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Sabbath, when a few of our friends from Ashton paid them a visit, and partaking much of the spirit of primitive Christianity, the worshippers assembled together in one room with one accord, expressed their overflowing joy by stamping with their feet, &c.

After this unexpected trial, however, instead of their ardour being quenched, the love and zeal of this little band appeared to increase, and Providence directed them to a small room in Raytonstreet, in which place they worshipped about seven years. About this time a partition-wall was taken down, so that two rooms became one, the number of members being thirty. During all this time, James had laboured much every way, his heart being truly engaged in the work; and having long felt the importance of having a Sabbath-school, he proposed that they should make an effort in that direction. They set about the work like men of God, enlarged the place of their tent, had it comfortably pewed; and here again was another call for faith and courage. The premises being transferred to another person, they were obliged to take them for the term of seven years; the rentage during this period being £25 per year. James was often called upon to contribute his portion, and was found ready to assist to the best of his ability. The room being opened in 1826, a Sabbath-school was commenced, in which he became an active teacher This was a delightful work; knowing from experience the importanee of religion, he endeavoured to instil into the minds of the young the great truths of salvation. In this sphere he laboured for a number of years, after which he was appointed to the important and responsible offices of superintendent and visitor. In this capacity he continued as long as health would permit.

In the year 1831 or 1832 he became a leader, and had a prosperous class for a number of years. In this laborious sphere he endeavoured diligently and punctually to discharge his duties, being seldom found absent from the meeting. From these and other excellences he gradually rose in the estimation of his members, and was greatly instrumental in building them up in righteousness. At all the means of grace James was found diligent in his attendance, by which he manifested his love to God and his cause, and exerted a beneficial influence upon the juvenile members of the Church; and that Church, the leaders and officers of which are active, diligent and faithful in their duties, is sure to be blessed with

prosperity. James Marks appears to have been one of the happy number; for though eonscious of many failings, and assured that in all things he came short of the glory of God, yet having been a devoted servant of Satan, he was determined that the remainder of his days should be spent to the honour of God and his hallowed service. Yet as his constitution had been severely shaken while in the service of Satan, he felt increasing infirmities gradually steal upon him; and in the year 1846 his health began greatly to decline, on which account the leadership had to be given up. He continued at his work for some time; but, though he united with another class, James could no longer be regular in his attendance. In a short time he was obliged both to remain from his work and class-meetings; and for a period was deprived of all the means of grace except those on the Sabbath. In this state he continued for some time; but, gradually failing, his affliction became so severe that he was obliged to remain from the public means of grace. During this period, which was about two years and a half, he was highly favoured with pious visitors, and often proved the truth of the words of the wise man, "As iron sharpeneth iron, so doth the countenance of a man his friend." And we record it to the honour of his leader, that during this length of time he visited James once a week, with two or three exceptions. Feeling a little better one Sabbath, he thought he would like to attend chapel once more; he went. On that occasion a sailor was preaching from these words, "This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners." "I think I never saw James in such a state of mind before," remarks one of his friends, who was an eye-wit ness. "His hands were uplifted, and tears rolled from his eyes, for his very soul appeared full of the love of God." Part of his family being from home that day, when they returned in the evening he assured them they had missed something that day. Upon inquiring what it was, he said, "It was such a sermon as you scarcely ever heard." Indeed it was the topic of conversation with all who came to see him, and appeared for a long time to be a source of comfort and consolation; nay, whenever named to him, even to his last, he appeared to derive comfort and encouragement from his recollections of


The testimony of those who knew James is, that he possessed good natural

parts, great vigour of intellect, much acuteness of penetration, and an amazing quickness of comprehension; that he was zealous in whatever he undertook, and remarkably exact in fulfilling his engagements. As a servant, he was faithful; as a friend, he was true and sincere. During his long affliction he had much time to devote to the cultivation of his moral being; and the friends who visited him felt conscious that he was giving himself wholly to these things, for his profiting appeared to all. Truly it was a pleasure to be in his company; his countenance beaming with heavenly joy bespoke the strong consolation of his heart; and hence, to unite with him in devotional exercises was an exalted privilege. Impressed deeply with the importance of his position as a husband and a father, and feeling the responsibilities devolving upon him, he was faithful and conscientious in discharging his family duties. The sacred volume had a prominent place in his dwelling. Its blessed truths were read and occasionally expounded; for, having a numerous family, he was careful to impart a portion to all; and having not merely a speculative acquaintance with theology, but "believing with his heart unto righteousness," and having a settled assurance of the divine favour, he was anxious that his dear children should enjoy the same unspeakable blessing. Nor did he "labour in vain, or spend his strength for nought." For long before his last farewell, James had the happiness of seeing his beloved partner and three of their dear children walking in the path of regeneration and righteousness. Oh that his hopes and prayers may be fully answered, not only in these but in every branch of the family! for it must be fearful even to think of meeting a dear friend at God's righteous bar, whose instructions and prayers have been lost upon us! "He that knoweth his Lord's will and doeth it not shall be beaten with many stripes."

