north prayed with his family; when he had risen from his knees, he said, This will not do; we have had no answer, we must pray again. He prayed again, and the divine glory filled all their souls. How sweet the night after such communion! Blest is the pious house,

Where zeal and friendship meet; Their songs of praise, their mingled vows, Make their communion sweet. Thus, on the heavenly hills,

The saints are blest above; Where joy like morning dew distils,

And all around is love.

Do you, dear brethren, desire peaceful homes? Do you strongly desire that your children should be as olive-branches around your tables? Do you desire that they should hand down the family piety, and be useful in the Church on earth when you may be in your graves? Then say, in the strength of promised grace say, "As for us and our houses, we will serve the Lord."

Another subject which we would press home upon your serious attention is a general and pious supervision of the many young persons connected with our

schools and Churches. The times which are passing over us are highly important, teeming with events of a stirring character, and fraught with thousands of incentives to dissipation, while there is a great laxity in religious doctrine and practice. Many of our juveniles, brought up at our schools and Churches, escape from us in after-years. This

is to be deeply lamented, and, if possible, should be prevented. Greater attention is devoted to this subject now than formerly; in forming select classes for special instruction and more regular attendance on public worship; but still more may yet be done. The ministers, convinced of this, have resolved (God willing) more frequently in their ministrations to pour forth persuasives to early piety, and, in their general intercourse with the young, endeavour to gain access to their best sympathies and win them to Christ. May we affectionately call upon our school superintendents, teachers, and friends generally, by every means in their power, heartily to co-operate with us in this work of faith and labour of love. Where are we to look for a regular supply of ministers for our pulpits, of class and prayer leaders, of pillars in our Churches, when the seniors are gone to their reward, but to our young people? Biblical classes, well conducted, may be greatly beneficial; and we hope that these will increase in number and abound in spiritual efficiency. Ministers and teachers, we call upon you all, by spirit and practice, to show these inquiring immortals the more excellent way. Let them see and feel that they are persons in whose temporal and spiritual well-being we have a deep interest; they must feel drawn towards us by the invisible but strong ties of sympathy and their eternal interests, that they may be compelled to say, This people shall be my people and their God my God. We long for this decision. We do not wish that they should be bigots; yet we want them to feel a Connexional attachment, and to say concerning our Churches :

Here would I find a settled rest,
While others go and come;
No more a stranger or a guest,

But like a child at home. Another subject on which we feel much concern is the Sabbath of the Lord. Is it not a crying sin of these times that the Sabbath is fearfully desecrated? Multitudes neglect the ordinances of religion altogether, and others only attend to them partially; and even amongst those who profess to worship

the God of their fathers, how many are deficient in that sanctity of the Sabbath which ought to live, and move, and breathe amongst all true Christians. Can this state of things go on without producing the most disastrous consequences to our holy religion, and, as a natural result, to the well being of the whole world? Did not the people, the Jews of old, sin against God in this way? and did not God visit them with dire calamities on account of such things? And can we expect to escape his wrath unless we repent and return to God, rending our hearts and pouring out our souls before him, that he may turn our minds back again to himself? Oh! is it not high time that the faithful amongst men should cry and sigh for the abominations done in the land, that they set themselves right with God, and by practice and strenuous efforts protest against this baneful departure from righteousness? The Sabbath, the whole of the Sabbath, belongs to God, for the benefit of mankind in their religious, eternal interests. How great the work of salvation! How mighty the influences of the Sabbath upon the interest of religion, and, as a consequence, upon the well-being of the whole family of man! How dangerous for England to decline in a pious observance of the Christian Sabbath! How urgent the necessity that we preserve Christianity pure and effective; in spirit, in practice, in our hearts, homes, churches, and institutions. Behold the antagonism of our holy religion; the daring insidious attacks of open enemies; the influence of erroneous teachers, the dissipation of mere worldlings! And are the Churches to be apathetic, and see the bulwarks of their religion weakened by an awful desecration of the Sabbath of the Lord? Shall we see these things and slumber on ? God forbid! Crying is the necessity for repentance and return to God; for how many, even amongst professing Christians, are deeply involved in that violation of the sanctity of the Sabbath which, like a contagion, is working its destructive course into all departments of society. Brethren, we beseech you, by the mercies of God, by your vows to Christ, by the love of the Spirit, by your compassion for precious souls, by all that is momentous in the stability of your civil and religious institutions, by all that is urgent in the piercing cries of a fallen but redeemed world-by all these considerations combined we beseech you to come up to the help of the Churches against this crying sin of these

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