Much might be said respecting our departed brother, but we need not write what is so well known. "His record is on high." His works have come up 66 as a memorial before God;" and with a few more observations we may close this brief account.

A week or two before his death, a friend called to see him, who, on leaving the room, remarked, "I hope I shall meet you in heaven!" Hope!" said James with such effort of soul as indicated at once close communion with heaven, "I am



certain that I shall get there, by the help of my God!" On the Sabbath previous to his death, the writer, hearing that he was much worse, went along with three or four young men to see him. We found that he was near his journey's end. We engaged in prayer with him; after which, he gave the young men an exhortation. This was a solemn scene. To one of those young men James was much attached; and knowing that he had a wicked father, he said, "William, and all of you, be faithful to the end, and strive to make a good finish." On Monday, it was evident that he was much worse; and, conscious of this, he said to his wife, "I think I shall stay in bed today, for I think I shall not be able to go down stairs any more until I am carried; but the will of the Lord be done." anxious for him to have every help, wished to know if she might go for the doctor. Knowing that his dissolution was nigh, he replied that it was not the doctor he wanted; he felt a "desire to depart and be with Christ, which would be far better." On Tuesday, he consented, however, for his medical attendant to come. He arrived, but could be of little service. On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday he appeared much the same; but on Saturday there was a change, and it was evident that his time on earth was very short. During the day, he often inquired if his friend Thomas Mellor had not been to see him? About seven o'clock I paid him a visit; and, on my entering the room, he exclaimed, "Well, brother, thou art come at last!" I inquired about the state of his mind. He replied, "I am very poorly in body, but well in mind. All is well! all is well!" In the night he was seized with a severe fit of coughing; and his beloved partner seeing no hope of his recovery from it, summoned the family together. In a short time he was rather better, and called them all around his dying remains. There was the father lying in a dying state! There you see the family weeping around! They appear to pay their last token of affection, when their beloved parent takes them one by one, and implores, in the name of the God of Jacob, a blessing upon each. Oh, happy, thrice happy will they be, if those prayers are fully answered in their experience! The good man having given them his last advice, his voice failed, and about seven o'clock in the morning of the 22nd day of June, and in the 57th year of his age, he fell asleep in Jesus without a sigh!

ELLEN ARMITAGE. ELLEN ARMITAGE was born Jan. 18th, 1840, at Dalton, near Huddersfield. She was left without a mother when she was only four years old. She was taken up by Him, without whose notice a sparrow cannot fall, and placed under the care of a kind grandfather and grandmother, who were anxious that Ellen should become wise in what God has written. They took every opportunity of instilling into her tender mind those truths that gave her so much peace and joy in death. She was distinguished in her infancy by a very mild and affectionate disposition, which made her beloved by all who knew her. At the early age of four years she was sent to the day-school; and being very much in love with books, she very soon gained a proficiency in reading uncommon to girls of her age. The prizes that have been awarded to her from time to time furnish ample proof of her progress in learning, her regular and punctual attendance, and her well-behaved and attentive disposition. At each of the two or three schools she has attended she has gained the favour of her teachers and the affections of her fellow-scholars.

Ellen was admitted into our Highstreet Sunday-school, March 25th, 1849, where she attended regularly and punctually until the Sabbath before her death. Her character and deportment as a Sunday scholar gave to her brief history much that was interesting and encouraging. We do believe, though dead, she will long live in the affections of both scholar and teacher. She was a worthy, a noble example.

In looking over the notes of attendance, we find in going back nearly two years that she has been absent only one day, and then on account of sickness; and when we consider that her residence was two miles from school it seems almost incredible; but so it is. Ellen was so much attached to school that no reason to her was sufficient to justify her absence. Even when sick and she ought to have remained at home, she has feared to disclose it lest it should keep her from school. We have often observed Ellen during the dinnerhour in her class alone, and yet not alone, for she has had with her her most favoured companion, her book; either she has been engaged with her library, her hymn-book, or her "JUVENILE INSTRUCTOR," when she has remained until the opening of school. Her teachers bear testimony to her strong and almost impatient desire to learn. One teacher remarks that, a Sunday or two before her death, while speaking to her class, she

had observed Ellen's fixed attention and deep interest, when shortly, to her surprise and joy, Ellen made the request that she would talk to them about Jesus. This was the theme in which she most delighted.

About a fortnight before her death, her name was proposed at a committeemeeting as a fit and proper candidate for the preparatory class, and passed the meeting without one dissenting voice; and it is very remarkable that the last Sabbath she spent at school was in her new class. Ellen was now placed under circumstances unusually favourable to her disposition, and where her spiritual improvement would soon have become evident. Nor were those privileges likely to be unappreciated by her. When she got home that Sabbath evening-and, oh, how little Ellen knew that she had been her last time to the Sabbath-school, that she had spent her last Sabbath with her class, and for the last time read with them the sacred page, and for the last time listened to instruction as it fell from the lips of her teacher, and how solemn the Sabbath had these things been known!-she had much to tell to her grandfather and grandmother about her new class and teacher, how nicely they had been talked to. It was a very common thing for Ellen to take the instruction home that had been given by superintendent and teachers, and also what she heard from the ministers (whom she loved very much) both in the school and chapel. Would that more of our Sunday-scholars adopted Ellen's example! It may truly be said of her, that from her infancy she has known the Scriptures, which made her wise and good. Her delight was in the law of the Lord, and in it she meditated almost day and night. We have every reason to believe that if Ellen's life had been spared, it would have been devoted to her Saviour, whose name was music to her ears, and would have been instrumental in leading many others into his fold. However, she is gone; the bud has been snatched away to blossom in a fairer clime. We would exhort every Sunday-scholar who reads this memoir of Ellen to tread in her steps, and follow her so far as she has followed Christ, that they may with her be honoured with a crown that fadeth not away. As Sunday-school teachers, let us receive such instances as the above as the fruits of our labours and as incentives to patience and perseverance in our work of faith and labour of love.

Her affliction was severe, but very short, and was borne with much patience.

On Friday, the 14th of November, she was taken ill, which soon proved to be the scarlet fever; and on Sunday morning her throat was so swoln that she was unable to speak so as to be understood. She did, however, certify to her grandfather that she was going home, and wished him to pray for her. During the day she was calm and peaceful. Her grandfather inquired if she should not like to be better. Her answer was, No; she would rather go and be with Jesus. She only continued until Monday, November 17th. At about three o'clock in the morning, her heaven-born spirit burst its mortal confines and escaped to glory, aged eleven years and nine months. "Her end was peace." Huddersfield, J. B.

Dec. 16th, 1851.

MRS. SARAH SMITH. MRS. SARAH SMITH, up to the period of her conversion lived a moral life, but felt no concern for personal religion until the death of her mother in 1828. During the afflictions of her mother, our late sister Smith was powerfully wrought upon by the Holy Spirit, and she determined never to rest till she found rest in Christ. Influenced by this pious resolution, she went to a class-meeting and gave in her name as a member on trial. For several weeks she remained in deep distress, drinking of the "wormwood and the gall." She now became very attentive to the means of grace; and it was in a cottage prayer-meeting in Dudley that she made a full surrender of her heart to God, and found joy and peace through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Having met with sister Moss for about three years, a class was commenced in her own house, and she was appointed as an assistant-leader to it; which office she continued to sustain with efficiency and success until the Rev. S. Hulme came into this Circuit. He soon discovered that she possessed more than ordinary talents and piety, and appointed her at once to take the full responsibility of a class as leader, which position she occupied with credit to herself and profit to the members, until seized with the affliction which terminated in her death. She was a good wife, an affectionate mother, a kind neighbour, a consistent member, and a successful leader. Her attachment to the house of God was ardent, and her love to the ministers of the Gospel was great. She often referred to those by name whose labours were more abundant to promote the glory of God in the conversion of sinners. With


deep feeling she mentioned the profit she had received from the incessant labours and heart-searching appeals of the Rev. R. Waller, now in glory. She was ill about two months. For a time hopes were entertained by her relatives and friends that her life would be prolonged and her usefulness continued. But her complaint soon assumed a decided form, and it passed through rapid stages to its fatal termination. We approach now the closing scene of our sister's earthly career; and it may be useful to record a few of her dying words. To brother Willett, who saw her several times during her affliction, she said, “I am very ill, but very happy. Christ is my Rock. All I desire is for God to be glorified by my affliction." Samuel," she observed, "you and I have had many happy hours on earth; be faithful, and we shall meet again in heaven. If I die to-night I shall go there. I am sure I shall. I am not deceived on this point." When visited by Mrs. Child, and during the period of prayer, she raised herself on her bed and waved her hand, exclaiming, 66 Glory, glory, glory be to God!" On the Sabbath previous to her death, she said to brother Millwood, "Christ is precious! I find happiness in fully and simply resting my soul on the atonement of Christ." Subsequently, sister Westwood called to see her, and, in answering some questions put to her respecting her prospect for eternity, she remarked, "Nothing moves me from the hope of the Gospel. The precious blood! it cleanseth from all sin. There is efficacy enough in it to cleanse a guilty world! Live to God, and you have nothing to fear." A short time before she died, her husband asked her if she knew him. She said, "No." He then observed, "Do you know the Lord Jesus?" Her reply was, Yes, yes, I know him!" Just as she was departing,

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forty years ago, he united with the Wesleyan Society in his native town, of which he continued to be a member till the year 1834, when some arbitrary proceedings of its officers against his class-leader led him to examine its Church polity. His inquiries fixed in his mind a strong and an unalterable conviction that the proceedings by which he and others felt themselves aggrieved were the legitimate results of an anti-scriptural form of Church government, and he withdrew from that community.

Shortly after, the Methodist New Connexion was introduced into St. Agnes, and he was among the first to appreciate its principles, seek its communion, and enjoy its privileges. Uniting with our people, he at once felt himself at home, and continued so to feel to the close of life.

He was naturally modest and retiring; and during the whole of his Christian career regarded himself as less than the least of all saints. But satisfactory evidence of his piety was exhibited in the uniform consistency of his deportment in the Church, the family, and the world.

Jealous over his own heart, and forming a low estimate of his spiritual gifts and attainments, he was groundlessly fearful of obtruding himself too much on the attention of others by frequent public exercises. But when he could be induced to employ these gifts in the social means of grace, it was to the edification of the Church, whose often-expressed regret was, that he could not be prevailed on to do so more frequently.

He sustained for some time the office of Society steward, till declining health and increasing infirmities compelled him to resign it. His prompt and faithful attention to the duties of that office, the amiableness and peaceableness of his disposition, his hearty co-operation in efforts to advance the interests of the Church, and the cheerfulness with which he contributed to the support of its institutions, won the confidence and esteem of his brethren.

He ruled well "his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity," and reaped the reward of his pious and prudent attention to parental duty in the sympathy, kindness and attention of his children during his declining years and last sickness. In the world his dealings were transparent, straightforward and upright.

About twelve months ago, finding that his constitution was rapidly breaking up, he, with his aged partner, removed to Truro, that they might be near their

affectionate daughter, and secure her attention as circumstances might require. Increasing feebleness of body speedily cut him off from all the means of grace. This was to him a painful privation, a great loss, for he had ever loved the courts of Zion; but, recognizing the hand of God therein, he bowed in meek submission to the divine will. Gradually his remaining strength wasted away. He became too feeble to rise from bed. There he lay for several weeks, slowly, almost imperceptibly sinking into the grave, patient, resigned and hopeful. He believed, and Christ was precious to his soul. When he was drawing near the end of his pilgrimage, grappling with the last enemy, a friend said to him, "When thy flesh and thy heart faileth, God will be the strength of thy heart and thy portion for ever." Gathering up what of physical energy remained, he, by an effort evidently painful to himself, faintly articulated, "I believe it." These were his last words. Shortly after, his eyes were peacefully closed to all terrestrial objects, and opened to behold the King in his beauty and the land that is afar off. He died December 27th, 1851, in the seventyseventh year of his age.


Truro, Jan. 16th, 1852.


[DEATH is still making havoc in our ranks. The venerable G. Wall, one of the fathers of the Connexion, has been called away to his eternal reward. But he has not fallen suddenly or prematurely. Full of years and good fruits, the ripe shock of corn has been gathered into the garner of the Lord. May we by faith, self-denial, and holy zeal in our Master's cause, be found ready for the summons whenever it shall arrive.-ED.]

MY DEAR SIR,-It is my melancholy duty to inform you of the decease of one of our venerable fathers in the ministry, the Rev. G. Wall. He died at Lightcliffe, on Thursday the 4th instant, in the 79th year of his age; and on the following Tuesday his remains were deposited, according to his request, in the ground adjoining Salem Chapel, Halifax.

He had been the subject of much suffering for about a month from bronchitis, which was too much for his enfeebled frame, and he sank beneath its power. But his mind was preserved in peace, being stayed upon God. I visited him on the day previous to his death, and,

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